User:JeffDoozan/lists/translations/nested template

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369 items

-fold:Suffix used to make adverbs
{{t|hu|-szorosan}}, {{t|hu|-szeresen}}, {{t|hu|-szörösen}}, {{t|hu|-szorosára}}, {{t|hu|-szeresére}}, {{t|hu|-szörösére}} {{gloss|{{t|hu|-szoros}}/{{t|hu|-szeres}}/{{t|hu|-szörös}} combined with {{t+|hu|-an}}/{{t+|hu|-en}} or {{t+|hu|-a}}+{{t+|hu|-ra}} / {{t|hu|-e}}+{{t+|hu|-re}}}}
-ing:Suffix to form present participles
{{t|es|-ando}} {{qualifier|verbs ending in {{m|es|-ar}}}}, {{t|es|-iendo}}, {{t|es|-yendo}} {{qualifier|verbs ending in {{m|es|-er}} and {{m|es|-ir}}}}
-ing:Suffix to form present participles
{{t+|sv|-ande}} {{qualifier|verbs ending in {{m|sv|-a}}}}, {{t+|sv|-ende}} {{qualifier|verbs ending in other letter than -a}}
-ly:Suffix used to form adverbs from adjectives
{{t+|ja|く|tr=-ku|alt=...く|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|{{l|ja|い}}-adjectives drop {{l|ja|い}}, add {{l|ja|く}}}}, {{t+|ja|に|tr=-ni|alt=...に|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|{{l|ja|な}}-adjectives drop {{l|ja|な}}, add {{l|ja|に}}}}
2nd:Adjective abbreviation of second
{{t+|fr|2e}}, {{t+|fr|2ème}}; {{q|archaic|{{m|fr|second|second(e)}}}} {{t+|fr|2d|m}}, {{t+|fr|2de|m}}
CSA:Proper noun Canadian Space Agency
{{t+|fr|ASC}} {{gloss|{{l|fr|Agence spatiale canadienne}}}}
CSA:Proper noun Canadian Standards Association
{{t|fr|ACNOR}} {{gloss|{{l|fr|Association canadienne de normalisation}}}}; {{t+|fr|CSA}}
Common Era:Proper noun secular equivalent of anno Domini and the Christian Era
{{t|ru|на́шей э́ры|f}} {{q|genitive of {{t|ru|на́ша э́ра}}}}
Comorian:Adjective pertaining to the Comoros
{{t|ar|جُزُر اَلْقَمَر}} {{qualifier|'iDaafa ({{m|ar|إضافَة}}) is used}}
English:Proper noun the English language
{{tt+|eo|angla}}, {{tt|eo|[[angla]] [[lingvo]]}} {{q|with the definite article {{tt+|eo|la}}}}
Ereshkigal:Proper noun Mesopotamian goddess of the underworld
Fourier transform:Noun mathematics
a type of integral transform: {{t|ja|フーリエ変換|tr={{l|ja|フーリエへんかん}}, Fūrie henkan|sc=Jpan}}
Francis:Proper noun male given name
{{t+|ca|Francesc}}, {{qualifier|used only as equivalent to French {{l|fr|François}}}} {{t|ca|Francés}}
God bless you:Interjection said to somebody who has sneezed
{{qualifier|diminutive of plural form of {{l|el|υγεία||health}}}} {{t+|el|γείτσες|f-p}}
HC:Noun {{l
{{t+|cs|HK}} {{gloss|{{l|cs|hokejový klub}}}}
HC:Noun {{l
{{t+|fr|CH}} {{gloss|{{l|fr|club de hockey}}}}
HC:Noun {{l
{{t|de|EK}} {{gloss|{{l|de|Eishockey Klub}}}}
HTTP cookie:Noun packet of information
{{q|no exact equivalent exists, the English {{m|en|cookie}} is usually used, often capitalised}}, {{t|cmn|[[小型]][[文字]][[檔案]]}}, {{t|cmn|[[小型]][[文字]][[档案]]|tr=xiǎoxíng wénzì dǎng'àn}}, {{t|cmn|小甜餅|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|小甜饼|tr=xiǎotiánbǐng|sc=Hani}}
His Holiness:Noun honorific title
{{t|bg|Негово светейшество|n}} {{q|cf. {{t|bg|Ваше светейшество|n}}}}
His Holiness:Noun honorific title
{{t|fr|Sa Sainteté|f}} {{q|cf. {{t|fr|Votre Sainteté|f}}}}
His Holiness:Noun honorific title
{{t|it|Sua Santità|f}} {{q|cf. {{t|it|Vostra Santità|f}}}}
His Holiness:Noun honorific title
{{t+|pl|jego świątobliwość|f}} {{q|cf. {{t+|pl|wasza świątobliwość|f}}}}
His Holiness:Noun honorific title
{{t|pt|Sua Santidade|f}} {{q|cf. {{t+|pt|Vossa Santidade|f}}}}
His Holiness:Noun honorific title
{{t|es|Su Santidad|f}} {{q|cf. {{t|es|Vuestra Santidad|f}}}}
I lost my keys:Phrase I lost my keys
{{t|hu|elvesztettem a kulcsom}} {{q|or optionally with {{m|hu|kulcsomat}}}}
I lost my wallet:Phrase I lost my wallet
{{t|hu|elvesztettem a pénztárcám}} {{q|or optionally with {{m|hu|pénztárcámat}}}}
I was born in ...:Phrase I was born in ... (year)
{{t|hu|…[[-ban]]/[[-ben]] [[születtem]]}} {{q|{{m|hu|-ben}} in case of …1, …2, …4, …5, …7, …9, 1940, …50, …70, …90, 2000, and …10 while {{m|hu|-ban}} in case of …3, …6, …8, …20, …30, …60, and …80}}
I was born in ...:Phrase I was born in ... (place name)
{{t|hu|…[[-ban]]/[[-ben]] [[születtem]]}} {{qualifier|the place name is in the inessive case or, in case of some Hungarian cities/towns/villages, in the superessive {{m|hu|[[-on]]/[[-en]]/[[-ön]]/[[-n]]}} case}}
I'm:Contraction Contraction
{{t+|ar|أنا|alt=أَنَا ...}}; {{t|ar|أَكُونُ}} {{qualifier|verb {{t+|ar|كان}} is rarely used in the present tense}}
I'm Jewish:Phrase I'm Jewish (ethnic)
{{t|uk|я жид|m}}, {{t|uk|я жидо́вка|f}}, {{t|uk|я євре́й|m}}, {{t|uk|я євре́йка|f}} {{qualifier|note that the former {{m|uk|жид}} is more common in Western Ukraine but may sound pejorative in Eastern Ukraine}}
I'm fine, thank you:Phrase expected, polite response to How are you?
{{t|fi|[[kiitos]], [[hyvää]]}} {{qualifier|in response to {{m|fi|mitä kuuluu|mitä kuuluu?}}}}
I'm fine, thank you:Phrase expected, polite response to How are you?
{{t|pt|eu vou bem, obrigado}} {{q|in response to {{m|pt|como vai você}}?}}
IAEA:Proper noun International Atomic Energy Agency
{{t|fi|{{w|lang=fi|Kansainvälinen atomienergiajärjestö}}}}, {{t+|fi|IAEA}}
Ichiro:Proper noun
{{t|ja|いちろう}} {{gloss|{{m|ja|Ichirō}}}}
JFGI:Interjection Abbreviation of just fucking google it
{{t|ja|ggrks|tr={{m|ja|ググれカス}}, gugure kasu}}
Lazarus:Proper noun New Testament characters
{{t|he|אֶלְעָזָר|m|tr={{lang|und|sc=Latinx|ʼelʻāzār}}}}, {{t|he|לַעְזָר|tr=la'zár}} {{label|en|used in the Franz Delitzsch translation of the New Testament}}
Mecklenburgish:Proper noun Low German variety
{{t|de|[[mecklenburgisch]]e [[Mundart]]|f}}, {{t|de|Mecklenburgisch|n}} {{q|note: often the broader term {{m|de|Mecklenburgisch-Vorpommersch}} is used}}
Mexico City:Proper noun capital of Mexico
{{t+|fr|Mexico|f}} {{q|cf. {{t|fr|Ville de Mexico|f}}, {{t+|fr|Mexique|m}} (country)}}
Miss:Noun title
{{t+|fi|neiti}} {{q|{{m|fi|Nti}}}}
Nahuatl:Proper noun language
{{t|eo|naŭatla}}, {{t|eo|[[naŭatla]] [[lingvo]]}} {{q|with the definite article {{tt+|eo|la}}}}
Orange River:Proper noun longest river in South Africa
Plodia interpunctella:Proper noun Plodia interpunctella
{{t|en|{{vern|Indian mealmoth}}}}, {{t|en|Indianmeal moth}}, {{t|en|Indian meal moth}}, {{t|en|Indian-meal moth}}, {{t|en|pantry moth}}, {{t|en|{{vern|weevil moth}}}}, {{t|en|{{vern|meal-worm moth}}}}
Pyrrhic:Adjective achieved at excessive cost
{{t|de|[[Pyrrhus]]-}} {{q|as in {{m|de|Pyrrhussieg}}}}, {{t|de|pyrrhisch}}
Royal Road:Proper noun ancient road in Persia
{{t|grc|ἡ ὁδὸς ἡ βασιληΐη}} {{q|{{grc-ion}}}}
Sekigawa:Proper noun
Sudo:Proper noun
{{t|ja|須藤}} {{gloss|{{l|ja|すどう|gloss={{m|ja|Sudō}}}}}}
Tatar:Proper noun language
{{t|eo|tatara}}, {{t|eo|tatara [[lingvo]]}} {{q|with the definite article {{t+|eo|la}}}}
Venus:Proper noun planet
Wonder Woman:Proper noun DC Comics character
about to:Phrase indicating imminence
{{qualifier|for both forms, particle {{m|zh|了|tr=le}} is used after verb}} {{t+|cmn|就要|tr=jiùyào|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|快要|tr=kuàiyào|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|剛要|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|刚要|tr=gāngyào|sc=Hani}}
adult:Noun fully grown human
{{t+|cs|dospělý|m}} {{q|cf. {{t+|cs|dospělák|m}}}}, {{t|cs|dospělá|f}}
alleviate:Verb make less severe
{{t+|cmn|減輕}}, {{t+|cmn|减轻|tr=jiǎnqīng}}, {{t+|cmn|緩和}}, {{t+|cmn|缓和|tr=huǎnhé}} {{qualifier|as in {{m|cmn|[[减轻]][[痛苦]]||to alleviate suffering}}.}}
ambush:Verb to attack by ambush; to waylay
{{t|fi|[[hyökkää]] [[väijyksistä]] {{qualifier|+ genitive +}} [[kimppuun]]}}, {{t|fi|väijyttää}}
anecdotal evidence:Noun examples
{{t|de|{{l|de|anekdotisch|anekdotische}} {{l|de|Beleg|Belege}}|m-p}}, {{t|de|[[vereinzelte ]] [[Belege]]|f-p}}, {{t|de|[[sporadische]] [[Hinweise]]}}
angular mil:Noun unit of angular measurement
{{t+|fi|piiru}} {{q|{{frac|1|6000}}}}
antitheft:Adjective preventing from being stolen
{{t|fi|[[varkauden]][[esto]]-}} {{q|as in {{m|fi|varkaudenestolaite}}}}
apple core:Noun the central portion of an apple
{{t+|de|Griebs|m}} {{q|literary and regional German German}}, {{t|de|Apfelkerngehäuse|n}} {{q|stilted or when no picture of apples has been made yet, without that {{t+|de|Kerngehäuse|n}} “core” clearly refers to a fruit already}}
appreciate:Verb to view as valuable
{{t+|ru|оце́нивать}}, {{qualifier|{{m|ru|высоко́|t=highly}}}} {{t+|ru|цени́ть}}
argot:Noun secret language of thieves, tramps and vagabonds
{{t+|de|Argot}} {{qual|for argot in France}}, {{t+|de|Rotwelsch}} {{qual|for argot in Germany or {{m|en|Rotwelsch}}}}
arsine:Noun AsH3
{{t+|cmn|胂|tr=shèn {{qualifier|mainland}}, shēn {{qualifier|Taiwan}}}}
ask:Verb request an answer
{{t+|ru|спра́шивать|impf}}, {{t+|ru|спроси́ть|pf}}, {{t+|ru|задава́ть|impf}}, {{t+|ru|зада́ть|pf}} {{qualifier|+ {{l|ru|вопро́с}}}}
ass:Noun buttocks
{{t-egy|pḥwj|h=pH-w&y|m-d}}, {{t-egy|ḫpdwj|h=x*p:d</hiero>{{egy-glyph|D318|h=23}}<hiero>|m-d}}
bake:Verb to cook in an oven
{{t+|fr|cuire}} {{q|au {{l|fr|four}}}}
bake:Verb to cook in an oven
{{t+|it|cuocere}} {{q|al {{l|it|forno}}}}, {{t+|it|infornare}}
bald:Adjective having no hair
{{t+|de|kahl}}, {{t+|de|glatzköpfig}}; {{q|but usually expressed with the noun {{m|de|Glatze}}: mit Glatze, hat eine Glatze, etc.}}
bear with:Verb be patient with
{{t|de|[[Geduld]] [[haben]] [[mit]]}}, {{t|de|[[Nachsicht]] [[üben]]}} {{q|{{m|de||ich bitte um Nachsicht}} ≈ please bear with me}}]]
benefit of the doubt:Noun a favorable judgement given in the absence of full evidence
{{not used|de}} {{qualifier|perhaps circumscribed {{m|de|nicht das [[schlimm|Schlimmste]] [[annehmen]]}}, somewhat similar {{m|de|Vertrauensvorschuss}}, {{m|de|Vertrauensbonus}}}}
bid:Verb to utter a greeting or salutation
{{q|with {{m|hu|búcsú||farewell}}}} {{t+|hu|mond}}, {{t+|hu|vesz}}
big two:Noun
{{t|cmn|大老二|tr={{m|cmn|dà lǎo èr}}}}
black belt:Noun person who has attained the black belt
{{not used|fi}} {{qual|instead say {{m|fi|[[jollakulla]] [[on]] [[musta vyö]]}} "someone has a black belt"}}
black caraway:Noun Nigella sativa
{{t|sh|cr̀njika|f}} {{q|Croatia, Bosnia, used in Serbia in the form {{l|sh|cr̀nika}} for the [[holm oak]]}}, {{t|sh|mačkov bȓk|m}} {{q|Serbia}}, {{t|sh|crno sȅme|n}} {{q|Serbia}}, {{t|sh|cȓnī kùmīn|m}} {{q|Serbia}}, {{t|sh|cȓnī kȉm}} {{q|Serbia, Bosnia}}, {{t|sh|crni sùsam}} {{q|Serbia}}, {{t|sh|čorokot}} {{q|Bosnia}}, {{t|sh|ćurokot|m}} {{q|Bosnia}}, {{t|sh|ćurukot}} {{q|Serbia, Bosnia}}, {{t|sh|ćurekot|m}} {{q|Bosnia, Serbia}}
black caraway:Noun spice
{{t|sh|cr̀njika|f}} {{q|Croatia, Bosnia, used in Serbia in the form {{l|sh|cr̀nika}} for the [[holm oak]]}}, {{t|sh|mačkov bȓk|m}} {{q|Serbia}}, {{t|sh|crno sȅme|n}} {{q|Serbia}}, {{t|sh|cȓnī kùmīn|m}} {{q|Serbia}}, {{t|sh|cȓnī kȉm}} {{q|Serbia, Bosnia}}, {{t|sh|crni sùsam}} {{q|Serbia}}, {{t|sh|čorokot}} {{q|Bosnia}}, {{t|sh|ćurokot|m}} {{q|Bosnia}}, {{t|sh|ćurukot}} {{q|Serbia, Bosnia}}, {{t|sh|ćurekot|m}} {{q|Bosnia, Serbia}}
bolster:Noun large cushion or pillow
{{t+|de|Polster|n}} {{qualifier|Austria {{g|m}}}}, {{t|de|Nackenrolle|f}}
breathless:Adjective having difficulty breathing; gasping
{{t|es|jadeante}}, {{t|es|{{l|es|sin}} {{l|es|aliento}}}}
bureaucratese:Noun pejorative term for language typically used by bureaucrats
{{q|languages in general}} {{t|de|Bürokratensprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Behördensprache|f}}, {{t|de|Verwaltungsjargon|m}}; {{q|for German more often}} {{t+|de|Amtsdeutsch|n}}, {{t+|de|Behördendeutsch|n}}, {{t+|de|Beamtendeutsch|n}}; {{q|the same terms can also be formed with other languages e.g. {{m|de|Amtsenglisch|g=n||English bureaucratese}}}}
butt:Noun buttocks
{{t-egy|pḥwj|h=pH-w&y|m-d}}, {{t-egy|ḫpdwj|h=x*p:d</hiero>{{egy-glyph|D318|h=23}}<hiero>|m-d}}
butt:Noun target of ridicule
{{t+|hu|céltábla}}, {{t+|hu|célpont}}, {{t+|hu|tárgy}} {{q|with a possessive suffix, used with {{m|hu|nevetség}}, {{m|hu|tréfa}}, {{m|hu|gúny}}, or another synonym}}
button:Verb to be fastened with a button
{{t+|fi|napittaa}} {{qualifier|with an auxiliary verb or expression, e.g. {{m|fi|voida}}, {{m|fi|pystyä}}}}
by:Preposition indicates a means
{{q|use the instrumental case or {{t+|ru|с по́мощью}}}}
by:Preposition indicates a means
{{q|use the instrumental case or {{t+|sk|s}}, {{t|sk|so}}, {{t|sk|pomocou}}}}
bye:Interjection short for goodbye
{{t+|cs|ahoj}}, {{t+|cs|čau}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t+|cs|nashle}} {{qualifier|shortened form of {{l|cs|na shledanou}}, informal}}
can:Verb to be able
{{t+|cmn|會|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|会|tr=huì|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|能|tr=néng|sc=Hani}}, {{qualifier|the ability/inability to achieve a result is expressed with various verb complements, e.g. {{t+|cmn|得了|tr=-deliǎo|sc=Hani}}/{{t+|cmn|不了|tr=-buliǎo|sc=Hani}}}}, {{t+|cmn|能夠|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|能够|tr=nénggòu|sc=Hani}}
can you tell us:Phrase prefix indicating a polite request
{{t|hu|megmondaná}} {{q|for a single piece of information}}, {{t|hu|elmondaná}} {{q|for more detailed information}} {{q|{{m|hu|nekünk|tr=to us}} is optional after both}}
carbonyl:Noun functional group -CO-
{{t+|cmn|羰基|tr=tāngjī {{qualifier|mainland}}, tànjī {{qualifier|Taiwan}}}}
cavity:Noun hole or hollow depression
{{t+|cmn|孔穴|tr=kǒngxué, {{q|Taiwan}} kǒngxuè}}, {{t+|cmn|空腔|tr=kōngqiāng}}
chargeback:Noun reversal of an accounting entry
{{t+|fi|oikaisu}} {{q|see also {{m|fi|oikaisupyyntö}}}}, {{t|fi|takaisinveloitus}}
church:Noun a religious organization
{{t+|is|kirkja|f}} {{qualifier|often used with definite article: {{upright|{{t|is|kirkjan}}}}}}
cider:Noun non-alcoholic still beverage
{{t+|de|Apfelsaft|m}} {{q|may be specified as {{m|de|[[trüb]]er Apfelsaft}}}}, {{t+|de|Apfelmost|m}} {{q|rarer}}
circa:Preposition approximately, about, around
{{t|ko|{{...}}[[경(頃)]]}}, {{t+|ko|대략(大略)}}
clamp:Verb to fasten in place or together
{{t+|fi|puristaa}} {{q|optional + {{m|fi|yhteen}}}}
clock in:Verb to be measured at
{{t+|fi|olla}} {{q|usually with qualifier, such as {{m|fi|paino|painoltaan}} for weight}}
closing:Adjective coming after all others
{{t+|hu|záró}}, {{t|hu|lezáró}}, {{t+|hu|befejező}}, {{t+|hu|zár|alt=zár-|id=lock}} {{q|as in {{m|hu|zárszó}}}}
{{t+|zh|耳蝸|alt=耳蝸的|sc=Hant}}, {{t+|zh|耳蜗|alt=耳蜗的|sc=Hans|tr=ěrwōde, ěrguāde {{q|Taiwan}}}}
cochlear nerve:Noun nerve
{{t|zh|耳蝸神經|sc=Hant}}, {{t|zh|耳蜗神经|sc=Hans|tr=ěrwōshénjīng, ěrguāshénjīng {{q|Taiwan}}}}
columbiform:Noun columbiform (noun)
{{t|de|Taubenvogel|m}} {{q|see die {{w|Taubenvögel|lang=de}} / {{w|Columbiformes}}}}, {{t|de|Columbiforme|f}} {{q|a [[nominalize]]d adjective; die [[Columbiformen]], die Columbiformes}}, {{t|de|Kolumbiforme|f}} {{q|a nominalized adjective; die [[Kolumbiformen]]}}
commander:Noun one who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization
{{t|ar|آمِر|m}}, {{t|ar|أُمَرَاء|p}} {{qualifier|plural of {{lang|ar|آمر}}}}
conviction:Noun judgement of guilt
{{t|fi|{{t|fi|[[langettava]] [[tuomio]]}}}}
copywrite:Verb to write the text of an advertisement
{{t+|fi|kirjoittaa}} {{q|{{m|fi|mainosteksti}}}}
corvee:Noun unpaid labor required by a feudal lord
{{t+|la|opera|f}}, {{t|la|corrogāta|f}} {{q|Medieval}}, {{t|la|servitium dēterminātum|f}} {{q|{{w|Gallus Anonymus}}}}
costocervical:Adjective relating to the ribs and the neck
{{t|cmn|肋頸}}, {{t|cmn|肋颈|tr=lèijǐng, {{q|Taiwan}} lèjǐng}}
costocervical trunk:Noun branch of the subclavian artery
{{t|cmn|肋頸幹}}, {{t|cmn|肋颈干|tr=lèijǐng gàn, {{q|Taiwan}} lèjǐng gàn}}
crash:Verb to make informal temporary living arrangments
{{t+|hu|alszik}}, {{t+|hu|elalszik}}, {{t+|hu|megalszik}}, {{t|hu|[[meghúzza]] [[magát]]}} {{q|with {{m|hu|-nál}}/{{m|hu|-nél}}}}
criminal:Adjective abhorrent or very undesirable
{{t+|fi|rikollinen}} {{q|often with {{m|fi|suorastaan}}}}
criminalize:Verb to make something be a crime
{{t|fi|[[tehdä]] ([[jokin|jostakin]]) [[rikos]]}} {{q|object in elative and usually before {{m|fi|rikos}}}}; {{t+|fi|kriminalisoida}}, {{t|fi|[[tehdä]] [[laiton|laittomaksı]]}}
crosseyed:Adjective having both eyes oriented inward, especially involuntarily
{{t+|de|schielend}} {{q|for “he is crosseyed” say {{m|de|er [[schielen|schielt]]}}}}; {{t+|de|scheel}} {{q|chiefly figuratively}}
crown:Adjective of, related to, or pertaining to a crown
{{t+|ru|насле́дный}} {{q|only as part of expressions like {{m|ru|[[наследный]] [[принц]]}}}}, {{t+|ru|коро́нный}}, {{qualifier|crown prince}} {{t|ru|крон-при́нц|m}}
crystal clear:Adjective completely clear and understood
{{t|es|con {{l|es|claridad meridiana}}}}, {{t+|es|meridiano|m}}
cunt:Noun genitalia
{{t+|cmn|屄|tr=bī|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|逼|tr=bī|sc=Hani}} {{qualifier|used instead of a more vulgar character {{l|cmn|屄}}}}, {{t+|cmn|雞掰}}, {{t+|cmn|鸡掰|tr=jībāi}} {{qualifier|Taiwan, also}}
dead:Noun time when coldness, darkness, or stillness is most intense
{{t+|fi|sydän}} {{qualifier|in compounds, such as {{m|fi|yösydän}}, {{m|fi|sydäntalvi}}}}
deal breaker:Noun an issue which causes a relationship (especially in business) to fail
{{t+|fi|kynnyskysymys}} {{qualifier|not an exact equivalent; a verb phrase, such as with {{m|fi|kelvata}}, is more often used}}
defecate:Verb expel feces from one's bowels
diametrically:Adverb on exactly the opposite side
{{t|hu|homlokegyenest}} {{q|with {{m|hu|ellenkező}}/{{m|hu|ellentétes}}}}, {{t+|hu|szöges}} {{q|adjective, used with {{m|hu|ellentét}}}}
dictionary:Noun publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
{{t+|vo|vödabuk}}, {{t|vo|vödasbuk}} {{q|older term, now obsolete; compare {{l|de|Wörterbuch}}}}
differential:Adjective dependent on, distinctive
{{t+|fi|riippuvainen}} {{q|dependent}}; {{t+|fi|erityinen}}, {{t|fi|erityinen|alt=erityis- {{q|distinctive}}
dine and dash:Verb to leave a restaurant without paying after eating
{{t+|es|hacer perro muerto}}, {{t|es|{{l|es|hacer}} un {{l|es|simpa}}}}
discontinue:Verb to stop a process
{{t+|fi|lopettaa|lit=to stop}} {{q|{{m|fi|valmistus||manufacturing}}, {{m|fi|tuotanto||production}} etc.}}, {{t+|fi|poistaa|lit=to remove, take away}} {{q|{{m|fi|valikoima|valikoimasta|from the selection}}, {{m|fi|myynti|myynnistä|from sales}}, {{m|fi|tuotanto|tuotannosta|from production}}, {{m|fi|varasto|varastosta|from the warehouse}} etc.}}, {{t+|fi|lakkauttaa}}
discover:Verb find something for the first time
{{t+|cmn|發現}}, {{t+|cmn|发现|tr=fāxiàn}} {{q|also spelled {{m|cmn|發見}}/{{m|cmn|发见}}}}, {{t+|cmn|發覺}}, {{t+|cmn|发觉|tr=fājué}}, {{t+|cmn|查出|tr=cháchū}}
disposal:Noun power to use something
{{t+|hu|rendelkezés}} {{q|chiefly in fixed phrases with {{m|hu|áll}} and {{m|hu|bocsát}}}}
do without:Verb manage
{{t+|hu|lemond}} {{q|+ {{m|hu|[[-ról]]/[[-ről]]}}}}, {{t|hu|[[elvan]]/[[megvan]]}} {{q|+ {{m|hu|[[nélkül]]}}}}
do you have any pets:Phrase do you have pets?
{{q|formal}} {{t|hu|[[van]] [[valamilyen]] [[állata]]?}}, {{t|hu|[[tart]] [[valamilyen]] [[állatot]]?}}; {{q|informal}} {{t|hu|[[van]] [[valamilyen]] [[állatod]]?}}, {{t|hu|[[tartasz]] [[valamilyen]] [[állatot]]?}} {{q|to avoid a farm connotation, {{m|hu|kisállat|lit=small animal}} might be specified, which excludes large dogs}}
do you speak English:Phrase do you speak English? (English specifically)
{{t|vi|bạn có nói được tiếng Anh không?}} {{qualifier|generic, replace {{t+|vi|bạn}} with other pronouns depending on the speakers' relationship, {{l|vi|anh}}, {{l|vi|chị}}, {{l|vi|bà}}, etc.}}
down:Preposition from one end to another
{{t|fi|[[-n]] {{q|genitive}} [[poikki]]}}
down with:Preposition okay with
{{t+|fi|ok}}, {{t+|fi|ookoo}} {{q|olla ok/ookoo + allative {{=}} to be down with (who is?); {{m|fi|käydä}} or {{m|fi|sopia}} as a verb is considerably more common}}
dress:Verb to allow one’s penis to fall to one side or the other within one’s trousers
{{t|hu|hordja}} {{qualifier|definite form of {{m|hu|hord}}}}
drive:Verb to cause to become
{{t|hu|-ít}}, {{q|chiefly with {{m|hu|[[-ba]]/[[-be]]}}}} {{t+|hu|visz}}, {{q|chiefly with {{m|hu|[[-vá]]/[[-vé]]}}}} {{t+|hu|tesz}}, {{q|into despair}} {{t+|hu|ejt}}
dwarf:Noun small person
{{t-egy|nmw|m|h=n-mw}}, {{t-egy|dng|m|h=D46:N35-W11:F21</hiero>{{egy-glyph|A282}}<hiero>A1}}
e.g.:Adverb abbreviation for “for example”
{{t+|da|f.eks.}}, {{t+|da|fx}} {{qualifier|{{t+|da|for eksempel}}}}
e.g.:Adverb abbreviation for “for example”
{{t+|nl|bv.}}, {{t+|nl|bijv.}} {{qualifier|{{t+|nl|bijvoorbeeld}}}}
e.g.:Adverb abbreviation for “for example”
{{t|fo|t.d.}} {{qualifier|{{t|fo|til dømis}}}}
e.g.:Adverb abbreviation for “for example”
{{t+|is|t.d.}} {{qualifier|{{t+|is|til dæmis}}}}
e.g.:Adverb abbreviation for “for example”
{{t|ga|}} {{q|{{t|ga|mar shampla}}}}
e.g.:Adverb abbreviation for “for example”
{{t+|no|f.eks.}} {{qualifier|{{t+|no|for eksempel}}}}, {{t+|no|t.d.}} {{qualifier|{{t+|no|til dømes}}}}
e.g.:Adverb abbreviation for “for example”
{{t|dsb|na pś.}} {{qualifier|{{t|dsb|na pśikład}}}}
e.g.:Adverb abbreviation for “for example”
{{t|es|p. ej.}} {{qualifier|{{t+|es|por ejemplo}}}}
e.g.:Adverb abbreviation for “for example”
{{t+|sv|t.ex.}}, {{t+|sv|t ex}}, {{t|sv|tex.}} {{t+|sv|t. ex.}} {{qualifier|{{t+|sv|till exempel}}}}, {{t+|sv|exempelvis}}
e.g.:Adverb abbreviation for “for example”
{{t|tl|hal.}} {{q|{{l|tl|halimbawa}}}}
e.g.:Adverb abbreviation for “for example”
{{t|cy|e.e.}} {{qualifier|{{t|cy|er enghraifft}}}}
elder:Adjective greater than another in age or seniority
{{t+|hu|idősebb}} {{q|for “elder brother/sister”, see {{m|hu|[[báty]]/[[nővér]]}}}}
email:Verb (transitive) to send (something) through email
{{t+|hu|elküld}}, {{t+|hu|átküld}} {{q|optionally adding: {{t|hu|e-mailen}}, if the context doesn't make it clear}}
evening:Noun time of day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight
{{t+|pt|noite|f}} {{q|only when contrasted with {{m|pt|madrugada}}; ''noite'' more commonly refers to the whole period from sunset to dawn}}
expatiate:Verb to write or speak at length; to be copious in argument or discussion, to descant
{{t|fr|{{l|fr|parler}} {{l|fr|longuement}}}}, {{t|fr|{{l|fr|appesentir}} sur {{l|fr|quelque chose}}}}
eyelash:Noun hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
{{t|vo|logalipaher}} {{qualifier|[[logalip]] + {{l|vo|-a}} + {{l|vo|her}}}}
fall in:Verb to collapse inwards
{{t+|fi|luhistua}}, {{t+|fi|romahtaa}} {{q|+ optional {{m|fi|sisään}}}}
fall pregnant:Verb to become pregnant
{{t+|cmn|懷孕}}, {{t+|cmn|怀孕|tr=huáiyùn}} {{qualifier|typically with {{zh-l|了}} to mark the change of state}}
fawn:Noun young deer
(hjorte){{t+|da|kalv}}, {{qualifier|of a {{t+|da|roe}}}} (rå){{t+|da|lam}}
fifty-first state:Noun
{{t+|fr|51e État|alt=51{{sup|e}} État|m}}
fig:Noun fruit
figment:Noun fabrication, fantasy, invention
{{q|in a possessive structure with {{m|hu|[[képzelet]]‌/‌[[fantázia]]||imagination}}}} {{t+|hu|szülemény}}, {{t+|hu|szülött}}, {{q|on its own}} {{t+|hu|kitaláció}}, {{t+|hu|koholmány}}
filibuster:Noun member of a legislative body causing such obstruction
{{t|hu|obstruáló}} {{q|optionally completed with a noun like {{m|hu|[[ember]]/[[személy]]/[[képviselő]] etc.}}}}
floppy:Noun (computing) a floppy disk
{{t+|fi|levyke}}, {{qualifier|slang|{{frac|5|1|4}}-inch}} {{t+|fi|lerppu}}, {{qualifier|slang|{{frac|3|1|2}}-inch}} [[korppu]]
folklore:Noun tales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population
{{t|de|Volkstradition}}, {{t|de|Volksüberlieferung}}; {{i|the borrowing {{t+|de|Folklore|f}} is somewhat different}}, {{t+|de|Volkskunde|f}}
fornix:Noun archlike or vaulted structure or fold
{{t+|cmn|穹窿|tr=qiónglóng, {{q|Taiwan}} qiōnglóng}}
fornix:Noun brain part
{{t+|cmn|穹窿|tr=qiónglóng, {{q|Taiwan}} qiōnglóng}}
frivolous:Adjective silly; especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner
{{t+|de|albern}}; {{t+|de|leichtfertig}}; {{t+|de|flatterhaft}}; {{q|note that {{m|de|frivol}} has a sexual connotation}}
frontal process:Noun plate of the maxilla
{{t|cmn|額突}}, {{t|cmn|额突|tr=é tū, {{q|Taiwan}} é tú}}
frontal process:Noun process of the zygomatic bone
{{t|cmn|額突}}, {{t|cmn|额突|tr=é tū, {{q|Taiwan}} é tú}}
{{t|cmn|頦舌肌}}, {{t|cmn|颏舌肌|tr=kēshéjī, {{q|Taiwan}} háishéjī}}
geniohyoid muscle:Noun muscle
{{t|cmn|頦舌骨肌}}, {{t|cmn|颏舌骨肌|tr=kēshégǔjī, {{q|Taiwan}} háishégǔjī}}
get away:Verb to move away (from)
{{t+|fi|liikkua}} {{q|({{m|fi|poispäin}}) + elative}}, {{t+|fi|loitota}}, {{t+|fi|häipyä}}
give it up:Verb welcome onto stage {{qualifier
{{t|cs|potlesk}} {{qualifier|+ {{m|cs|pro}}}}, {{t|cs|přivítejte|pf}}
give it up:Verb welcome onto stage {{qualifier
{{t|it|un applauso}}, {{t|it|un grande applauso}} {{qualifier|+ {{m|it|per}}}}
grace:Verb to adorn; to decorate; to embellish and dignify
{{t|ja|[[名誉]][[を]][[与える]]|tr={{l|ja|めいよ}}を{{l|ja|あたえる}}, meiyo o ataeru}}
grape:Noun fruit
{{t|vi|([[trái]], [[quả]]) {{t+|vi|nho}}}}
graph theory:Noun study of graphs (networks of nodes and edges)
{{t|ja|グラフ理論|tr={{l|ja|ぐらふりろん}}, [[gurafu-riron]]}}
greeting:Noun acknowledgement of a persons presence or arrival
hairpin:Noun pin or fastener for the hair
{{t+|cmn|釵}}, {{t+|cmn|钗|tr=chāi}}, {{t+|cmn|簪|tr=zān}}, {{t+|cmn|髮夾}}, {{t+|cmn|发夹|tr=fàjiā {{q|chifly Taiwan}}, fǎjiā {{q|chiefly China}}}}, {{t+|cmn|髮卡}}, {{t+|cmn|发卡|tr=fàqiǎ, fǎqiǎ}}
happy birthday:Interjection good wishes for a birthday
{{t+|hu|boldog születésnapot}}, {{t|hu|boldog szülinapot}} {{q|either of the two preceding wishes can be supplemented with {{l|en|kívánok|…kívánok!}}}}, {{t|hu|Isten éltessen!}}, {{t|hu|Isten éltessen sokáig!}}
harpooner:Noun someone who hunts with a harpoon
{{t-egy|jꜣwtj|h=i-A-Z7:t</hiero>{{egy-glyph|A200}}<hiero>|m}}, {{t-egy|msnw|h=F31-n:nw*Z7-T19-A1|m}}
haunted:Adjective frequented by a ghost
{{t|fi|[[kummitus]]-}} {{q|the verb {{m|fi|kummitella}} is more often used}}
have eyes bigger than one's stomach:Verb take more food than one can eat
{{t|hu|nagyobb a szeme, mint a szája}} {{q|"his/her eyes are bigger than his/her mouth"; also with {{m|hu|gyomra}}, stomach, instead of {{m|hu|szája}}, mouth}}
have in mind:Verb consider, intend
{{t+|hu|gondol}} {{q|with {{m|hu||-ra/-re}}}}
have to:Verb obligation
{{t|es|tener que}}, {{t+|es|deber}}, {{t|es|{{l|es|haber}} {{l|es|que}}}} {{i|impersonal}}
head-on:Adjective from the front
{{t+|fi|nokka|alt=nokka-}} {{qualifier|see {{m|fi|nokkakolari}}}}
heel:Verb To follow at somebody's heels
{{t|es|{{l|es|seguir}} de {{l|es|cerca}}}}, {{t|es|poner talón o tacón a}}
homophone:Noun words with the same pronunciation
{{t|hu|homofon}} {{q|not infrequently spelled {{m|hu|homofón}}}}, {{t|hu|[[azonos]] [[kiejtésű]], [[de]] [[eltérő]] [[jelentésű]] ([[és]] [[gyakran]] [[eltérő]] [[alakú]]) [[szó]]}}
homophonous:Adjective having the same pronunciation
{{t|hu|homofon}} {{q|not infrequently spelled {{m|hu|homofón}}}}, {{t|hu|[[azonos]] [[kiejtésű]], [[de]] [[eltérő]] [[jelentésű]] ([[és]] [[gyakran]] [[eltérő]] [[alakú]])}}
hyacinth bean:Noun the plant or its produce of seed
{{t|ru|ло́бия|f}}, {{t|ru|гиаци́нтовые бобы́|m}} {{q|in botanical jargon; only grown in Transcaucasia and there allegedly called by the vulgar just {{m|ru|фасо́ль}}}}
in absentia:Prepositional phrase while not present
{{t|de|in [[Abwesenheit]]}}, {{t|de|in [[absentia#Latin|absentia]]}} {{q|does not exist in the [[criminal procedure]] of the [[FRG]], but exists in [[Switzerland]] and the [[Republic of Austria]]; for [[civil procedure]] it is not idiomatic but should be circumscribed in the FRG with “es erging ein {{m|de|Versäumnisurteil}}” etc., see [[w:de:Kontumazentscheidung]]}}
in the eyes of:Preposition
{{t|ja|{{...}}から[[見る|見]]た|tr={{...}} kara mita|lit=seen from {{...}}}}, {{t|ja|{{...}}から[[見る|見]]れば|tr={{...}} kara mireba|lit=if seen from {{...}}}}
in the nature of things:Prepositional phrase
{{t|fi|[[asia]]n [[luonne]]}} {{q|usually with {{m|fi|kuulua}} + illative}}
incidental expense:Noun minor expense
{{t|fi|sivukulu}}, {{t|fi|{{t|fi|[[satunnainen]] [[kulu]]}}}}
inferior orbital fissure:Noun opening between the sphenoid bone and the maxilla
{{t|cmn|眶下裂|tr=kuàngxiàliè, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngxiàliè}}
infraorbital:Adjective below the orbit
{{t|zh|眶下|tr=kuàngxià, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngxià}}
infraorbital artery:Noun branch of the maxillary artery
{{t|cmn|眶下動脈}}, {{t|cmn|眶下动脉|tr=kuàngxià dòngmài, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngxià dòngmài}}
infraorbital foramen:Noun opening in the maxilla
{{t|cmn|眶下孔|tr=kuàngxià kǒng, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngxià kǒng}}
infraorbital groove:Noun groove in the floor of the orbit
{{t|cmn|眶下溝}}, {{t|cmn|眶下沟|tr=kuàngxià gōu, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngxià gōu}}
inside:Preposition within the interior of something, closest to the center or to a specific point of reference
{{t|ko|{{...}}[[안]][[-에]]}}, {{t|ko|{{...}}[[-에]]}}
instant karma:Noun circumstance
{{t|fi|[[välitön]] [[karma]]}} {{qualifier|idiomatic expression with similar meaning: {{m|fi|saada ansionsa mukaan}}}}
insurance:Noun metaphoric
any attempt to anticipate an unfavorable event: {{t+|hu|biztonság}} {{q|in {{m|hu|a biztonság kedvéért}}}}
internal occipital protuberance:Noun prominence on the occipital bone
{{t|cmn|枕內隆凸}}, {{t|cmn|枕内隆凸|tr=zhěnnèilóngtū, {{q|Taiwan}} zhěnnèilóngtú}}
jump the gun:Verb to begin a race too soon
{{t|es|{{l|es|partir}} {{l|es|en falso}}}}
kangaroo word:Noun a word that contains letters of another word, in order, with the same meaning
{{t|hu|[[fiahordó]] [[szó]]}} {{q|from {{m|hu|fia}} and {{m|hu|hordó#Participle}}}}
knot:Verb form wrinkles in forehead
{{t|fi|rypistää}} {{q|{{m|fi|otsa|otsaa}}}}
lacking:Adjective missing or not having enough of something
{{t+|fi|puutteellinen}} {{q|more often with verb phrase using {{m|fi|puuttua}}}}
levator veli palatini:Noun muscle
{{t|cmn|腭帆提肌}}, {{t|cmn|顎帆提肌}}, {{t|cmn|颚帆提肌|tr=èfān tíjī, {{q|Taiwan}} èfán tíjī}}; {{t|cmn|提腭帆肌}}, {{t|cmn|提顎帆肌}}, {{t|cmn|提颚帆肌|tr=tíèfānjī, {{q|Taiwan}} tíèfánjī}}
licorice:Noun plant
{{t+|ja|甘草|tr=かんぞう, kanzō, あまくさ, amakusa, あまき, amaki {{qualifier|obsolete}}}}, {{t|ja|甘木|tr=あまき, amaki}} {{qualifier|obsolete}}, {{t|ja|リコリス|tr=rikorisu}}
like:Verb enjoy
{{t|hi|पसंद करना}} {{qualifier|+ ...{{l|hi|ने}}}}
loin:Noun part of the body
{{qualifier|often in the plural: [[lenden]] or Archaic [[lendenen]] {{g|p}}}} {{t+|nl|lende}}
long live:Verb prosper
long-distance:Adjective referring to a romantic relationship
between two people with a considerable distance between them: {{t|cs|{{l|cs|na}} {{l|cs|dálku}}}}
long-distance:Adjective referring to a romantic relationship
between two people with a considerable distance between them: {{t+|fi|etä-}} {{qualifier|see: {{t|fi|etäsuhde}}}}
make a living:Verb earn enough income
{{t+|hu|él}} {{q|with {{m|hu|-ból}}/{{m|hu|-ből}}}}, {{t+|hu|megél}}
make a point:Verb to take care in doing something
{{t|es|{{l|es|procurar}} (hacer algo)}}, {{t|es|{{l|es|asegurarse}} (de hacer algo)}}
mandible:Noun lower jaw
{{t|cmn|下頜|sc=Hant}}, {{t|cmn|下颌|sc=Hans|tr=xiàhé, xiàgé {{q|Taiwan}}}}, {{t+|cmn|下頜骨|sc=Hant}}, {{t+|cmn|下颌骨|sc=Hans|tr=xiàhégǔ, xiàgégǔ {{q|Taiwan}}}}
mandibular:Adjective of or pertaining to the mandible
{{t|zh|下頜|alt=下頜的|sc=Hant}}, {{t|zh|下颌|alt=下颌的|sc=Hans|tr=xiàhé de, {{q|Taiwan}} xiàgé de}}
mandibular canal:Noun canal in the mandible
{{t|cmn|下頜管}}, {{t|cmn|下颌管|tr=xiàhé guǎn, {{q|Taiwan}} xiàgé guǎn}}
many happy returns:Noun Many happy returns!
{{t|hu|[[Isten]] [[éltessen]] ([[sokáig]])!}} {{q|informal; the formal variant is with {{m|hu|éltesse}}}}
manège:Noun unroofed arena
{{t|fi|ratsastuskenttä}}, {{t+|fi|kenttä}} {{q|1=note: {{m|fi|maneesi}} = (indoor) [[riding hall]]}}
maroon:Noun runaway slave
{{t|de|Maroon}} {{q|{{t|de|Maroons|p}}, from English}}, {{t|de|Maroon-Männer|m-p}}, {{t|de|Maroon-Frauen|f-p}}
maternal uncle:Noun brother of one's mother
{{t+|vi|cậu}} {{qualifier|for both elder and younger than mother, mostly for southerners; for northerners {{t+|vi|bác}} is for the elder one, {{t+|vi|chú}} for the younger one}}
maxilla:Noun bone of upper jaw
{{t|zh|上頜骨|sc=Hant}}, {{t|zh|上颌骨|sc=Hans|tr=shànghégǔ, {{q|Taiwan}} shànggégǔ}}
maxillary:Adjective of or pertaining to the jaw
{{t|zh|上頜|alt=上頜的|sc=Hant}}, {{t|zh|上颌|alt=上颌的|sc=Hant|tr=shànghé de, {{q|Taiwan}} shànggé de}}
maxillary artery:Noun artery to deep facial structures and the meninges
{{t|cmn|上頜動脈}}, {{t|cmn|上颌动脉|tr=shànghé dòngmài, {{q|Taiwan}} shànggé dòngmài}}
maxillary vein:Noun venous trunk of the face
{{t|cmn|上頜靜脈}}, {{t|cmn|上颌静脉|tr=shànghé jìngmài, {{q|Taiwan}} shànggé jìngmài}}
measure up:Verb To meet expectations; to be as good as
{{t|de|gleichziehen}} {{q|often used with {{m|de|[[mit]] (etwas, jemandem)}}}}, {{t|de|gleichkommen}} {{q|with dative case}}, {{t|de|[[ein]] [[Vergleich]] [[sein]]}} {{q|chiefly in the negative|often used with {{m|de|[[zu]] (etwas, jemandem)}}}}, {{t|de|[[auf]] der [[Höhe]] [[sein]]}}
medical school:Noun school that teaches medicine
{{t|fr|[[faculté]] ({{qualifier|colloquial}} [[fac]]) [[de]] [[médecine]]|f}}
mental:Adjective relating to the chin
{{t+|zh|頦|alt=頦的}}, {{t+|zh|颏|alt=颏的|tr=kē de, {{q|Taiwan}} hái de}}
mental artery:Noun branch of the inferior alveolar artery
{{t|cmn|頦動脈}}, {{t|cmn|颏动脉|tr=kē dòngmài, {{q|Taiwan}} hái dòngmài}}
mental foramen:Noun branch of the inferior alveolar artery
{{t|cmn|頦孔}}, {{t|cmn|颏孔|tr=kē kǒng, {{q|Taiwan}} hái kǒng}}
mentalis:Noun muscle
{{t+|cmn|頦肌}}, {{t+|cmn|颏肌|tr=kējī, {{q|Taiwan}} háijī}}
meter:Noun measuring instrument
{{t|hu|mérőóra}}, {{t|hu|[[fogyasztásmérő]] ([[óra]])}}, {{t+|hu|óra|alt=-óra}} {{gloss|in {{t+|hu|villanyóra}}, {{t+|hu|gázóra}}, {{t+|hu|vízóra}}}}
mileage:Noun distance travelled on certain amount of fuel
{{t+|fi|kantama}} {{q|see also {{m|fi|polttoaineenkulutus||fuel consumption}}}}
miss:Verb to fail to achieve or attain
{{t+|hu|lemarad}} {{q|with {{m|hu||-ról/-ről}}}}, {{t+|hu|elszalaszt}}
miss:Verb to feel the absence of someone or something; to feel the want or need of
{{t+|hu|hiányol}}, {{t+|hu|hiányzik}} {{q|with {{m|hu|-nak}}/{{m|hu|-nek}}}}
miss:Verb to lack something
{{t+|hu|hiányzik}} {{q|with {{m|hu|-ból}}/{{m|hu|-ből}}}}
much to be said:Phrase assertion
{{t|hu|[[sok]] [[minden]] [[szól]]}}, {{t|hu|[[nyomós]] [[érvek]] [[szólnak]]}} {{q|followed by {{m|hu|mellett}}, i.e., for a given point}}
must-read:Noun product strongly recommended to read
{{no equivalent translation|fi|noend=1}} {{qualifier|the verb {{m|fi|lukea||to read}} is used as part of the standard grammatical structure for expressing need, such as {{m|fi|[[olla|on]] [[luettava]]}}, {{m|fi|[[olla|on]] [[pakko]] [[lukea]]}}, {{m|fi|[[täytyä|täytyy]] [[lukea]]}}, {{m|fi|[[pitää]] [[lukea]]}}}}
mylohyoid muscle:Noun muscle
{{t|cmn|下頜舌骨肌}}, {{t|cmn|下颌舌骨肌|tr=xiàhéshégǔ jī, {{q|Taiwan}} xiàgéshégǔ jī}}
name:Verb to give a name to
{{tt+|hu|nevez}}, {{tt+|hu|elnevez}}; {{qualifier|to name after something/someone, used with {{m|hu|után}}}}
newlywed:Noun a recently married person
{{t+|ru|молодожёны|p}} {{qualifier|usually plural only, sg: {{l|ru|молодожён|g=m}}.}}, {{t+|ru|новобра́чные|p}}
nigella:Noun plant of the genus Nigella
{{t|sh|cr̀njika|f}} {{q|Croatia, Bosnia, used in Serbia in the form {{l|sh|cr̀nika}} for the [[holm oak]]}}, {{t|sh|mačkov bȓk|m}} {{q|Serbia}}, {{t|sh|crno sȅme|n}} {{q|Serbia}}, {{t|sh|cȓnī kùmīn|m}} {{q|Serbia}}, {{t|sh|cȓnī kȉm}} {{q|Serbia, Bosnia}}, {{t|sh|crni sùsam}} {{q|Serbia}}
nominal:Noun part of speech that shares features with nouns and adjectives
{{t+|hu|névszó}} {{q|the Hungarian terms is actually broader, corresponding to {{m|de|Nomen}}}}
not:Adverb negates meaning of verb
{{t+|ko|안}}, {{qualifier|be not}} {{t+|ko|아니다|alt=...아니다}}, {{t+|ko|않다}} {{qualifier|auxiliary verb, follows verb stem + {{lang|ko|지}}}}
not yet:Adverb not for the moment, though expected later
{{t|ru|[[пока́]] [[не́т]]}}, {{t|ru|ещё не́т}}, {{t|ru|[[всё ещё]] [[не́т]]}} {{qualifier|or replace "{{lang|ru|нет}}" with "{{lang|ru|не}}" with a following verb}}
obijime:Noun thin rope attached to an obi
{{t|ja|帯締め|tr={{lang|ja|おびじめ}}, obijime}}
odour of sanctity:Noun sweet smell emitted by corpses of saints
{{t+|fr|en odeur de sainteté|m|alt=odeur de sainteté}} {{q|preceded by {{m|fr|en}}}}
odour of sanctity:Noun idiomatic, of a person
state of holiness: {{t+|fr|en odeur de sainteté|m|alt=odeur de sainteté}} {{q|preceded by {{m|fr|en}}}}
odour of sanctity:Noun idiomatic, of a person
state of holiness: {{t|de|Geruch der Heiligkeit|m}} {{q|preceded by {{m|de|im}}}}
omnibus:Adjective containing multiple items
{{t+|hu|saláta|alt=saláta-}} {{q|used in {{m|hu|salátatörvény}}}}, {{t+|hu|vegyes}}, {{t+|hu|szerteágazó}}, {{t+|hu|sokféle}}
on air:Prepositional phrase broadcasting or transmitting
{{t|fi|lähetyksessä}}; {{t+|fi|lähettää}} {{qualifier|to be on air}}; {{t|fi|[[lähetys]] [[käynnissä]]}} {{qualifier|when used alone or with {{m|fi|olla}}}}
on course:Prepositional phrase likely to happen or to undergo something
{{q|getting a prize}} {{t|hu|várományosa}}, {{q|to win or lose}} {{t+|hu|áll}} {{q|with {{m|hu|[[-ra]]/[[-re]]}}}}, {{q|otherwise}} {{t|hu|[[úgy]] [[tűnik]], (hogy) … [[fog]]}}
one and a half:Numeral one and a half
{{t+|cmn|一個半|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|一个半|tr=yī gè bàn|sc=Hani}} {{qualifier|replace {{l|cmn|個}} / {{l|cmn|个}} with any other [[counter]]}}
orbital:Adjective of or relating to the eye socket
{{t+|cmn|眼眶|alt=眼眶的|tr=yǎnkuàng de, {{q|Taiwan}} yǎnkuāng de}}, {{t+|cmn|眶|alt=眶的|tr=kuàng de, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāng de}}
orbital fissure:Noun opening to the orbit
{{t|cmn|眶裂|tr=kuàng liè, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāng liè}}
orbital process:Noun process of the palatine bone
{{t|cmn|眶突|tr=kuàng tū, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāng tú}}
oryx:Noun antelope
out of hand:Adjective not under control, out of control
{{t|de|außer Kontrolle}} {{q|verb: {{l|de|geraten}}}}, {{t+|de|überhand}} {{q|now only used in {{l|de|überhandnehmen}}}}, {{t|de|aus dem Ruder}} {{q|now only used in {{l|de|aus dem Ruder laufen}}}}, {{t+|de|ausufern}} {{q|for: “get out of hand”}}
out of sight, out of mind:Proverb something not nearby is forgotten
{{t|hu|[[ami]] [[nincs]] [[szem]] [[előtt]], [[arról]] [[könnyen]] [[megfeledkezünk]] / … [[azt]] [[könnyen]] [[elfelejtjük]] / … [[azzal]] [[nem]] [[törődünk]]}}, {{t|hu|[[mihelyt]] [[nem]] [[látjuk]], ([[már]]) [[nem]] ([[is]]) [[gondolunk]] [[rá]]}} {{q|also with {{m|hu|az ember}} or 3rd-person plural as subject}}
panettone:Noun Christmas brioche with candied fruit
{{t|wuu|巴乃到乃|tr=pa{{sup|1}} ne{{sup|3}} tau{{sup|2}} ne{{sup|3}}}}
pepper tree:Noun South American trees
{{t|la|molle}} {{q|indeclinable, with {{m|la|arbor}} after it}}
pick:Noun basketball
screen: {{t+|fr|écran|m}} {{q|only used in the verbal locution {{m|fr|faire écran}}}}
pick 'n' mix:Noun selection of articles to pick and pay by weight or number
{{t|fi|irtotavara}} {{q|or more specifically "[[irto-]] + name of article", see e.g. {{m|fi|irtokarkki}}}}
pill to swallow:Noun something to accept
{{t+|fi|pala}}, {{t|fi|[[pala]] [[niellä|nieltäväksi]]}} {{q|both with an adjective, such as {{m|fi|kova}}, {{m|fi|vaikea}}}}
plainclothes:Noun ordinary civilian clothes
{{t|hu|[[civil]] [[ruha]]}}, {{t+|hu|civil}} {{q|mostly in the term {{m|hu|civilben}}}}
plead:Verb to present an argument
{{t|ja|嘆願する|tr={{lang|ja|たんがんする}}, tangan suru}}
plot:Verb to mark a point on a graph
{{t+|hu|megjelöl}}, {{t+|hu|jelez}} {{q|optionally adding {{m|hu|grafikonon}} if it's not clear from the context}}
pocket square:Noun cloth for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands
{{t|fr|{{l|fr|pochette}} {{l|fr|de}} {{l|fr|costume}}}}
polygamy:Noun the having of a plurality of socially bonded sexual partners at the same time
{{t|ar|تَعَدُّدُ الأَزْوَاج|m}} {{q|usually understood as “polygyny”, but may include “polyandry”, unlike {{m|ar|تَعَدُّدُ الزَّوْجَات}}}}
prepaid:Adjective paid for in advance
{{t|hu|előre fizetett}}, {{t|hu|előre kifizetett}}, {{q|a type of postal delivery, cf. {{m|en|frank#Verb}}}} {{t|hu|bérmentesített}}
prepay:Verb to pay in advance
{{t+|hu|előre fizet}}, {{t|hu|előre kifizet}}, {{q|cf. {{m|en|frank#Verb}}}} {{t+|hu|bérmentesít}}
principal:Noun legal
one on behalf of whom an agent or gestor acts: {{t|sh|povèritelj|m}}, {{t+|sh|povjèritelj|m}} {{q|more often means [[creditor]], {{l|sh|povèrilac}}, {{l|sh|povjèrilac}}}}, {{t+|sh|princìpāl|m}}
prior to:Preposition before (formal)
{{t|de|[[im Vorfeld]] (von)}} {{q|but rarer and more formal than "prior", generally use {{m|de|vor}}}}
profusely:Adverb in great quantity or abundance; in a profuse manner
{{t+|hu|bőségesen}}, {{t+|hu|bőven}}, {{q|gush profusely, e.g. of sweat}} {{t+|hu|ömlik}}, {{t+|hu|dől}}, {{t+|hu|szakad}} {{q|the origin of the liquid is expressed with {{m|hu|-ról}}/{{m|hu|-ről}} or {{m|hu|-ból}}/{{m|hu|-ből}}}}
prune:Verb trim a tree or shrub
{{t+|de|stutzen}} {{qualifier|also: {{m|de|zurecht-}}, {{m|de|zurück-}}}}, {{t+|de|schneiden}} {{qualifier|also: {{m|de|be-}}, {{m|de|zurück-}}}}
pterygomaxillary:Adjective relating to the pterygoid process and the maxilla
{{t|cmn|翼上頜}}, {{t|cmn|翼上颌|tr=yìshànghé, {{q|Taiwan}} yìshànggé}}
pterygomaxillary fissure:Noun gap between the sphenoid bone and the maxilla
{{t|cmn|翼上頜裂}}, {{t|cmn|翼上颌裂|tr=yìshànghé liè, {{q|Taiwan}} yìshànggé liè}}
pterygomaxillary fossa:Noun pterygopalatine fossa
{{t|cmn|翼上頜窩}}, {{t|cmn|翼上颌窝|tr=yìshànghé wō, {{q|Taiwan}} yìshànggé wō}}
quorum:Noun minimum number present for official business
{{t+|fi|päätösvaltaisuus}} {{q|{{m|fi|päätösvaltainen}} as an adjective is more common}}
quorum:Noun minimum number present for official business
{{t+|hu|határozatképesség}} {{q|more commonly expressed with the adjective {{m|hu|határozatképes}}}}
quote:Verb to prepare a summary of work to be done and set a price
{{t|hu|[[árajánlat]]ot [[ad]]/[[tesz]]}}, {{t+|hu|vállal}} {{q|the latter supplemented with the price affixed with {{m|hu|-ért}}}}
rainy day:Noun difficult period of need
{{t|fi|[[paha]] [[päivä]]}} {{q|but see {{m|fi|pahan päivän varalle}}}}
repose:Noun rest
repose:Verb to lie at rest
rock dove:Noun Columba livia
{{t|it|piccione selvatico occidentale|m}} {{q|against {{l|it|piccione selvatico orientale|t=[[Columba rupestris]]}}}}
roll over:Verb to make a rolling motion or turn
{{t+|fi|pyörähtää}} {{q|+ optional {{m|fi|ympäri}}}}
roll over:Verb to cause a rolling motion or turn
{{t+|fi|pyöräyttää}} {{q|+ optional {{m|fi|ympäri}}}}
roll over:Verb computing
to move the cursor over: {{t+|fi|vierittää}} {{q|+ optional {{m|fi|päälle}}}}
rue:Noun any of various perennial shrubs of the genus Ruta
{{t|ar|سُذَاب|m}}, {{t|ar|فَيْجَن|m}}, {{t|ar|حَزَاء|m}} {{q|obsolete already by 1000 {{CE}}}}
rumour has it:Phrase there is a rumor that...
{{t|ko|{{...}}[[-라고]] [[소문]][[-이다]]}}
same:Adjective not different as regards self; identical
{{t+|hu|ugyanaz}}, {{t|hu|ugyanez}} {{q|followed by the article {{m|hu|[[a]]/[[az]]}}}}, {{t+|hu|ugyanazon}}, {{t+|hu|azonos}}, {{t+|hu|egyező}}, {{t+|hu|megegyező}}, {{t|hu|egyazon}}, {{t+|hu|egy}}
sawdust:Noun dust created by sawing
scattered:Adjective meteorology
covering three eighths to four eighths of sky: {{t|fi|[[melko]] [[selkeä]]}} {{q|see the usage notes at {{m|fi|pilvisyys}}}}
see through:Verb to provide support or cooperation throughout a period of time
{{t+|fi|tukea}} {{q|1=during = {{m|fi|aikana}}}}
see through:Verb to constitute ample supply
{{t+|fi|riittää}} {{q|1=for ... time = {{m|fi|ajaksi}}}}
semi-detached:Adjective having one wall shared
{{t|fi|[[pari]]-}} {{q|in {{m|fi|paritalo}}}}
shamble:Verb to walk while shuffling or dragging the feet
{{t|es|{{l|es|arrastrar}} los {{l|es|pies}}}}
she:Pronoun person
{{t+|de|sie}}, {{t+|de|es}} {{q|in reference to some neuter common nouns like {{m|de|Mädchen}}}}
she:Pronoun ship
{{t+|de|es}} {{q|in reference to {{m|de|Schiff}}, {{m|de|Boot}}}}, {{t+|de|sie}} {{q|in reference to proper nouns of ships like {{m|de|Titanic}}}}
short-lived:Adjective not existent for very long
{{t+|es|efímero |m}}, {{t|es|de {{l|es|corto|corta}} {{l|es|duración}}}}
should:Verb expressing obligation
Conditional form of {{t+|fr|devoir}} {{q|see {{t+|fr|devrait}} and other forms}}
should:Verb expressing opinion
Conditional form of {{t+|fr|devoir}} {{q|see {{t+|fr|devrait}} and other forms}}
shuffle:Verb to walk without picking up one's feet
{{t+|es|arrastrar}}, {{t|es|{{l|es|arrastrar}} los {{l|es|pie}}s}}
sign language:Noun sign language
{{t|iu|ᐆᒃᑐᐊᕋᐅᓯᕋᖅ}}; {{t|iu|ujjiqsuuraq}} / {{t|iu|tikuraq}} {{qualifier|Inuvialuktun{{attn|ikt|should the preceding 'iu' be changed to 'ikt'?}}}}
simultaneous:Adjective mathematics
{{t+|fi|yhteinen}} {{q|but see {{m|fi|yhtälöryhmä}}}}
sine qua non:Noun prerequisite
{{t|fr|condition sine qua non|alt=sine qua non}} {{q|only in {{m|fr|condition sine qua non}}}}
sip:Verb to drink slowly, small mouthfuls at a time
{{t-egy|jmḥ|h=M17</hiero>{{egy-glyph|Aa56}}<hiero>V28-F20}}, {{t-egy|ndb|h=N35:D46-D58-A2}}
sleep over:Verb to sleep over
{{t+|hu|éjszakázik}}, {{t+|hu|megszáll}}, {{t+|hu|alszik}}, {{q|dated or literary}} {{t+|hu|hál}} {{q|normally all with an adverb of place like {{m|hu|ott||there}} or the relevant form of {{m|hu|nála||at his/her place}}}}
sleep paralysis:Noun inability to move or speak while falling asleep or upon awakening
{{t|ja|金縛り|tr={{l|ja|かなしばり}}, kanashibari}}
sour milk:Noun sour milk
{{t|la|lac crassum|n}}, {{t|la|oxygala}} {{q|genitive {{m|la|oxygalactis}} {{g|n}}, or {{m|la|oxygalae}} {{g|f}}}}
{{t-check|tr|istenmeyen yığın ileti}} {{qualifier|or {{t-check|tr|İYİ}} for short in computing}}, {{t-check|tr|çöp ileti}}, {{t-check|tr|sürü ileti}}
sphenomaxillary fossa:Noun pterygopalatine fossa
{{t|cmn|蝶上頜窩}}, {{t|cmn|蝶上颌窝|tr=diéshànghé wō, {{q|Taiwan}} diéshànggé wō}}
spit:Noun saliva
spudger:Noun aforementioned tool in any of the functions
{{t|de|Spatel|m}} {{q|scilicet {{m|de|antistatisch|antistatischer}} Spatel}}
stack up:Verb accumulate
{{t+|de|läppern}} {{q|reflexive}}, {{t+|de|ansammeln}} {{q|reflexive|often impersonal with subject {{m|de|etwas}}, and with the topic and/or the adverb {{m|de|da}} as an adverbial}}
stack up:Verb to compare with something
{{t|de|gleichziehen}} {{q|often used with {{m|de|[[mit]] (etwas, jemandem)}}}}, {{t|de|[[ein]] [[Vergleich]] [[sein]]}} {{q|chiefly in the negative|often used with {{m|de|[[zu]] (etwas, jemandem)}}}}, {{t|de|[[im]] [[Vergleich]] [[dastehen]]}} {{q|often used with {{m|de|[[zu]] (etwas, jemandem)}}}}
still:Adjective uttering no sound, silent
{{t+|hu|hangtalan}}, {{t+|hu|néma}}, {{q|adverb used with {{m|hu|van||to be}}}} {{t+|hu|csendben}}
stubble:Noun short stalks left in a field after harvest
{{t|cs|strn|m}} {{q|a field with stubble being called {{m|cs|strniště|g=n}}}}
stubble:Noun short stalks left in a field after harvest
{{t|mk|стрн|f}} {{q|a field on which there is stubble being called {{m|mk|стрниште|g=n}}}}
stubble:Noun short stalks left in a field after harvest
{{t+|pl|ścierń|f}} {{q|a field on which there is stubble being called {{m|pl|ściernisko|g=n}}}}, {{t+|pl|rżysko|n}}
stubble:Noun short stalks left in a field after harvest
{{t+|sh|stȓn|f}} {{q|a field with stubble being called {{m|sh|stȑnīšte|g=m}} and {{m|sh|str̀nika|g=f}}}}
stubble:Noun short stalks left in a field after harvest
{{t|sl|strn|alt=str̄n|m}} {{q|a field with stubble being called {{m|sl|strníšče|g=m}} and {{m|sl|strnína|g=f}}}}
submandibular:Adjective below the mandible
{{t|cmn|下頜下}}, {{t|cmn|下颌下|tr=xiàhéxià, {{q|Taiwan}} xiàgéxià}}; {{t+|cmn|頜下}}, {{t+|cmn|颌下|tr=héxià, {{q|Taiwan}} géxià}}
submandibular ganglion:Noun autonomic ganglion
{{t|cmn|下頜下神經節}}, {{t|cmn|下颌下神经节|tr=xiàhéxià shénjīngjié, {{q|Taiwan}} xiàgéxià shénjīngjié}}; {{t|cmn|頜下神經節}}, {{t|cmn|颌下神经节|tr=héxià shénjīngjié, {{q|Taiwan}} géxià shénjīngjié}}
submental:Adjective beneath the chin
{{t|cmn|頦下}}, {{t|cmn|颏下|tr=kēxià, {{q|Taiwan}} háixià}}
summer school:Noun academic sessions held in the summer
{{t+|cmn|暑期學校}}, {{t+|cmn|暑期学校|tr=shǔqī xuéxiào {{qualifier|mainland}}, shǔqí xuéxiào {{qualifier|Taiwan}}}}
superior orbital fissure:Noun opening between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone
{{t|cmn|眶上裂|tr=kuàngshàngliè, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngshàngliè}}
supraorbital:Adjective located immediately above the eye sockets
{{t|cmn|眶上|tr=kuàngshàng, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngshàng}}
supraorbital artery:Noun branch of the ophthalmic artery
{{t|cmn|眶上動脈}}, {{t|cmn|眶上动脉|tr=kuàngshàng dòngmài, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngshàng dòngmài}}
supraorbital nerve:Noun branch of the frontal nerve
{{t|cmn|眶上神經}}, {{t|cmn|眶上神经|tr=kuàngshàng shénjīng, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngshàng shénjīng}}
take a look:Verb to examine or observe
{{t+|fi|katsoa}}, {{t+|fi|vilkaista}}, {{q|closest equivalents; usually with {{m|fi|tulla||to come}}}}
take on:Verb To attempt to fight or compete
{{t+|fi|kilpailla}} {{q|+ partitive + {{m|fi|vastaan}}}}
tarantula:Noun wolf spider of the species Lycosa tarantula
{{t+|ru|тара́нтул|m}}, {{t+|ru|мизги́рь|m}} {{qualifier|technically {{taxlink|Lycosa singoriensis|species}}}}
target:Noun butt or mark to shoot at
temporal:Adjective of limited time
{{t+|cmn|短暫}}, {{t+|cmn|短暂|tr=duǎnzàn, {{q|Taiwan}} duǎnzhàn}}
tensor veli palatini:Noun muscle
{{t|cmn|腭帆張肌}}, {{t|cmn|腭帆张肌}}, {{t|cmn|顎帆張肌}}, {{t|cmn|颚帆张肌|tr=èfān zhāngjī, {{q|Taiwan}} èfán zhāngjī}}; {{t|cmn|張腭帆肌}}, {{t|cmn|张腭帆肌}}, {{t|cmn|張顎帆肌}}, {{t|cmn|张颚帆肌|tr=zhāng'èfānjī, {{q|Taiwan}} zhāng'èfánjī}}
testicle:Noun male sex gland
{{t-egy|ẖrwj|h=T28:D21-G43-Z4</hiero>{{egy-glyph|D283}}<hiero>|m-d}}, {{t-egy|jnswj|h=M17-K1:N35-S29-G43-F51:F51|m-d}}
the:Article article
{{t|arz|ال|alt=الـ|tr=el|sc=Arab}}, {{qualifier|written together with the following words, "l" assimilates with sun letters and {{lang|arz|ج, ك}}}}
the night before last:Adverb during the night before last night
{{t|de|[[vorgestern]] [[Nacht]]}} {{q|compare {{m|de|[[vorgestern]] [[Abend]]}}}}
there's no accounting for taste:Proverb people's tastes differ
{{t|hu|ízlések és pofonok}} {{q|in full: {{t|hu|[[ízlések és pofonok]] [[különbözőek]]/[[különböznek]]}}}}, {{t|hu|kinek a pap, kinek a papné}}, {{t|hu|nem vagyunk egyformák}}
this:Determiner the (thing) here
{{t+|hu|ez}} {{q|followed by the article {{m|hu|[[a]]/[[az]]}}}}
this:Determiner which is current
{{q|before time of day}} {{t+|hu|ma}}, {{q|before {{m|hu|hét||week}} or {{m|hu|hónap||month}}}} {{t+|hu|e}}, {{q|before {{m|hu|év||year}}}} {{t+|hu|ez}}, {{q|otherwise}} {{t|hu|[[ezen]]/[[ebben]] [[a]]/[[az]] ……}}
threshing floor:Noun floor of a threshing house
{{t|arc|בַּי דְּרִי|tr=bay dərī|m}}, {{t|arc|אִידְּרָא|tr=ʾeddərā|m}}, {{t|arc|ܐܶܕܪܳܐ|tr=ʾeddərā|m}} {{q|absolute state {{m|arc|אִידַּר|tr=ʾeddar}} / {{m|arc|ܐܶܕܰܪ|tr=ʾeddar}}}}
thump:Noun blow
{{t|es|{{l|es|golpe}} {{l|es|sordo}}|m}}
tomboy:Noun girl who acts as a typical boy would
{{t+|de|burschikos}}, {{t+|de|jungenhaft}} {{q|both adjectives; if necessary, nominalize or construe with {{m|de|Mädchen}}}}; {{t|de|[[an]] [[ihr]] [[ist]] [[ein]] [[Junge]] [[verloren gehen|verloren gegangen]]|lit=a boy has been lost on her}}; {{t+|de|Wildfang|m}} {{q|bubbly, rambunctious, wild}}; {{t+|de|Mannsweib|n}} {{q|pejorative; rarely of children}}; {{t|de|tomboy}}
tract:Noun series of connected body organs
{{t+|fi|kanava}} {{q|as in {{m|fi|ruoansulatuskanava}}, {{m|fi|selkäydinkanava}}}}; {{t+|fi|tie}} {{q|as in {{m|fi|virtsatie}}}}, {{t+|fi|juoste}}
turn:Verb of leaves, to change color in autumn
{{t|fi|[[vaihtaa]] [[väri|väriä]]|lit=to change color}} {{qual|also see {{m|fi|ruska-aika}}}}
turn around:Verb to reverse an expected outcome
{{t|fi|[[kääntää]] + ''accusative'' + [[edukseen]]}} {{q|transitive, of games; positive}}, {{t+|fi|kääntää}} {{q|transitive, often with {{m|fi|ympäri}}}}, {{t|fi|[[kääntyä]] + ''genitive'' + [[eduksi]]}} {{q|intransitive, positive}}, {{t|fi|[[kääntyä]] + ''partitive'' + [[vastaan]]}} {{q|intransitive, negative}}
turn around:Verb idiomatic
to effect a positive reversal of a trend: {{t+|fi|kääntää}} {{q|often with {{m|fi|ympäri}}}}
turquoise:Noun gemstone
understand:Verb to believe one grasps the meaning of
{{t+|hu|értesül}}, {{t+|hu|tud}}, {{t+|hu|hall}}, {{t+|hu|hisz}}, {{t+|hu|sejt}} {{q|often with {{m|hu|úgy}} to express uncertainty}}
unvaccinated:Adjective not vaccinated
{{t|es|{{l|es|no}} {{l|es|vacunado}}}}
upbeat:Adjective Having a fast pace, tempo, or beat
{{t+|hu|gyors}}, {{t+|hu|sebes}}, {{t+|hu|szapora}}, {{q|describing a type of {{m|hu|csárdás}}}} {{t+|hu|friss}}, {{t|hu|pörgős}}
urban-renew:Verb to carry out urban renewal
{{t+|fi|uudistaa}} {{q|{{m|fi|kaupunki|kaupunkia}}, {{m|fi|kaupunginosa|kaupunginosaa}}, {{m|fi|kortteli|korttelia}} etc.}}
used to:Verb formerly and habitually or repeatedly
{{n-g|use the imperfect tense of the verb that follows or use the imperfect of {{t|la|soleō}} + the infinitive of the verb that follows}}
used to:Verb formerly and habitually or repeatedly
{{n-g|use the imperfect tense of the verb that follows or imperfect of {{t+|pt|costumar}} followed by infinitive}}
used to:Verb formerly and habitually or repeatedly
{{n-g|in the literary language, use the imperfect tense of the verb that follows or the imperfect of {{t+|cy|arfer}} followed by the verbal noun; in the colloquial language use the imperfect or conditional of {{t+|cy|bod}} plus {{t+|cy|yn}}, then optionally {{t+|cy|arfer}}, then the verbal noun.}}
utmost:Noun greatest possible capability, extent, or quantity
{{t+|fi|äärimmäisyys}} {{qualifier|compare {{m|fi|äärimmilleen|t=to one's extreme(s), to the utmost}}}}
vaginal process:Noun lamina on the temporal bone
{{t|cmn|鞘突|tr=qiào tū, {{q|Taiwan}} qiào tú}}
vaginal process:Noun outpouching of peritoneum
{{t|cmn|鞘突|tr=qiào tū, {{q|Taiwan}} qiào tú}}
vaginal process:Noun plate on the sphenoid bone
{{t|cmn|鞘突|tr=qiào tū, {{q|Taiwan}} qiào tú}}
value date:Verb to perform the above-defined action with an amount
{{not used|fi}} {{qualifier|use appropriate verb phrase with {{m|fi|arvopäivä}}}}
vestibulocochlear:Adjective relating to the vestibule and the cochlea
{{t|cmn|前庭耳蝸的}}, {{t|cmn|前庭耳蜗的|tr=qiántíng'ěrwōde, {{q|Taiwan}} qiántíng'ěrguāde}}
vestibulocochlear nerve:Noun eighth cranial nerve
{{t|cmn|前庭耳蝸神經}}, {{t|cmn|前庭耳蜗神经|tr=qiántíng ěrwō shénjīng, {{q|Taiwan}} qiántíng ěrguā shénjīng}}
weigh:Verb nautical
to raise an anchor: {{t+|bg|вдигам}} {{q|{{l|bg|котва}}}}
what:Interjection expression of surprise
{{t+|fr|quoi|alt=quoi{{NNBS}}!}}, {{t+|fr|comment|alt=comment{{NNBS}}!}}
what day is it today:Phrase what day is it today? (current day of the week or of the month)
{{t|fr|[[quel]] [[jour]] ( {{q|of the week}} [[de]] [[la]] [[semaine]], {{q|of the month}} [[du]] [[mois]]) [[sommes]]-[[nous]] ?}}
what's your job:Phrase what's your job?
{{t|th|[[งาน]][[ของ]][[คุณ]][[อะไร]]|tr=ngaan kŏng kun arai}} {{q|add {{l|th|ครับ}} (male speaker) or {{l|th|คะ}} (female speaker) to the end to make the question more polite}}
what's your job:Phrase what's your job?
{{t|vi|[[công việc]] [[của]] [[bạn]] [[là]] [[gì]]?}} {{qualifier|generic, replace {{l|vi|bạn}} with the appropriate pronoun}}
whiting:Noun fish of the family Sillaginidae
{{t+|ja|鱚|tr={{l|ja|キス}}, kisu}}
winded:Adjective short of breath
{{t|es|{{l|es|sin}} {{l|es|aliento}}}}
windowfront:Adjective next to window
{{t+|fi|ikkuna|alt=ikkuna-}} {{q|as in {{m|fi|ikkunapöytä}}}}
wishful thinking:Noun illusion that what one would like is true
{{t|ru|приня́тие жела́емого за действи́тельное|n}} {{q|used with verbs {{m|ru|выдавать}} and {{m|ru|принимать}}}}
with:Preposition against
{{t|fi|[[-a]] {{q|partitive}} [[vastaan]]}}
within:Preposition in scope or range of
{{t|hu|[[-nyi]][[-ra|ra]]}}/{{t|hu|[[-nyi]][[-re|re]]}} {{q|as in {{m|hu|hajszálnyira}}, {{m|hu|kőhajításnyira}}, {{m|hu|karnyújtásnyira}}, {{m|hu|köpésnyire}}, {{m|hu|percnyire}} etc.}}, {{t|hu|[[-nyi]] [[közelség]][[-ben|ben]]/[[-be|be]]}}
worry:Verb be troubled
{{t|de|[[besorgt]] sein}}, {{t|de|sich Sorgen machen}} {{qualifier|{{m|de|sich}} is in the dative case, e.g. "mach {{l|de|dir}} keine Sorgen"}}
write:Verb to send a letter to
{{t+|el|γράφω}} {{qualifier|+ {{m|el|σε}}}}
yoke:Noun bar or frame by which two oxen or other draught animals are joined at their necks enabling them to pull a cart, plough, etc.; device attached to a single draught animal for the same purpose
{{t|ar|نِير|m}} {{q|most standard}}, {{t|ar|مِضْمَدَة|f}}, {{t|ar|مِضْمَد|m}} {{q|West Yemen, and from there Al-Andalus, Morocco, Algeria}}, {{t|ar|وَيْج|m}} {{q|now in all of Oman}}, {{t|ar|أُرْعُوَّة|f}} {{q|now extinct in this form but used in spots in North Yemen as {{t|ar|رِعْوَة|f}}, {{t|ar|رَعْوَة|f}} – compare the Ge'ez}}; in Ḥaḍramawt {{t|ayn|هِجّ|m|tr=hijj}}; in Lower Egyptian Arabic {{t|arz|نَاف|m|tr=nāf}}, in Upper Egyptian Arabic {{t|arz|كَرَب|m|tr=kaṛab}}
zest:Noun outer skin of citrus
{{t|fi|ulkokuori}} {{q|with fruit specified or {{m|fi|sitrushedelmä|sitrushedelmän|of citrus fruit}}}}, {{t+|fi|kuori}} {{q|with fruit specified or {{m|fi|sitrushedelmä|sitrushedelmän|of citrus fruit}}}}
{{t+|de|schnarch}}; {{t|de|chrrr}} {{qualifier|representing {{IPAchar|[χː]}}, the usual onomatopoeia, but less common as a spelling; English ''zzz'' may also be understood by some}}