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Overview Reports

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Audits can be retrieved from our database in PDF file format (for more about PDF files please see the Europa FAQ section on PDF). To retrieve reports use the above-right search button.

The search button provides three tabs for different ways of searching the database:

  • Use the Basic tab to search by subject area and/or country type.
  • Use the Advanced tab if you already know the year and/or number of the report.
  • Use the Text tab to search by keywords in a report.

Note: all audit numbers are now listed in the standardised format: *YEAR-NUMBER*.

Last 5 reports

Reference Titel
2023-7914 Overview report on the implementation of official controls on animal by-products and derived products in Member States (2020-2023)
2022-7580 Overview report on a series of fact-finding studies to evaluate the suitability and effective implementation of national arrangements to fight food fraud along the agri-food chain in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/625
2022-7624 Overview report on the outbreaks of Xylella fastidiosa in the European Union
2022-7872 Overview report - Official controls on the production and harvesting of live bivalve molluscs for human consumption in the European Union
2021-7343 Overview report on the outbreaks of the tomato brown rugose fruit virus in the European Union

Further information

Annual reports

Our annual reports describe the overall outcome of national and Commission control activities to ensure a high level of health and food safety.

Work programmes

Our annual work programme identifies the work priorities in context of identified risks, legal obligations and Commission priorities.

Audit reports

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Overview reports

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Audit map

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Country profiles

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Version: 5.3.3