Illinois Income Tax Advisory Question (2024)

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Illinois Income Tax Advisory Question
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Election date
November 5, 2024
On the ballot
Advisory question

The Illinois Income Tax Advisory Question is on the ballot in Illinois as an advisory question on November 5, 2024.

A "yes" vote supports advising state officials on whether to amend the Illinois Constitution to create an additional 3% tax on income greater than $1 million for the purpose of dedicating funds to property tax relief.

A "no" vote opposes advising state officials on whether to amend the Illinois Constitution to create an additional 3% tax on income greater than $1 million for the purpose of dedicating funds to property tax relief.


What would this advisory question ask voters?

See also: Text of measure

This measure is a non-binding advisory question which would ask voters whether the state constitution should be amended to create an additional 3% tax on income greater than $1,000,000 for the purpose of dedicating funds raised to property tax relief. Because this measure is a non-binding advisory question, it will have no legal effect on a state's laws, but will allow for government officials to gauge public opinion.[1]

How do advisory questions work in Illinois?

See also: Types of ballot measures in Illinois

An advisory question is a type of ballot measure that ask votes a non-binding question. The largest difference between an advisory vote and any other type of ballot measure is that the outcome of the ballot question is not legally binding and will not directly result in a new, changed, or rejected law or constitutional amendment. Rather, the advisory question allows voters to express their general opinion on the issue.

In Illinois, only three advisory questions are allowed on statewide ballots at one election.

How did this advisory question get on the ballot?

See also: Path to the ballot

In Illinois, advisory questions require a simple majority vote in each legislative chamber during one legislative session, and require a governor's signature to get on the ballot.

The advisory questions were proposed in Illinois Senate Bill 2412 (SB2412), which was sponsored by State Sen. Don Harmon (D) and State Rep. Jay Hoffman (D). In addition to the referendum questions, SB2412 also blocked established political party committees from putting candidates on the general election ballot if they do not go through the primary process.

SB2412 passed the Illinois House of Representatives by 67-4 on May 1, 2024, with 67 Democrats voting for the bill, four Democrats voting against it, and 39 Republicans and 4 Democrats not voting on the measure. The bill then passed the Illinois State Senate by 35-3 on May 2, 2024, with 35 Democrats voting for the bill and 3 Democrats voting against it, while 19 Republicans and 1 Democrat did not vote.

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title is as follows:[1]

" Should the Illinois Constitution be amended to create an additional 3% tax on income greater than $1,000,000 for the purpose of dedicating funds raised to property tax relief?[2]


Ballotpedia has not located a campaign in support of the ballot measure. You can share campaign information or arguments, along with source links for this information, with us at [email protected].


Ballotpedia has not located a campaign in opposition to the ballot measure. You can share campaign information or arguments, along with source links for this information, with us at [email protected].

Campaign finance

See also: Campaign finance requirements for Illinois ballot measures

Ballotpedia did not identify ballot measure committees registered to support or oppose the ballot measure.[3]

Cash Contributions In-Kind Contributions Total Contributions Cash Expenditures Total Expenditures
Support $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Oppose $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00


Advisory questions in Illinois

See also: Advisory question

An advisory question is a type of ballot measure that ask votes a non-binding question. The largest difference between an advisory vote and any other type of ballot measure is that the outcome of the ballot question is not legally binding and will not directly result in a new, changed, or rejected law or constitutional amendment. Rather, the advisory question allows voters to express their general opinion on the issue.

In Illinois, advisory questions require a simple majority vote in each legislative chamber during one legislative session. That amounts to a minimum of 60 votes in the Illinois House of Representatives and 30 votes in the Illinois State Senate, assuming no vacancies. Advisory questions require the governor's signature to appear on the ballot.

Between 1982 and 2023, Illinois voters decided on three advisory questions. All of these advisory questions were on the ballot in 2014. Voters approved all three advisory questions.

  • Minimum Wage Increase Question (2014): This measure asked voters whether they supported increasing the hourly minimum wage to $10 by January 1, 2015. Voters approved the question by 63.74%-31.76%.
  • Birth Control in Prescription Drug Coverage Question (2014): This measure asked voters whether prescription birth control should be covered in health insurance plans with prescription drug coverage. Voters approved the question by 63.00%-32.34%.
  • Millionaire Tax Increase for Education Question (2014): This measure asked voters whether they supported increasing the tax on incomes greater than one million dollars by 3 percent for the purpose of providing additional revenue to school districts based on their number of students. Voters approved the question by 59.95%-34.24%.

Path to the ballot

Process in Illinois

See also: Laws governing the initiative process in Illinois

Advisory questions require a simple majority vote in each legislative chamber during one legislative session. That amounts to a minimum of 60 votes in the Illinois House of Representatives and 30 votes in the Illinois State Senate, assuming no vacancies. Advisory questions require the governor's signature to appear on the ballot.

Three advisory questions for the 2024 ballot were proposed in Illinois Senate Bill 2412 (SB2412). SB2412 passed the House on May 1, 2024 by 67-4. It passed the Senate on May 2, 2024 by 35-3, and was signed by the governor on May 3, 2024.

Vote in the Illinois House of Representatives
May 1, 2024
Number of yes votes required: 60  Approveda
YesNoNot voting
Total percent58.77%3.5%37.7%

Vote in the Illinois State Senate
May 2, 2024
Requirement: Simple majority vote of all members in each chamber
Number of yes votes required: 30  Approveda
YesNoNot voting
Total percent60.34%5.1%34.4%

How to cast a vote

See also: Voting in Illinois

Click "Show" to learn more about current voter registration rules, identification requirements, and poll times in Illinois.

See also

External links
