Wisconsin 2024 ballot measures

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As of September 1, 2024, five statewide ballot measures were certified for the ballot in Wisconsin in 2024.

  • The Wisconsin State Legislature voted to send two ballot questions to the April primary ballot related to prohibiting non-governmental funds in elections and election administration.
  • The legislature also referred two amendments to the August ballot related to requiring the state legislature's approval before the governor can allocate federal money appropriated to the state and one amendment to the November ballot to add to the state Constitution that only U.S. citizens who are 18 years old or older can vote in federal, state, local, or school elections.
  • On the ballot

    April 2:

    Typ Titel Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Question 1 Administration; Elections Prohibit any level of government in the state from applying or accepting non-governmental funds or equipment for election administration


    638,555 (54%)

    534,612 (46%)


    Question 2 Elections Provide that only election officials designated by law may administer elections


    685,806 (59%)

    483,900 (41%)

    August 13:

    Typ Titel Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Question 1 State legislatures Prohibit the legislature from delegating its power to appropriate money


    521,191 (43%)

    703,607 (57%)


    Question 2 Administration; State legislatures; Budgets Require legislative approval before the governor can expend federal money appropriated to the state


    520,946 (42%)

    705,737 (58%)

    November 5:

    Typ Titel Subject Description


    Citizenship Voting Requirement Amendment Suffrage States in the state Constitution that only U.S. citizens who are 18 years old or older can vote in federal, state, local, or school elections

    Getting measures on the ballot


    In Wisconsin, citizens do not have the power to initiate statewide initiatives or referendums. Voters of Wisconsin have voted on two ballot measures—Question 2 and Question 8 in 1914—to authorize a statewide initiative or referendum process. Both of the ballot measures were rejected.


    The Wisconsin State Legislature can refer statewide ballot measures, in the form of constitutional amendments, state statutes, and advisory questions, to the ballot in even-numbered years and odd-numbered years.

    Wisconsin requires a simple majority vote (50%+1) in each legislative chamber during two successive legislative sessions to refer a constitutional amendment to the ballot. That amounts to a minimum of 50 votes in the Wisconsin House of Representatives and 17 votes in the Wisconsin State Senate, assuming no vacancies. Amendments do not require the governor's signature to be referred to the ballot.

    The state requires a simple majority vote (50%+1) in each legislative chamber during one legislative session to refer statutes and advisory questions to the ballot. The governor's signature is needed for statutes and questions to appear on the ballot.

    Historical facts

    See also: List of Wisconsin ballot measures
    • A total of 39 measures appeared on statewide ballots between 1985 and 2023.
    • From 1985 through 2023, an average of one measure appeared on the ballot during odd-numbered years in Wisconsin.
    • The number of measures appearing on statewide ballots for odd-numbered years between 1985 and 2022 ranged from zero to seven.
    • Between 1985 and 2023, 30 measures were approved and nine were defeated.

    Local ballot measures

    See also: Wisconsin 2024 local ballot measures

    Click here to read more about 2024 local ballot measures in Wisconsin.

    See also

    External links