Retrieve & update a customer's account information

To retrieve and update a customer's information by using the Reseller API, you have one of two ways to look up your customer:

  • Customer's unique identifier—for example, C0123456
  • Customer's domain name—for example,

Retrieve a customer's account information

To retrieve a customer's account information, use the following GET request and include the authorization token:


Replace the CUSTOMER_ID with your customer's unique identifier or domain name.

Response returns

When you retrieve a customer's account information, you might receive one of the following responses:

  • Returns the full customer settings. The customer is one of your existing customers. Using the Reseller API, you can manage this customer's account and subscription settings.

  • Returns the minimal customer account information. If the response only returns the customerId, customerDomain and customerType, either Google or another reseller manages the customer. You can't create another email-verified customer for the customer. To manage this customer, follow these steps:

    1. Retrieve all transferable subscriptions for the customer to understand whether the subscription can be transferred and the minimum number of user seats for the transfer.
    2. Transfer the subscription.
  • Returns Multiple teams exist on this domain. This domain has one or multiple team customers associated with it. To add another team to this domain, follow these steps:

    1. Order a customer account.
    2. To create a domain-verified customer for the domain, ask the customer to purchase a direct subscription via Google and verify their domain, takeover existing teams and then transfer the subscription to your account.
  • Returns an HTTP 404 error. The customer is new to Google and doesn't have an account. To manage this customer, follow these steps:

    1. Confirm that your customer records don't hold old customer data with a potential mismatch of a customer's primary domain name and the unique Google customer identifier. When a previously deleted Google account is reinstated, it's treated as a new account and has a new customerId value even though the account may retain the same customerDomain value.
    2. Order a new customer account.
    3. Create a subscription for this new customer account.

Update a customer's settings

Using the Reseller API, you can't update the customerType but you can verify a team customer's domain and become a domain customer.

To update a customer's settings, use the following PUT request and include the unique identifier for your customer:


The JSON request body updates the following customer settings:

  "customerId": "C0CUSTOMER_ID123456",
  "customerDomain": "DOMAIN_NAME",
  "postalAddress": {
    "contactName": "NAME",
    "organizationName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME",
    "postalCode": "POSTAL_CODE",
    "countryCode": "COUNTRY_CODE"
  "alternateEmail": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"

Replace the following:

  • DOMAIN_NAME: your customer's domain—for example,
  • NAME: your customer's name—for example, Alex Cruz.
  • ORGANIZATION_NAME: your customer's organization name—for example, Example Organization.
  • POSTAL_CODE: your customer's ZIP or postal code—for example, 94043.
  • COUNTRY_CODE: your customer's 2 character ISO country code.
  • EMAIL_ADDRESS: your customer's email address—for example, [email protected].

A successful JSON response returns an HTTP 200 status code and the updated customer settings:

  "kind": "reseller#customer",
  "customerId": "CUSTOMER_ID",
  "customerDomain": "DOMAIN_NAME",
  "postalAddress": {
    "kind": "customers#address",
    "contactName": "NAME",
    "organizationName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME",
    "postalCode": "POSTAL_CODE",
    "countryCode": "COUNTRY_CODE",
  "alternateEmail": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"