Costuming:SL anh vader

From 501st Legion Databank
Darth Vader: ANH
SL vader anh full.jpg
Model SL-1020, Photo by Jessica Tampa
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: Darth Vader: ANH
Prefix: SL
Detachment: Sith Lord Detachment
Context: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

See also: ROTS Vader, ESB Vader, ROTJ Vader

For 501st membership, only the requirements in black need to be met.

The Sith Lord Detachment defines additional, optional levels of costuming excellence. In the page below, items listed under “For level two certification” are recommended features that will greatly improve the quality of the costume. These items are not required for 501st membership, but are highly recommended. Items listed under “For level three certification” are some of the highest level accuracy features for those who strive to be screen accurate. Please visit the SLD site for more specific details.

Please note:

  • Visit the Frequently asked questions page for information on the Rubies Supreme Vader costume.
  • All uses of the term silver in this document imply a machined aluminum look.
  • Weathered or used aspects referred to in text, may not necessarily be depicted in photos.
  • Click pictures to enlarge and view details; the text only highlights the key aspects of each component.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

SL vader anh dome.jpeg Dome
  • The dome is a polished satin black, but doesn't have an overall dull or high gloss appearance.
  • There is a "Y" shaped indentation in the front center of the dome brow above where it comes to a sharp point between the eyes of the mask.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The black paint used on the dome matches that used on the face mask and the chest armor.
  • The dome is weathered to achieve the non-uniform semi-gloss look.
  • The brow of the dome sits very close to the mask covering the brows of the mask.
  • The brow also sits such that the sharp point on the dome brow is even with or slightly below the top notch on the bridge of the mask’s nose.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • When viewed from the side, the bottom of the dome slopes downward to the back in order to almost hide the back edge of the face mask neck. The back edge may show as seen on one side due to the asymmetrical nature of the mask and the dome being mounted so far forward on the mask.
  • The center ridge is prominent from the rest of the dome and not rounded off.
  • When the wearer looks up such that the lower tubes on the sides of the mask are horizontal or slightly pointing upward, the very back of the dome is almost touching or flush with the cape.

SL vader anh face.jpeg Face Mask
  • The face mask is painted in an alternating pattern of polished satin black (not having an overall dull or high gloss appearance) and non-gloss gunmetal/dark grey (the blueish tint in both the face mask and dome pictures is due to the lighting only and is not present on the actual mask).
  • The face mask is asymmetrical.
  • The lenses are slightly bubbled and tinted amber/dark grey (eyes are not visible behind lenses).
  • The lower mouth vent is triangular with sharp corners, and is roughly half the size of the upper mouth vent.
  • Large, black, diamond-shaped mesh is inset in both vents; additional black screen backing may be used to conceal the wearer’s face further.
  • The tusks are metal, silver, and have rounded (hemispherical) tips.
  • There is not a substantial gap between the neck of the face mask and the top of the chest armor.
  • No skin is visible from any angle (under or through the mask).
  • No neck brace is worn with the face mask.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The lenses are tinted amber with a reddish hue.
  • The black and grey paints used on the face mask match that used on the dome and the chest armor.
  • The face mask is weathered to achieve the non-uniform semi-gloss look on the black parts.
  • There is no black section of paint starting at the cheek on the wearer's left side running to the back of the mask as seen on the ESB or ROTJ face mask.
  • All features of the face mask (corners, edges, etc.) have a sharp, crisp, and non-rounded look to them.
  • The tusk on the wearer's right is substantially weathered black.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • Brush strokes are slightly noticeable in the grey sections on the face mask to partially show the black underneath.
  • The eye sockets (areas bordering the lenses) are painted black with the exception of the bridge of the nose.
  • On the wearer's right, the grey section of paint directly above the cheek comes to a sharp point on the side of the nose.
  • The small lower section of the wearer's left cheek is painted black (to contrast the cheek) while the section on the wearer's right may be partially painted grey.
  • The wearer's right side of the mask is higher than the left side (asymmetrical).
  • The neck of the face mask sits on the top part of the chest armor when the wearer looks slightly downward.

Generic-balaclava.jpg Balaclava
  • A balaclava is a black head sock/hood that is worn under the helmet and is used primarily to hide the following features: the wearer's mouth which could be seen through the mouth and chin vents, the wearer's neck which could be seen under and around the neck of the mask (especially during movement of the head), and the back of the wearer's neck/head which could be seen from the back at a low angle underneath the dome.
  • While the balaclava is labeled as "required" merely because it is the simplest way to ensure that none of the features listed above are visible when the wearer is in full costume as well as to keep the wearer's head cool, any other items or methods that achieve the same result may be used instead of an actual balaclava.

SL vader anh cape.jpeg Cape
  • The cape is made of black wool (or wool equivalent), three-quarters circle, floor length, and lined with black satin.
  • The cape collar is black leather (or leather-like material), and is one inch to one and a quarter inches in width.
  • The cape is held closed with a chain, or fastened/positioned to give the same effect as being held closed with a chain.
  • The front of the cape collar is pulled under the neck of the mask so that the cape chain is not visible.
  • Optional: The cape chain may rest across the bottom of the neck of the mask with 4 chain links showing. If this option is chosen, the chain must be a plastic rectangular/oblong linked dark grey chain, which is attached to the underside of the collar with no visible attachment device showing on the collar when in full costume.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The cape is made of wool and the cape collar should be made of leather.
  • The cape collar should not be visible in full costume when viewing the wearer from behind.
  • The edges of the cape drape over the front corners of the chest armor thus hiding the shoulder bells while the wearer's arms are at his/her side; the edges do not drape so far inward that they overlap onto the outermost raised sections.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • The outside of the cape is constructed in either four or six panels (sections of wool).

SL vader anh chest.jpeg Chest Armor
  • The chest armor is painted in satin black and non-gloss gunmetal/dark grey.
  • The centermost raised section is grey, and the two adjacent raised sections are black.
  • The rest of the chest armor is grey.
  • The shoulder bells are gunmetal grey with black raised sections, and are each attached to the chest armor by two straps.
  • There is no visible cape hook.
  • Optional: The two raised sections towards the sides of the chest armor may be painted black.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The black and grey paints used on the chest armor match that used on the dome and the face mask.
  • The chest armor is weathered to achieve the non-uniform semi-gloss look on the black parts and give it a heavily worn/used look all over.
  • The armor is fitted with padding if necessary to ensure 1) the bottom of the armor does not rise up substantially off the chest, 2) the back of the chest armor does not stick out substantially through the cape, 3) the shoulder bells rest on and move with the arms, and 4) that the side of the chest armor and the top of the shoulder bells are almost flush.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • Brush strokes are slightly noticeable in the grey sections of the chest armor to partially show the black underneath.

SL vader anh inner.jpeg Inner Robe
  • The inner robe is made of the same material as the outside of the cape.
  • It is ankle length, and worn over the chest armor and codpiece, but under the belt, and the front sides are almost touching or no more than an inch away from the chestbox.
  • The side seams are open from the belt down.
  • There are no pleats/darts on the sides of the inner robe.
  • Optional: The side seams may be sewn from the belt down.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The arm opening is large enough for the body suit to be seen under the arm.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • The inner robe is secured firmly by the belt so that the area between the belt and chest armor stays close to the wearer (pulled taut) and does not droop.
  • The opening of the inner robe does not gradually get larger as it approaches the chest armor (the edges are completely vertical from the belt to under the chest armor.

SL vader anh chestbox.jpeg Chestbox
  • The chestbox is square, satin black, and worn right below the chest armor.
  • The black leather (or leather-like material) one inch wide straps are worn over the bodysuit, but under the chest armor and inner robe, and attach to the top and sides of the chestbox as shown.
  • The face of the chestbox consists of:
    • Two metal silver rods on each side that are machined as shown. They are not bracketed by anything on the top and bottom.
    • Three vertically stacked metal silver coin slots on the wearer's right.
    • A faded/translucent green colored panel (upper) and a red colored panel (lower) are on the wearer’s left.
    • Along the bottom are four rocker switches which are mounted individually and are, from wearer's right to left, white and three grey.
    • There are no small metal silver switches or any text anywhere on the chestbox.
    • There are no lighting effects.
  • Optional: There may be a silver rivet no more than one-half inch from the chestbox on each strap.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • In terms of width, the chestbox extends just past the center-most black sections of the chest armor.
  • The straps are made of leather.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • The chestbox is weathered and the straps look slightly aged.
  • The center of each coin slot has square corners, and is hollow.
  • The two center-most rocker switches are mounted slightly higher than the outer two (no more than one eighth of an inch.

SL vader anh suit.jpg Bodysuit
  • The body suit is made of black leather (or leather-like material), fitted to the wearer, and quilted in lines spaced about one inch apart down the torso, arms, and legs.
  • A one-, two-, or three-piece suit is acceptable.
  • An open mesh back is also acceptable for comfort and heat dispersal.
  • Additional Note: The body suit in the film was constructed in three pieces: A top with only the sleeves quilted, a vest, and pants.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The body suit should be made of leather.
  • It should have a wrinkled/worn appearance.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • The vest front of the bodysuit should have the look of being made from four quilted parts with the seams in the correct places.
  • There should be a middle seam, and two other seams that are five quilted lines left and right from the middle seam.
  • Approximately four inches (4”) below the armor one of the seams deviates and is sewn on the face of the sixth quilted line until it disappears under the armor. This creates the look of the fractional quilted line looking like the letter “V”.
  • The left and right seams should meet the bottom of the chest armor on the inside edges of the raised black stripes on the chest armor on both sides.

SL vader anh gloves.jpeg Gloves
  • The gloves are black leather (or leather-like material) and mid-forearm length.
  • The upper surface is quilted in lines spaced approximately one inch apart which run perpendicular to the arm and start just behind the knuckles.
  • The palm side has no quilted lines.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The gloves are made of leather (more specifically, it matches the leather of the body suit).
  • The sides of the gloves flare out gradually from the wrist to the end opening. The flare is not significant.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • There are approximately twelve to thirteen sections created by the quilted lines on the upper surface. These sections are not necessarily of uniform width.
  • The stitching on the gloves, with the exception of the quilted lines, are external.
  • The finger portion (not including the thumb) of the glove is constructed in a typical glove fashion and contains three fourchettes-one between each set of fingers.

SL vader anh belt.jpeg Belt
  • The belt is made of black leather (or leather-like material) and is approximately two and a quarter inches wide.
  • The lightsaber hook is silver, metal, and held to the backside of the belt by two silver rivets (which are located towards the bottom of the belt). The lightsaber hook is mounted slightly forward of the wearer's left hip.
  • The buckle is metal, and is slightly larger than the belt boxes in terms of height (buckle size is the same as ESB and ROTJ).
  • The base layer of the buckle is black and rectangular.
  • The second layer is silver and in the shape of a "D."
  • There are five thin progressively smaller squared edge cutouts (the smallest is a square) in a triangular formation on the wearer's right.
  • The top layer of the buckle consists of a silver circle located on the center of the arc of the "D."
  • Optional: The cutouts on the second layer of the buckle may have rounded edges. The smallest cutout may also be a circle.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The belt is made of leather.
  • The belt has incised lines one eighth of an inch from the top and bottom.
  • The base layer of the buckle is not gloss black.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • The belt looks aged, and the buckle is weathered.
  • The belt has two metallic studs/bolts partially visible under the wearer's left of the belt buckle when viewed from the wearer's left side (not a prominent stud/bolt as seen on the ROTJ belt, as the buckle style used to close the belt must have changed from ANH/ESB to ROTJ).

SL vader anh beltboxes.jpeg Belt Boxes
  • The belt boxes are black and centered vertically on the belt one-half to one inch from the buckle, and mirror image one another.
  • Wearer's left box is shown.
  • From the center outwards each box has:
    • two green square light panels above a rectangular inset containing silver rectangular-shaped metal screen,
    • a domed red pilot light set in a chrome ring,
    • and six silver posts with smooth sides (in two vertical columns of three) set atop of red washers.
    • All lights are constantly lit.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The belt boxes are metal.
  • The light panels are faceted and are not bordered by a raised black section.
  • The domed red pilot light is opaque.
  • The front of each box is a lid that fits over the box and secured by a silver screw on each side.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • The boxes are substantially weathered.

SL vader anh saber.jpeg Lightsaber
  • The lightsaber is a Master Replicas or custom built based on the MPP Microflash or the Heiland Synchronar 3-Cell flash handle to match the hilt used in ANH.
  • The metal has a chrome appearance.
  • The grips do not extend all the way to the middle section.
  • A lever is present on the box on the middle section.
  • The side bars of the box have a chrome appearance.
  • There are no connecting wires towards the top of the lightsaber.
  • The lightsaber is only included as long as it's in compliance with the applicant’s local laws.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The lightsaber is capable of being belt worn with the emitter facing upwards (detachable blade or no blade).
  • The lightsaber is a 1:1 scale of the lightsaber used in the film.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • The lightsaber is weathered.

SL vader anh cod.jpeg Codpiece
  • The codpiece is a padded-construction and faced in black leather (or leather-like material).
  • It is worn over the bodysuit, directly below the belt, and under the inner robe.
  • It covers the front of the groin area and extends to the hips.
  • In its center, there is a slight rectangular inset with rounded corners that is edged with rolled piping.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The codpiece is made of leather, have a wrinkled/worn appearance, and not be thicker than one inch.
  • The area of the codpiece under the belt boxes is no taller than one-third of the area under the belt buckle.

SL vader anh shins.jpeg Shin Guards
  • The shin guards are satin black (not shown in photo).
  • Each shin guard covers the leg from the ankle to the knee, and at least one half the leg when viewed from the side.
  • The knee is shaped like a cut diamond.
  • Below the knee are six small square protrusions in a horizontal line (three on each side).
  • On both sides of the raised area along the center, a long "U" shaped cutout starts at mid-armor height, and gradually increases in depth.
  • The shin guards are attached by two straps that go around the boot.
  • Allowed (but not recommended): The shin guards may be gloss black.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The shin guards are weathered to achieve the non-uniform semi-gloss look.
  • Both shin guards slightly contour to each leg (right and left specific shin guards).
  • The right shin guard is taller than the left.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • On both shin guards, the “U” shaped cutout on the wearer's left is longer.

SL vader anh boots.jpeg Boots
  • The boots are made of black leather (or leather-like material) with a satin shine and are lace-less. A gloss shine is also acceptable.
  • They come to just below knee height, have a rounded toe, and a smooth textured appearance. Not a pebbled leather appearance.
  • There is no noticeable zipper in full costume. A zipper in the back of the boot, or completely covered by the shin, is allowable if it cannot be seen in full suitup.
  • The sole of the front does not exceed one inch (1") in thickness and the heel does not exceed two inches (2") in thickness.
  • An aggressive, heavy tread or lug sole is not approvable. The sole should be "flat" when viewed from the side.
  • Note: The strap/buckle at the top is not required; this area is covered in full costume and may or may not be there based on the style of boot.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The boots should be made of leather.
  • The sole should not exceed one and one-half inches (1-1/2") in the heel or three-quarter of an inch (3/4") in the front.
  • Internal lifts (if used) should not be noticeable.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.