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Binary self-dual codes of various lengths with new weight enumerators from a modified bordered construction and neighbours

  • *Corresponding author: Adam M. Roberts

    *Corresponding author: Adam M. Roberts 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(0) / Table(8) Related Papers Cited by
  • In this work, we define a modification of a bordered construction for self-dual codes which utilises $ \lambda $-circulant matrices. We provide the necessary conditions for the construction to produce self-dual codes over finite commutative Frobenius rings of characteristic 2. Using the modified construction together with the neighbour construction, we construct many binary self-dual codes of lengths 54, 68, 82 and 94 with weight enumerators that have previously not been known to exist.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 94B05, 15B10; Secondary: 15B33.


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  • Table 1.  Quaternary notation system for elements of $ \mathbb{F}_2+u \mathbb{F}_2 $

    $ \mathbb{F}_2+u \mathbb{F}_2 $ Symbol
    $ 0 $ $ \texttt{0} $
    $ 1 $ $ \texttt{1} $
    $ u $ $ \texttt{2} $
    $ 1+u $ $ \texttt{3} $
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    Table 2.  Code of length 54 over $ \mathbb{F}_2 $ from Theorem 3.1 to which we apply Remark 4.1 to obtain the code in Table 3, where $ \boldsymbol{{\xi}} = (\xi_1,\xi_2,\xi_3,\xi_4,\xi_5,\xi_6) $

    $ \mathcal{C}_{54,i}^* $ $ {\bf{{a}}} $ $ {\bf{{b}}} $ $ {\bf{{c}}} $ $ \boldsymbol{{\xi}} $
    1 $ \texttt{(0111000101101)} $ $ \texttt{(1101110000100)} $ $ \texttt{(0101111110011)} $ $ \texttt{(001101)} $
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    Table 3.  New binary self-dual $ [54,27,10] $ code from searching for neighbours of $ \mathcal{C}_{54,j}^* $ as given in Table 2 using Remark 4.1 with $ {\bf{{x}}} = ({\bf{{0}}},{\bf{{x}}}_0) $

    $ \mathcal{C}_{54,i} $ $ \mathcal{C}_{54,j}^* $ $ {\bf{{x}}}_0 $ $ W_{54,k} $ $ \alpha $ $ |\text{Aut}({\mathcal{C}_{54,i}})| $
    1 1 $ \texttt{(000001100101001000111101101)} $ 1 $ 23 $ $ 3 $
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    Table 4.  New binary self-dual $ [68,34,12] $ codes from Theorem 3.1 over $ \mathbb{F}_2+u \mathbb{F}_2 $, where $ \boldsymbol{{\xi}} = (\xi_1,\xi_2,\xi_3,\xi_4,\xi_5,\xi_6) $

    $ \mathcal{C}_{68,i} $ $ \lambda $ $ \mu $ $ {\bf{{a}}} $ $ {\bf{{b}}} $ $ {\bf{{c}}} $ $ \boldsymbol{{\xi}} $ $ W_{68,j} $ $ \alpha $ $ \beta $ $ |\text{Aut}({\mathcal{C}_{68,i}})| $
    1 $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{(22120031)} $ $ \texttt{(02331100)} $ $ \texttt{(33331213)} $ $ \texttt{(101132)} $ 1 $ 110 $ $ - $ $ 2 $
    2 $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{(10021300)} $ $ \texttt{(31232012)} $ $ \texttt{(30313131)} $ $ \texttt{(120023)} $ 1 $ 124 $ $ - $ $ 2 $
    3 $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{(01323103)} $ $ \texttt{(20022123)} $ $ \texttt{(00300222)} $ $ \texttt{(013332)} $ 2 $ 20 $ $ 1 $ $ 2 $
    4 $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{3} $ $ \texttt{(01230200)} $ $ \texttt{(13010312)} $ $ \texttt{(22003002)} $ $ \texttt{(102232)} $ 2 $ 28 $ $ 1 $ $ 2 $
    5 $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{(31221023)} $ $ \texttt{(30003111)} $ $ \texttt{(13012103)} $ $ \texttt{(233310)} $ 2 $ 32 $ $ 1 $ $ 2 $
    6 $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{(03210210)} $ $ \texttt{(32221121)} $ $ \texttt{(13331101)} $ $ \texttt{(122201)} $ 2 $ 34 $ $ 1 $ $ 2 $
    7 $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{(00030320)} $ $ \texttt{(21031233)} $ $ \texttt{(32100012)} $ $ \texttt{(122201)} $ 2 $ 36 $ $ 1 $ $ 2 $
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    Table 5.  Code of length 34 over $ \mathbb{F}_2+u \mathbb{F}_2 $ from Theorem 3.1 to the image of which under $ \varphi_{ \mathbb{F}_2+u \mathbb{F}_2} $ we then apply Remark 4.1 to obtain the codes in Table 6, where $ \boldsymbol{{\xi}} = (\xi_1,\xi_2,\xi_3,\xi_4,\xi_5,\xi_6) $

    $ \mathcal{C}_{34,i}^* $ $ \lambda $ $ \mu $ $ {\bf{{a}}} $ $ {\bf{{b}}} $ $ {\bf{{c}}} $ $ \boldsymbol{{\xi}} $
    1 $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{1} $ $ \texttt{(01323103)} $ $ \texttt{(20022123)} $ $ \texttt{(00300222)} $ $ \texttt{(013332)} $
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    Table 6.  New binary self-dual $ [68,34,12] $ codes from searching for neighbours of $ \varphi_{ \mathbb{F}_2+u \mathbb{F}_2}(\mathcal{C}_{34,j}^*) $ using Remark 4.1 with $ {\bf{{x}}} = ({\bf{{0}}},{\bf{{x}}}_0) $, where $ \mathcal{C}_{34,j}^* $ are as given in Table 5

    $ \mathcal{C}_{68,i} $ $ \mathcal{C}_{34,j}^* $ $ {\bf{{x}}}_0 $ $ W_{68,k} $ $ \alpha $ $ \beta $ $ |\text{Aut}({\mathcal{C}_{68,i}})| $
    8 1 $ \texttt{(0101010011111010001101100011011100)} $ 1 $ 113 $ $ - $ $ 1 $
    9 1 $ \texttt{(1110010011100001110010110111100100)} $ 1 $ 114 $ $ - $ $ 1 $
    10 1 $ \texttt{(1010100100010111000000100111010111)} $ 1 $ 116 $ $ - $ $ 1 $
    11 1 $ \texttt{(0011000011011101010101010100010000)} $ 1 $ 118 $ $ - $ $ 1 $
    12 1 $ \texttt{(0101010001111010000101100011011111)} $ 1 $ 121 $ $ - $ $ 1 $
    13 1 $ \texttt{(0011001001011000000110010111110101)} $ 1 $ 123 $ $ - $ $ 1 $
    14 1 $ \texttt{(0101110101111010001101100011011101)} $ 2 $ 37 $ $ 1 $ $ 1 $
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    Table 7.  New binary self-dual $ [82,41,14] $ codes from Theorem 3.1 over $ \mathbb{F}_2 $, where $ \boldsymbol{{\xi}} = (\xi_1,\xi_2,\xi_3,\xi_4,\xi_5,\xi_6) $

    $ \mathcal{C}_{82,i} $ $ {\bf{{a}}} $ $ {\bf{{b}}} $ $ {\bf{{c}}} $ $ \boldsymbol{{\xi}} $
    1 $ \texttt{(00110011100000000110)} $ $ \texttt{(00100110011101010011)} $ $ \texttt{(00010010010001000001)} $ $ \texttt{(101010)} $
    2 $ \texttt{(11001011011010110101)} $ $ \texttt{(10011010011011010000)} $ $ \texttt{(01010011100101001010)} $ $ \texttt{(101010)} $
    3 $ \texttt{(00011110011001011110)} $ $ \texttt{(01010101010011110100)} $ $ \texttt{(10101110111000111011)} $ $ \texttt{(101010)} $
    4 $ \texttt{(00000110100111111111)} $ $ \texttt{(00110110000111101000)} $ $ \texttt{(11111011010111011000)} $ $ \texttt{(101001)} $
    5 $ \texttt{(11100011011110101011)} $ $ \texttt{(11110001101100110011)} $ $ \texttt{(00100010100000001010)} $ $ \texttt{(101010)} $
    6 $ \texttt{(11111110010110010010)} $ $ \texttt{(10001001101001001110)} $ $ \texttt{(01111010111110011001)} $ $ \texttt{(101001)} $
    7 $ \texttt{(00111010001011010100)} $ $ \texttt{(11001010111101110001)} $ $ \texttt{(10001100011010110001)} $ $ \texttt{(101010)} $
    8 $ \texttt{(00110011011011110001)} $ $ \texttt{(00101110100101000100)} $ $ \texttt{(10110001110000000001)} $ $ \texttt{(101110)} $
    9 $ \texttt{(10000011001000100011)} $ $ \texttt{(00110001010001110100)} $ $ \texttt{(00010001110001000101)} $ $ \texttt{(101101)} $
    10 $ \texttt{(11101110100101100010)} $ $ \texttt{(01110011001100110001)} $ $ \texttt{(00010100000110011010)} $ $ \texttt{(101101)} $
    11 $ \texttt{(00011011111101000011)} $ $ \texttt{(11000000001100111001)} $ $ \texttt{(10100000101010010010)} $ $ \texttt{(101110)} $
    12 $ \texttt{(00011110101110000110)} $ $ \texttt{(11000011010011000101)} $ $ \texttt{(01001010001111101110)} $ $ \texttt{(101110)} $
    13 $ \texttt{(00100000101100010000)} $ $ \texttt{(11010101010010100011)} $ $ \texttt{(01011101110000111001)} $ $ \texttt{(101101)} $
    14 $ \texttt{(10001111010001011100)} $ $ \texttt{(00000001010010011000)} $ $ \texttt{(01101011111010000110)} $ $ \texttt{(101101)} $
    15 $ \texttt{(10011111001010110001)} $ $ \texttt{(11000010101110010110)} $ $ \texttt{(01000011001011110111)} $ $ \texttt{(101110)} $
    16 $ \texttt{(11100100001011100001)} $ $ \texttt{(00101100110000110100)} $ $ \texttt{(00011111001001111100)} $ $ \texttt{(101101)} $
    17 $ \texttt{(10001110110000101100)} $ $ \texttt{(00111010000111110010)} $ $ \texttt{(01110111101001100001)} $ $ \texttt{(101110)} $
    18 $ \texttt{(00001101111100100101)} $ $ \texttt{(00011001110100011111)} $ $ \texttt{(01001100001011101111)} $ $ \texttt{(101110)} $
    $\mathcal{C}_{82,i}$ $W_{82,j}$ $\alpha$ $\beta$ $|\text{Aut}({\mathcal{C}_{82,i}})|$
    1 2 $-738$ $18$ $1$
    2 2 $-736$ $18$ $1$
    3 2 $-734$ $18$ $1$
    4 2 $-714$ $18$ $1$
    5 2 $-706$ $18$ $1$
    6 2 $-688$ $18$ $1$
    7 2 $-662$ $18$ $1$
    8 3 $-828$ $0$ $1$
    9 3 $-816$ $0$ $1$
    10 3 $-812$ $0$ $1$
    11 3 $-798$ $0$ $1$
    12 3 $-786$ $0$ $1$
    13 3 $-778$ $0$ $1$
    14 3 $-776$ $0$ $1$
    15 3 $-818$ $1$ $1$
    16 3 $-838$ $2$ $1$
    17 3 $-818$ $2$ $1$
    18 3 $-854$ $5$ $1$
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    Table 8.  New binary self-dual $ [94,47,16] $ codes from Theorem 3.1 over $ \mathbb{F}_2 $, where $ \boldsymbol{{\xi}} = (\xi_1,\xi_2,\xi_3,\xi_4,\xi_5,\xi_6) $

    $ \mathcal{C}_{94,i} $ $ {\bf{{a}}} $ $ {\bf{{b}}} $ $ {\bf{{c}}} $ $ \boldsymbol{{\xi}} $
    1 $ \texttt{(01111111111001110101110)} $ $ \texttt{(01101101000111011010001)} $ $ \texttt{(00001000000000000000000)} $ $ \texttt{(001110)} $
    2 $ \texttt{(10010111111101010000010)} $ $ \texttt{(11100100111001001111001)} $ $ \texttt{(00001000000000000000000)} $ $ \texttt{(001110)} $
    3 $ \texttt{(01100111001001011111010)} $ $ \texttt{(10110101001111101000010)} $ $ \texttt{(11010111010100010110011)} $ $ \texttt{(001110)} $
    4 $ \texttt{(10010101100111000001101)} $ $ \texttt{(11010000110110110000001)} $ $ \texttt{(01010001111011001010111)} $ $ \texttt{(110010)} $
    5 $ \texttt{(00000111101001000010100)} $ $ \texttt{(11110100110110100111000)} $ $ \texttt{(01001111001111101100100)} $ $ \texttt{(001101)} $
    6 $ \texttt{(11011110010100111000000)} $ $ \texttt{(01110100011001101101111)} $ $ \texttt{(01110000001111000111111)} $ $ \texttt{(001101)} $
    7 $ \texttt{(01011011110110010001110)} $ $ \texttt{(10010110110110001100101)} $ $ \texttt{(00000100000000000000000)} $ $ \texttt{(110010)} $
    8 $ \texttt{(01100001100001100101010)} $ $ \texttt{(11111101000110000010101)} $ $ \texttt{(00100000000000000000000)} $ $ \texttt{(001101)} $
    9 $ \texttt{(00000111001111011011110)} $ $ \texttt{(11100000000100010011010)} $ $ \texttt{(01101111110111000010001)} $ $ \texttt{(110010)} $
    10 $ \texttt{(01101101011111000010001)} $ $ \texttt{(10100110011101001101101)} $ $ \texttt{(01011000110000010010101)} $ $ \texttt{(110010)} $
    11 $ \texttt{(11010010011100001111011)} $ $ \texttt{(10001110000000010001110)} $ $ \texttt{(11101110011100011101000)} $ $ \texttt{(110010)} $
    12 $ \texttt{(10101100011011001010111)} $ $ \texttt{(00010010000011111000010)} $ $ \texttt{(00111100000011101111110)} $ $ \texttt{(001101)} $
    $ \mathcal{C}_{94,i} $ $ W_{94,j} $ $ \alpha $ $ \beta $ $ |\text{Aut}({\mathcal{C}_{94,i}})| $
    1 1 $ 4646 $ $ -92 $ $ 2\cdot 23 $
    2 1 $ 3450 $ $ -46 $ $ 2\cdot 23 $
    3 1 $ 3680 $ $ -46 $ $ 23 $
    4 1 $ 3772 $ $ -46 $ $ 23 $
    5 1 $ 4186 $ $ -46 $ $ 23 $
    6 1 $ 2944 $ $ -23 $ $ 23 $
    7 1 $ 3680 $ $ -23 $ $ 23 $
    8 1 $ 2346 $ $ 0 $ $ 2\cdot 23 $
    9 1 $ 2530 $ $ 0 $ $ 23 $
    10 1 $ 2576 $ $ 0 $ $ 23 $
    11 1 $ 3496 $ $ 0 $ $ 23 $
    12 1 $ 3588 $ $ 0 $ $ 23 $
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