Santa Ana Unified School District, California

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Santa Ana Unified School District
School Board badge.png
Orange County, California
District details
Superintendent: Jerry Almendarez
# of school board members: 5
Website: Link

Santa Ana Unified School District is a school district in California.

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This information is updated as we become aware of changes. Please contact us with any updates.

Jerry Almendarez is the superintendent of the Santa Ana Unified School District. Almendarez was appointed superintendent in November 2019. His previous career experience includes serving as the superintendent of the Colton Joint Unified School District.[1]

Past superintendents

  • Alan Rasmussen and Richard V. Tauer were the interim superintendents of the Santa Ana Unified School District from August to November 2019. Rasmussen's previous career experience includes working as an assistant superintendent for personnel and educational services, principal, and teacher. Tauer's previous career experience includes working as an educational consultant and the superintendent of the Westminster School District.[2]
  • Stefanie P. Phillips was the superintendent of the Santa Ana Unified School District from 2016 to 2019. Phillips' previous career experience includes working as the district's deputy superintendent of business and operations and chief financial officer.[3][4]

School board

In 2022, the Santa Ana Unified Board of Education switched from at-large to by-district elections. Two of the five seats transitioned to by-district seats in 2022 and three seats are transitioning to by-district seats in 2024.[5]

This officeholder information was last updated on May 15, 2024. Please contact us with any updates.


See also: Santa Ana Unified School District elections in 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, and 2024

Members of the Santa Ana Unified Board of Education are elected on a staggered basis every even-numbered year. Special elections for vacancies on the board can be held during odd-numbered years.

Three seats on the board are up for general election on November 5, 2024.

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Public participation in board meetings

The Santa Ana Unified School District Board of Education maintains the following policy on public participation during board meetings:[6]


Public Participation

Members of the public are encouraged to attend Board meetings and to address the Board concerning any item on the agenda or within the Board’s jurisdiction. So as not to inhibit public participation, persons attending Board meetings shall not be requested to sign in, complete a questionnaire, or otherwise provide their name or other information as a condition of attending the meeting. In order to conduct district business in an orderly and efficient manner, the Board requires that public presentations to the Board comply with the following procedures:

1. The Board shall give members of the public an opportunity to address the Board on any item of interest to the public that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, either before or during the Board's consideration of the item. (Education Code 35145.5, Government Code 54954.3) RESPONSIBLE OFFICE(S): Office of the Superintendent REVIEWED: 01/24/2017

2. At a time so designated on the agenda at a regular meeting, members of the public may bring before the Board matters that are not listed on the agenda. The Board shall take no action or discussion on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except as authorized by law. (Education Code 35145.5; Government Code 54954.2).

3. Without taking action, Board members or district staff members may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed by the public about items not appearing on the agenda. Additionally, on their own initiative or in response to questions posed by the public, a Board or staff member may ask a question for clarification, make a brief announcement, or make a brief report on his/her own activities. (Government Code 54954.2)

Furthermore, the Board or a Board member may provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information, ask staff to report back to the Board at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter, or take action directing staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (Government Code 54954.2)

4. The Board need not allow the public to speak on any item that has already been considered by a committee composed exclusively of Board members at a public meeting where the public had the opportunity to address the committee on that item. However, if the Board determines that the item has been substantially changed since the committee heard the item, the Board shall provide an opportunity for the public to speak. (Government Code 54954. 3) (cf. 9130 - Board Committees)

5. A person wishing to be heard by the Board shall first be recognized by the president and shall then proceed to comment as briefly as the subject permits.

Individual speakers shall be allowed three minutes to address the Board on each agenda or nonagenda item. The Board shall limit the total time for public input on each item to 20 minutes. With Board consent, the Board president may increase or decrease the time allowed for public presentation, depending on the topic and the number of persons wishing to be heard. The president may take a poll of speakers for or against a particular issue and may ask that additional persons speak only if they have something new to add.

In order to ensure that non-English speakers receive the same opportunity to directly address the Board, any member of the public who utilizes a translator shall be provided at least twice the allotted time to address the Board, unless simultaneous translation equipment is used to allow the Board to hear the translated public testimony simultaneously. (Government Code 54954.3)

6. The Board president may rule on the appropriateness of a topic, subject to the following conditions:

a. If the topic would be more suitably addressed at a later time, the Board president may indicate the time and place when it should be presented.
b. The Board shall not prohibit public criticism of its policies, procedures, programs, services, acts, or omissions. (Government Code 54954.3)
c. The Board shall not prohibit public criticism of district employees. However, whenever a member of the public initiates specific complaints or charges against an individual employee, the Board president shall inform the complainant of the appropriate complaint procedure. (cf. 1312.1 - Complaints Concerning District Employees) (cf. 9321 - Closed Session Purposes and Agendas)

7. The Board president shall not permit any disturbance or willful interruption of Board meetings. Persistent disruption by an individual or group or any conduct or statements that threaten the safety of any person(s) at the meeting shall be grounds for the president to terminate the privilege of addressing the Board.

The Board may remove disruptive individuals and order the room cleared if necessary. In this case, members of the media not participating in the disturbance shall be allowed to remain, and individuals not participating in such disturbances may be allowed to remain at the discretion of the Board. When the room is ordered cleared due to a disturbance, further Board proceedings shall concern only matters appearing on the agenda. (Government Code 54957.9)

When such disruptive conduct occurs, the Superintendent or designee shall contact local law enforcement as necessary.[7]

District map


The following statistics were published by the National Center for Education Statistics, which is a part of the U.S. Department of Education.[8]

Revenue, 2020-2021
Federal: $132,651,000 $2,996 16%
Local: $242,881,000 $5,486 28%
State: $480,493,000 $10,853 56%
Total: $856,025,000 $19,336
Expenditures, 2020-2021
Total Expenditures: $793,325,000 $17,919
Total Current Expenditures: $708,261,000 $15,998
Instructional Expenditures: $452,725,000 $10,226 57%
Student and Staff Support: $77,080,000 $1,741 10%
Administration: $80,925,000 $1,827 10%
Operations, Food Service, Other: $97,531,000 $2,203 12%
Total Capital Outlay: $62,021,000 $1,400
Construction: $59,865,000 $1,352
Total Non El-Sec Education & Other: $257,000 $5
Interest on Debt: $17,934,000 $405

Teacher salaries

The following salary information was pulled from the district's teacher salary schedule. A salary schedule is a list of expected compensations based on variables such as position, years employed, and education level. It may not reflect actual teacher salaries in the district.

Year Minimum Maximum
2022-2023[9] $68,853 $133,412
2019-2020[10] $59,122 $114,555

Academic performance

Each year, state and local education agencies use tests and other standards to assess student proficiency. Although the data below was published by the U.S. Department of Education, proficiency measurements are established by the states. As a result, proficiency levels are not comparable between different states and year-over-year proficiency levels within a district may not be comparable because states may change their proficiency measurements.[11]

The following table shows the percentage of district students who scored at or above the proficiency level each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2020-2021 23 55-59 <50 21 21-39 20-29 20-29
2018-2019 25 64 20-29 24 20-24 40-44 35-39
2017-2018 24 63 20-29 23 11-19 40-44 40-44
2016-2017 25 69 20-24 22 20-29 60-64 65
2015-2016 22 60 20-24 21 20-29 35-39 35-39
2014-2015 21 56 15-19 20 <=20 35-39 40-44
2013-2014 62 85-89 >=50 61 PS >=50 70-79
2012-2013 53 83 65-69 52 50-59 75-79 70-74
2011-2012 58 84 60-64 56 60-79 70-74 73
2010-2011 57 83 55-59 55 <50 75-79 72

The following table shows the percentage of district students who scored at or above the proficiency level each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2020-2021 37 65-69 >=50 35 21-39 30-39 40-49
2018-2019 32 64 30-39 31 25-29 50-54 45-49
2017-2018 30 66 30-39 29 20-29 50-54 50-54
2016-2017 31 70 40-44 28 20-29 70-74 79
2015-2016 29 63 35-39 28 20-29 40-44 45-49
2014-2015 25 60 30-34 24 <=20 45-49 50-54
2013-2014 50 75-79 >=50 49 PS >=50 70-79
2012-2013 43 73 65-69 42 40-59 75-79 65-69
2011-2012 47 79 60-64 44 21-39 70-74 84
2010-2011 45 76 60-64 43 <50 75-79 82

The following table shows the graduation rate of district students each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2019-2020 91 90-94 >=50 90 PS >=50 >=90
2018-2019 88 90-94 PS 88 PS >=50 >=80
2017-2018 88 >=95 >=50 88 PS >=50 >=80
2016-2017 91 >=95 >=50 91 PS 80-89
2015-2016 92 >=95 >=50 91 >=50 >=90
2014-2015 89 >=95 >=50 89 PS PS >=80
2013-2014 87 90-94 >=80 87 PS >=50 80-89
2012-2013 86 90-94 60-79 86 PS >=50 80-89
2011-2012 85 90-94 >=50 85 PS >=50 80-89
2010-2011 83 85-89 >=80 82 PS >=50 >=90


Year Enrollment Year-to-year change (%)
2022-2023 39,935 -4.8
2021-2022 41,835 -5.8
2020-2021 44,271 -2.9
2019-2020 45,576 -3.0
2018-2019 46,961 -13.1
2017-2018 53,131 -2.6
2016-2017 54,505 -2.6
2015-2016 55,909 -1.6
2014-2015 56,815 -1.2
2013-2014 57,499 0.2
2012-2013 57,410 0.3
2011-2012 57,250 -0.1
2010-2011 57,319 0.7
2009-2010 56,937 -0.9
2008-2009 57,439 0.7
2007-2008 57,061 -0.4
2006-2007 57,286 -3.5
2005-2006 59,310 -4.0
2004-2005 61,693 -1.9
2003-2004 62,874 -1.2
2002-2003 63,610 2.7
2001-2002 61,909 2.0
2000-2001 60,643 4.3
1999-2000 58,043 0.0
Racial Demographics, 2022-2023
RACE Santa Ana Unified School District (%) California K-12 STUDENTS (%)
American Indian/Alaska Native 0.3 0.0
Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 2.1 0.0
Black 0.2 0.0
Hispanic 96.0 0.0
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.2 0.0
Two or More Races 0.4 0.0
White 0.8 0.0

Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.


As of the 2022-2023 school year, Santa Ana Unified School District had 1,958.17 full-time classroom teachers. The student-teacher ratio was 20.39.

Teachers, 2022-2023 school year
Prekindergarten: 0.00
Kindergarten: 168.19
Elementary: 1,104.83
Secondary: 685.15
Total: 1,958.17

Santa Ana Unified School District employed 17.00 district administrators and 114.00 school administrators as of the 2022-2023 school year.

Administrators, 2022-2023 school year
District Administrators: 17.00
District Administrative Support: 66.47
School Administrators: 114.00
School Administrative Support: 185.57
Other staff, 2022-2023 school year
Instructional Aides: 497.77
Instruc. Coordinators & Supervisors: 29.00
Total Guidance Counselors: 169.00
Elementary Guidance Counselors: 101.00
Secondary Guidance Counselors: 51.00
Librarians/Media Specialists: 4.17
Library/Media Support: 0.00
Student Support Services: 162.40
Other Support Services: 1,040.91


The Santa Ana Unified School District operates 52 schools. They are listed below in alphabetical order.
List of schools
Abraham Lincoln Elementary535KG-5
Adams Elementary387KG-5
Advanced Learning Academy332KG-12
Andrew Jackson Elementary545KG-5
Carl Harvey Elementary323KG-5
Century High1,7089-12
Cesar E. Chavez High2299-12
Diamond Elementary396KG-5
Douglas Macarthur Fundamental Intermediate1,1456-8
Franklin Elementary355KG-5
Fremont Elementary402KG-5
Garfield Elementary509KG-5
George Washington Carver Elementary412KG-5
Gerald P. Carr Intermediate1,0266-8
Gonzalo Felicitas Mendez Fundamental Intermediate1,2936-8
Greenville Fundamental Elementary907KG-5
Hector G. Godinez2,0269-12
Heroes Elementary434KG-5
Jefferson Elementary609KG-5
Jim Thorpe Fundamental825KG-5
John F. Kennedy Elementary441KG-5
John Muir Fundamental Elementary688KG-5
Julia C. Lathrop Intermediate7426-8
Lorin Griset Academy2689-12
Lowell Elementary476KG-5
Madison Elementary825KG-6
Manuel Esqueda Elementary892KG-8
Martin Elementary496KG-5
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary481KG-5
Martin R. Heninger Elementary900KG-8
Mcfadden Institute Of Technology1,063KG-8
Middle College High3819-12
Mitchell Child Development0
Monroe Elementary250KG-5
Monte Vista Elementary392KG-5
Pio Pico Elementary436KG-5
Raymond A. Villa Fundamental Intermediate1,0826-8
Reach Academy2266-12
Romero-Cruz Academy932KG-8
Roosevelt Walker Academy753KG-5
Saddleback High1,5977-12
Santa Ana High3,1359-12
Santiago Elementary944KG-8
Segerstrom High2,4899-12
Sierra Preparatory Academy742KG-8
Taft Elementary429KG-6
Thomas A. Edison Elementary359KG-5
Valley High2,1979-12
Wallace R. Davis Elementary417KG-5
Washington Elementary559KG-5
Willard Intermediate4576-8
Wilson Elementary452KG-5

Contact information

Santa Ana Unified School District seal.jpg

Santa Ana Unified School District
1601 East Chestnut Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92701-6322
Telefon: 714-558-5501

About school boards

Education legislation in California

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See also

California School Board Elections News and Analysis
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External links
