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Career & Employment Search

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Logo

Take the Career Coach assessment and explore career options!
Click on the MGCCC logo to begin.

Career Coach Program

Job Scout logoJob Scout will help you discover your career interests and search for jobs that match you.  Click on the logo.



Build Your Future logoBuild Your Future focuses on career pathways in construction. 
Click on the logo to begin exploring.


A successful job search incorporates three essential elements.  Utilize the resources on the Employment pages to prepare.

Resume clipart of a word cloud


A powerful RESUME clearly communicates skills and qualities.  Click on the icon to begin writing a resume that will be noticed.


Job search clipart of a word cloud

An organized and effective EMPLOYMENT SEARCH will maximize your time and effort.  Click on the icon to get started.


Interview clipart of a word cloud

Polished INTERVIEW SKILLS will help land the job.  Click on the icon to learn how to shine.

How important are the "Soft Skills?"