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Audit Reports

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Audit reports can be retrieved from our database in PDF file format (for more about PDF files please see the Europa FAQ section on PDF). To retrieve reports use the above-right search button and select one of the three tabs which appear, as follows:

  • Use the ‘Basic’ tab if you already know the year and/or number of the audit.
  • Use the ‘Advanced’ tab to search by country, by date range, and/or by text search.
  • Use the ‘Published’ tab to search by report publication date

Note: all audit numbers are now listed in the standardised format: *YEAR-NUMBER*.

Last 5 reports

Reference Land Audit period Titel
2024-8075 Rumänien Jan-Feb 2024 evaluate the system of official controls on animals and goods entering the European Union and verification of compliance of border control posts with European Union requirements
2024-8006 Ungarn Feb 2024 Milk and dairy products
2023-7854 Mosambik Jan 2023 Fishery products intended for export to the European Union
2023-7668 China Oct 2023 Export Controls - plants and plant products
2024-8080 Dänemark Mar 2024 evaluate controls on residues of pharmacologically active substances, pesticides and contaminants in animals and animal products

Further information

Annual reports

Our annual reports describe the overall outcome of national and Commission control activities to ensure a high level of health and food safety.

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Audit reports

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Version: 5.3.3