November 15, 2021

Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability
Research Unit




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index of first reading articles

1986 - PRESENT

This index includes every article in First Reading since its inception in 1986, organized by subject matter.  Issues of First Reading from June 2000 to the present are available for download and linked.  Contact the Research Unit for availability of articles from older issues.  Abstracts of reports required to be filed with the General Assembly, which are included in each issue, are not included in this index.

bills and workload; schedules

Appropriations & State Budget, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Sep 87, p. 1; Dec 88, p. 3; Oct 89, p. 1; Oct 91, p. 1; Aug 93, p. 1; Sep 94, p. 1; Sep 95, Part III, p. 1; Jul 96, p. 2; Aug 97, p. 2; Jul 98, p. 2; Sep 99, p. 2; Jun 2000, p. 2; Sep 2001, p. 2; Jul 2002, p. 2; Aug 2003, p. 2; Sep 2004, p. 2; Oct 2005, p. 2; Aug 2006, p. 2; Oct 2007, p. 2; Sep 2008, p. 2; Aug 2009, p. 2; Aug 2010, p. 2; Sep 2011, p. 2; Aug 2012, p. 2; Dec 2013, p. 2; Sep 2014, p. 2; Aug 2016, p. 2; Oct 2017, p. 2; Aug 2018, p. 2; Aug 2019, p. 2; Feb 2021, p. 2; Nov 2021, p. 2
Banking & Finance, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Oct 91, p. 2; Sep 92, p. 2; Aug 93, p. 2; Sep 94, p. 2; Sep 95, Part I, p. 1; Jul 96, p. 3; Aug 97, p. 3; Jul 98, p. 3; Sep 99, p. 3
Business & Economic Development, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Oct 87, pp. 2 [Business] & 5 [Economic Development]; Aug 88, pp. 2 [Business] & 10 [Economic Development]; Aug 89, p. 6; Sep 90, p. 2; Oct 91, p. 4; Sep 92, p. 3; Aug 93, p. 3; Sep 94, p. 3; Sep 95, Part I, p. 5; Jul 96, p. 4; Aug 97, p. 5; Jul 98, p. 3; Sep 99, p. 4; Jun 2000, p. 4; Sep 2001, p. 4; Jul 2002, p. 4; Aug 2003, p. 5; Sep 2004, p. 4; Oct 2005, p. 4; Aug 2006, p. 4; Oct 2007, p. 3; Sep 2008, p. 4; Aug 2009, p. 4; Aug 2010, p. 4; Sep 2011, p. 4; Aug 2012, p. 4; Dec 2013, p. 4; Sep 2014, p. 4; Oct 2015, p. 2; Aug 2016, p. 3; Oct 2017, p. 3; Aug 2018, p. 4; Aug 2019, p. 5; Feb 2021, p. 5; Nov 2021, p. 3
Civil Law, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Oct 87, p. 3; Aug 88, p. 4; Sep 89, p. 6; Sep 90, p. 4; Sep 92, p. 4; Sep 94, p. 7; Jun 2000, p. 5; Sep 2001, p. 7; Oct 91, p. 5; Aug 93, p. 6; Sep 95, Part I, p. 11; Jul 96, p. 8; Aug 97, p. 7; Jul 98, p. 5; Sep 99, p. 7; Jul 2002, p. 6; Aug 2003, p. 7; Sep 2004, p. 5; Oct 2005, p. 6; Aug 2006, p. 6; Oct 2007, p. 4; Sep 2008, p. 5; Aug 2009, p. 5; Aug 2010, p. 7; Sep 2011, p. 8; Aug 2012, p. 6; Dec 2013, p. 6; Sep 2014, p. 5; Oct 2015, p. 4; Aug 2016, p. 4; Oct 2017, p. 6; Aug 2018, p. 6; Aug 2019, p. 8; Nov 2021, p. 6
Criminal Law, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Oct 87, p. 3; Aug 88, p. 7; Sep 89, p. 10; Sep 90, p. 7; Oct 91, p. 6; Sep 92, p. 5; Aug 93, p. 9; Sep 94, p. 8; Sep 95, Part I, p. 16; Jul 96, p. 8; Aug 97, p. 9; Jul 98, p. 7; Sep 99, p. 9; Jun 2000, p. 6; Sep 2001, p. 8; Jul 2002, p. 6; Aug 2003, p. 8; Sep 2004, p. 7; Oct 2005, p. 8; Aug 2006, p. 8; Oct 2007, p. 5; Sep 2008, p. 6; Aug 2009, p. 6; Aug 2010, p. 8; Sep 2011, p. 10; Aug 2012, p. 8; Dec 2013, p. 8; Sep 2014, p. 6; Oct 2015, p. 5; Aug 2016, p. 6; Oct 2017, p. 8; Aug 2018, p. 8; Aug 2019, p. 10; Feb 2021, p. 8; Nov 2021, p. 8
Education, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Oct 87, p. 7; Aug 88, p. 11; Sep 89, p. 14; Sep 90, p. 11; Oct 91, p. 9; Sep 92, p. 9; Aug 93, p. 15; Sep 94, p. 10; Sep 95, Part II, p. 1; Jul 96, p. 12; Aug 97, p. 14; Jul 98, p. 11; Sep 99, p. 10; Jun 2000, p. 8; Sep 2001, p. 15; Jul 2002, p. 11; Aug 2003, p. 12; Sep 2004, p. 10; Oct 2005, p. 14; Aug 2006, p. 12; Oct 2007, p. 11; Sep 2008, p. 10; Aug 2009, p. 10; Aug 2010, p. 11; Sep 2011, p. 14; Aug 2012, p. 12; Dec 2013, p. 12; Sep 2014, p. 8; Apr 2016, p. 6; Aug 2016, p. 9; Oct 2017, p. 12; Aug 2018, p. 10; Aug 2019, p. 14; Feb 2021, p. 12; Nov 2021, p. 12
Environment & Conservation, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Sep 87, p. 7; Aug 88, p. 12; Aug 89, p. 7; Sep 90, p. 13; Oct 91, p. 14; Sep 92, p. 13; Aug 93, p. 19; Sep 94, p. 13; Sep 95, Part II, p. 9; Jul 96, p. 15; Aug 97, p. 18; Jul 98, p. 13; Sep 99, p. 14; Jun 2000, p. 9; Sep 2001, p. 17; Jul 2002, p. 14; Aug 2003, p. 15; Sep 2004, p. 13; Oct 2005, p. 18; Aug 2006, p. 14; Oct 2007, p. 12; Sep 2008, p. 12; Aug 2009, p. 14; Aug 2010, p. 16; Sep 2011, p. 16; Aug 2012, p. 14; Dec 2013, p. 14; Sep 2014, p. 10; Oct 2015, p. 10; Aug 2016, p. 11; Oct 2017, p. 16; Aug 2018, p. 14; Nov 2021, p. 19
Health & Safety, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Sep 87, p. 1; Aug 88, p. 15; Sep 89, p.18; Sep 90, p. 15; Oct 91, p. 16; Sep 92, p. 16; Aug 93, p. 21; Sep 94, p. 14; Sep 95, Part II, p. 13; Jul 96, p. 19; Aug 97, p. 21; Jul 98, p. 14; Sep 99, p. 16; Jun 2000, p. 10; Sep 2001, p. 18; Jul 2002, p. 15; Aug 2003, p. 16; Sep 2004, p. 16; Oct 2005, p. 20; Aug 2006, p. 15; Oct 2007, p. 14; Sep 2008, p. 13; Aug 2009, p. 16; Aug 2010, p. 17; Sep 2011, p. 18; Aug 2012, p. 16; Dec 2013, p. 16; Sep 2014, p. 12; Oct 2015, p. 12; Aug 2016, p. 12; Oct 2017, p. 18; Aug 2019, p. 16; Feb 2021, p. 13; Nov 2021, p. 21
Local Government, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Oct 87, p. 9; Aug 88, p. 16, 19; Aug 89, p. 15; Sep 89, p. 20; Sep 90, p. 17; Oct 91, p. 18; Sep 92, p. 18; Aug 93, p. 22; Sep 94, p. 15; Sep 95, Part II, p. 15; Jul 96, p. 19; Aug 97, p. 23; Jul 98, p. 16; Sep 99, p. 18; Jun 2000, p. 12; Sep 2001, p. 20; Jul 2002, p. 17; Aug 2003, p. 22; Sep 2004, p. 18; Oct 2005, p. 24; Aug 2006, p. 16; Oct 2007, p. 20; Sep 2008, p. 18; Aug 2009, p. 18; Aug 2010, p. 18; Sep 2011, p. 22; Aug 2012, p. 18; Dec 2013, p. 18; Sep 2014, p. 13; Oct 2015, p. 15; Aug 2016, p. 14; Oct 2017, p. 20; Aug 2018, p. 20; Aug 2019, p. 24; Feb 2021, p. 14; Nov 2021, p. 27
Military-Related Bills, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Sep 2004, p. 15
Nonjudicial Election Funding Bills
May 2009, p. 7
Professions & Occupations, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Aug 89, p. 11; Sep 90, p. 18; Oct 91, p. 20; Sep 92, p. 19; Aug 93, p. 23; Sep 94, p. 16; Sep 95, Part II, p. 19; Jul 96, p. 20; Aug 97, p. 25; Jul 98, p. 17; Sep 99, p. 20; Jun 2000, p. 15; Sep 2001, p. 21; Jul 2002, p. 18; Aug 2003, p. 24; Sep 2004, p. 19; Oct 2005, p. 26; Aug 2006, p. 18; Oct 2007, p. 21; Aug 2009, p. 19; Aug 2010, p. 20; Sep 2011, p. 23; Aug 2012, p. 19; Dec 2013, p. 19; Sep 2014, p. 15; Oct 2015, p. 16; Aug 2016, p. 15; Oct 2017, p. 22; Aug 2018, p. 21; Aug 2019, p. 25; Nov 2021, p. 28
Revenue, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Aug 87, p. 6; Aug 88, p. 17; Aug 89, p. 12; Sep 90, p. 19; Oct 91, p. 24; Sep 92, p. 21; Aug 93, p. 26; Sep 94, p. 17; Sep 95, Part III, p. 2; Jul 96, p. 21; Aug 97, p. 28; Jul 98, p. 18; Sep 99, p. 22; Jun 2000, p. 16; Sep 2001, p. 22; Jul 2002, p. 1; Aug 2003, p. 25; Sep 2004, p. 20; Oct 2005, p. 27; Aug 2006, p. 19; Oct 2007, p. 22; Aug 2009, p. 20; Aug 2010, p. 20; Sep 2011, p. 24; Aug 2012, p. 20; Dec 2013, p. 20; Sep 2014, p. 16; Oct 2015, p. 17; Aug 2016, p. 16; Oct 2017, p. 23; Aug 2018, p. 22; Aug 2019, p. 26; Feb 2021, p. 15; Nov 2021, p. 29
Social Services, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Sep 89, p. 22; Sep 90, p. 20; Oct 91, p.21; Sep 92, p. 23; Aug 93, p. 27; Sep 94, p. 18; Sep 95, Part III, p. 6; Jul 96, p. 23; Aug 97, p. 30; Jul 98, p. 20; Sep. 99, p. 23; Jun 2000, p. 18; Sep 2001, p. 23; Jul 2002, p. 20; Aug 2003, p. 27; Sep 2004, p. 21; Oct 2005, p. 28; Aug 2006, p. 20; Oct 2007, p. 23; Sep 2008, p. 19; Aug 2009, p. 22; Aug 2010, p. 22; Sep 2011, p. 25; Aug 2012, p. 24; Dec 2013, p. 22; Sep 2014, p. 18; Oct 2015, p. 18; Aug 2016, p. 18; Oct 2017, p. 23; Aug 2018, p. 24; Aug 2019, p. 31; Feb 2021, p. 16; Nov 2021, p. 30
State Government & Pensions, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly [Some issues include bills on elections and local government]
Oct 87, p. 9; Aug 88, p. 16, 19; Aug 89, p. 15; Sep 89, p. 20; Aug 89, p. 10 [Pensions]; Sep 90, pp. 18 [Pensions] & 20 [State Government]; Oct 91, pp. 13 [Elections] & 19 [Pensions] & 23 [State Government]; Sep 92, pp. 23 [Pensions] & 25 [State Government]; Aug 93, p. 29; Sep 94, p. 20; Sep 95, Part III, p. 12; Jul 96, p. 24; Aug 97, p. 32; Jul 98, p. 21; Sep 99, p. 25; Sep 2001, p. 25; Jul 2002, p. 21; Aug 2003, p. 30; Sep 2004, p. 22; Oct 2005, p. 30; Aug 2006, p. 21; Oct 2007, p. 26; Sep 2008, p. 20; Aug 2009, p. 24; Aug 2010, p. 24; Sep 2011, p. 28; Aug 2012, p. 26; Dec 2013, p. 24; Sep 2014, p. 20; Oct 2015, p. 20; Aug 2016, p. 20; Oct 2017, p. 28; Aug 2018, p. 26; Aug 2019, p. 35; Feb 2021, p. 17; Nov 2021, p. 32
Transportation, Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly
Oct 87, p. 11; Aug 88, p. 21; Aug 89, p. 16; Sep 90, p. 23; Oct 91, p. 26; Sep 92, p. 26; Aug 93, p. 31; Sep 94, p. 22; Jul 96, p. 26; Aug 97, p. 34; Jul 98, p. 24; Sep 99, p. 26; Jun 2000, p. 20; Sep 2001, p. 26; Jul 2002, p. 25; Aug 2003, p. 32; Sep 2004, p. 24; Oct 2005, p. 31; Aug 2006, p. 22; Oct 2007, p. 27; Sep 2008, p. 22; Aug 2009, p. 26; Aug 2010, p. 26; Sep 2011, p. 30; Aug 2012, p. 28; Dec 2013, p. 26; Sep 2014, p. 22; Oct 2015, p. 22; Aug 2016, p. 22; Oct 2017, p. 33; Aug 2018, p. 32; Aug 2019, p. 37; Nov 2021, p. 36
Women, Youth, Elderly, and Veterans Bills
Oct 87, p. 13; Aug 88, p. 18
Bills on Legislative Ethics Summarized
Jan 96, p. 10
Bills Introduced Drop; Percent Passed Rises-Aug 89, p. 1
Bills With Governor's Action-Aug 2012, p. 30; Dec 2013, p. 28; Sep 2014, p. 24; Oct 2015, p. 26; Apr 2016, p. 9; Aug 2016, p. 24; Oct 2017, p. 34; Aug 2018, p. 34; Aug 2019, p. 40; Feb 2021, p. 19; Nov 2021, p. 38
Comparison of Spring Regular Session Days in Odd-Numbered Years-Jan 94, p. 12
Fewer Bills Passed-Aug 87, p. 1
General Assembly Considers Record Number of Bills-Jun 2002, p. 1
General Assembly Workload, 1973 to 1987
Jan 88, p. 9; 1973 through 1989-Dec 90, p. 9; 1973 to 1990-Aug 91, p. 11; 1973 to 1992-Jan 94, p. 3; 1981 to 2002-Jun 2002, p. 4
Governor's Action on Bills Passed By G.A.-Nov 87, p. 8
Governor's Action on Bills: A Primer-Oct 87, p. 24
House & Senate Deadlines-Mar 92, p. 9
House Schedule, 1988-Dec 87, p. 10
House Deadlines-Apr 88, p. 10; Apr 90, p. 19
House Amendatory Veto Committee Reports-Aug 88, p. 24
Legislative Session Days Since 1975-Jan 94, p. 11
Legislature Tackles Many Major Issues-Aug 88, p. 1
Meeting Notices-Apr 87, p. 9
Senate Deadlines-Apr 88, p. 6; Apr 90, p. 19
Senate Schedule, 1988-Jan 88, p. 8
Special Sessions in Last 11 General Assemblies-Jun 2002, p. 5
Special Sessions in 82nd To 88th General Assemblies-Jan 94, p. 13
Times of Adjournment of The Illinois Senate, Regular Sessions, 1981 Through 1994-May 95, p. 15
Times of Adjournment of The Illinois House of Representatives, Regular Sessions, 1981 Through 1994-May 95, p. 15
Veto Session Schedule-Oct 89, p. 3
Veto Session Schedule for 2002-Jun 2002, p. 8

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