Fact check: Did Sen. Dean Heller change his position on funding for Planned Parenthood?

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U.S. Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.)

February 5, 2018
By Ballotpedia Staff

Businessman Danny Tarkanian is challenging incumbent U.S. Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) in the Republican primary on June 12. According to Tarkanian, Heller “completely flipped” on his previous opposition to federal funding for abortion providers when he “promised on film that he would protect the funding of Planned Parenthood.”[1]

Is Tarkanian correct? Did Heller promise to protect funding for Planned Parenthood in contrast to his previous opposition?

At issue is whether Planned Parenthood receives Medicaid reimbursement for providing healthcare services other than abortion. (Since 1976, the Hyde Amendment has barred the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if a pregnancy arises from incest or rape.) There have been repeated attempts to defund Planned Parenthood because it is the largest abortion provider in the country, and critics contend that Medicaid funding is fungible.[2]

Tarkanian is correct in claiming that Heller contradicted his long-standing position on Planned Parenthood. Heller has consistently voted to prohibit Medicaid reimbursement for Planned Parenthood services.[3] However, at a town hall event on April 17, 2017, Heller told the audience: “I have no problems with federal funding for Planned Parenthood … I will protect Planned Parenthood.”[4]

The following day, spokeswoman Megan Taylor was quoted as telling the media, “While he doesn't have a problem with many of the health care services Planned Parenthood offers to women, he is opposed to providing federal funding to any organization that performs abortions and is supported by taxpayers' dollars; he has a long record that reflects his position.”[5]


Heller was elected to the Senate in 2012 following his appointment to fill the remaining term of John Ensign, who resigned in 2011 amid an ethics investigation. Heller previously represented Nevada’s 2nd Congressional District (from 2007-2011), and also served as Nevada's secretary of state and in the Nevada State Assembly.[6]

Tarkanian is a developer and founder of the nonprofit Tarkanian Basketball Academy, which focuses on at-risk youth. (He is the son of former UNLV coach Jerry Tarkanian.) He previously practiced law and has mounted unsuccessful campaigns for the state senate, Nevada secretary of state, and the U.S. House and Senate.[7] Tarkanian says he opposes federal funding for Planned Parenthood.[8]

At the Forum

The issue of Planned Parenthood funding was raised at the town hall event by an audience member who asked both Rep. Mark Amodei and Heller, “Do you support doing away with funding to Planned Parenthood, and if so why?”

Amodei replied, “I support funding for women’s health care, with Planned Parenthood being one of the outlets--not the exclusive one--but one of the outlets.”

The entirety of Heller’s exchange with the audience is posted on YouTube.[4] With respect to the substance of Tarkanian’s claim, Heller did say: “I have no problems with federal funding for Planned Parenthood … I will protect Planned Parenthood.”

Sen. Heller has voted to restrict funding for Planned Parenthood throughout his political career. For example, he voted in February 2011 to prohibit any funds from being available to Planned Parenthood or its affiliates, and in August 2015 he voted to defund Planned Parenthood and transfer federal funding to other health services.[9] In a 2015 press release, Heller’s spokeswoman asserted that “Senator Heller’s record is clear on pro-life issues.”[3]

Heller’s staff has maintained that this voting record will be consistent in the future, stating, “While he doesn’t have a problem with many of the health care services Planned Parenthood offers to women, he is opposed to providing federal funding to any organization that performs abortions and is supported by taxpayer dollars; he has a long record that reflects his position.”[5]

However, Tarkanian’s claim that Heller “completely flipped” on his position was accurate based on Heller’s statements at a public forum on April 17, 2017. At that time, Heller did say, “I have no problems with federal funding for Planned Parenthood … I will protect Planned Parenthood.”[4]

See also

Sources and Notes

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