Engagement Metrics API


This is a Yelp Partner API

Access is disabled by default. See Yelp Partner APIs on how to get access.


The Engagement Metrics API returns a business’s consumer engagement score, by week, relative to all other North America-based businesses on Yelp.

Access and Credentials

This API is reserved for Yelp Knowledge partners. To inquire about becoming a Yelp Knowledge partner please visit here. Upon registration, the client will be permitted access to this endpoint. Credentials can be generated here.


Refer here for more about authentication for this API


To use this endpoint, make the GET request to the following URL with at a minimum the business_ids parameter.

GET https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/engagement

Accepted parameters are listed below:

Parameter nameDescriptionExample
business_idsComma separated list of Yelp business id of the locations you'd like metrics for. Maximum of 20 business_ids per request.nBvdJyM7TCHp5ppX31SC5Q,
date_range_startThe first week of data you want.2018-02-01
date_range_endThe last week of data you want2018-03-01

Sample Request

GET https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/engagement?business_ids=nBvdJyM7TCHp5ppX31SC5Q,WoI1IisL_AgmWdiJLRb-Zw

Sample Response

  "data": [
      "business_id": "nBvdJyM7TCHp5ppX31SC5Q",
      "metrics": [
          "start_of_week_date": "2018-02-05",
          "engagement_metric": 20,
          "intent_metric": 10
          "start_of_week_date": "2018-02-12",
          "engagement_metric": 20,
          "intent_metric": 10
      "business_id": "VImbIWfxODVsiRHebSQePw",
      "metrics": [
          "start_of_week_date": "2018-02-05",
          "engagement_metric": 20,
          "intent_metric": 10
          "start_of_week_date": "2018-02-12",
          "engagement_metric": 20,
          "intent_metric": 10

Response Attributes

business_idstringUnique Yelp ID of the business.
metricsobject[]List of metrics for the business in the specified week.
start_of_week_datedateThe first day of the week for the associated metrics.
engagement_metricintAmalgam of page views, website clicks, bookmarks, calls & messages to business, clicks on directions, reviews & photos posted, check-ins.
Indicative of consumer engagement relative to all other North America-based businesses on Yelp.
Values range from 1-20
intent_metricintAmalgam of all engagement attributes included in Consumer Engagement Metric except page views.
Indicative of consumer intent relative to all other North America-based businesses on Yelp.
Values range from 1-10.