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aja mcClanahan

Aja McClanahan

Aja McClanahan is an author, blogger, and speaker on topics pertaining to personal finance and entrepreneurship. Even though she majored in economics, she still had no idea how to handle money when she graduated college. This sparked the motivation to understand personal finance even more.

How to check your credit score

How to check your credit score

Learn the simple steps to check your credit score online for free. Get tips on safe and secure methods for accessing your credit information.
Discover Bank review

Discover Bank review 2024: More than just credit cards

Discover Bank offers low-to-no-fee banking services and competitive interest rates on many deposit products. Learn more to see if it’s the right bank for you.
How to freeze your credit

How to freeze your credit

Freezing or locking your credit can be important to protect yourself from identity theft and unauthorized credit inquiries. When freezing your credit, you prevent lenders and other financial institutions from accessing your credit history without explicit permission.

How to fix your credit score in 10 easy steps

You may be able to improve your credit score in just a few simple steps. Improving your credit score will take effort, but it could be well worth it to get better loan terms, which will save you money down the road.
What is compound interest?

What is compound interest, and how does it work?

Learn about how compound interest works and why it’s a powerful tool for financial planning and maximizing returns.
Escrow account spelled on dice

What is escrow and how does it work?

Escrow means a third party holds and manages the movement of payments between buyers and sellers in a transaction. Learn more about this concept.
How to start a business

How to start a business in ten steps: Tips on marketing, business plans and more

You can start a business in 10 steps. Get tips on research, marketing, creating a business plan and choosing a structure. Keep reading to learn more.

How much should your car down payment be?

Here’s how to find the best balance between your downpayment and monthly car note.
What Is Vision Insurance?

What is vision insurance?

Vision insurance is designed to reduce your out-of-pocket costs for eye care, like routine preventative care and prescription eyewear. Learn more about how it works.