Explore documentation, training, and Codelab tutorials to grow your Android skills, whether you're brand new to the platform or a seasoned developer looking to use features in the latest release. Learn to extend your app's user experience across a multitude of devices, and how to leverage Google Play to make money with your app.
Do a quick tutorial or dive deeper into a training course for an overview of key Android development topics.
Explore the current Android 14 preview release, as well as Android 13, Android 12, and legacy Android releases.
Make money with subscriptions, financial transactions, and important purchase flows with Google Play.
Build elevated experiences to help your app work better together across multiple devices.
Android is built for everyone, everywhere, and to give people more choice in devices, whether it's based on the design, features, or overall value. Extend your user experience by supporting a range of devices and form factors.
Monetize and integrate a billing system into your app using Google Play. Google play offers a variety of features and support to help you make money off your app while reaching a global market.
Enable your Android apps to generate text and images, understand content, enrich information, and build engagement with users. Use Google's full suite of AI and ML tools to make your apps more useful and intuitive.

Build apps by category

Get everything you need to develop and deliver games on Android.
Your first stop for content on developing media apps.
Health and fitness apps record valuable data.
Leverage APIs and other tools to build enterprise solutions.

Latest updates

View the latest Android platform releases, including the current preview release.
Get early access to the latest features and improvements in Android Studio.
Jetpack libraries ship separately from the Android OS, so updates to the libraries can happen independently and more frequently.
The next version of Wear OS is now available for testing, development, and feedback. Try it out with your apps and let us know what you think!
The Privacy Sandbox on Android aims to develop new technologies that improve user privacy and enable effective, personalized advertising experiences for mobile apps.

Developer stories

How developers are finding success with Android.
Due to a large file size, the number of organic installs was lower than the team had hoped for such a popular franchise. Google Play Instant to the rescue!
Learn how the Android engineers at Cuvva re-architected their app to use a unidirectional data flow and Jetpack Compose.
After seeing that their codebase's line count was growing 46% every year, Duolingo's Android developers found success in migrating from Java to Kotlin.