
RESEARCH AT UNICAM means innovation but also tradition, a stimulating creative environment, interdisciplinarity, investigation, new theories and ideas to gain a better knowledge of the world and its laws.

UNICAM has an important tradition in teaching and  scientific research.
Since 2005 UNICAM has adopted the European Charter of Researchers and a Code of Conduct for an open, transparent and merit-based recruitment of researchers in the framework of European Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).
The University of Camerino is part of the European EURAXESS - a network of more than 200 centers located in 35 European countries. 
Research Area for Technological Transfer  and  Progect Management offers  advanced services and expert support to UNICAM University Schools and stakeholders (public institutions, enterprises and industries)  The Office provides project financial management and supports researchers in work plan management of  national and international Research funded projects.

Cooperation agreements with foreign universities and institutions, companies and enterprises involved in the economic and productive with  lines of research that range over a wide variety of areas from complex systems to energy, biotechnologies, design, public health, natural drugs, and quality and food safety.