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Tidally adjusted estimates of topographic vulnerability to sea level rise and flooding for the contiguous United States

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Published 14 March 2012 © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Benjamin H Strauss et al 2012 Environ. Res. Lett. 7 014033 DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/7/1/014033

This article is corrected by 2012 Environ. Res. Lett. 7 021001



Because sea level could rise 1 m or more during the next century, it is important to understand what land, communities and assets may be most at risk from increased flooding and eventual submersion. Employing a recent high-resolution edition of the National Elevation Dataset and using VDatum, a newly available tidal model covering the contiguous US, together with data from the 2010 Census, we quantify low-lying coastal land, housing and population relative to local mean high tide levels, which range from ∼0 to 3 m in elevation (North American Vertical Datum of 1988). Previous work at regional to national scales has sometimes equated elevation with the amount of sea level rise, leading to underestimated risk anywhere where the mean high tide elevation exceeds 0 m, and compromising comparisons across regions with different tidal levels. Using our tidally adjusted approach, we estimate the contiguous US population living on land within 1 m of high tide to be 3.7 million. In 544 municipalities and 38 counties, we find that over 10% of the population lives below this line; all told, some 2150 towns and cities have some degree of exposure. At the state level, Florida, Louisiana, California, New York and New Jersey have the largest sub-meter populations. We assess topographic susceptibility of land, housing and population to sea level rise for all coastal states, counties and municipalities, from 0 to 6 m above mean high tide, and find important threat levels for widely distributed communities of every size. We estimate that over 22.9 million Americans live on land within 6 m of local mean high tide.

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1. Introduction

Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by 2100 may be sufficient to irreversibly commit the planet to 4–6 m of global sea level rise within the next several hundred years [13]. This century, global rise may approach 1 or even 2 m [4, 5]. In the coming few decades, rising seas threaten to interact with localized storm surges to generate more frequent floods reaching just as high [6, 7]. And factors such as land subsidence [8, 9] and shifting ocean currents [1012] are expected to boost sea level increases in some regions. Together, these findings underscore the critical importance of quantifying land, population and infrastructure in low-lying coastal zones—or what might be called topographic vulnerability—as a basic input for risk assessments and policy decisions.

However, geographic variation in baseline water levels has posed an important complication for completing this work at US regional to national scales. Topographic vulnerability to sea level rise at any location must properly be assessed with respect to local water levels, not an arbitrary external reference (e.g. a nationwide definition of elevation zero). The most involved approaches integrate projected sea rise with modeled standard local flood levels, such as annual or century flood levels. Requiring significant detail, data and computation, this family of methods has been applied narrowly in some US cities and states [1316]. More simply, sea level rise can be referenced against high tide levels as measured by local tide gauges [17]. Some wide-area studies have gone to great lengths to interpolate and infer high water elevations extensively [18, 19]. However, other state through national-scale studies have skipped this labor-intensive step and not incorporated local water level references at all [2023].

A valuable development now signals the time for a new national assessment at the scale of the contiguous United States (CONUS): the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has just completed and validated tidal elevation models covering the entire coast at fine resolution. Outputs are available through a product called VDatum (vdatum.noaa.gov; [24]). It is now relatively straightforward to conduct a national-scale analysis of potential sea level rise impacts that accounts for local differences in mean sea level and tidal amplitude, which together determine high tide levels. Based on VDatum estimates, the 99% range of the elevation of mean high tide at shoreline is  − 0.2 to 2.8 m (North American Vertical Datum of 1988, or NAVD 88) for CONUS (see figure 1), a scale of variation that clearly cannot be ignored in analyses of coastal vulnerability contemplating the critical first meter-plus above the water line.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Modeled elevation of Mean High Water according to NOAA's VDatum [24]. Units of meters in North American Vertical Datum of 1988.

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Steady and widespread improvement in elevation data since the last national analysis of topographic vulnerability to sea level rise in 1991 [18] also suggests the timeliness of a new effort.

In this letter, we estimate the land, housing and population within 0–6 m in elevation of local high tide lines across the contiguous US, and present aspects of this topographic vulnerability at CONUS, state, county and municipal levels. We capitalize on VDatum and use best-available CONUS-wide elevation data to develop a new dataset characterizing elevation above local mean high tide, and employ this as the basis for our analysis. We also compare this approach against one without tidal adjustment, to assess the importance of taking local tide levels into account; and against two further methodological variants, to demonstrate the robustness of our approach.

2. Methods

2.1. Data

The National Elevation Dataset (NED) and VDatum constitute the core data inputs for our analysis. The NED is a digital elevation model (DEM) produced by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and available at a variety of horizontal resolutions. Elevations are provided in NAVD 88. Previous regional and national sea level rise analyses have used the 1 arcsec NED (∼30 m resolution) [23, 22], but the USGS has now completed coverage of coastal CONUS at 1/3 arcsec resolution (∼10 m). We use the 1/3 arcsec dataset, the finest resolution data publicly available with full coastal coverage. The USGS has most recently estimated vertical root mean square error for the 1 arcsec NED at 1.89 m [40], down from 3.74 m in 1999 [25], as the dataset has been revised to incorporate more source lidar data and improved algorithms for interpolation. Local error levels generally depend on the quality of local NED source data [26, 27], and may commonly be lower than average in coastal plains [21]. A recent study suggests 1/3 arcsec data perform slightly better than 1 arcsec data for sea rise vulnerability analyses [17].

VDatum makes available NAVD 88 elevations for different modeled tidal datums on lattices of varying resolution, but near-shore point spacing is generally on the order of 100 m. 36 regional models, adding up to total coverage of the CONUS coast, are each calibrated across extensive networks of water level stations. Standard deviation of vertical error is on the order of 0.1 m in each region [28, 29]. We use VDatum version 01, except for parts of the Gulf of Mexico where we use version 02, released in a 10 August 2011 update.

2.2. Analysis

Our analysis consists of four main steps: delineating land area, incorporating tidal elevations, identifying potential risk zones and tabulating assets within various administrative boundaries.

Ocean or saltwater marsh misclassified as land leads to overestimates of susceptible total land area [19]. We therefore begin by admitting 1/3 arcsec NED cells as land according to a consensus of three independent data sets. First, the cells must be designated as land (have non-zero elevation) within the NED itself. Second, we include only cells with centers landward of NOAA's Medium Resolution Digital Vector Shoreline (shoreline.noaa.gov). Finally, we eliminate NED cells with centers inside areas classified in the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI, [30]) as estuarine or marine wetland or deepwater. In computing total land area susceptible, we include NWI freshwater wetlands. We also compute dry land area susceptible, excluding NED cells with centers inside areas classified as freshwater wetlands. True water chemistry may vary from NWI classification.

For each delineated land cell, we estimate what we call 'tidally adjusted elevation', or TIDEL—the elevation above local Mean High Water. Mean High Water is formally defined by NOAA as the elevation of high tides averaged within a reference 'epoch', or period (currently 1983–2001 for most locations). To calculate TIDEL, we first assign a Mean High Water value to each NED cell by matching it with the nearest point covered by VDatum. We then subtract the cell's assigned Mean High Water elevation from its unadjusted elevation (UNEL) given by the NED. We use Mean High Water and UNEL as expressed in NAVD 88. In areas where spring high water—not available in VDatum—extends well above Mean High Water, this study understates vulnerability.

After calculating values for TIDEL, we identify potential risk zones at different elevations using four methods for comparison. (1) For our main analysis, we simply identify cells under each threshold from 0 to 6 m according to each cell's TIDEL. (2) We use the same method applied to UNEL values, in order to evaluate the error that would be introduced by ignoring the difference between NAVD and Mean High Water. (3) From the sets of cells under each TIDEL threshold, we eliminate areas not contiguous to the ocean via eight-way connectivity [31]. And finally, (4) we employ the first method but substitute the 1 arcsec NED for 1/3 arcsec (both editions from February 2011). Neither 1/3 arcsec data nor VDatum were available for previous wide-area studies, but these studies are split between using pure thresholds [20, 32, 22, 17] or also enforcing connectivity [21, 16, 23]. We emphasize the pure threshold approach here for simplicity and in a spirit of conservative protectiveness. Apparently isolated depressions may be connected to water via porous bedrock geology, a feature of densely populated southeast Florida, one of the most topographically vulnerable areas nationwide [33, 34]. Depressions may also be connected via channels the NED fails to pick up, due to error or limited resolution. In addition, sea level rise may cause problems in isolated low zones during rainstorms by reducing drainage and creating backups into wastewater treatment facilities [35].

To tabulate population and housing potentially affected, we use block-level data from the 2010 US Census (www.census.gov), and assume development on dry land only, following Gill et al [36]. For each Census block, we divide the population and number of housing units by the number of dry land cells with centers inside the block. We assign the resulting per-cell density values back to each cell, creating two new 1/3 arcsec raster data sets for population and housing unit density. To estimate the population or housing at risk for a particular water level and method, we simply add up population and housing densities of land cells affected under the specification. Our analysis considers the elevation of land upon which housing stands, and makes no special provision for elevated or multi-story buildings.

To tabulate risks within states, counties or municipalities (alternatively, 'cities', by which we here refer to incorporated towns or cities, or Census Designated Places, of any size), we total affected area, population and housing within administrative boundaries as specified by 2010 Census TIGER Line data.

2.3. Error and the resolution of vertical increments

We conduct our analyses at 1 m vertical increments, following previous work with equal or finer vertical resolution [32, 16, 17, 23]. At the same time, a recent review cautions that NED elevation error is too great to support inundation vulnerability map-making with 1 m intervals [27]. This concern sensibly applies with respect to confidence in the classification of each individual point on a map as higher or lower than closely spaced elevation thresholds. However, sub-meter vertical resolutions should be acceptable for aggregate vulnerability analyses at municipal and larger scales, where numerous individual errors should largely offset each other across  ∼ 103–1020 elevation values. Recent work comparing vulnerable area tabulations using 1 arcsec NED data versus high accuracy lidar-based data implicitly supports this argument, finding agreement within 4–9% at scales from 10 to 4000 km2 for the affected area, despite an order-of-magnitude difference in root mean square error values between the elevation datasets used [21, 17].

We do not conduct our own error analysis here, instead limiting ourselves to generation of best estimates. Data sources of varying quality underlie the NED in a complex spatial patchwork, with varying consequences for vertical error from place to place [26, 27]. Terrain slope and roughness and other factors likely play further roles [37, 21]. A national-scale assessment of NED vertical error in coastal areas, as it applies to various metrics of topographic vulnerability, merits separate and detailed study, and is a continuing project of these authors. Although we do not consider the impact of future shore protection activities on the magnitude of inundation from sea level rise, this study complements a recent assessment that did so [38].

3. Results and discussion

3.1. General impacts

We begin with a focus on pure threshold-based results below 1 m TIDEL, because this level represents the first front of vulnerability, where some impacts should be felt by mid-century as storm surges combine with sea level rise [6]. Furthermore, a recent survey showed almost 60% of Atlantic coastal land under 1 m UNEL is expected for development [38], adding urgency to provision of sea rise risk information at lowest elevations.

We find that ∼32 000 km2 of total land area, a footprint larger than Maryland, lies less than one vertical meter above the high tide line in the coastal contiguous US, including ∼9000 km2 of dry land. 1.9 million housing units occupy this land, and shelter 3.7 million people, or 1.2% of the national population. These totals include a fraction of land already below high tide line—for example, in the New Orleans area.

Among states (see table 1), land below 1 m TIDEL is most concentrated in the Gulf and lower mid-Atlantic (Louisiana, Florida, the Carolinas), well-known loci of concern around sea level (see e.g. [23]). With respect to potential population vulnerability, Florida stands out most, followed by Louisiana, California, New York and New Jersey, illustrating significant exposure on every coast. Variable population densities drive the differences among numbers and rankings between population and land. Ranked housing exposure tracks population vulnerability well. For economy of presentation, we focus on land and population over housing results hereafter, but more extensive results are available in tables A.1A.6 and online (see below).

Table 1.  Coastal state land and features on land less than 1 m above local Mean High Water ( < 1 m TIDEL), with rankings. Total area includes freshwater, but not marine or estuarine, wetlands, as classified by the National Wetlands Inventory. Dry land area includes no wetlands. Unit of area, km2.

State Total area Rank Dry land area Rank Housing units Rank Population Rank
Maine 80 18 54 16 8434 15 7439 16
New Hampshire 7 22 5 22 2506 21 2707 21
Massachusetts 121 17 86 14 31 349 9 52 488 9
Rhode Island 14 20 11 20 2705 20 3777 19
Connecticut 33 19 27 19 11 934 13 23 015 12
New York 178 14 155 12 132 991 4 300 532 4
New Jersey 310 12 174 11 107 024 5 154 577 5
Pennsylvania 12 21 7 21 369 22 791 22
Delaware 150 15 90 13 6663 17 7043 17
Maryland 698 9 410 5 19 434 10 27 520 11
District of Columbia 3 23 2 23 188 23 756 23
Virginia 722 6 315 8 36 847 8 75 938 6
North Carolina 4575 3 1288 3 43 102 6 58 679 8
South Carolina 1176 5 439 4 42 610 7 60 614 7
Georgien 711 7 331 7 15 685 11 28 494 10
Florida 5 715 2 1654 2 894 339 1 1609 312 1
Alabama 358 11 35 17 4986 18 3277 20
Mississippi 125 16 34 18 3077 19 4428 18
Louisiana 13 510 1 3058 1 413 900 2 888 679 2
Texas 711 8 284 10 12 513 12 19 618 13
California 2035 4 378 6 138 224 3 325 357 3
Oregon 189 13 54 15 7067 16 9250 15
Washington 394 10 289 9 10 484 14 18 269 14
Contiguous US 31 827   9181   1 946 429   3 682 557  

Results for counties (figure 2) and cities (figure 3) help further pinpoint hotspots of potential vulnerability, even within wider areas of lower topographic risk. Particularly large populations are exposed in: New York City and Long Island; the New Jersey shore; the Norfolk, Virginia area; near Charleston, South Carolina; coastal cities across Florida, especially its southeast and the Tampa area; New Orleans; the San Francisco Bay Area and San Joaquin Delta; and greater Los Angeles. This last center of concern merits special note because recent research suggests that coastal floods may reach locally rare heights more swiftly in southern California than almost any other CONUS area, when considering effects of sea level rise integrated with storm surge patterns [6].

Figure 2.

Figure 2. County populations (or Census county equivalents) living on land less than 1 m above local Mean High Water high tide lines (under 1 m TIDEL).

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Figure 3.

Figure 3. City populations living on land less than 1 m above local Mean High Water (under 1 m TIDEL). Line lengths proportional to square roots of affected populations.

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An alternative perspective considers the fraction, not total, of county and city populations at vulnerable elevations, disentangling the influence of population density. More than 10% of the population lives below 1 m TIDEL in 38 counties and 544 cities (mean city population, 13 200). Half of these municipalities are in Florida and Louisiana, but North Carolina and New Jersey include over 40 each, New York 37, Maryland 27 and California 26. In 196 cities, more than 50% of the population lives below 1 m TIDEL. All told, 2150 towns and cities in the contiguous US have at least some residents living within one vertical meter of the high tide line.

Expanding our analysis to include higher water levels, we find a total area of ∼127 000 km2 under 6 m TIDEL (∼70 000 km2 of dry land), occupied by 11.1 million housing units and 22.9 million people, or 7.4% of the national population. 6 m represents a possible multi-century sea level rise commitment based on greenhouse gas emissions this century. Table 2 shows land, housing, and population statistics below 0 m TIDEL (some land is below water level but protected by levees, such as in New Orleans) and then in 1 m elevation bands up to 6 m TIDEL. The most striking feature is how dry land population density varies inversely with TIDEL, underscoring vulnerability. Louisiana (with high densities under 0 m TIDEL) and Florida (with high densities under 2 m TIDEL) drive this trend (see tables A.5 and A.6). However, CONUS dry land population density under 0 m TIDEL still appears slightly greater than at any level from 1 to 6 m, even when Louisiana and Florida are excluded (figure A.1).

Table 2.  Topographic vulnerability within elevation bands for the contiguous US. Same land classifications as table 1. Population and housing can persist below high tide line ( < 0 m TIDEL) because of protective local topography, levees, seawalls or other features. Roughly 80% of the land below 0 m, and two-thirds of population and housing, are above  − 1 m. Population density calculated using dry land area.

TIDEL (m) Total area (thousands km2) Dry land area (thousands km2) Housing units (millions) Population (millions) Population density (km−2)
 < 0 8.8 2.0 0.5 1.0 475
0–1 23.0 7.2 1.5 2.7 380
1–2 21.1 11.2 2.1 4.0 359
2–3 20.6 12.9 2.1 4.4 340
3–4 18.3 11.1 1.6 3.4 308
4–5 18.2 12.7 1.8 3.9 304
5–6 16.9 12.9 1.6 3.5 275
Total ( < 6) 126.9 70.0 11.1 22.9 328

Figure 4 shows populations under 1–6 m TIDEL in selected states. Florida commands a far lead in vulnerability at every level. Among other states, California and New York overtake Louisiana as hotspots at the higher elevations, with Virginia and New Jersey not far behind. In 1269 cities, over half the residents live below 6 m TIDEL. Of these cities, 448 are in Florida.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Topographically vulnerable population in the ten most vulnerable states (as evaluated at 6 m TIDEL). Estimates for Florida are 42–49% of the contiguous US total (22 states and District of Columbia) across each of the levels shown here.

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Previous work has generally assumed uniform fine-scale population densities over total land area [16, 17], including at scales considerably larger than the great majority of Census blocks [22]. We refine this approach slightly, by limiting the area over which we calculate density to dry land only. We therefore compute greater densities, over smaller footprints, for Census blocks intersecting freshwater wetland. These footprints tend to occupy slightly higher terrain than mean block elevations, since dry land is generally higher than adjacent wetland. Screening out freshwater wetlands in this way reduces our vulnerable population estimates by 6.4% and 1.7% at 1 m and 6 m TIDEL, respectively, across the contiguous US, but with effects up to 31% in individual states at 1 m.

Other authors have argued that estimates based on uniform density assumptions should be viewed as upper bounds, expressing concern that housing is commonly concentrated within the upper elevation portions of low-lying Census blocks [36]. To our knowledge, no such bias has been quantified. Such a pattern would mean the results presented here overestimate population and housing vulnerability, and may misconstrue the vertical distribution of coastal population densities at state and national scale. However, over 90% of the susceptible population identified in our analysis (at 1 and 6 m TIDEL alike) reside in Census blocks which exceed the population density threshold set by the US Census to define an urban area 'core' (at 386 km−2, double the density required for 'surrounding' urban blocks). Core urban density would appear to leave modest room for housing to sort by elevation within Census blocks, depending upon local geography. Roughly 40% of susceptible population identified lives at densities equal to or greater than that of Washington, DC (3806 km−2). Development may also concentrate close to the water in places, biased toward lower elevations (as suggested but not demonstrated by the large-scale elevational gradient of dry land density just described). Future research to refine population and housing vulnerability estimates by quantifying any vertical bias in coastal area development would be a welcome contribution to this field.

3.2. Effects of methodology

We also examine the effects of various methodological choices on our results, summarized in tables 3 and 4. We compare our core approach, which employs TIDEL, pure thresholds, and 1/3 arcsec data, against three alternatives, which each differ with respect to one of these dimensions.

Table 3.  Differences in CONUS vulnerability estimates across methodology contrasts, at different water level thresholds. Each contrast compares results based on the core methodology—which uses TIDEL, pure thresholds, and 1/3 arcsec data—against an alternative approach differing by one methodological variable, as indicated.

Threshold (m) Main method per cent difference from analysis based on:
UNEL Connectivity 1 arcsec data
Area Population Area Population Area Population
 < 0 189 82.9 63.3 5.6 0.5 1.3
 < 1 31.6 86.8 3.9 8.2 0.2 0.9
 < 2 15.2 24.5 1.8 2.3 0.1 0.3
 < 3 9.3 16.8 4.9 1.3 0.0 0.3
 < 4 8.0 14.4 1.8 1.4 0.0 0.2
 < 5 6.9 12.4 1.0 0.9 0.0 0.3
 < 6 4.9 8.3 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.3

Table 4.  Differences in city vulnerability estimates at  < 1 m TIDEL across methodology contrasts, at assorted percentiles. Each contrast compares results between core methodology and an alternative as in table 3.

Percentile Main method per cent difference from analysis based on:
UNEL Connectivity 1 arcsec data
Area Population Area Population Area Population
2.5  − 8.1  − 10.5 0.0 0.0  − 47  − 49
5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  − 21  − 26
25 23 27 0.0 0.0  − 1.5  − 2.7
50 69 78 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.3
75 263 294 6.6 3.5 4.3 5.0
95 7516 10 707 112 80 36 40
97.5 21 488 31 491 248 173 80 100

Making tidal adjustments to elevation—using TIDEL as compared to UNEL—unsurprisingly drives the largest differences among methodologies we explore. CONUS total land area under 1 m increases by 32%, and population almost doubles (87% jump). The difference between land and population effects is consistent with the increasing fraction of dry and thus habitable land with elevation (see table 2).

The contrast between TIDEL- and UNEL-based results must and does decrease asymptotically toward zero with increasing elevation, as the area of non-overlap shrinks relative to the area of overlap. However, at 6 m, TIDEL-based CONUS estimates still exceed UNEL-based ones by 4.9% and 8.3%, respectively, for land area and population vulnerable (table 3). The availability of VDatum combined with the unsurprising but large effects of using tidally adjusted elevation data together suggest that future studies in this area should not neglect to employ tidal adjustments.

The methodological choice second in consequence is whether to use only thresholds, or also to enforce connectivity to the sea. This choice may also be viewed simply as a decision about what to measure. Using tidally adjusted elevations, we find that the pure threshold approach generates CONUS estimates 3.9% and 8.2% higher for topographically vulnerable total land area and population, respectively, at 1 m TIDEL. Miami-Dade and Broward counties in southeast Florida account for much of this contrast; without them, differences in these estimates would drop to 3.0% and 2.7%. A similar dynamic drives results at 3 m TIDEL, where Palm Beach County, also in southeast Florida, includes about two-thirds of the total CONUS land under the threshold but not connected to the ocean. In each of these cases, very narrow and often long, nearly linear margins separate connected and unconnected areas below elevation thresholds, underscoring the sensitivity of results (under connectivity) to fine topographical variation or small NED errors. Southeast Florida has a flat and engineered landscape, full of canals and levees, features likely responsible for the patterns identified here. But the region's porous geology means seawater may pose lateral threats even where surface topography would appear to block it, and southeast Florida is already struggling with saltwater intrusion into aquifers, exacerbated by recent historic sea level rise [35].

The excesses of threshold—over connectivity—based estimates decline to 0.8% for CONUS land and 0.4% for population by 6 m TIDEL, driven at least in part by the same logic of overlapping areas applicable to the UNEL/TIDEL contrast. The one strong contrast occurs, as expected, at less than 0 m TIDEL, where, in principal, all nontidal land should be protected by levees or other features, leaving zero exposure when connectivity is considered. Our analysis captures some of this protection, but finds 5410 km2 of vulnerable land even when applying connectivity. This result suggests limitations in assessing connectivity employing the elevation dataset used, likely due to its horizontal resolution.

Finally, we compare results across 1/3 and 1 arcsec editions of the NED, using TIDEL and the pure threshold approach. At the scale of CONUS, the differences are negligible.

Table 3 summarizes each of these three methodological comparisons at CONUS scale. However, contrasts may be much greater when considering smaller areas, due to the smaller and more geographically concentrated samples of NED cells involved. Table 4 compares distributions of 1 m results for cities, the smallest geographic unit in this study. Results here reconfirm the strong effect of tidal adjustment, the only factor with a notable median influence. At higher percentiles, astronomical TIDEL:UNEL potential impact ratios are not surprising, considering the many municipalities with high tides at or above 1 m UNEL. Pure threshold-based results exceed results enforcing connectivity by no more 4–7% in three quarters of affected cities, although threshold results more than double their counterparts in about 5% of municipalities. Finally, the switch from 1 to 1/3 arcsec NED resolution shows a narrower range of effects. The few changes in total land area greater than doublings or less than halvings are confined to towns under 0.2 km2 in size, where stochastic effects from small sample size loom large.

4. Concluding remarks

In this letter, we have presented an analysis of the topographic vulnerability of the coastal contiguous US to sea level rise and flooding, adjusted to account for local high tide levels. This adjustment carries large consequences. We estimate 3.7 million people live within one vertical meter of their local high tide line—87% more than an estimate of population living below 1 m in unadjusted elevation (NAVD 88).

Our simple threshold elevation approach may overestimate vulnerability because it includes areas the NED identifies as isolated depressions, potentially protected from flooding by natural topography or engineered features, such as levees in southeast Florida. However, our threshold-based results are generally quite close to those incorporating connectivity, and are fundamentally more robust: error in one cell or cluster cannot amplify by changing landscape connectivity and thus forcing the inclusion or exclusion of potentially large areas. Both approaches still include areas protected by features not fully represented in the DEM used—for example, low-lying parts of New Orleans protected by levees. The threshold method conservatively includes areas that appear isolated on the surface but might experience impacts via reduced drainage, via channels too fine to appear in the DEM, or via porous bedrock. As already noted, the last appears a key concern in Florida, where connectivity makes the largest difference in our topographic vulnerability estimates. Greater understanding of this threat should be a priority for future research.

More broadly, our main goal is to indicate levels of potential concern, and inspire more detailed local work; not to generate precise flood or risk maps. Topographic vulnerability is an important factor contributing to inundation risk, but it is also one among many acting at various time scales.

For example, patterns of development will probably play one of the strongest roles in both the short and long terms. At the highest level, the amount of population and infrastructure potentially under threat will depend on whether low-lying coastal development continues unabated (see e.g. [38]) or, at the other end of the spectrum, communities begin to retreat. At a secondary level, adaptive measures such as enhancing ecological buffers or building levees or seawalls will influence vulnerability, and already do so today.

Over the long term, coastal erosion may speed impacts, while sediment deposition, wetland accretion and beach migration may buffer vulnerability. However, coastal development inhibits many of these buffers, while often enhancing erosion, and generally more so in more populated areas [39].

As a final factor, the speed of sea level rise itself, and its relationship to the distribution of local flood sizes, will set the pace at which progressively higher elevation zones become exposed to significant risk. It is our hope and belief that analyses of topographic vulnerability, such as this one, combined with assessments of temporal vulnerability (e.g. [6]), can provide useful guidance concerning which locations may see the greatest sea rise induced risks soonest.

Topographic vulnerability estimates for every coastal city, county and state in the contiguous US are available at sealevel.climatecentral.org/data01.


We gratefully thank Jim Titus for detailed comments on the letter.


Figure A.1.

Figure A.1. Normalized coastal dry land population density within various TIDEL intervals. Values normalized by overall dry land population density under 6 m TIDEL for the geographic unit represented by each curve. Values given for each 1 m band of elevation (e.g. 2–3 m TIDEL denoted by 3 on the x-axis), and for the indeterminate band  < 0 m TIDEL (denoted by 0 on the x-axis).

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Table A.1.  Coastal state total land area, including freshwater but not estuarine or marine wetlands, below various TIDEL thresholds. Units of km2.

State  < 0 m  < 1 m  < 2 m  < 3 m  < 4 m  < 5 m  < 6 m
Maine 43 80 135 196 286 433 547
New Hampshire 2 7 13 18 27 41 56
Massachusetts 43 121 256 385 506 645 764
Rhode Island 4 14 28 50 66 84 105
Connecticut 16 33 63 99 131 169 214
New York 58 178 332 521 652 781 923
New Jersey 79 310 760 1163 1396 1709 2 026
Pennsylvania 6 12 38 55 79 140 160
Delaware 15 150 285 424 580 733 908
Maryland 59 698 1346 1898 2429 2924 3426
District of Columbia 1 3 5 10 14 17 20
Virginia 105 722 1384 2366 3072 3690 4481
North Carolina 932 4575 6605 8400 10 271 11 752 12 790
South Carolina 252 1176 2197 2931 4018 5513 6955
Georgien 269 711 1537 2277 3323 4525 4900
Florida 476 5715 12 454 21 166 28 289 34 387 40 821
Alabama 10 358 796 1112 1302 1507 1702
Mississippi 22 125 357 629 822 1101 1346
Louisiana 4650 13 510 16 570 18 882 21 062 23 164 25 015
Texas 69 711 4220 6551 8285 10 612 12 729
California 1370 2035 2482 3087 3649 4081 4793
Oregon 102 189 398 503 616 768 878
Washington 254 394 643 794 957 1226 1385
Contiguous US 8837 31 827 52 906 73 518 91 830 110 002 126 941

Table A.2.  Coastal state dry land area below various TIDEL thresholds. Units of km2.

State  < 0 m  < 1 m  < 2 m  < 3 m  < 4 m  < 5 m  < 6 m
Maine 29 54 96 141 209 330 424
New Hampshire 2 5 11 15 22 34 47
Massachusetts 29 86 199 312 415 532 637
Rhode Island 3 11 23 42 56 72 91
Connecticut 13 27 48 74 103 136 173
New York 51 155 294 468 592 715 851
New Jersey 45 174 454 720 885 1123 1368
Pennsylvania 3 7 25 40 60 116 135
Delaware 6 90 195 316 450 586 742
Maryland 23 410 923 1383 1824 2235 2642
District of Columbia 1 2 5 9 13 16 19
Virginia 25 315 730 1504 2045 2494 2999
North Carolina 128 1288 2614 3835 5096 6084 6778
South Carolina 62 439 1006 1421 2059 2960 3943
Georgien 106 331 830 1379 2197 3110 3407
Florida 74 1654 4238 8646 11 487 14 942 19 459
Alabama 2 35 112 218 301 382 496
Mississippi 3 34 151 289 406 590 740
Louisiana 1077 3058 4998 6620 8237 9984 11 610
Texas 17 284 2117 3894 5323 7315 9216
California 93 378 686 1203 1718 2119 2796
Oregon 27 54 168 218 271 358 425
Washington 185 289 477 590 713 911 1037
Contiguous US 2002 9181 20 399 33 336 44 482 57 145 70 035

Table A.3.  Coastal state housing units on land below various TIDEL thresholds.

State  < 0 m  < 1 m  < 2 m  < 3 m  < 4 m  < 5 m  < 6 m
Maine 5479 8434 11 599 15 121 20 291 30 211 37 790
New Hampshire 724 2506 5581 7379 9135 12 230 14 794
Massachusetts 12 376 31 349 102 823 172 135 241 239 321 714 368 129
Rhode Island 881 2705 5834 12 778 17 466 22 140 28 245
Connecticut 6743 11 934 19 314 28 079 38 594 51 409 65 943
New York 50 200 132 991 265 481 437 862 602 535 783 836 974 184
New Jersey 27 251 107 024 246 014 358 217 425 639 535 944 635 943
Pennsylvania 141 369 1867 5277 15 492 56 973 85 147
Delaware 304 6663 26 658 41 599 53 525 67 711 81 929
Maryland 883 19 434 60 218 102 018 130 795 158 374 188 736
District of Columbia 42 188 509 2557 5314 9128 12 294
Virginia 2661 36 847 96 961 271 600 397 965 485 677 557 630
North Carolina 5136 43 102 104 104 157 034 199 098 232 914 266 937
South Carolina 11 836 42 610 111 977 158 936 211 961 269 853 330 113
Georgien 2356 15 685 45 513 76 705 117 451 156 544 172 904
Florida 44 681 894 339 1945 323 2932 624 3535 109 4242 478 4861 644
Alabama 1021 4986 15 818 28 372 40 142 47 301 57 435
Mississippi 317 3077 11 274 24 433 38 527 56 931 74 919
Louisiana 270 864 413 900 539 319 629 596 714 039 790 506 855 525
Texas 809 12 513 103 044 172 394 234 159 321 379 407 712
California 28 002 138 224 239 008 409 912 574 074 701 184 857 554
Oregon 4606 7067 10 708 14 086 18 270 24 175 29 415
Washington 5203 10 484 30 778 43 306 56 581 77 698 92 537
Contiguous US 482 515 1946 429 3999 726 6102 019 7697 399 9456 310 11 057 460

Table A.4.  Coastal state population living on land below various TIDEL thresholds.

State  < 0 m  < 1 m  < 2 m  < 3 m  < 4 m  < 5 m  < 6 m
Maine 4131 7439 11 339 15 712 22 681 37 163 48 657
New Hampshire 823 2707 6129 8419 11 075 16 956 21 808
Massachusetts 20 414 52 488 190 238 318 875 459 262 625 030 712 653
Rhode Island 1164 3777 8965 20 109 28 424 36 675 47 827
Connecticut 13 227 23 015 36 725 53 745 74 822 101 397 132 427
New York 110 859 300 532 612 317 1009 048 1403 519 1833 309 2284 957
New Jersey 37 474 154 577 352 960 552 019 703 079 967 031 1204 052
Pennsylvania 272 791 5958 14 436 37 945 129 722 189 607
Delaware 415 7043 25 662 43 556 62 878 84 909 111 477
Maryland 1527 27 520 80 692 144 842 204 739 266 134 336 586
District of Columbia 134 756 1572 5851 10 788 16 812 22 090
Virginia 4389 75 938 206 411 640 941 944 981 1154 543 1326 524
North Carolina 6616 58 679 144 952 231 730 306 245 372 581 445 317
South Carolina 18 034 60 614 153 157 225 793 318 289 430 593 544 468
Georgien 4251 28 494 88 991 154 892 247 352 336 356 373 230
Florida 65 508 1609 312 3762 734 5797 413 6979 817 8421 764 9681 746
Alabama 511 3277 12 422 32 840 48 267 60 205 79 481
Mississippi 385 4428 20 687 48 673 78 193 118 553 157 261
Louisiana 581 796 888 679 1170 009 1383 536 1587 139 1774 254 1933 487
Texas 1534 19 618 175 395 312 256 453 236 670 793 892 541
California 62 633 325 357 568 503 993 518 1427 445 1760 176 2176 434
Oregon 5995 9250 15 278 20 642 27 193 37 134 45 797
Washington 9879 18 269 59 229 83 378 108 717 148 553 174 993
Contiguous US 951 973 3682 557 7710 326 12 112 226 15 546 087 19 400 643 22 943 419

Table A.5.  Coastal state dry land population density within various TIDEL intervals.

State  < 0 m 0–1 m 1–2 m 2–3 m 3–4 m 4–5 m 5–6 m
Maine 144 133 93 96 103 120 122
New Hampshire 435 580 630 495 400 485 362
Massachusetts 703 563 1216 1145 1358 1415 833
Rhode Island 336 352 433 583 583 538 588
Connecticut 1014 716 629 657 739 805 841
New York 2189 1811 2253 2280 3171 3488 3327
New Jersey 841 906 709 748 915 1106 968
Pennsylvania 80 129 290 587 1156 1625 3210
Delaware 73 79 176 148 144 162 170
Maryland 68 67 104 139 136 149 173
District of Columbia 179 428 338 911 1494 1707 1796
Virginia 176 247 314 562 562 467 341
North Carolina 52 45 65 71 59 67 105
South Carolina 292 113 163 175 145 125 116
Georgien 40 108 121 120 113 97 124
Florida 888 977 833 462 416 417 279
Alabama 220 84 120 192 186 148 169
Mississippi 140 130 138 204 251 220 258
Louisiana 540 155 145 132 126 107 98
Texas 88 68 85 77 99 109 117
California 676 920 790 822 843 830 614
Oregon 222 119 53 108 123 114 130
Washington 53 81 218 212 206 201 210
Contiguous US 475 380 359 340 308 304 275

Table A.6.  Normalized coastal state dry land population density within various TIDEL intervals. Values normalized by overall dry land population density under 6 m TIDEL for the geographic unit leading each row.

State  < 0 m 0–1 m 1–2 m 2–3 m 3–4 m 4–5 m 5–6 m
Maine 1.3 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
New Hampshire 0.9 1.3 1.4 1.1 0.9 1.1 0.8
Massachusetts 0.6 0.5 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.3 0.7
Rhode Island 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1
Connecticut 1.3 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1
New York 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.3 1.2
New Jersey 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.1
Pennsylvania 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 2.3
Delaware 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1
Maryland 0.5 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.4
District of Columbia 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.8 1.3 1.5 1.6
Virginia 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.3 1.3 1.1 0.8
North Carolina 0.8 0.7 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.6
South Carolina 2.1 0.8 1.2 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.8
Georgien 0.4 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.1
Florida 1.8 2.0 1.7 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.6
Alabama 1.4 0.5 0.7 1.2 1.2 0.9 1.1
Mississippi 0.7 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.2
Louisiana 3.2 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6
Texas 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.2
California 0.9 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.8
Oregon 2.1 1.1 0.5 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2
Washington 0.3 0.5 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2
Contiguous US 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8
Contiguous US without FL 1.8 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Contiguous US without FL or LA 1.2 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1
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