John Deaton (Massachusetts)

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John Deaton
Image of John Deaton

Candidate, U.S. Senate Massachusetts

Elections and appointments
Next election

November 5, 2024


High school

Highland Park High School


New England Law, 1995


Service / branch

U.S. Marine Corps

Years of service

1995 - 2002

Attorney and business owner

John Deaton (Republican Party) is running for election to the U.S. Senate to represent Massachusetts. He is on the ballot in the general election on November 5, 2024. He advanced from the Republican primary on September 3, 2024.

Deaton completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. Click here to read the survey answers.


John Deaton served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1995 to 2002. He earned a high school diploma from Highland Park High School. Deaton earned a bachelor's degree from Eastern Michigan University and a J.D. from New England School of Law in 1995. His career experience includes working as the owner and managing partner of Deaton Law Firm, as the Marine Senior Defense Counsel and Chief Prosecutor at Marine Corps Air Station, and as a Special Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Arizona. He is also a bestselling author.[1][2][3]



See also: United States Senate election in Massachusetts, 2024

General election

General election for U.S. Senate Massachusetts

Incumbent Elizabeth Warren, John Deaton, Shiva Ayyadurai, Joseph Schena, and Brandon James Griffin are running in the general election for U.S. Senate Massachusetts on November 5, 2024.

Image of
Elizabeth Warren (D)
Image of
John Deaton (R) Candidate Connection
Image of
Shiva Ayyadurai (Unenrolled)
Silhouette Placeholder Image.png
Joseph Schena (Unenrolled)
Silhouette Placeholder Image.png
Brandon James Griffin (Workers Party) Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Democratic primary election

Democratic primary for U.S. Senate Massachusetts

Incumbent Elizabeth Warren advanced from the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate Massachusetts on September 3, 2024.

Image of
Elizabeth Warren

Total votes: 562,709
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Republican primary election

Republican primary for U.S. Senate Massachusetts

John Deaton defeated Robert Antonellis and Ian Cain in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate Massachusetts on September 3, 2024.

Image of
John Deaton Candidate Connection
Image of
Robert Antonellis
Image of
Ian Cain

Total votes: 94,130
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Withdrawn or disqualified candidates


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Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

John Deaton completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Deaton's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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John Deaton is a U.S. Marine veteran, cancer survivor, father to three daughters, trial attorney, author and someone who overcame impossible odds to build a life for his family and become a champion for other underdogs.

  • I will fight to secure the border, end catch and release, and fight to reform the asylum process, while expanding legal immigration.
  • America faces a debt crisis. The poor and middle-class feel this pain the most. For too long, the federal government has been living well beyond its means – and Americans are feeling the consequences of politicians in D.C. running up the tab. In the Senate, I will vote to control the growth of government spending, and I will fight to eliminate wasteful and unnecessary pork-barrel spending.
  • I’m a strong supporter of term limits and will work hard to see them implemented. I also pledge now that I will self-impose a limit of two terms in the Senate. Congress is dominated by career politicians, like Elizabeth Warren, who become conflicted by special interests and fierce loyalty to only a party or political agenda. Simply put, if you can’t effectuate change within twelve years of being in Washington, then someone else should get a chance.

Immigration, Veterans Services, Inflation & Debt, Poverty & Class Warfare, Education

Food Stamp Warrior: A Memoir

This country faces multiple crises, and Massachusetts is ground zero. Our biggest crisis is a crisis of leadership. Career politicians are more focused on their own advancement and celebrity than they are on doing what’s right for the American people. They are so focused on reelection that they’ll do whatever their party tells them to. Senator Warren is more focused on special interest groups and her political ambitions than the people she is supposed to represent.

Congress’ approval rating is at a record low, and for good reason. The first thing that needs to happen is to elect politicians that aren’t afraid to reach across the aisle and tackle the biggest problems we face as a nation.

Washington has a spending problem. Senators like Elizabeth Warren think every issue should be solved by charging the government’s credit card. We can’t tax our way out of the mounting trillions of dollars of debt. This spending problem is causing record high inflation and hurting working and middle class families. Massachusetts likes to pride itself on being a national leader, but in 2024 we lead America as the most expensive state for a family of four to call home.

Government spending is driving up inflation, which in turn causes high interest rates. We can’t tackle the housing crisis when families can’t even afford to get a mortgage. It is not only an immediate issue, it is an issue that will affect our children and their grandchildren. Politicians vote for trillion-dollar spending packages that are thousands of pages. Most don’t even know what they’re voting for. When I get to the U.S. Senate, that’s going to change.

I am absolutely in favor of term limits. If you can’t get the job done in 12 years, then it’s time for you to step aside and let someone step up who can. One of the first bills I plan to pass when I am elected Senator is to enact a two-term limit (12 years) on the Senate, and a three-term limit on the House of Representatives (6 years). In fact, I signed a pledge steps away from the U.S. Capitol that when elected to the Senate, I will not run for a third term.

Senator Warren is Exhibit A of what happens in Washington, DC. Twelve years ago, Senator Warren promised to hold the bankers accountable following the 2008 financial crisis. Now, the banking industry writes her bills. She didn’t have the skill set to beat them, so she joined them.

The U.S. Senate holds a unique position as the upper chamber in Congress with the power to pass legislation. This is a power that, unfortunately, our senators have abused. In the current Congress, senators like Elizabeth Warren use the Senate’s power to promote their own agendas and grab headlines that serve their self-interests. What senators are supposed to do is work across the aisle on legislation that benefits their state, but also America as a whole. In congruence with the House, it is up to the Senate to address pressing issues this country faces for the President to sign into law.

Instead, Senator Warren has used the Senate to introduce far-left legislation that has no chance passing through the Senate, let alone the House. When bipartisan legislation was introduced, like the border bill to address this country’s immigration crisis, Senator Warren voted no in the procedural vote, stopping the bill from moving to a vote on the floor. When the bill came back for a second time for a procedural vote, Senator Warren was absent. Senator Warren has only passed one bill during her 12 years in office, but she has introduced plenty. Voters in the Commonwealth, however, are aware that she is more focused on grabbing headlines than working with her colleagues to pass legislation that will actually help the people of Massachusetts. Massachusetts is facing multiple crises, and Senator Warren has not done anything to address these crises. The Senate, as a whole, has become so partisan that politicians are more focused on keeping their power in an election year than working to pass bills.

The current political environment breeds career politicians. A senator should be judged by the legislation they pass that benefits their home state. Far too many Senators, like Elizabeth Warren, are more focused on their own notoriety, special interest groups and big donors. A Senator should be focused on representing their constituents’ needs in Congress above all else. They are in Congress as representatives and are paid by taxpayers. Their boss is the people of their state, and if they are more focused on their self-service instead of public service then it’s time for them to retire.

While Senator Warren’s intentions when she first ran may have been pure, she is a perfect example of what happens when politicians become entrenched with the Washington elite. Senator Warren ran on the promise of holding bankers accountable after the 2008 financial crisis. Now, the banks are writing her bills.

The filibuster is a longstanding Senate rule that I favor, but unfortunately it has been corrupted by partisan politics. If you want a snapshot of why Americans are so frustrated with Congress, the filibuster is a perfect example. Instead of politicians working across the aisle to find compromise, the filibuster is used for grandstanding or to block legislation. It doesn’t help that with an equally divided Congress, Senators only vote along party lines, making the 60 vote threshold nearly impossible to achieve. That is why major issues that are impacting Massachusetts and this country are not touched. It has become political suicide to vote with the other side of the aisle for fear of retribution. As Massachusetts’ next U.S. Senator, my test will be simple: is it good for the Commonwealth, and is it good for America? Senators take an oath to the U.S. Constitution, not the Republican or Democratic Parties.

When voters ask me this question, I tell them that I am a John Deaton Republican. There is no one with my type of background and experience that will give me a unique set of skills to govern. Politicians emulate others as a political model for their own advancement and the result is a dysfunctional Congress that doesn’t put the needs of Americans first.

I am a nonpartisan person. As a U.S. Marine veteran, we are taught to focus on the mission above all else. Unlike career politicians, I have a simple test: is it good for Massachusetts, and is it good for America? My focus will be on the issue, not the politician or the party.

Compromise is absolutely necessary for policy making. Congress’ inability to compromise is why just 12% of Americans approved of the job they’re doing, according to a recent Gallup poll. The same poll showed that the top issue for Americans is immigration, and when poised to vote on a bipartisan bill to address the border, Senator Warren voted no.

Since I am the opposite of Senator Elizabeth Warren in almost every way, I am interested in taking her seat on the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. Unlike Senator Warren, I actually grew up in extreme poverty. My family survived off food stamps. Still, there were times my siblings and I went to bed hungry. I remember my mother’s anxiety when the banks would charge her a transaction fee. Those couple of dollars mattered to families like mine.

Through hard work and determination, I was able to break the cycle of poverty. My life experiences place me in a position to actually hold big banks accountable. Senator Warren fights against people and policies, where instead I will fight for people and policies. Our approaches could not be more different.

As a U.S. Marine Veteran, I am also interested in the Veterans Affairs Committee. Our veterans deserve our eternal gratitude and support. I will fight every day in Congress to make sure their needs are met and they are honored for their service with health care and wraparound services.

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

Campaign website

Deaton’s campaign website stated the following:




Today, our country faces an unprecedented crisis at our southern border. MA guarantees a right to shelter to the homeless, and because of that law enacted in 1983, the Commonwealth has become Ground Zero in the migrant crisis. In fact, during the summer of 2023, Democratic Governor Maura Healey declared the Commonwealth in a state of emergency, caused by the inflow of illegal migrants. The crisis has gotten so bad, Logan Airport had to be used as an emergency shelter location for the migrants. Poor kids, living in Roxbury, were kicked out of a recreational center to house the influx of migrants. The Governor even asked the public to open their homes to help house undocumented, unknown individuals from around the world, including from regions where hatred for America and Democracy are fostered. As someone who grew up in extreme poverty, I can easily relate to anyone who longs for a better life and I believe most of the undocumented migrants are good people, desiring a better life. But even if only a small percentage of people illegally entering America have bad intentions, our national security is at risk. Simply put, the status quo is unsustainable, undermines legal immigration, and it will cost MA taxpayers billions of dollars.

For too long, politicians in Washington have failed to act, and under Elizabeth Warren’s watch the problem has exploded. There are no winners under the immigration policies supported by Senator Warren – our people are less safe, our social service agencies and health care system are overwhelmed, and our poorest communities and citizens have less access to the amenities and services they rely on. The migrants themselves find themselves victims of human trafficking and horrific crimes at the hands of the cartels I will fight to secure the border, end catch and release, and fight to reform the asylum process, while expanding legal immigration. The status quo provides a preference to migrants breaking our laws over those trying to do it the right way. Elizabeth Warren opposed the bipartisan immigration bill, that while imperfect, would have been a valuable first step.


America faces a debt crisis. The U.S. Government is $34 trillion in debt, while personal credit card debt has crossed over $1 trillion for the first time. Almost 40% of Americans don’t have $500 dollars in case of an emergency and student loan debt stands at over $1.6 trillion. The U.S. now spends more money servicing its debt than it does on National Defense. The interest payment alone on our Debt is $1 trillion. It is simply unsustainable, yet career politicians, like Elizabeth Warren, continue to sacrifice future generations by saddling them with debt and excessive spending.

Spending in D.C. has grown to crisis levels, contributing to the worst runaway inflation crisis since the early 1980s. Inflation is a tax on working families, costing the average American family $1,069 more per month in the last three years. The poor and middle-class feel this pain the most. For too long, the federal government has been living well beyond its means – and Americans are feeling the consequences of politicians in D.C. running up the tab. In the Senate, I will vote to control the growth of government spending, and I will fight to eliminate wasteful and unnecessary pork-barrel spending.


I grew up in extreme poverty. My family survived on welfare and food stamps, so I know, better than most, how some people need help. It is honorable and noble for a government to help its citizens in need during temporary hardships, and I will always support doing so.

As a young man growing up in poverty, later a U.S. Marine Officer, and today a father of three girls and a successful small businessperson, I reflect more on the opportunities than the challenges. I am indeed grateful. Through the years, income inequality has been a political slogan for Elizabeth Warren. For me, it has been my life. I dedicated my time and energy to overcoming income inequality in my own life and now I want to do the same helping others overcome it as well. I want to help others who are now experiencing the brutalities of poverty to escape as well.

Elizabeth Warren thinks that government is the only answer, and she wants to invest more in government and less in people. Our welfare system, our failing urban schools, and a system encouraging dependance over independence does nothing to help kids and communities struggling with income inequality. I should know, I was one of those kids.

Senator Warren’s path pits American versus American and falls way short of fostering independence. Instead, her approach encourages dependence and fosters generational poverty. She tells us that the “wealthy” are the enemy of the poor. I can tell you, growing up poor, I never hated those that had more than me. Instead, I would waive them down and ask for advice. Elizabeth Warren promotes an environment that seeks to punish success, not encourage it. She pretends that fighting against the rich and the wealthy is the same as fighting for the poor and the middle class. It is not. It is much more impactful and meaningful to fight for people, and for something, instead of fighting against people, and against things. My approach is about lifting people up – not tearing them down.

For a family living in poverty or living paycheck to paycheck, a few more dollars is helpful – but not a solution. We need to fundamentally fix our broken government. Nothing hits working families and the poor more than the inflationary spending and debt supported by Warren. Her tax proposals threaten to remove more money from our small businesses and provide it to the federal government.

As your next Senator, I will fight for policies like reforming the Accredited Investor Rule, which currently excludes over 90% of the population from being able to own private equity the way members of Congress can. We should invest in infrastructure, education, and social services, especially in struggling and impoverished neighborhoods, and we should make it easier for businesses to open shop in distressed urban centers through tax incentives. Those impoverished communities should not be left to rot in abject poverty. I plan to do something about it.


Congress is broken and we live in a Corruption era of government. Our federal government has been hijacked by lobbyists and big-money special interests. Twelve years ago, Elizabeth Warren said she’d fight this system, yet today, the big banks and corporations she said she’d fight write her bills. After a decade in Washington D.C., Senator Warren has become the number one lobbyist for the big banks.

I will fight for term limits, a 3–5-year ban on lobbying for elected officials when they leave office, and full transparency in campaign finance laws. I will fight for a bill that prevents Members of Congress from owning and trading individual stocks, which will prevent the ongoing insider trading happening in Congress. I will close the revolving door between our regulators and private industry. The Chairman of the FDA or SEC should not be able to immediately go work for Pfizer or Goldman Sachs. I will propose a 3–5-year ban preventing regulators from working for companies they oversaw while in government service.


Our climate is changing. For coastal states like ours, the impact of climate change is greater.

I oppose the Green New Deal. We need a multi-faceted and balanced approach to tackling this issue that protects our economy and is not ignorant to what is happening across the globe including emerging economies. We need to move ourselves through an energy transition, reducing our carbon footprint in a very systematic way while not causing a significant detriment to our economic well-being. Current policies promoted by Elizabeth Warren hurt the poor and middle class. Pursuing renewable energy and independence from fossil fuels is a must, but it must not be achieved on the backs of the people struggling the most. No one should have to choose between their next meal and their electricity bill. We must implement a plan that eventually achieves carbon neutrality in a sensible way.

I’m confident that our future lies in renewable and sustainable energy, and that the ingenuity of this country, especially in places like Massachusetts, is poised to lead the rest of the world. In the Senate, I will support policies that promote reasonable sustainable growth in clean energy industries and green technology. I will support laws that protect consumers and the end users while incentivizing small businesses and entrepreneurs to invent technologies that help meet our environmental goals. Massachusetts always wins when ingenuity, innovation and technological advances are incentivized and pursued. We can meet our energy and environmental goals while creating new jobs, without punishing American workers and the middle class in the process.


Having served in the U.S. Marine Corps, I understand the personal sacrifice that our men and women in uniform – and their families – make to keep our nation safe. When elected, supporting Veterans will be my top priority.

I support choice for Veterans. I believe we should expand the Veterans Choice Program to allow Veterans to seek treatment outside of the VA system to meet their medical needs and reduce the strain on the VA.

We must expand mental health services for Veterans returning home from foreign wars and conflicts. Thousands of troops have returned home from Afghanistan and Iraq with PTSD that has gone untreated. This is wrong, and as your next Senator, I will fight to be on the Veterans Affairs Committee and fight to ensure that every service member who needs care receives it.


I’m a strong supporter of term limits and will work hard to see them implemented. I also pledge now that I will self-impose a limit of two terms in the Senate.

Congress is dominated by career politicians, like Elizabeth Warren, who become conflicted by special interests and fierce loyalty to only a party or political agenda. Simply put, if you can’t effectuate change within twelve years of being in Washington, then someone else should get a chance.


The brutal terrorist attacks of October 7th serve as a solemn reminder that evil, and anti-Semitism still exist in our world. I strongly believe that Israel has the absolute right to defend itself and its borders. Hamas is a terrorist organization whose Charter is the complete destruction and annihilation of Israel and to bring death to every Jew. Any solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must include an unequivocal acknowledgment of Israel’s right-to-exist. In sum, Hamas seeks to kill Jews and Americans and it must be defeated. From being the sole democracy in a troubled part of the world, to sharing intelligence on terrorists who want to kill Americans, Israel is one of America’s strongest allies in the world – and supporting Israel is in America’s interests. With that said, as a former Marine Judge Advocate and someone trained in the Rules of Engagement – I believe those rules must be followed. Even a country defending itself from an act of genocide must takes measures to reduce the loss of civilian life, whenever possible.


America has lost over 1 million lives due to opioid addiction. Every 5 minutes, 1 person dies in the USA from a drug overdose and 72% of the overdoses are fentanyl. Currently, Opioid-related overdose deaths in MA increased by 2.5% in 2022 compared to 2021 with rates among Black residents making up the largest increase. Unfortunately, MA often ranks in the top 10 states for drug overdose deaths. The fentanyl crisis in this country is directly related to the Southern Border crisis. China is exporting fentanyl through our southern border, and we must address the root of the problem, or the U.S. will continue battling addiction and losing American lives. We must secure the border and invest in treatment and behavioral health.


For over two decades, politicians in both parties have let China run amok on the global stage. Communist China steals our intellectual property, manipulates their currency to undercut American workers, is exporting fentanyl through our southern border, and is a major carbon emitter.

China seeks to expand its geopolitical influence across the Middle East, Africa, and increasingly, Europe. To counter the growing threat of Communist China, we should pursue pro-growth economic policies, at home, to make America a more competitive place to invest and create jobs. We must also improve our relationships with our trading partners so we can increase our exports to foreign markets and return American jobs lost to China.

China is without question America’s biggest economic competitor, and we must maintain the global advantage. Enhancing education and skill training programs will ensure a highly skilled workforce, which is essential for driving economic growth and competitiveness. We must invest in infrastructure projects like transportation, broadband, clean energy and cyber security to help advance America’s economic strength. Negotiating fair trade deals, addressing trade imbalances, and attracting foreign investments will help significantly. We must incentivize and support small businesses and entrepreneurs. We maintain a global advantage by investing in innovation and technology.[4]

—John Deaton’s campaign website (2024)[5]

Campaign finance summary

Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.

John Deaton campaign contribution history
2024* U.S. Senate MassachusettsOn the Ballot general$1,759,288 $930,807
Grand total$1,759,288 $930,807
Sources: OpenSecretsFederal Elections Commission ***This product uses the openFEC API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
* Data from this year may not be complete

See also

External links


  1. LinkedIn, "John Deaton," accessed August 5, 2024
  2. John Deaton for Senate, "MEET JOHN," accessed August 5, 2024
  3. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on August 8, 2024
  4. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  5. John Deaton for Senate, “ISSUES,” accessed August 5, 2024

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Democratic Party (11)