Regional haze



Colorado developed a federally required Regional Haze Plan for the first implementation period of Regional Haze which was first approved by the Air Quality Control Commission in January 2011 and subsequently approved on December 31, 2012 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  In 2014, a settlement was reached on Best Available Retrofit Technology control at the Craig Station that was later updated and expanded to include Nucla Station resulting in additional emissions reductions and targeted revisions to the Regional Haze Plan. The updated plan was approved by the Commission on December 15, 2016 and approved by the EPA on July 5, 2018.  Colorado is now working on the plan for the second implementation period of Regional Haze, which is due to the EPA on July 31, 2021.  The stakeholder process began in June 2019.  If you are interested in being involved in the Regional Haze process, please contact Josh Korth, [email protected] or 303-692-3135.