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EU Solidarity with Ukraine
From the left, Ursula von der Leyen, Volodymyr Zelensky, and Denys Shmyhal

Joint meeting in Kyiv between European Commissioners and the Ukrainian government

Standing together with the people of Ukraine

We will continue supporting Ukraine for as long as it takes. And we will continue to impose a heavy price on Russia until it ceases its aggression. Ukraine can count on Europe to help rebuild a more resilient country, that progresses on its path to join the EU.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Key outcomes

The College to Government meeting co-chaired by President von der Leyen and Prime Minister Shmyhal achieved the following outcomes:

  • sending a strong signal of the EU's unwavering commitment to stand by Ukraine
  • taking stock of the EU's ongoing support to Ukraine in different areas, including financial, humanitarian, energy, budget support as well as diplomatic outreach
  • looking into Ukraine’s reform efforts to advance on its EU path
  • outlining further steps to enhance sectorial cooperation
  • discussing how to make Russia pay for the brutal destruction it is causing, including through the next package of sanctions

President von der Leyen also announced a new €450 million assistance package for 2023. So far the EU, its Member States and European financial institutions have made available around €50 billion to Ukraine, since the beginning of Russia's aggression. In addition, the Commission is working towards a €1 billion contribution to fast recovery. Together with the resources made available to help Member States cater for the needs of Ukrainians fleeing the war in the EU, the overall support to Ukraine and Ukrainians amounts to around €67 billion.

Main areas of support and cooperation

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    Further EU support

    In addition to the up to €18 billion in macro-financial assistance for 2023, the EU announced a further €450 million in assistance that includes:

    • €305 million in bilateral support to increase Ukraine’s resilience and support reforms
    • €145 million in humanitarian assistance
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    Emergency energy support

    The EU is providing vital support to Ukraine to face the particular difficulties in the energy sector. This includes:

    • the provision of 2,400 additional generators, on top of the 3,000 already delivered since the beginning of the aggression
    • €157.5 million from the Energy Support Fund established by the Energy Community
    • 35 million LED light bulbs purchased by the EU, to help Ukrainians reduce energy consumption
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    Economic cooperation and access to the Single Market

    The Commission continues to assist Ukraine in reaping the full benefits offered by the Association Agreement, including its Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, including via:

    • A proposal to extend the suspension of import duties on Ukrainian exports beyond June 2023
    • A Priority Action Plan for 2023-2024 - a roadmap for enhancing Ukraine’s access to the Single Market
    • Roaming - extension by six months of the voluntary measures by EU and Ukrainian operators for affordable or free calls between the EU and Ukraine
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    Strategic Partnership on Biomethane, Hydrogen and Other Synthetic Gases

    This Partnership will expand the ongoing energy cooperation between the EU and Ukraine to renewable gases such as biomethane, hydrogen and other synthetic and sustainably produced gases. It reaffirms both sides' commitment to reduce dependency on fossil fuel imports, especially Russian gas, and work towards climate neutrality.

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    Support for reforms and closer alignment to the EU

    Discussions took place on reform priorities and the steps needed to help Ukraine further align its legislation. The Commission also announced that Ukraine will join key EU programmes:

    • association to the Single Market Programme will provide Ukraine with support to businesses, facilitating access to markets, a favourable business environment, sustainable growth and internationalisation
    • discussions are planned about Ukraine joining other key EU programmes such as Connecting Europe Facility, that can support Ukraine in connecting its energy, transport and digital infrastructure with the EU.

    A new ‘Phoenix’ initiative will boost the New European Bauhaus work on supporting Ukraine in rebuilding its cities in a sustainable and inclusive way. It will immediately mobilise at least €7 million, notably for developing and sharing leading-edge reconstruction expertise for Ukrainian cities.

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    Enhanced cooperation in the field of research

    Ukraine’s association to Horizon Europe and the Euratom Research and Training Programme is a key instrument to preserve and nurture its research and innovation ecosystem.

    The Commission will also open a Horizon Europe office in Kyiv to promote EU funding opportunities, and offer technical support to Ukrainian researchers and innovators.

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    Recovery and reconstruction

    The Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform was launched in January 2023 to coordinate short and longer-term support by international donors and financial institutions in support of the Ukrainian economy.

Stories from Ukraine


  • Factsheet
  • Directorate-General for Communication

Factsheets related to EU-Ukraine College to Government meeting