2024 presidential candidates on policing

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2024 presidential candidates on the issues

AbortionAdministrative stateDepartment of Justice and Federal Bureau of InvestigationCoronavirus responseCriminal justicePolicingTrump indictmentsCourtsEconomySocial SecurityTaxesInflationJob creationEducationCharter schools and voucher programsSchool curriculums and parental involvementCollege affordabilityElection policyEnergy and environmental issuesClimate changeEnergy productionEnvironmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)FederalismForeign policyChina (foreign policy)RussiaRussia-Ukraine WarMiddle East and North AfricaSouth and Central AmericaIsrael-Hamas WarIsrael-Palestine conflictGovernment ethicsGun regulationHealthcareMedicareSex and gender issuesTransgender healthcareImmigrationBorder securityImmigration enforcementImpeachmentInfrastructureOpioids and drug issuesTradeChina (trade)Veterans

Presidential election
Presidential candidates
Republican Party Republican nomination

Democratic Party Democratic nomination

This page includes statements from the 2024 presidential candidates on policing. These statements were compiled from each candidate's official campaign website, editorials, speeches, and debates.

The candidates featured on this page are the noteworthy Democratic and Republican candidates in the 2024 presidential election. Only candidates who address this page's issue on their campaign website, in public statements, or in public speeches have a quote featured on this page. See something we missed? Email us. The active noteworthy presidential candidates are:

Note: President Joe Biden (D) withdrew from the presidential race on July 21, 2024. Ballotpedia is in the process of researching Harris' issue positions. Our research focuses on campaign website issue pages, speeches, and statements released after Harris declared her 2024 candidacy for president. If a statement is not listed for Harris, it may not yet be available.


Democratic candidates

Joe Biden

In a campaign speech Biden said, "Folks, it wasn’t easy to get a lot of this done. In fact, obstacles every step of the way, we faced. For example, Senate Republicans blocked the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. But it didn’t stop me from signing a historic executive order requiring key elements of that bill for federal enforcement. That is banning choke holds, greatly restricting no-knock warrants, creating databases for police misconduct, and so much more. [...] And we did it with the support of George Floyd’s family, and we’re going to finally get it all done. A promise made and a promise kept." [source, as of 2024-05-29]

Dean Phillips

Phillips' campaign website said, "I salute those public servants who put on a uniform and risk their lives to protect and serve us, and I believe we can enhance public safety by providing funding for police departments and other first responders for the recruitment and retention of the best and the brightest from our communities, for up-to-date training practices and access to necessary equipment, and for mental health services for community members and first responders alike." [source, as of 2023-12-19]

Marianne Williamson

Williamson's campaign website listed the following policies, "End broken-windows policing, stop-and-frisk, racial profiling, and all other racially biased practices. Demilitarize the police. Create an independent national database of police crimes, brutality and misconduct. Implement independent, community-led police department reviews and data audits. Create a legal fund for victims of police brutality." [source, as of 2023-12-19]

Republican candidates

Ron DeSantis

In a Republican debate DeSantis said, "In Florida, we back the blue. We support the men and women of law enforcement. They are keeping us safe." [source, as of 2023-09-17]

Nikki Haley

Haley said, "We have to start prosecuting according to the law. We have to make sure we have the backs of law enforcement and we have to make sure that we’re a country of law and order." [source, as of 2023-09-27]

Asa Hutchinson

Hutchinson's campaign website listed the following policy, "Enact policies to make America’s streets safer and support local law enforcement efforts in their vital roles on laws to maintain the integrity of the nation." [source, as of 2023-12-19]

Donald Trump

Trump's campaign website said, "President Trump will revitalize police departments and reclaim safety, dignity, and peace for law-abiding Americans. He will deliver record funding to hire and retrain police officers, strengthen qualified immunity and other protections for police officers, increase penalties for assaults on law enforcement, put violent offenders and career criminals behind bars, and surge federal prosecutors and the National Guard into high-crime communities." [source, as of 2023-12-21]

Other policy pages


Administrative state

Coronavirus response

Criminal justice



Election policy

Energy and environmental issues

Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)


Foreign policy

Government ethics

Gun regulation


Sex and gender issues




Opioids and drug issues



See also

Presidential candidates on policing, 2020-2024
Use the dropdown menu below to navigate Ballotpedia's historical coverage of presidential candidate stances on policing.
Additional reading
