2011 ballot measures

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2011 U.S. State
Ballot Measures
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Part 1: Overview
Measure results
Part 2: Finances
Signature costs
Ballot Measure Monthly
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Finance disclosure rules

34 ballot questions were certified for spots on 9 statewide ballots in 2011.[1]

A total of 4 elections were scheduled for the year. Of the 34 questions, 27 ballot questions were on the November 8, 2011 general election ballot in 7 states.

Historically, odd-numbered election years feature significantly fewer measures than even-numbered years. Since 1970 odd-numbered years have had an average of 46 ballot questions. In 2009, voters cast their ballots on a grand total of 32 questions.

2 political topics were found to be the most popular among 2011 ballot measures: taxes and state budgets. Taxes ranked as the most popular issue with a total of 8 measures. The same is true for 2009, when 8 measures also appeared in the category.

Unlike even-numbered years, odd years have few categories appear on the ballot. 2011 features only 15 political issues, compared to 2010's measures which touched on more than 40 different topics. The "Big 5" topics for 2011 included: taxes, state budgets, administration of government, health care, gambling and elections and campaigns.

See also: Chart of 2011 ballot measures by political topic

Overview pages

Statistical summary

The charts below include all statewide ballot measure results in 2011, including November 8. All election results are official.

2011 election stats
Total Approved (%) Defeated (%)
34 22 (65%) 12 (35%)

Initiated measures

Type of ballot measure How many on ballot? How many won? How many lost?
initiated state statute 6 2 4
initiated constitutional amendment 4 3 1
Veto referendum 2[2] 1 1
Total 12 6 6

Legislative referrals

Type of ballot measure How many on ballot? How many won? How many lost?
legislatively referred state statute 1 1 0
legislatively referred constitutional amendment 21 15 6
Total 22 16 6

By date

October 22

Approveda Louisiana TOPS Scholarship Program, Amendment 1 (October 2011)
Approveda Louisiana Public Retirement System, Amendment 2 (October 2011)
Approveda Louisiana Patient's Compensation Fund, Amendment 3 (October 2011)
Defeatedd Louisiana Budget Stabilization Fund, Amendment 4 (October 2011)
Defeatedd Louisiana Property Tax Sales, Amendment 5 (October 2011)

November 1

Defeatedd Colorado Sales and Income Tax Increase Initiative, Proposition 103 (2011)

November 8

November 19

Approveda Louisiana Immovable Property Tax, Amendment 1 (2011)

By state


Arkansas 2011 ballot measures
Typ Titel Subject Description Result
LRSS Retail Project Question Bond issues Would authorize local areas to create economic districts, issue bonds for retail projects


Colorado 2011 ballot measures

November 1, 2011

Typ Titel Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


Proposition 103 Increase the state income and sales taxes and require the money be spent on public education.


386,673 (37%)

663,444 (63%)


Louisiana 2011 ballot measures

October 22:

Typ Titel Subject Description Result
LRCA Amendment 1 State budgets Would redirect Tobacco Settlement Proceeds to the TOPS program
LRCA Amendment 2 State budgets Would allow a minimum of 10% of nonrecurring revenue be applied toward the state retirement systems
LRCA Amendment 3 Gesundheitswesen Creates the Patient's Compensation Fund, for the use, benefit, and protection of medical malpractice claimants
LRCA Amendment 4 State budgets Provides for deposits and interruption of mineral revenue deposits to the Budget Stabilization Fund
LRCA Amendment 5 Taxes Would allow for collectors to offer the property for sale with no minimum required bid

November 19:

Typ Titel Subject Description Result
LRCA Amendment 1 Taxes Would prohibit levying new taxes or fees upon the sale or transfer of immovable property


Maine 2011 ballot measures
Typ Titel Subject Description Result
VR Question 1 Elections and campaigns Would overturn a law dealing with same-day voting registration.
IndISS Question 2 Gambling Amend laws governing deadline for approval of second racino and allow another tribal racino.
IndISS Question 3 Gambling Regarding establishing a slot machine facility.
LRCA Question 4 Redistricting Would change the years of redistricting the Maine Legislature.


Mississippi 2011 ballot measures
Typ Titel Subject Description Result
IndICA Initiative 26 Abortion Defines human personhood as beginning at the moment of fertilization
IndICA Initiative 27 Elections Would require Voter ID at the polls
IndICA Initiative 31 Eminent domain Prohibit state & local government from taking private property by eminent domain.

New Jersey

New Jersey 2011 ballot measures
Typ Titel Subject Description Result
LRCA Public Question 1 Gambling Designed to allow sports betting


Ohio 2011 ballot measures

November 8

Typ Titel Subject Description Result
LRCA Issue 1 Judicial reform Would raise the maximum age for judicial office pursuant to election from 70 to 75.
VR Issue 2 Labor Would repeal a measure which limits collective bargaining for public employees in the state.
CICA Issue 3 Gesundheitswesen Exempt residents of Ohio from national health care mandates.


Texas 2011 ballot measures
Typ Titel Subject Description Result
LRCA Proposition 1 Taxes Property tax exemptions for surviving spouses of disabled veterans
LRCA Proposition 2 Bonds Texas Water Development Board bonds
LRCA Proposition 3 Bildung Education loans funded by general obligation bonds
LRCA Proposition 4 Bonds Counties permitted to issue bonds related to development of un/underdeveloped or blighted areas
LRCA Proposition 5 Admin of gov't Cities/counties can enter into interlocal contracts without a tax or sinking fund
LRCA Proposition 6 Bildung Changes in the permanent school fund
LRCA Proposition 7 Admin of gov't Provision of parks and recreational facilities in El Paso County
LRCA Proposition 8 Taxes Tax appraisal rules for open space land devoted to water stewardship
LRCA Proposition 9 Admin of gov't Governor allowed to grant pardons related to deferred adjudication community supervision
LRCA Proposition 10 Admin of gov't Rules for automatic resignation of politicians who become candidates for other offices


Washington 2011 ballot measures
Typ Titel Subject Description Result
ITP Initiative 1125 Taxes Prohibits gas tax and toll revenues to be diverted to non-transportation purposes
ITP Initiative 1163 Taxes Reenacts background checks, training for long-term care workers
ITP Initiative 1183 Alcohol Would close state liquor stores; allow state licensing of private parties
LRCA SJR 8205 Elections Removes a provision about the length of time a voter must reside in Washington to vote for president or vice president
LRCA SJR 8206 State budgets Would require the transfer of additional funds to the budget stabilization account if the state has received "extraordinary revenue growth"

Local measures

See also: Local ballot measure elections in 2011
LocalBallotMeasures Final.png

Local ballot measures were on the November 8, 2011 ballot in at least 9 states. At least 30 elections were scheduled for 2011 in various counties, towns and cities. For details on local elections throughout 2011, click here.

Some states with Nov. 8 local measures included:


One local measure was on a 2011 special election ballot in the state of Alabama. This question only appeared in its respective county for residents to vote on. However, in order to pass local county laws, an amendment to the state constitution is needed. Alabama mandates that county governments seek legislative approval or legislatively referred constitutional amendment ballot measures for approval of laws.

See also

Ballot Measures overview


  1. Two constitutional amendments were on a special election ballot in the state of Alabama. However, these questions only appeared in their respective counties for residents to vote on. The reason being is that in order to pass local county laws, an amendment to the state constitution is needed. Alabama mandates that county governments seek legislative approval or legislatively referred constitutional amendment ballot measures for approval of laws. The amendments are not included in Ballotpedia's Tuesday Count.
  2. Ohio Issue 2 was deemed rejected because the wording of the ballot measure stated a 'yes' vote was to keep the law, and a 'no' vote was to repeal the law. Although the issue technically failed, the result was a successful repeal.