Reports API: Drive Activity Report

The Drive activity report provides information about your users' activities when they manage, modify, and share files on Google Drive in Google Workspace. For example, you can use the Drive activity report to get a list of all the new Drive documents created by a particular user over a specified range of dates. You can use this information to gain insight into better content management and possible data leaks. To obtain a report, you use the basic report endpoint request with report-specific parameters such as a user's email address or a specific kind of Google Drive change. Reports can include data for up to the last 180 days.

The Google Drive activity report may be used only for lawful purposes in accounts which have a license assigned.

For information about the request's query strings and the response properties, see the API Reference. For information about specific events related to Google Drive, see Drive event names.

Retrieve Google Drive events for a domain

You can use the Drive activity report to list information about your Drive documents. For example, you can request a report listing your account's 25 most recent Drive events, covering up to 180 days. To get this report, obtain an authorization token as described in the authorization guide, then use the following HTTP GET request:


You can see an example response to this API call.

The following example retrieves a report of all Drive events for the past 180 days, the maximum period.


Retrieve Google Drive events by user

To retrieve a report of Google Drive activities of a particular user, use an HTTP GET request with the authorization token described in the authorization guide guide. The userKey field is the primary email address of the user in the report, or all for all users.

The following example retrieves a report listing all changes made by the specified user. For an example of an API response, see the sample JSON response.

GET[email protected]

Retrieve Google Drive events for shared drives

You can retrieve a report of Google Drive activities for a specific shared drive using an HTTP GET request with the authorization token described in the authorization guide. Specify the email address of the user you want to run the report on in the userKey field, or specify all to run the report on all users.

The following example retrieves a report of all changes for a specific shared drive. For an example of an API response, see the sample JSON response.

/applications/drive?filters=shared_drive_id==<id of shared drive>

To retrieve events for a shared drive, filter using the doc_type. The following example retrieves events that affect all shared drives:


To retrieve events for membership changes, specify the shared_drive_membership_change event. The following example retrieves all member additions to shared drives:


Retrieve Google Drive events by event type

To retrieve a report of all instances of a specific event type, such as creating or editing a document, use an HTTP GET request with the authorization token described in the authorization guide. The userKey field is the primary email address of the user in the report, or all for all users.

The following example retrieves a report of all account documentation creation activities. For an example of an API response, see the sample JSON response:


Example JSON response

When you make an HTTP GET request to the API, a successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code. Along with the status code, the response returns a report for the Drive. These reports are also available in the Admin console. For more information, see the Google Workspace Admin help center. For eventName information, see the Drive event names reference. For more information about the request's query strings and the response properties, see the API Reference.

 "kind": "reports#auditActivities",
 "nextPageToken": "next page's token",
 "items": [
   "kind": "audit#activity",
   "id": {
    "time": "2014-03-17T15:39:18.460Z",
    "uniqQualifier": "report's unique ID",
    "applicationName": "drive",
    "customerId": "ABC123xyz"
   "actor": {
   "callerType": "USER",
   "email": "[email protected]",
   "profileId": "user's unique Google Workspace profile ID",
   "key": "consumer key of requestor in an OAuth 2LO request"
   "ownerDomain": "domain of the source owner",
   "ipAddress": "user's IP address",
   "events": [
     "type": "access",
     "name": "edit",
     "parameters": [
        "name": "primary_event",
        "boolValue": true
        "name": "owner_is_shared_drive",
        "boolValue": false
      },      {
        "name": "doc_id",
        "value": "1DWuYM3ot_sAyEQqOz0xWJ9bVMSYzOmRNeBqbgtSwuK8"
        "name": "doc_title",
        "value": "Meeting notes"
        "name": "doc_type",
        "value": "document"
        "name": "owner",
        "value": "[email protected]"