Chris Kliesmet

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Chris Kliesmet
Basic facts
Organization:Citizens for Responsible Government

Chris Kliesmet is perhaps most known for, along with Orville Seymer, running the Wisconsin-based organization Citizens for Responsible Government (CRG). Citizens for Responsible Government assisted with the attempted recall of Gov. Jim Doyle (D) in 2009.

John Doe investigations

See also: John Doe investigations related to Scott Walker

Two John Doe investigations, beginning in 2010 and ending in 2015, were launched by Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm (D) into the activities of staff and associates of Gov. Scott Walker (R).[1] In November 2014, Kliesmet requested that an investigation be made into Chisholm and his activities surrounding the two investigations. Judge William Bauer denied the request.[2]

Recent news

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See also

External links


2008 recallsStates with recallLaws governing recall • Recall activists • Recall campaignsRecall portal