Nevada's 3rd Congressional District elections, 2014

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U.S. House, Nevada District 3 General Election, 2014
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngJoe Heck Incumbent 60.8% 88,528
     Democratic Erin Bilbray 36.1% 52,644
     Libertarian Randy Kimmick 1.1% 1,566
     Independent David Goossen 1.1% 1,637
     Independent Steven St John 0.9% 1,344
Total Votes 145,719
Source: Nevada Secretary of State



Nevada's 3rd Congressional District

General Election Date
November 4, 2014

Primary Date
June 10, 2014

November 4 Election Winner:
Joe Heck Republican Party
Incumbent prior to election:
Joe Heck Republican Party
Joe Heck.jpg

Race Ratings
Cook Political Report: Likely R[1]

FairVote's Monopoly Politics: Lean R[2]
Sabato's Crystal Ball: Likely R[3]

Nevada U.S. House Elections
District 1District 2District 3District 4

2014 U.S. Senate Elections

Flag of Nevada.png

The 3rd Congressional District of Nevada held an election for the U.S. House of Representatives on November 4, 2014. Incumbent Rep. Joe Heck (R) defeated Erin Bilbray (D), Randy Kimmick (L), David Goossen (I) and Steven St John (I) in the general election.


Although Nevada's 3rd District was one of Ballotpedia's U.S. House battleground districts in 2014, the final general election results revealed a less than competitive race, with Rep. Heck defeating Bilbray by 24.7 percent of the vote. Historically, Nevada's 3rd had been considered a swing district, and Heck had won his previous two election bids by much narrower margins. He won by 0.6 percent in 2010 and 7.5 percent in 2012. The district had voted Democratic in the previous two presidential elections, voting for President Barack Obama by 8.9 percent in 2008 and 0.8 percent in 2012.

Heading into the general election, political analysts such as those from The Cook Political Report, FairVote's Monopoly Politics and Sabato's Crystal Ball predicted an advantage for Republicans in the district.[4][5][6] Many of these ratings had been changed from more competitive to less competitive during the election cycle. In July 2014, Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call changed the race's rating from "Leans Republican" to "Republican Favored."[7] Later, in August, The Cook Political Report commented that, "operatives on both sides agree Heck is in an enviable position."[8] Then, on October 16, 2014, Sabato's Crystal Ball moved seven districts, including Heck's, from "Likely Republican" to "Safe Republican" due to "underwhelming Democratic candidates."[9]

One major factor in Heck's success was his advantage in campaign contributions. Throughout the 2014 election cycle, Heck's campaign committee raised $2,402,397.89, over twice Bilbray's $1,118,057.80.[10] In addition, outside groups spent $1,703,762 helping Heck in his re-election bid, while they spent only $13,473 supporting Bilbray.[11]

Bilbray's disadvantage may have been compounded by a poorly run campaign. Even Democratic leaders who had initially supported Bilbray criticized her for her campaign strategies. Sen. Harry Reid (D) was one of the first to support Bilbray in her 2014 bid for election, but in August 2014, after three of Bilbray's staffers quit working for the campaign, Reid remarked, "Bilbray should win, but her campaign has been hit and miss. It hasn't been a great campaign."[12]

Bilbray admitted that the campaign was a difficult process for her. She stated, "There's this model of candidates going into a back room with no windows and just being on the phone hour after hour after hour asking for money. For somebody who is really more gregarious like myself, who gets my energy from being with other people, that was very draining."[12] The campaign went through three campaign managers in just eight months, and in May 2014 the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) decided not to buy ads in Nevada's 3rd District, though they spent $43 million among 36 other districts.[12] In October 2014, Roll Call rated Bilbray as one of the nine biggest "Candidate Flameouts," calling Bilbray one of the "2014 cycle’s most disappointing candidates."[13]

Heck may have had an especially large advantage in 2014, as Republicans across the nation experienced what some called a "GOP wave," increasing their majority in the U.S. House and gaining the majority in the Senate.[14] Many attributed this trend to midterm dissatisfaction and overall low approval ratings of President Barack Obama (D).[15]

Candidate Filing Deadline Primary Election General Election
March 14, 2014
June 10, 2014
November 4, 2014

Primary: A primary election is an election in which registered voters select a candidate that they believe should be a political party's candidate for elected office to run in the general election. They are also used to choose convention delegates and party leaders. Primaries are state-level and local-level elections that take place prior to a general election. Nevada has a closed primary system, in which the selection of a party's candidates in an election is limited to registered party members.[16][17]

Voter registration: To vote in the primary, voters had to register by May 10, 2014. For the general election, the voter registration deadline was October 14, 2014.[18]

See also: Nevada elections, 2014

Incumbent: Heading into the election the incumbent was Joe Heck (R), who was first elected in 2010.

Nevada's 3rd Congressional District is located in the southern portion of the state and includes a portion of Clark County.[19]


General election candidates

June 10, 2014, primary results

Republican Party Republican Primary

Democratic Party Democratic Primary


Election results

General election

U.S. House, Nevada District 3 General Election, 2014
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngJoe Heck Incumbent 60.8% 88,528
     Democratic Erin Bilbray 36.1% 52,644
     Libertarian Randy Kimmick 1.1% 1,566
     Independent David Goossen 1.1% 1,637
     Independent Steven St John 0.9% 1,344
Total Votes 145,719
Source: Nevada Secretary of State

Primary election

U.S. House, Nevada District 3 Democratic Primary, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngErin Bilbray 84% 13,204
Zachary Campbell 16% 2,511
Total Votes 15,715
Source: Nevada Secretary of State - Official Election Results

Race background

Republican incumbent Joe Heck's narrow re-election victory in 2012, combined with Obama's win over the district, signaled to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that the 3rd District was vulnerable to partisan switch in 2014.

According to a Roll Call report released on Jan. 22, the DCCC capitalized on the elite guest lists at events surrounding the presidential inauguration to vet potential candidates in three promising congressional districts, including Democratic National Committeewoman Erin Bilbray, who had expressed interest in the 3rd District seat prior to her arrival in Washington.[23][24]

Democratic Super PAC House Majority PAC listed incumbent Joe Heck as one of 10 they were targeting as vulnerable incumbent Republicans in 2014, with the focus on those holding competitive seats.[25]

Primary election background

Bilbray won the Democratic primary on June 10, 2014, by a wide margin of victory.[26] As of two weeks before the primary election, her challenger, Zachary Campbell, did not have a campaign website and had not done any significant advertising or fundraising. News articles simply referred to him as Bilbray's "little-known opponent."[27] Meanwhile, Incumbent Rep. Heck ran unopposed for the Republican nomination.


Joe Heck

Joe Heck received the following endorsements for his 2014 re-election campaign:

Erin Bilbray

Erin Bilbray was endorsed by the following groups:[29]


See also: Energy and the 2014 election: the ballots and beyond

Campaign themes

Joe Heck

Joe Heck listed the following issues on his campaign website:[30]

  • Healthcare: Joe Heck is fighting for a better alternative. Joe Heck’s solution supports Nevada’s families by protecting the patient-physician relationship and reducing health care costs. Joe Heck is working to protect Medicare for Nevada’s seniors and preserve it for future generations.
  • Jobs and the Economy: Joe Heck’s plan to fast track the tourist visa process will bring much needed economic growth to Southern Nevada and help businesses open and put Nevada men and women back to work.
  • Government Spending: Joe Heck has pushed for an audit of the Federal Reserve and for a vote on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.
  • Energy: Joe Heck also supports efforts to develop alternate sources of energy like wind, solar, geothermal and hydro power as part of a long range solution to the energy crisis. Joe Heck successfully sponsored the Hoover Power Act to ensure a supply of low cost, renewable energy from Hoover Dam for 50 years.
  • Housing: He has supported programs that help homeowners who are underwater and introduced legislation to give folks who lost a home to foreclosure a second chance at homeownership and the American dream. Joe is an independent voice in gridlocked Washington who puts the interests of Nevada families and homeowners first.
  • Excessive Regulations: Joe Heck supported efforts to stop new government regulations during this time of scarce jobs and high unemployment. Joe Heck also supported efforts restricting the ability of unelected bureaucrats to impose regulations on Nevadans that could cost jobs.
  • Protecting Veterans: Dr. Heck believes the benefits of every service member who has sacrificed for his or her country must be safeguarded. Joe Heck believes we have a responsibility to deliver on the promises made to those who have volunteered to serve our country.


—Joe Heck, Campaign website (archive)

Erin Bilbray

Erin Bilbray listed the following themes, among others, on her campaign website:[32]

  • Jobs: "My highest priority is getting our economy back on track and creating an environment for businesses to create good-paying jobs to put still struggling Nevadans back to work. Congress can help small businesses succeed by getting out of the way, cutting red tape and excessive regulation, encouraging banks to lend again, and providing tax relief for small businesses. We need to encourage job growth here in Nevada–not China–by ending tax loopholes that encourage companies to go or expand overseas."
  • Deficit and Spending: "Congress needs to take a lesson from Nevada families and live within its means. I will work to cut wasteful spending and take away Congress' credit card by enforcing pay-as-you-go rules. Our budget reflects our values: we can and must invest in our children, in infrastructure, and the ability of our seniors to retire with dignity while we continue to reduce the deficit. I'll work to eliminate corporate tax loopholes, while protecting tax relief for the middle class."
  • Health Care: "Health care costs continue to be too high for both patients and small businesses. The Affordable Care Act contains a lot of common sense solutions, such as protecting coverage for those with pre-existing conditions, lowering drug costs for seniors, and allowing young people to stay on their parents' insurance plan for a longer period. But the results of full implementation remain to be seen. I believe we still need to do more to contain costs. I'm proud that my husband and I created Nevada's only completely free pediatric health clinic."
  • Medicare and Social Security: "I will not support any plan to privatize Social Security and Medicare. I believe we cannot fix our fiscal problems on the backs of our retirees. Congress needs to address the deficit and spending by eliminating corporate tax loopholes, cutting spending, cracking down on waste and fraud, and tightening our belts. It is not right to ask Americans who have paid into a system their entire lives to sacrifice before Congress takes these issues seriously."
  • Immigration: "I support comprehensive immigration reform that is tough, fair, and practical. First, we need to increase border security and enforcement. I support bringing people back into the immigration system legally through a path to citizenship for those without criminal records. Reform must include a reasonable plan for paying back taxes and fines, securing education, and gaining employment."


—Erin Bilbray, Campaign website (archive)

Randy Kimmick

Randy Kimmick listed the following issues on his campaign website:[33]

  • Defense: It is long over due to bring our troops back home where they belong. We need to be able to defend the United States not the whole world.
  • Foreign Policy: Neturality. It seems as if we are being led into another war, this time in the Urkraine. This country has little to do with our national self interest. I will oppose any efforts to involve us in this conflict. The war in Iraq is back. We have declared war on Syria. I oppose both of these new wars.
  • Economy: From recent research there is a business cycle. It has an 8.6 year time frame. The variable is the volitility of the cycle. Our leaders assume they can change this cycle by passing laws. These only cause more problems. It is like trying to turn winter into summer. Better to understand there is a cycle. Like the seasons, learn to plan and live with them. Thanks to Armstrong Economics for all their work.


—Randy Kimmick, Campaign website (archive)

Steven St John

Steven St John listed the following issues on his campaign website:[34]


I believe that it is a federal, state, county and is a combined effort to create jobs.1.) We reduce taxes, reduce regulations and get government out of businesses combined with incentatves for those businesses that hire the unemployed as new employees. 2.) We expanded training classes other than leisure and hospitality and construction. 3.) We expand foreign markets for small businesses. 4.) Create, update, expand national jobs databases of jobs that are available by county or city. 5.) Subdize "mini" jobs 15 to 20 hours a week for seniors and students and a reward program for hiring long term employess as they do in Germany as a model. 6.) Diversify, significant incentatives for those businesses to move back from overseas and nationally to move to District 3 in Nevada. 7.) A new program-Co-Oping small businesses to form small groups to share the cost of doing business with understanding that they hire both the unemployed and new employees. 8.) Increasing funding for infrastructure. 9.) Increase tourism by more aggressive marketing throughout the U.S. 10.) Expand alternative energy focusing on roof top solar panels in district 3.

My goal is simple. Create Jobs is my number one priority. [31]

—Steven St John, Steven St John campaign website (archive)


General election polls

Joe Heck vs. Erin Bilbray
Poll Joe Heck Erin BilbrayUndecidedMargin of ErrorSample Size
The Mellman Group, Inc. (April 21-23, 2014)
Note: A "0%" finding means the candidate was not a part of the poll. The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to [email protected]

Key votes

Government affairs

HR 676

See also: Boehner's lawsuit against the Obama administration

Yea3.png On July 30, 2014, the U.S. House approved a resolution 225 to 201 to sue President Barack Obama for exceeding his constitutional authority. Five RepublicansThomas Massie of Kentucky, Paul Broun of Georgia, Scott Garrett of New Jersey, Walter Jones of North Carolina and Steve Stockman of Texas—voted with Democrats against the lawsuit.[35] Heck joined the other 224 Republicans in favor of the lawsuit. All Democrats voted against the resolution.[36][37]

Campaign contributions

Joe Heck

Candidates for Congress were required to file up to seven main reports with the Federal Election Commission during the 2014 elections season. Below are Heck's reports.[38]

Erin Bilbray

Candidates for Congress were required to file up to seven main reports with the Federal Election Commission during the 2014 elections season. Below are Bilbray's reports.[48]

Erin Bilbray (2014) Campaign Finance Reports
BerichtDate FiledBeginning BalanceTotal Contributions
for Reporting Period
ExpendituresCash on Hand
October Quarterly[49]October 14, 2013$0.00$253,158.62$(58,224.04)$194,934.58
Year-End[50]January 31, 2014$194,934.58$164,661.65$(114,072.54)$245,523.69
April Quarterly[51]April 15, 2014$245,523.69$271,528.27$(90,533.67)$426,518.29
Pre-Primary[52]May 29, 2014$426,518.29$76,689.64$(115,831.70)$387,376.23
July Quarterly[53]July 15, 2014$387,376.23$147,599.72$(35,833.27)$499,142.68
October Quarterly[54]October 15, 2014$499,142.68$172,864.20$(561,896.14)$110,110.74
Pre-General[55]October 23, 2014$110,110.74$31,555.70$(93,545.85)$48,120.59
Running totals



Service Employees International Union (SEIU) launched an ad campaign on July 15, 2014, targeting four Republican incumbents in the U.S. House over their chamber’s inaction on immigration reform in 2014.

The ad campaign targeted Cory Gardner and Mike Coffman (Colorado) of Colorado, David Valadao of California and Heck of Nevada with a round of Spanish-language television ads for about two weeks. The ad buy was in the mid-six figures.[56]

Erin Bilbray

Introductory campaign video from Erin Bilbray[57]

District history

Candidate ballot access
Ballot Access Requirements Final.jpg

Find detailed information on ballot access requirements in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.


The 3rd Congressional District of Nevada held an election for the U.S. House of Representatives on November 6, 2012, in which incumbent Joe Heck (R) won re-election. He defeated John Oceguera (D), Tom Jones (Independent American) and Jim Murphy (I) in the general election.[58] The primary was held on June 12.[59]

U.S. House, Nevada District 3 General Election, 2012
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Democratic John Oceguera 42.9% 116,823
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngJoe Heck Incumbent 50.4% 137,244
     Independent American Party of Nevada Tom Jones 2.1% 5,600
     Independent Jim Murphy 4.7% 12,856
Total Votes 272,523
Source: Nevada Secretary of State "U.S. House of Representatives Results"


On November 2, 2010, Joseph Heck won election to the United States House. He defeated incumbent Dina Titus (D), Barry Michaels (I), Scott David Narter (Independent American) and Joseph P. Silvestri (L) in the general election.[60]

U.S. House, Nevada District 3 General Election, 2010
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngJoseph Heck 48.1% 128,916
     Democratic Dina Titus incumbent 47.5% 127,168
     Independent Barry Michaels 2.4% 6,473
     Independent American Scott David Narter 0.5% 1,291
     Libertarian Joseph P. Silvestri 1.5% 4,026
Total Votes 267,874

See also

External links


  1. Cook Political Report, "2014 House Race Ratings for August 8, 2014," accessed August 25, 2014
  2. FairVote's Monopoly Politics, "2014 House Projections," accessed August 25, 2014
  3. Sabato's Crystal Ball, "2014 House Races," accessed August 25, 2014
  4. Cook Political Report, "2014 House Race Ratings for July 26, 2014," accessed July 31, 2014
  5. FairVote's Monopoly Politics, "2014 House Projections," accessed August 25, 2014
  6. Sabato's Crystal Ball, "2014 House Races," accessed July 31, 2014
  7. Roll Call, "Rating Change: Nevada’s 3rd District," accessed November 24, 2014
  8. Las Vegas Sun, "Bilbray losing ground? Group says Heck ‘in an enviable position’," accessed November 24, 2014
  9. Sabato's Crystal Ball, "2014: A Tale of Two Elections," accessed November 24, 2014
  10. OpenSecrets, "Nevada District 03 Race, Summary Data," accessed November 24, 2014
  11. OpenSecrets, "Nevada District 03 Race, Outside Spending," accessed November 24, 2014
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Las Vegas Sun, "Erin Bilbray’s once promising congressional campaign collapsed without clear strategy," accessed November 24, 2014
  13. Roll Call, "The 9 Biggest Candidate Flameouts," accessed November 24, 2014
  14. The Washington Post, "Yes, this was a GOP wave election," accessed November 24, 2014
  15. New York Daily News, "Republicans ride wave of anger against Obama to recapture Senate," accessed November 24, 2014
  16. NCSL,"State Primary Election Types," accessed April 17, 2023
  17. Clark County Nevada,"Election Department: How Party Affiliation Affects You in Elections," accessed April 17, 2023
  18. Long Distance Voter, "Voter Registration Rules," accessed January 3, 2014
  19. Nevada Redistricting Map, "Map," accessed September 25, 2012
  20. Roll Call, "DCCC Uses Inauguration to Tout Potential House Recruits," accessed January 22, 2013
  21. Mother Jones, "Poker Champ Frank Kassela—a Democrat for One Week—Is Running for Congress," accessed November 5, 2013
  22. Law Vegas Sun, "Poker player Frank Kassela drops bid for Congress," accessed March 19, 2014
  23. Roll Call, "DCCC Uses Inauguration to Tout Potential House Recruits," accessed January 22, 2013
  24. Raltson Reports, "Democratic national committeewoman exploring run against Rep. Joe Heck," accessed January 9, 2013
  25. Sunshine State News, "Democratic Super-PAC Targets Steve Southerland," accessed March 8, 2013
  26. Associated Press, "Nevada - Summary Vote Results," accessed September 10, 2014
  27. Las Vegas Review Journal, "Similar registration makes 3rd Congressional District race state’s most competitive," accessed May 27, 2014
  28. The Washington Post, "Mitt Romney returns to political stage as Republicans prepare for midterms," accessed May 27, 2014
  29. Erin Bilbray for Congress, "Endorsements," accessed March 26, 2014
  30. Joe Heck for Congress, "Issues," accessed October 2, 2014
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  32. Erin Bilbray for Congress, "On the Issues," accessed March 25, 2014
  33. Kimmick for Congress, "Issues," accessed October 2, 2014
  34. Steven St John For Congress, "The Number 1 Priority," accessed September 15, 2014
  35. U.S. House, "House Resolution 676," accessed July 30, 2014
  36. Associated Press, "Suing Obama: GOP-led House gives the go-ahead," July 31, 2014
  37. Washington Post, "House clears way for lawsuit against Obama," accessed July 30, 2014
  38. Federal Election Commission, "Heck 2014 Summary reports," accessed July 22, 2013
  39. FEC, "April Quarterly," accessed July 22, 2013
  40. FEC, "July Quarterly," accessed July 22, 2013
  41. FEC, "October Quarterly," accessed October 25, 2013
  42. FEC, "Year-End Quarterly," accessed November 24, 2014
  43. FEC, "April Quarterly," accessed April 23, 2014
  44. FEC, "Pre-Primary," accessed October 23, 2014
  45. FEC, "July Quarterly," accessed October 23, 2014
  46. FEC, "October Quarterly," accessed October 23, 2014
  47. FEC, "Pre-General," accessed November 24, 2014
  48. Federal Election Commission, "Erin Bilbray Summary Report," accessed April 23, 2014
  49. Federal Election Commission, "Erin Bilbray October Quarterly," accessed March 19, 2014
  50. Federal Election Commission, "Erin Bilbray Year End," accessed March 19, 2014
  51. Federal Election Commission, "Erin Bilbray April Quarterly," accessed April 23, 2014
  52. Federal Election Commission, "Erin Bilbray Pre-Primary," accessed November 4, 2014
  53. Federal Election Commission, "Erin Bilbray July Quarterly," accessed November 4, 2014
  54. Federal Election Commission, "Erin Bilbray October Quarterly," accessed November 4, 2014
  55. Federal Election Commission, "Erin Bilbray Pre-General," accessed November 4, 2014
  56. Politico, "Service Employees International Union targets four House Republicans," accessed July 15, 2014
  57. YouTube, "Dedicated," accessed March 26, 2014
  58. Politico, "2012 Election Map, Nevada," accessed November 7, 2012
  59. Nevada Secretary of State, "2012 Congressional primary results," accessed May 5, 2014
  60. U.S. Congress House Clerk, "Statistics of the Congressional Election of November 2, 2010," accessed March 28, 2013

District 1
District 2
District 3
Susie Lee (D)
District 4
Democratic Party (5)
Republican Party (1)