Facilities & Services

Students benefit from many  facilities:  discounts on tuition fees, grants, free bus card and much more!

Welcome Office
The service provides information , advice  and welcome to all students, researchers and professors who have chosen the University of Camerino for study, research or work. The service provides  also assistance from   the initial preparatory phases in their home countries to their arrival. For a better service the Welcome Office  collaborates  with ERSU, Immigration Office, Town Hall, Tax  Office.

Unicam Bus
The University of Camerino has an agreement with the CONTRAM Bus Service Society to offer free monthly local bus tickets to all students enrolled at the University. A free local bus service is also available for students of all four university campuses.
Contram timetable

Sports Activities at CUS Centro Sportivo Universitario
Unicam offers modern sports facilities at  the University Sports Centre.
Students interested in sports (from rugby, to free climbing, to squash, to volleyball and so on ) must contact the CUS (e-mail: [email protected]) to learn on how to become a member. A  medical certificate (Certificato di Sana e Robusta Costituzione) issued by a general practitioner or by the local Health Service (see Medical Certificates) is required  The cost of the certificate is charged to the student.

Library Service
The University Library provides services and resources to support the learning, teaching and research needs of the University Community. All students have access to the University Libraries. Borrowing is permitted using the UNICAM Identity Card.
Further information and General Library Catalog (OPAC) available on the web pages of UNICAM Library Service.

Language Service

Student Associations
At UNICAM there are a number of Student Associations that can respond to students’ needs and that offer group activities and other leisure time activities.

Tutoring Service is made available to University students who find themselves in difficulty or who simply need information.The UNICAM tutor, also available online, responds to the academic needs of the student (course programmes, support  to  examinations, study methods, work training programmes etc.). The UNICAM tutor is committed to introduce the students to the university life and to help them in the overcome difficulties.

The Internship  and Placement Service  provides different tools to help students to enter the world of work through internships as training experiences within a work context (public and private companies and institutions, service providers both in Italy and abroad) where learning, knowledge and know-how are tightly integrated. The Internship  and Placement Office, which is responsible for the administration of internships, verifies the accuracy and implementation of the entire training project.