Debate over responses to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020

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These pages were updated from March 2020 through June 2020 and do not contain the latest commentary available. To submit arguments for inclusion on this page, email [email protected]. To learn how Ballotpedia decides which arguments to feature, click here.

Ballotpedia is providing comprehensive coverage of how the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is affecting America's political and civic life. In addition to monitoring federal, state, and local responses to the coronavirus, we are also capturing the nationwide and local debates on whether to extend or lift coronavirus-related restrictions affecting the economy, schools, government operations, public health, religious services, and travel.

These arguments come from a variety of sources, including public officials, journalists, think tanks, economists, scientists, and other stakeholders. We encourage you to share the debates happening in your local community to [email protected].

This article acts as a hub for this coverage. It includes links to policy-specific pages that provide an overview of the national debate on each topic. It also includes links to state-specific pages that dive into the debate that's happening in each state about a variety of policies. You will find the following sections on this page:

Policy-specific debates

Ballotpedia is tracking national debate over specific coronavirus-related topics. Each page aggregates arguments from national figures or that apply nation-wide. Each page also contains links to state-specific debates over the topic for all 50 states.

State-specific debates

Many debates over responses to the coronavirus pandemic are unique to individual states and localities. Select a state below to read about debates in that state.

General resources

The chart below shows coronavirus statistics from countries across the world. The information is provided by Real Clear Politics.

Click the links below to explore official resources related to the coronavirus outbreak.

See also

External links

The external resources listed below are related to the coronavirus pandemic.
