2010 ballot measure petition signature costs

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Cost Per Required Signature

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2010 Signature costs

In 2010, sponsors of citizen initiatives paid as little as eight cents and as much as $9.51 per signature to get their measures on the ballot.

This Ballotpedia report is an in-depth look at the "cost-per-required-signature" for measures that qualified for state ballots.

The cost per required signature is a comparison of the amount of money spent on the petition drive to the number of signatures the state requires for an initiative to make the ballot. For more information about this report and how it is compiled, see this page.

General Disclaimer: All calculations are only as accurate as the data made available through the data sources.


Thousands of signatures are collected each year; some by volunteers and others by petition drive companies. The 2010 election season abounded with initiatives. Hundreds of millions of dollars (an estimated $379 million) were spent in 2010's ballot measure campaign efforts; but first, initiative supporters spent an estimated $36 million to qualify those initiatives for statewide ballots by circulating initiative petitions.

More than 600 initiatives were proposed in 2010; however, only 50 were voted on in November 2010.

  • This chart shows an overview of the data collected. Included is a list of which states featured initiatives on the ballot in 2010. The table also shows how many initiative sponsors paid over $2, $4, $6, and $8 per signature. Also included is the final average CPRS among all initiatives listed.
Note: Dashes presented in the chart signify that no supporters of initiatives in that state hired a petition drive management company. A "0" in the chart shows that there were no initiative efforts in the state that spent above that CPRS..


  • A total of $35,726,200.94 was spent on petition signatures
  • 16 initiatives had a CPRS of above $2
  • 7 initiatives had a CPRS of above $4
  • 3 initiatives had a CPRS of above $6, while another 3 were above $8
  • The state with the highest CPRS was Montana, with an average cost of $6.03 per required signature.
State Measures Measures with CPRS above $2 Above $4 Above $6 Above $8 Average CPRS
Alaska 2[1] 0 0 0 0 $1.59
Arizona 1[1] 0 0 0 0 $1.64
California 11 8 3 0 0 $3.52
Colorado 6 - - - - -
Florida 3[1] 2 0 0 0 $1.74
Maine 2[2] 0 0 0 0 $0.14
Massachusetts 3 0[3] 1 0 0 $2.13
Missouri 2 1 0 0 1 $5.61
Montana 3 1 0 1 1 $6.03
North Dakota 1 - - - - -
Oklahoma 1 0 1 0 0 $4.31
Oregon[4] 6 0 2 0 1 $5.52
South Dakota 2 - - - - -
Washington 6 4 0 2 0 $3.98
TOTAL 49 16 7 3 3 $3.29

State overviews

This table shows the state-by-state cost per required signature for the measure in each state that had the highest CPRS. To see which initiative had the highest cost in each state, click on the dollar amount in each row.

Note: Dashes presented in the chart signify that no supporters of initiatives in that state hired a petition drive management company. Dashes presented in the chart were not included in the calculation of the average CPRS.


  • The state with the most expensive CPRS was Montana with $9.51
  • The CPRS could not be calculated for measures in Colorado, North Dakota and South Dakota, as the petition sponsors in those states did not hire petition management companies.
State Most expensive CPRS
Alaska $1.59
Arizona $1.64
California $5.23
Colorado -
Florida $2.02[5]
Maine $0.14
Massachusetts $4.70
Missouri $9.19
Montana $9.51
North Dakota -
Oklahoma $4.31
Oregon $6.92
South Dakota -
Washington $6.69

This chart presents the most expensive total amount spent on a petition drive by state. Also included is the average of all the most expensive initiatives found in each state.

Note: Dashes presented in the chart signify that no supporters of initiatives in that state hired a petition drive management company.


  • The most expensive figure in this chart is from California's Proposition 27, for which supporters spent $3,031,085 gathering signatures.
  • The second highest was Washington at $1,613,728.80. The initiative was Washington Initiative 1107.
  • The average signature-gathering cost of the initiatives in this chart is $850,834.53.
State Most expensive total cost
Alaska $52,154.02
Arizona $252,000
California $3,031,085
Colorado -
Florida $1,366,300
Maine $7,823.23
Massachusetts $365,000
Missouri $844,252
Montana $463,000
North Dakota -
Oklahoma $600,000
Oregon $763,836.74
South Dakota -
Washington $1,613,728.80
Average $850,834.53

State by state


See also: Alaska signature requirements; Alaska 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Measure 1 Gov't accountability n/a n/a 32,734 n/a
Measure 2 Abortion Dewey Square Group $52,154.02 32,734 $1.59


See also: Arizona signature requirements; Arizona 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Medical Marijuana, Proposition 203 Marijuana Riester Consulting Company $252,000 153,365 $1.64


See also: California signature requirements; California 2010 ballot propositions
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Proposition 16 Elections Arno Political Consultants $2,199,794 694,354 $3.17
Proposition 17 Regulation National Petition Management $2,273,745 433,971 $5.23
Proposition 19 Marijuana Masterson & Wright $987,833 433,971 $2.27
Proposition 20 Elections National Petition Management $1,937,380 694,354 $2.79
Proposition 21 Taxes Masterson & Wright $1,144,515 433,971 $2.64
Proposition 22 State spending Progressive Campaigns $1,646,596 694,354 $2.37
Proposition 23 Environment National Petition Management $2,222,312 433,971 $5.12
Proposition 24 Taxes Kimball Petition Management $1,587,363 433,971 $3.65
Proposition 25 State spending Kimball Petition Management $2,626,808 694,354 $3.78
Proposition 26 Taxes National Petition Management $2,341,023 694,354 $3.37
Proposition 27 Elections Kimball Petition Management $3,031,085 694,354 $4.37
See also: Vendors and consultants to California's 2010 ballot proposition campaigns


See also: Colorado signature requirements; Colorado 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Proposition 101 State budgets n/a n/a 76,047 n/a
Proposition 102 Law enforcement n/a n/a 76,047 n/a
Amendment 60 State budgets n/a n/a 76,047 n/a
Amendment 61 State budgets n/a n/a 76,047 n/a
Amendment 62 Abortion n/a n/a[6] 76,047 n/a
Amendment 63 Gesundheitswesen n/a n/a[6] 76,047 n/a


See also: Florida signature requirements; Florida 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Amendment 4 Property rights Multiple $807,647 676,811 $1.19
Amendment 5 Redistricting PCI Consultants, Inc. $1,366,300 676,811 $2.02
Amendment 6 Redistricting PCI Consultants, Inc. $1,366,300 676,811 $2.02


  • Amendment 5 & Amendment 6: Due to Amendment 5 and 6 being of similar subject and having the same sponsoring committee, Fair Districts Florida, an exact individual cost and CPRS for each amendment could not be reliably calculated. Instead, the cost and CPRS were calculated by evenly dividing the total expenditure of $2,732,600.90 to the signature collection company which Fair Districts Florida reported to Florida state.


See also: Maine signature requirements; Maine 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Question 1 (June) Taxes n/a n/a 55,087 n/a
Question 1 (Nov) Gambling National Petition Management $7,823.23 55,087 $0.14


See also: Massachusetts signature requirements; Massachusetts 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Question 1 Taxes Spoonworks, Inc. $365,000 77,692 $4.70
Question 2 Housing[7] Freedom Petition Management $6,000[8] 77,692 $0.08
Question 3 Taxes Freedom Petition Management $125,032.75 77,692 $1.62


  • In February 2010, the firm Freedom Petition Management prepared a lawsuit against Massachusetts Question 2. The lawsuit claimed that $200,000 was due to them by supporters of the measure. The status of the lawsuit is unknown at this time.


See also: Missouri signature requirements; Missouri 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Proposition A Taxes National Petition Management $844,252 See details here $9.19
Proposition B Animal Rights PCI Consultants, Inc. $186,054 See details here $2.03



See also: Montana signature requirements; Montana 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
I-161 Hunting Various employment agencies $61,506.83 24,336 $2.53
CI-105 Taxes Lincoln Strategy Group $463,000 48,673 $9.51
I-164 Admin. of gov't. M&R Strategic Services $147,353.67 24,336 $6.05

North Dakota

See also: North Dakota signature requirements; North Dakota 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Fenced Hunting Ban Hunting n/a n/a 12,844 n/a


  • No signature collection company was identified as having been hired or used by the sponsoring committee, North Dakota Hunters for Fair Chase, so CPRS statistics are not currently available.


See also: Oklahoma signature requirements; Oklahoma 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
State Question 744 Bildung Oklahoma Education Association[9] $600,000 138,970 $4.31


See also: Oregon signature requirements; Oregon 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Measure 66 (January) Taxes Voice of the Electorate, LLC $275,000 55,179 $4.98
Measure 67 (January) Taxes Voice of the Electorate, LLC $275,000 55,179 $4.98
Measure 73 Law Enforcement n/a n/a 82,769 n/a
Measure 74 Marijuana n/a n/a 82,769 n/a
Measure 75 Gambling n/a n/a 82,769 n/a
Measure 76 Environment PCI Consultants, Inc. and NW Democracy Resources $763,836.74 110,358 $6.92


  • Measure 66 and Measure 67: Due to Measure 66 and 67 being of similar subject and having the same sponsoring committee, Oregonians Against Job-Killing Taxes, an exact individual cost and CPRS for each amendment could not be reliably calculated. Instead, the cost and CPRS were calculated by evenly dividing the total expenditure of $550,000 to the signature collection company which Oregonians Against Job-Killing Taxes reported to the state of Oregon.
  • Measure 73: No signature collection company was identified as having been hired or used by the sponsoring committee, Yes on 73. CPRS statistics are not currently available.
  • Measure 74: No signature collection company was identified as having been hired or used by the sponsoring committees Oregonians for Responsible Regulation of Medical Marijuana, Yes on 74, Responsible Citizens of an Enlightened and Educated Society, and Regulate Medical Marijuana. CPRS statistics are not currently available.
  • Measure 75: No signature collection company was identified as having been hired or used by the sponsoring committee Good for Oregon. NW Democracy, a petition company, did participate but not in petition circulation. According to available campaign finance reports, the company helped only with canvassing and posting yard signs. CPRS statistics are not currently available.

South Dakota

See also: South Dakota signature requirements; South Dakota 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Referred Law 12 Tobacco n/a n/a 16,776 n/a
Initiated Measure 13 Marijuana n/a n/a 16,776 n/a


See also: Washington signature requirements; Washington 2010 ballot measures
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
I-1100 Alcohol Citizens Solutions, Inc $650,000 241,153 $2.69
I-1082 Labor Citizens Solutions, Inc $626,432.80 241,153 $2.60
I-1098 Taxes PCI Consultants, Inc. $591,863 241,153 $2.45
I-1053 Taxes Citizens Solutions, Inc $780,000 241,153 $3.23
I-1105 Alcohol PCI Consultants, Inc. $1,501,462.1 241,153 $6.23
I-1107 Taxes National Petition Management $1,613,728.80 241,153 $6.69

Cost per signature rankings

The following is a complete ranking of initiatives, from highest to lowest, by the cost per required signature. Initiatives that did not hire a petition drive management company were not included in the chart.


  • 35 measures used petition drive management companies.
  • Two pairs of measures were tied, at ranks 9 and 28.
  • California had eight measures in the top 20.
  • Massachusetts Question 2 had the lowest CPRS with $0.08 per required signature.

Petition management company breakdown

This section provides a breakdown and list of petition management companies used by all initiatives in 2010. Included is how many initiative efforts each company managed, and in which states these companies were hired. Some initiatives hired multiple petition management companies, and therefore were not included in the breakdown below.[10]


  • National Petition Management and PCI Consultants, Inc. both managed seven initiative efforts.
  • A total of five petition drive management companies were hired in California, the most of any state.
  • Washington and Oregon tied for second with three petition drive management companies each.
Petition management company # of petition drives managed States those managed petition drives were found in
National Petition Management 7 California, Maine, Missouri, Washington
PCI Consultants, Inc. 7 California, Florida, Missouri, Oregon, Washington
Citizens Solutions, Inc. 3 Washington
Kimball Petition Management 3 California
Masterson & Wright 2 California
Voice of the Electorate, LLC 2 Oregon
Arno Political Consultants 1 California
Dewey Square Group 1 Alaska
Lincoln Strategy Group 1 Montana
M&R Strategic Services 1 Montana
NW Democracy Resources 1[11] Oregon
Riester Consulting Company 1 Arizona

Category breakdowns

This breakdown of initiatives by political topic shows which topic had the most initiatives on the ballot and the average CPRS of each topic. Only political categories with two or more initiatives on the ballot were included in this analysis.


  • The category of taxes dominated initiatives in 2010 with 12 initiatives at an average CPRS of $4.75.
  • Elections and campaigns came in a distant second, at three initiatives with and average CPRS of $3.44.
Political topic Number of initiatives relating to topic Average CPRS
Taxes 12 $4.75
Elections 3 $3.44
Alcohol 2 $4.46
Environment 2 $6.02
Redistricting 2 $2.02
State spending 2 $3.08

See also



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 One measure was below $2.
  2. One measure was below $2. The other initiative effort did not hire a petition drive company.
  3. Two measures were below $2.00 per signature.
  4. Three initiative efforts did not hire a petition management company.
  5. Amendment 6 was tied with Amendment 5 at $2.02.
  6. 6.0 6.1 The committee filed five waivers to be exempted from major donor disclosure. The committee had all their waiver requests granted by the Secretary of State.
  7. The firm Freedom Petition Management was preparing a lawsuit claiming that $200,000 was due to them by supporters of the measure. The status of the lawsuit was unknown at the time this report was compiled.
  8. Massachusetts Office of Campaign & Political Finance, "Reports found for: Repeal 40B Ballot Question Committee", accessed August 19, 2011
  9. Signature gatherers were hired by sponsors.
  10. The Oklahoma Education Association served as petition drive managers for State Question 744, and was not included.
  11. This group paired with PCI Consultants, Inc. on Oregon Measure 76.