2016 presidential candidates on defunding Planned Parenthood

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2016 Presidential Election
Date: November 8, 2016

Winner: Donald Trump (R)
Hillary Clinton (D) • Jill Stein (G) • Gary Johnson (L) • Vice presidential candidates

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After the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a series of secretly recorded videos that showed employees of Planned Parenthood discussing research conducted on aborted fetal tissue, videos that Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards called "heavily edited" and "fraudulent," a group of conservative Republicans pledged not to vote for any legislation that continued to allocate federal dollars to the reproductive healthcare organization.[1][2][3] Despite Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, Congress avoided a government shutdown by passing legislation to keep the government funded until December 11, 2015, that included funding for Planned Parenthood.[4]

See below what the 2016 presidential candidates and their respective party platforms said about the $500 million in annual federal funding that Planned Parenthood received while they were on the campaign trail.

Interested in reading more about the 2016 candidates' stances on issues related to Planned Parenthood funding? Ballotpedia also covered what the candidates said about abortion rights, healthcare, and budgets, plus in-depth coverage of the Republican effort to defund Planned Parenthood.

  • Hillary Clinton supported continued federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
  • Donald Trump pledged to defund Planned Parenthood.
  • Ballotpedia was unaware of any public statements made by Jill Stein on defunding Planned Parenthood.
  • Gary Johnson opposed cutting or eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood.
  • Democratic candidate

    Democratic Party Hillary Clinton

    • During a September 2015 interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Clinton declined to respond to Carly Fiorina's challenge to watch all of the footage released by the Center for Medical Progress about Planned Parenthood. Instead, Clinton focused on the Republican effort to defund Planned Parenthood and the possible government shutdown. She said, "I would hope that the Republicans — and particularly the Republicans in the House, led by Speaker (John) Boehner — would not put our country and our economy in peril pursuing some kind of emotionally, politically charged, partisan attack on Planned Parenthood to shut our government down. I think that would be a very, very unfortunate decision. ...If they want to shut down the legal provision of abortion services, then they've got a bigger problem, because obviously Planned Parenthood does not use federal dollars to do that."[5]
    • Read more of Hillary Clinton's public statements on 2016 campaign issues.

    Republican candidate

    Republican Party Donald Trump

    • On December 1, 2015, Donald Trump said that as president he would defund Planned Parenthood and look at overturning Roe v. Wade. He said, “The other, you’re gonna need a lot of Supreme Court justices, but we’re gonna be looking at that very, very carefully, but you need a lot of Supreme Court judges. But defund yes, we’re going to be doing a lot of that.”[8]
    • During an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press on November 29, 2015, Trump dismissed the idea that the current debate about Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue practices caused a man to murder individuals at a Colorado Planned Parenthood, instead calling the tragedy the act of a mentally disturbed individual. He said, “I think it's terrible. I mean, terrible. It's more of the same. And I think it's a terrible thing. He's a maniac. I think he's a sick person. And I think he was probably a person ready to go. We don't even know the purpose. I mean, he hasn't come out, to the best of my knowledge, with a statement as to why it happened to be at that location. ...This was a man who they said prior to this was mentally disturbed. So, he's a mentally disturbed person. There's no question about that.”[9]
    • Trump also commented on edited, undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress that show individuals associated with Planned Parenthood discussing the procedures and sale of aborted fetal tissue. He said, “Well, I will tell you there is a tremendous group of people that think it's terrible, all of the videos that they've seen with some of these people from Planned Parenthood talking about it like you're selling parts to a car. I mean, there are a lot of people that are very unhappy about that. I see a lot of anxiety and I see a lot of dislike for Planned Parenthood. There's no question about that.”[9]

    Green candidate

    Green Party Jill Stein


    Libertarian candidate

    Libertarian Party Gary Johnson

    Gary-Johnson-(New Mexico)-circle.png
    • Responding to a question about the government having a role in protecting the right to choose during the June 22, 2016, CNN Libertarian Town Hall, Johnson said, "I think Republicans, really, they alienated a lot of people when they stopped—when they talk about de-funding Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood does a lot of good, and that starts with women's health."[12]
    • In an interview with Larry King on February 18, 2016, Johnson said, "Look, [Republicans] want to spend more money on military but they want to cut it from social programs, from health care. Look, it's got to be a balanced approach when it comes to government spending with regard to everything. Am I opposed, I'm opposed to cutting the funding, or eliminating funding, to Planned Parenthood. Look, but Planned Parenthood has to take cuts just along with everybody else or we're going to find ourselves in a really perilous situation."[13]
    • Read more of Gary Johnson's public statements on 2016 campaign issues.

    Withdrawn candidates

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