We Need Everyone

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Product Details
$18.99  $17.66
Highwater Press
Datum veröffentlichen
8.9 X 9.1 X 0.5 inches | 0.8 pounds

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About the Author

Michael Redhead Champagne, born and raised in Winnipeg's North End, is an award-winning community organizer, public speaker, and a proud member of Shamattawa First Nation. Michael believes we all have a gift and shows youth the path to discover their own. He is solution oriented and passionate about building system literacy, encouraging volunteerism, and engaging communities to be involved in the design, delivery, and evaluation of any initiative that affects them.

Michael leads by example and travels across Canada sharing his gift with others. Whether he is speaking to educators, youth, the business community or the not-for-profit sector his goal is the same, to help heal, shape and create a call to action for everyone.

Tiff Bartel is an award-winning Viet-Canadian multimedia artist based in Winnipeg. Her body of work includes illustration, filmmaking, design, animation, music, sculpture, and more.


The gifts of children shine as bright as the stars in the sky...no gift is too small and no gift should be dismissed.

-- "Penticton Herald"

Perfect for a conversation about social and emotional skills....a great springboard to talk about the important skills we need as humans and how sharing our gifts impacts those around us.

-- "@myliteracyspace"

Among@ParentsClub Book Recommendations

-- "@ParentsClub"

An engaging, encouraging primer on how to develop one's skills to make the world a better place.

-- "Kirkus"

Champagne's debut picture book presents a simple, practical call to action for young readers, making it clear that embracing one's true self is beneficial not only for oneself but for the world around them. Tiff Bartel's cheerful illustrations, via dynamic, active images, depict a diversity of children and their gifts, thereby complementing Champagne's inclusive message.Recommended.

-- "CM Association"