Air quality modeling guidance for permits


General Permitting Questions


Colorado Modeling Guidance for Air Quality Permits

  • Minor update: Colorado Minor NSR Source Modeling Guideline for Air Quality Permits May 2023 (minor revision, Appendix C February 2024)
    • Additional minor update to Table 1: Modeling Thresholds, made April 2024.
  • Permit Modeling Unit (PMU) Determinations.
    • Traditional Construction Permits
      • If an applicant is unsure if modeling will be required to conduct a required National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) analysis, the APCD-114 Form (updated August 2024) should be filled out to obtain a decision prior to submitting a permit application or a Modeling Analysis to the Air Pollution Control Division. Form Instructions are provided in the Modeling Requirements Determination Form APCD-114 Instructions. Additional clarification can be found in the Permitting Section Addendum to the Modeling Guideline.
      • Once a determination is made, the applicant will be provided documentation of the PMU Determination by the division. The APCD-114 Form and PMU Determination must be included in the permit application and will be part of the source or modification's permit application record. If a determination of "Modeling Required" is made, the applicant must submit a Modeling Analysis demonstrating compliance with the NAAQS with the permit application. If a determination of “Modeling Not Required” is made, the completed APCD-114 Form and PMU Determination, which demonstrates NAAQS compliance, will be included as part of the source or modification’s permit application record and no further analysis will be required. 
    • New General Permit Registrations: GP01, GP02, GP05, GP06, GP07, GP08, GP09, GP10 and GP11
      • In order to evaluate if modeling will be required to conduct a required NAAQS analysis pursuant to the Colorado Minor NSR Source Modeling Guideline for Air Quality Permits (May 2023), the APCD-114 Form (updated December 14, 2023) should be filled out to obtain a decision prior to submitting a general permit registration or a Modeling Analysis to the division. The instructions are provided in the Modeling Requirements Determination Form APCD-114 Instructions. Additional clarification can be found in the Permitting Section Addendum to the Modeling Guideline.
      • Once a determination is made, the applicant will be provided documentation of the PMU Determination by the division. The APCD-114 Form and PMU Determination must be included in the general permit registration and will be part of the source’s permit application record. If a determination of “Modeling Not Required” is made, the completed APCD-114 Form and PMU Determination will be included as part of the source or modification’s permit application record and no further analysis will be required. If a determination of "Modeling Required" is made, the applicant must submit a Modeling Analysis demonstrating compliance with the NAAQS to the division and obtain a Modeling Review Report, which is written approval of the Modeling Analysis, prior to submitting a general permit registration. The Modeling Review Report or determination of “Modeling Not Required” must be submitted with the General Permit registration for the registration to be complete.

Unit Impact Multiplier tables

The Unit Impact Multiplier tables are a tool that applicants will be able to use in place of a model analysis to show compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, where applicable. The final tables will be provided with instructions, a calculation form and technical guidance.

The division is evaluating the use of the proposed Unit Impact Multiplier tables. Instructions on incorporating the tool within the permitting process will be released in fall 2024. 


External Model Review Program

The Permit Modeling Unit oversees the option for external third-party review services.
If there is a statutory backlog, an external independent contractor may be available upon request to review the air modeling associated with a permit application for a source not subject to Part C of the Clean Air Act (Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality). Colorado Senate Bill 22-1193, revised statutes 25-1.5-101-25-1.5-113, created the option to use external contractors if a modeling review backlog occurs within the air division.

An external modeling review process could be faster and would impose additional cost to the applicant. To learn more about the External Model Review Program,email [email protected].


Meteorological & Geophysical Data for Air Quality Permit Modeling


Federal Modeling Support