Campaign finance agencies in Illinois

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In Illinois, there is one primary agency involved in campaign finance regulation: the Illinois State Board of Elections. The board is responsible for administering and enforcing the state's campaign finance laws.[1]

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Illinois

Illinois State Board of Elections


The Illinois State Board of Elections receives and processes campaign finance reports for all Illinois candidates and political committees. The board is charged with administering and enforcing the various provisions of Illinois' campaign finance laws. The board is authorized to assess fines against individuals and groups that violate the law. Fines can be levied for the late filing of requisite reports; amounts vary depending on the type of report. In addition, "willful failure to file or willful filing of false or incomplete information" can result in fine of up to $5,000.[2]


Established in 1973, the board comprises eight members. Four members must be Republicans and four must be Democrats. Two from each party must reside in Cook County. Board members serve four-year terms. The board adopts election policy; regular operations are conducted by a professional staff. The table below lists the board members as of July 2015.[3]

Illinois State Board of Elections—members as of July 2015
Name Position
Charles W. Scholz Chairman
Ernest L. Gowen Vice Chairman
William J. Cadigan Member
Andrew K. Carruthers Member
Betty J. Coffrin Member
John R. Keith Member
William M. McGuffage Member
Casandra B. Watson Member
Source: Illinois State Board of Elections, "Board Members," accessed July 24, 2015

Electronic reporting system

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Illinois

Candidates and political committees in Illinois may file campaign finance disclosure reports online. The reporting system can be accessed here. Citizens can access recently filed reports by visiting this link.

Agency budget, 2010-2013

In fiscal year 2013, total appropriations for the Illinois State Board of Elections equaled approximately $31.6 million. This represented a 19.3 percent decrease over fiscal year 2012. See the table below for further details.[4][5][6][7]

Illinois State Board of Elections—agency spending in fiscal years 2010 through 2013
Year Total appropriations
2013 $31,562,900
2012 $39,133,800
2011 $40,821,250
2010 $43,350,300
Source: Illinois State Comptroller, "Detailed Annual," accessed July 30, 2015

Contact information

Illinois State Board of Elections

2329 S. MacArthur Blvd.
Springfield, Illinois 62704
Telephone: 217-782-4141
Fax: 217-782-5959

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance Illinois. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
