Lieutenant Governor of Delaware

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Delaware Lieutenant Governor

Seal of Delaware.svg.png

General information
Office Type:  Partisan
Office website:  Official Link
Compensation:  $83,884
2024 FY Budget:  $785,500
Term limits:  Two terms
Length of term:   Four years
Authority:  Delaware Constitution, Article III, Section 19
Selection Method:  Elected
Current Officeholder

Lieutenant Governor of Delaware Bethany Hall-Long
Democratic Party
Assumed office: January 17, 2017

Next election:  November 5, 2024
Last election:  November 3, 2020
Other Delaware Executive Offices
GovernorLieutenant GovernorSecretary of StateAttorney GeneralTreasurerAuditorSecretary of EducationAgriculture SecretaryInsurance CommissionerNatural Resources SecretaryLabor SecretaryPublic Service Commission

The Lieutenant Governor of the State of Delaware is an elected constitutional officer, the second ranking officer of the executive branch and the first officer in line to succeed the Governor of Delaware. The lieutenant governor is popularly elected every four years by a plurality.

Current officeholder

The current officeholder is Bethany Hall-Long (D). She won the general election on November 8, 2016, and was sworn into office on January 17, 2017.[1]


The state constitution addresses the office of the lieutenant governor in Article III, the Executive Department.

Delaware Constitution, Article III, Section 19

A Lieutenant-Governor shall be chosen at the same time, in the same manner, for the same term, and subject to the same provisions as the Governor...


State Executives
Current Governors
Gubernatorial Elections
Current Lt. Governors
Lt. Governor Elections

Under Article III, Section 6 of the state constitution, the lieutenant governor must be at least 30 years old, a citizen of the United States for at least 12 years on the day of the election, and a resident of Delaware for at least six years on the same date.


Delaware state government organizational chart
See also: Gubernatorial election cycles by state
See also: Election of lieutenant governors

Delaware elects lieutenant governors during presidential election years (e.g. 2020, 2024, 2028, etc.). Legally, the lieutenant gubernatorial inauguration is always set for the third Tuesday in the January following an election.

In the event that two candidates receive the exact same vote tally at the general election, a joint session of the legislature shall cast ballots to choose one-third of the members of each chamber to make up a special joint committee, which will in turn cast ballots for the lieutenant governor. In the event that the legislature is also tied, the President of the Senate shall have the deciding vote (§ 4).

Although in practice the candidate for lieutenant governor is nominated as a ticket with the candidate for governor, the offices of governor and lieutenant governor are voted on separately in Delaware. In two instances—1972 and 1984—the governor and lieutenant governor were elected from different parties.


See also: Delaware lieutenant gubernatorial election, 2024

General election candidates

Note: The candidate list in this election may not be complete.

Candidate Connection = candidate completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey
Democratic Party Democratic primary candidates

Did not make the ballot:

Candidate Connection = candidate completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey
Republican Party Republican primary candidates

This primary was canceled and this candidate advanced:


See also: Delaware lieutenant gubernatorial election, 2020

General election candidates

Did not make the ballot:

Democratic Party Democratic primary candidates

This primary was canceled and this candidate advanced:

Republican Party Republican primary candidates

This primary was canceled and this candidate advanced:


See also: Delaware Lieutenant Gubernatorial election, 2016

The general election for lieutenant governor was held on November 8, 2016.

Bethany Hall-Long defeated La Mar Gunn in the Delaware lieutenant governor election.

Delaware Lieutenant Governor, 2016
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Democratic Green check mark transparent.png Bethany Hall-Long 59.44% 248,141
     Republican La Mar Gunn 40.56% 169,291
Total Votes 417,432
Source: Delaware Secretary of State


See also: Delaware lieutenant gubernatorial election, 2012

Incumbent Matthew Denn defeated challengers Sher Valenzuela (R) and Margie Waite-McKeown (L) in the November 6, 2012 general election.

Lieutenant Governor of Delaware General Election, 2012
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Democratic Green check mark transparent.pngMatthew Denn Incumbent 61.6% 238,959
     Republican Sher Valenzuela 37.1% 143,978
     Libertarian Margie Waite-McKeown 1.3% 5,206
Total Votes 388,143
Election results via Delaware State Board of Elections


Lieutenant Governor of Delaware, 2008
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Democratic Green check mark transparent.pngMatthew Denn 61.3% 236,744
     Republican Charles Copeland 38.7% 149,223
     Blue Enigma Party Peter Cullen 0% 92
Total Votes 386,059
Election results via Delaware Elections Commission

Term limits

Delaware's lieutenant governor is subject to a lifetime limit of two terms in office. Term limits for the office of lieutenant governor are defined in Article III, Section 19 of the Delaware Constitution to match the term limits of the governor.

Delaware Constitution, Article III, Section 19:

A Lieutenant-Governor shall be chosen at the same time, in the same manner, for the same term, and subject to the same provisions as the Governor; he or she shall possess the same qualifications of eligibility for office as the Governor; he or she shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote unless the Senate be equally divided.

The Lieutenant-Governor, for his or her services as President of the Senate, shall receive the same compensation as the Speaker of the House of Representatives; the Lieutenant-Governor, for his or her services as a member of the Board of Pardons and for all other duties of the said office which may be provided by law, shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed by the General Assembly.

The two-term limit for governors of Delaware is established in Article III, Section 5 of the Delaware Constitution.

Delaware Constitution, Article III, Section 5:

The Governor shall hold his office during four years from the third Tuesday in January next ensuing his election; and shall not be elected a third time to said office.


Details of vacancies are addressed under Article III, Section 20.

The lieutenant governor is the lone officer of the executive who may not be removed, for cause, by the governor. If the governor's office becomes vacant through death, disability or resignation, the lieutenant governor is first in the line of succession. If the lieutenant governor's office becomes vacant, it will not be filled until a new officer is chosen in the next regularly scheduled election and sworn in the following January.

Whenever the powers and duties of the office of Governor shall devolve upon the Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, or Attorney-General, his or her office shall become vacant... and any such vacancy shall be filled as directed by this Constitution; provided, however, that such vacancy shall not be created in case either of the said persons shall be acting as Governor during a temporary disability of the Governor.


The lieutenant governor serves as the President of the Delaware State Senate and may cast tie-breaking votes. The lieutenant governor also has a constitutionally provided seat on the Delaware Board of Pardons.[2]

The governor may assign the lieutenant governor additional responsibilities.

State budget

See also: Delaware state budget and finances

The budget for the Lieutenant Governor's Office in the Fiscal Year 2024 was $785,500.[3]


See also: Comparison of lieutenant gubernatorial salaries and Compensation of state executive officers

The lieutenant governor's pay is set by law and may not be increased or diminished effective during the current term.


In 2022, the officer's salary was $83,884, according to the Council of State Governments.[4]


In 2021, the lieutenant governor received a salary of $82,239, according to the Council of State Governments.[5]


In 2020, the lieutenant governor received a salary of $82,239 according to the Council of State Governments.[6]


In 2019, the lieutenant governor received a salary of $81,239 according to the Council of State Governments.[7]


In 2018, the lieutenant governor received a salary of $80,239 according to the Council of State Governments.[8]


In 2017, the lieutenant governor received a salary of $79,053 according to the Council of State Governments.[9]


In 2014, the lieutenant governor received a salary of $78,553 according to the Council of State Governments.[10]


In 2013, the lieutenant governor was paid an estimated $78,553. This figure comes from the Council of State Governments.


In 2012, the lieutenant governor was paid an estimated $77,775. This figure comes from the Council of State Governments.


In 2010, the lieutenant governor was paid $74,345 a year, the 32nd highest lieutenant gubernatorial salary in America.

Historical officeholders

There have been 26 lieutenant governors of Delaware since 1901. Of the 26 officeholders, 12 were Republican and 14 were Democrat.[11]

List of officeholders from 1901-Present
# Name Tenure Party
1 Phillip L. Cannon January 15, 1901 – January 17, 1905 Republican Party
2 Isaac Thomas Parker January 17, 1905 – January 19, 1909 Republican Party
3 John M. Mendinhall January 19, 1909 – January 21, 1913 Republican Party
4 Colen Ferguson January 21, 1913 – January 16, 1917 Democratic Party
5 Lewis T. Eliason January 16, 1917 – May 2, 1919 Democratic Party
6 J. Danford Bush January 18, 1921 – January 20, 1925 Republican Party
7 James Hall Anderson January 20, 1925 – January 15, 1929 Republican Party
8 James Henry Hazel January 15, 1929 – January 17, 1933 Republican Party
9 Roy F. Corley January 17, 1933 – January 19, 1937 Republican Party
10 Edward Webb Cooch January 19, 1937 – January 21, 1941 Democratic Party
11 Isaac James MacCollum January 21, 1941 – January 16, 1945 Democratic Party
12 Elbert Nortrand Carvel January 16, 1945 – January 18, 1949 Democratic Party
13 Alexis Irenee du Pont Bayard January 18, 1949 – January 20, 1953 Democratic Party
14 John W. Rollins, Sr. January 20, 1953 – January 15, 1957 Republican Party
15 David Penrose Buckson January 15, 1957 – December 30, 1960 Republican Party
16 Eugene Lammot January 17, 1961 – January 19, 1965 Democratic Party
17 Sherman Willard Tribbitt January 19, 1965 – January 21, 1969 Democratic Party
18 Eugene Bookhammer January 21, 1969 – January 18, 1977 Republican Party
19 James D. McGinnis January 18, 1977 – January 20, 1981 Democratic Party
20 Michael Newbold Castle January 20, 1981 – January 15, 1985 Republican Party
21 Shien Biau Woo January 15, 1985 – January 20, 1989 Democratic Party
22 Dale E. Wolf January 20, 1989 – December 31, 1992 Republican Party
23 Ruth Ann Minner January 19, 1993 – January 3, 2001 Democratic Party
24 John C. Carney January 16, 2001 – January 20, 2009 Democratic Party
25 Matthew Denn January 20, 2009 – January 6, 2015 Democratic Party
26 Bethany Hall-Long January 17, 2017 - Present Democratic Party

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Delaware Lieutenant Governor. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

Contact information

150 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. South
3rd Floor
Dover, DE 19901

Phone: (302) 744-4333

See also

Delaware State Executive Elections News and Analysis
Seal of Delaware.png
Ballotpedia RSS.jpg
Delaware State Executive Offices
Delaware State Legislature
Delaware Courts
Delaware elections: 202420232022202120202019201820172016
Party control of state government
State government trifectas
State of the state addresses
Partisan composition of governors

External links
