California Teachers Association

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California Teachers Association
California Teachers Association.png
Basic facts
Location:Burlingame, California
Affiliation:National Education Association
Top official:E. Toby Boyd, President
Year founded:1863
Website:Official website

The California Teachers Association (CTA) is a labor union for public school teachers and education support staff in California. CTA is an affiliate of the National Education Association.[1]

The California Teachers Association has a political action committee called the California Teachers Association Issues PAC, which makes contributions to ballot measure campaigns.

  • CTA took a stance on six measures in 2022, five of which were on the ballot.
  • Background


    The California Teachers Association (CTA) was established in 1863 as the California Educational Society. The organization became known as the CTA in 1911.[1]

    According to the CTA, there are more than 1,100 local affiliates, representing 310,000 public school teachers, counselors, librarians, and education support professionals. The California Community College Association is also affiliated with CTA.[1]

    CTA is affiliated with the 3.2 million-member National Education Association.[1]


    The CTA listed the following as the organization's mission statement:[1]

    " The California Teachers Association exists to protect and promote the well-being of its members; to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to advance the cause of free, universal, and quality public education for all students; to ensure that the human dignity and civil rights of all children and youth are protected; and to secure a more just, equitable, and democratic society.[2]

    Political activity

    Ballot measure activity

    Overview of ballot measure support and opposition

    BP-Initials-UPDATED.png You can send information about this influencer’s involvement with ballot measures to [email protected].

    The following table details the California Teachers Association's ballot measure stances since 2000 that are available on Ballotpedia.

    Ballot measure support and opposition for the California Teachers Association
    Ballot measure Year Position Status
    California Proposition 1, Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment 2022 Supported[3]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 31, Flavored Tobacco Products Ban Referendum 2022 Supported[4]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 30, Tax on Income Above $2 Million for Zero-Emissions Vehicles and Wildfire Prevention Initiative 2022 Opposed[5]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 27, Legalize Sports Betting and Revenue for Homelessness Prevention Fund Initiative 2022 Opposed[6]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations Initiative 2022 Supported[7]   Not on the ballot
    California Proposition 28, Art and Music K-12 Education Funding Initiative 2022 Supported[8]  Approveda Approved
    California Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative 2020 Supported[9]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 13: School and College Facilities Bond 2020 Supported[10]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 4: Children's Hospital Bonds Initiative 2018 Supported[11]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 5: Property Tax Transfer Initiative 2018 Opposed[11]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 10: Local Rent Control Initiative 2018 Supported[11]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 11: Ambulance Employees Initiative 2018 Opposed[11]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 52: Continued Hospital Fee Revenue Dedicated to Medi-Cal Initiative 2016 Supported[12]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 55: Extension of the Proposition 30 Income Tax Increase Initiative 2016 Supported[13]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 58: Non-English Languages Allowed in Public Education Measure 2016 Supported[14]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 59: Overturn Citizens United Advisory Measure 2016 Supported[15]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 41: Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Bond 2014 Supported[16]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 42: Compliance of Local Agencies with Public Records Amendment 2014 Supported[17]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 46: Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Cap and Drug Testing of Doctors Initiative 2014 Opposed[18]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 47: Reduced Penalties for Some Crimes Initiative 2014 Supported[19]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 28: Change in Term Limits Initiative 2012 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 30: Sales and Income Tax Increase 2012 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 31: Two-Year State Budget Cycle Initiative 2012 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 32: Prohibit Paycheck Deducations for Political Purposes Initiative 2012 Opposed[21]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 35: Ban on Human Trafficking Initiative 2012 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 40: State Senate Redistricting Plan Referendum 2012 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 22: Ban on State Borrowing from Local Governments Initiative 2010 Opposed[22]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 23: Suspension of AB 32 Initiative 2010 Opposed[23]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 24: Repeal of Corporate Tax Changes Initiative 2010 Supported[24]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 25: Majority Vote for Legislature to Pass the Budget Initiative 2010 Supported[25]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 26: Supermajority Vote to Pass New Taxes and Fees Initiative 2010 Opposed[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 1A: Temporary Tax Increases Amendment 2009 Supported[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 1B: Supplemental Education Appropriations Amendment 2009 Supported[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 3: Children's Hospital Bonds Initiative 2008 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 4: Parental Notification for Minor's Abortion Initiative 2008 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 6: Increased Criminal Penalities Initiative 2008 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 8: Same-Sex Marriage Ban Initiative 2008 Opposed[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 9: Marsy's Law Crime Victims Rights Initiative 2008 Opposed[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 92: Minimum Community College Funding Initiative 2008 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 93: Term Limits Changes Initiative 2008 Supported[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 98: Limit Eminent Domain and Eliminate Rent Control Initiative 2008 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 99: Rules Governing Eminent Domain Initiative 2008 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 1D: Bonds for Education Facilities Measure 2006 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 81: Bonds for Libraries Measure 2006 Supported[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 82: Tax for Public Preschool Program Initiative 2006 Supported[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 85: Parental Notification for Minor's Abortion Initiative 2006 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 88: Statewide Parcel Tax Initiative 2006 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 89: Public Funding for Political Campaigns Initiative 2006 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 90: Eminent Domain Limits Initiative 2006 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 74: Waiting Period for Permanent Employment as Teacher Initiative 2005 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 75: Permission Required for Use Dues for Political Purposes Initiative 2005 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 76: Cap on Growth of State Budget Initiative 2005 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 79: Prescription Drug Discount Program Initiative 2005 Supported[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 80: Regulation of Electric Service Providers Initiative 2005 Supported[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 55: Bonds for Schools Measure 2004 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 56: Lower Vote Threshold for State Budget Initiative 2004 Supported[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 63: Income Tax Increase for Mental Health Services Initiative 2004 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 72: Employer Healthcare Coverage Requirements Referendum 2004 Supported[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 53: Funds Dedicated for State and Local Infrastructure Amendment 2003 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 54: Government Prohibited from Using Race for Education and Employment Initiative 2003 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 45: Extended Terms in Office via Petition Initiative 2002 Supported[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 42: Allocation of Gas Tax Revenues Amendment 2002 Opposed[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 46: Bonds for Housing Projects Measure 2002 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 47: Bonds for School Construction Measure 2002 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 49: Funding for Before and After School Programs Initiative 2002 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 50: Bonds for Water Projects Measure 2002 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved
    California Proposition 25: Campaign Contribution Limits Initiative 2000 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 26: Approval of Local School Bonds by Majority Vote Initiative 2000 Supported[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 30: Ability to Sue Insurers Referendum 2000 Supported[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 38: State-Funded Private School Vouchers Initiative 2000 Opposed[20]  Defeatedd Defeated
    California Proposition 39: Supermajority of 55% for School Bond Votes Initiative 2000 Supported[20]  Approveda Approved

    California Proposition 15, Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative (2020)

    See also: California Proposition 15, Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative (2020)

    In 2019, the California Teachers Association (CTA) endorsed the Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative and contributed to the campaign behind the measure.[26] The ballot initiative was designed to require commercial and industrial properties, except those zoned as commercial agriculture, to be taxed based on their market value, rather than their purchase price. The ballot initiative was also written to allocate the tax revenue to local governments and schools.

    Eric C. Heins, then-president of the CTA, said, "This initiative is about ensuring everyone pays their fair share and ending a decades-old loophole that has kept our students, schools and communities chronically underfunded. Corporations have not only gotten an outrageous break at the expense of students and individual taxpayers, but many big companies have gamed the system to prevent fair reassessment when they transfer ownership of their properties."[27]

    Noteworthy events

    Friedrichs v. CTA

    See also: Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association

    On January 11, 2016, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, a case that addressed the constitutionality of requiring public employees to pay agency shop fees to public-sector unions. A group of California teachers, who were nonunion members, petitioned the court to rule on whether being required to pay a fee to a union is a violation of their First Amendment rights.

    Charlotte Garden, an associate professor at Seattle University's law school and a labor-law expert, said, "the case is a big deal. It's not heralding the end of public-sector unionism the way some people have suggested. But it is going to matter a lot in terms of upsetting settled labor contracts."[28]

    The court also considered whether it violates the First Amendment rights of the teachers to have to opt-out of paying the union for the political activities that they engage in annually, rather than opting in.[29]

    On March 29, 2016, the court issued a split decision, affirming the decision of the Ninth Circuit Appeals Court.[30]


    The following is a breakdown of California Teachers Association's revenues and expenses as submitted to the IRS for the 2012 to 2019 fiscal years:

    Annual revenue and expenses for California Teachers Association, 2012–2019
    Tax YearTotal RevenueTotal Expenses

    Tax status

    The California Teachers Association is a 501(c)(5) nonprofit organization. 501(c)(5) is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax exemption status that applies to nonprofit agricultural, horticultural or labor organizations.[38] Agricultural organizations include entities that engage in fishing, forestry, raising livestock, or growing and harvesting crops. Horticultural organizations denote entities that cultivate plants for decorative or functional purposes.[39] Since politics and legislation may directly impact labor or agricultural activities, 501(c)(5) organizations may engage in lobbying and campaign activities as a means of advancing the interests of their members.[40]

    Recent news

    The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms 'California Teachers Association'. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

    See also

    External links


    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 California Teachers Association, "Fact Sheet," accessed January 16, 2020
    2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
    3. Yes on 1, "Our Coalition," accessed January 6, 2023
    4. CTA, "Educators Recommend Candidates and Ballot Initiatives," May 25, 2022
    5. CTA, "Educators Recommend Candidates and Ballot Initiatives," May 25, 2022
    6. CTA, "Educators Recommend Candidates and Ballot Initiatives," May 25, 2022
    7. CTA, "Educators Recommend Candidates and Ballot Initiatives," May 25, 2022
    8. CTA, "Educators Recommend Candidates and Ballot Initiatives," May 25, 2022
    9. Schools and Communities First, "Endorsers," accessed December 3, 2018
    10. Californians for Safe Schools and Healthy Learning, "Supporters," accessed January 22, 2020
    11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 LA School Report, "Analysis: California Teachers Association to spend up to $10 million supporting two statewide ballot initiatives — and opposing three others," June 26, 2018
    12. Yes on 52, "Our Coalition," accessed September 14, 2016
    13. Yes on 55, "Endorsements," accessed September 15, 2016
    14. Yes on 58, "Endorsements," accessed September 15, 2016
    15. Yes on 59, "Endorsements," accessed September 16, 2016
    16. Cal-Access, "Coalition for Veterans Housing," accessed June 3, 2014
    17. Yes on 42, "Who Supports Prop 42?" accessed May 28, 2014
    18. Stop Higher Health Care Costs, "Who We Are, accessed July 3, 2014
    19. Californians for Safe Neighborhoods and Schools, "Who Supports Reform," accessed September 8, 2014
    20. 20.00 20.01 20.02 20.03 20.04 20.05 20.06 20.07 20.08 20.09 20.10 20.11 20.12 20.13 20.14 20.15 20.16 20.17 20.18 20.19 20.20 20.21 20.22 20.23 20.24 20.25 20.26 20.27 20.28 20.29 20.30 20.31 20.32 20.33 20.34 20.35 20.36 20.37 20.38 20.39 20.40 20.41 20.42 20.43 20.44 20.45 Cal-Access, "CTA Issues PAC," accessed January 15, 2020
    21. California Teachers Association, "Weekend long surge: Governor and Educators Statewide Unite in Saying Yes to Prop. 30, No on 32," October 21, 2012
    22. California Secretary of State, "No on 22," accessed June 24, 2015
    23. No on Prop 23, "Our Coalition," accessed October 12, 2010
    24. California Secretary of State, "Yes on 24," accessed June 24, 2015
    25. California Secretary of State, "Yes on 25," accessed June 24, 2015
    26. Politico, "'Split-roll' backers will refile tax initiative in expensive rewrite," August 13, 2019
    27. California Teachers Association, "CTA Backs CA Schools and Local Communities Funding Act for November 2020 Ballot," February 20, 2019
    28. Education Week, "High Stakes in Union-Fee Case Before Supreme Court," accessed January 7, 2016
    29. American Bar Association, "Brief for Petitioners Rebecca Friedrichs, et al.," accessed September 22, 2015
    30. U.S. Supreme Court, "Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association," March 29, 2016
    31. GuideStar, "The California Teachers Association IRS Form 990 (2019)," accessed May 4, 2021
    32. GuideStar, "The California Teachers Association IRS Form 990 (2017)," accessed April 13, 2020
    33. GuideStar, "The California Teachers Association IRS Form 990 (2016)," accessed January 6, 2020
    34. 34.0 34.1 GuideStar, "The California Teachers Association IRS Form 990 (2015)," accessed January 6, 2020
    35. GuideStar, "The California Teachers Association IRS Form 990 (2013)," accessed January 19, 2016
    36. Guidestar, "The California Teachers Association IRS Form 990 (2012)," accessed January 19, 2016
    37. Guidestar, "The California Teachers Association IRS Form 990 (2011)," accessed January 19, 2016
    38. Internal Revenue Service, "IRC 501(c)(5) organizations," accessed December 21, 2015
    39. Internal Revenue Service, "Labor organizations," accessed December 21, 2015
    40. Internal Revenue Service, "Political campaign and lobbying activities of IRC 501(c)(4), (c)(5), and (c)(6) organizations," accessed December 21, 2015