Westies & Besties - December 2022

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The UK'S Only West Highland White Terrier Magazine



ISSN 2634-4130

Healthy New Year Resolutions www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com

Itchy Skin? It could be house dust allergy Up to 80% of allergic dogs have an allergy to dust. Symptoms include red, itchy skin and scratching that can lead to secondary skin infections. Although insecticidal environmental sprays can help kill dust mites, proteins in the dust mite faeces and on the bodies of the mites can still cause an allergic reaction in sensitive pets. Allergone Spray is a unique environmental spray that coats dust particles that include the mites and their faeces. By doing so it alters the chemical structure and helps inactivate and neutralise allergens found in house dust, helping to reduce the symptoms of house dust allergy.


The innovative microcapsule technology helps bind the dust particles together into larger particles that don’t float in the air, making it easier to remove them when cleaning. To find out more about Allergone and other products that help manage the symptoms of allergy go to www.nextmune.com



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MERRY CHRISTMAS! Wow! I can’t believe we’re in December. This year has absolutely flown by! Life is so busy for most of us that it’s sometimes easy to forget how important it is to take some time out to reflect on the year that has been. And what a year 2022 has been been!

Kim Latham Editor

Politics aside, I’ve spent most of my year looking at beautiful Westies and talking to people about Westies so all in all I’m lucky enough to have had a wonderful year in the scheme of things. Of course, I couldn’t look at your gorgeous dogs day in and day out if it wasn’t for all of your support – so thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We appreciate your support, encouragement, advice, and your funny stories of what your Westies have got up to and how they run your lives which have made us all chuckle with delight on a daily basis. On this note, take a look at the fabulous Christmas Westie photos in our Community column from page 28. If these don’t get you in the holiday mood, then nothing will! Enjoy the issue and from all of us here at Westies & Besties Magazine, we wish you all a very Merry Westie Christmas and a peaceful and fun New Year. See you all in 2023! Buffy, Chief Cuddles Officer Photo credit: Image supplied by Kim Latham



Publisher Westies & Besties Ltd Fidlas Road, Cardiff, CF14 5LZ Editor Kim Latham Tel: +44 7496 310169 Email: [email protected] Commercial Director Alex Griffin Tel: +44 7496 310173 Email: [email protected] Front Cover Image Image supplied by Shutterstock 770550709. Design Jayden Ali Printing WPG Group Westies & Besties Magazine is published by Westies & Besties Ltd (the Publisher) and printed on behalf of the publisher by WPG Group. Westies & Besties Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Westies & Besties Magazine and the Westies & Besties Masthead/logo is trademarked and are marks of Westies & Besties Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the Publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Westies & Besties Magazine are not necessarily those of the Publisher or those of its contributors. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, the Publishers cannot/ will not be held accountable for the accuracy of the information here therein, or any consequences arising from it. The Publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited articles or manuscripts in the case of all product reviews. Judgements have been made in the context of the product tested. (All photographs have been supplied unless otherwise mentioned.) Advertisers in this publication must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Advertising Standards Authority. Westies & Besties Ltd is not responsible or liable for a company or individual’s advert. Readers are advised to see a fully qualified veterinarian before attempting to try any of the suggestions made by a contributor.

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The dog food brand launching a cost-effective range for raw feeding dog owners


YEAR Get ready for the celebrations – and prepare your Besties now for the noisy bangs that come with it


Give your Westie the perfect smile by learning the importance of using a probiotic


MEMBERSHIP Embark on your New Year’s resolution and get your Westie fit and healthy in the comfort of your own home


Keeping your Westie hydrated all year round is vital to its overall health and wellbeing


YOUR DOG? Do you know what’s in your Westie’s food? Learn how to read what’s good and what’s not on dog food labels


A Bristol animal charity launches its Christmas Appeal with stories of dogs that were left behind


Beautiful Westies from around the world – in their Christmas outfits


PERFECT GIFT? Sadly, the online sale of puppies spikes at this time of year. Charity, FOUR PAWS UK, reveals all the reasons not to embark in what is a cruel scam from start to finish



Make sure you and your Bestie have a peaceful Holiday season with these top tips from Jessica Barber on how to keep your Westie calm and safe


THE SNOW Dreaming of escaping the Christmas rush? Look no further with these fabulous last minute UK travel deals




Image supplied by Paleo Ridge




aleo Ridge has announced the launch of a brand-new range: Paleo Ridge Essentials. Specially formulated to provide dogs with all the benefits of raw feeding while offering the best possible value to owners, Paleo Ridge Essentials is improving customer access to raw feeding, encouraging pet owners to make the switch. The new Essentials range, available at £2.19 per 500g pack, joins the existing Paleo Ridge ranges, Paleo Plus and Classic. The product composition and packaging for the Essentials range have been adapted to make the products easier to manufacture, enabling a more accessible price point. Sourced predominantly in the UK, the Essentials range is hypoallergenic and high

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in protein, delivered to Paleo Ridge’s exacting welfare and ethical sourcing standards.

the highest welfare and environmental standards at an affordable price.”

The range is well-positioned to drive trial amongst consumers who recognise the benefits of switching to raw, providing the reassurance of a high quality, ethical brand.

Each Essentials meal contains 20% seasonal vegetables and 80% high-welfare meat, bone, and offal. In keeping with all Paleo Ridge ranges, Essentials products are minced to a chunky consistency and suitable for all life stages including puppies and seniors.

Will Green, Director of Sales and Marketing, Paleo Ridge, says: “Raw feeding is growing in popularity as the health benefits become more widely known. At Paleo Ridge, we are committed to making raw feeding more accessible to a wider range of people, while providing reassurance as a trusted, market-leading brand. Our Essentials range is a key part of our strategy to achieve this, delivering nutritious products with

The Paleo Ridge Essentials range stays true to the values of ethical sourcing and sustainability at the heart of the Paleo Ridge offering. In August, Paleo Ridge was RawSAFE certified, becoming a founding accreditee of the new audit designed to ensure the highest standards in the raw feeding industry.





your Westies on NEW YEAR’S Image supplied by shutterstock_2090747584

Christmas and New Year celebrations are fast approaching, so PDSA, the vet charity for pets in need, is urging pet owners to take steps to help prevent their furry family members from becoming anxious as we head into the New Year. Many of our pets’ senses are far more acute than ours, so loud noises and bright flashes can be overwhelming, making the holiday season a potentially traumatic and anxious time. In fact, the 2022 PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report revealed that 41 per cent of dog owners and 30 per cent of cat owners said their pets were afraid of fireworks*. 8

PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing said: “In 2021, in our 48 Pet Hospitals across the country we saw 1,200 animals with firework related issues such as phobias and injuries, highlighting the real impact on our furry friends. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to help fourlegged family members feel more comfortable. 1. Start early “Talk to your Vet if you know your pet becomes distressed by fireworks – they may be able to prescribe medication to help. The earlier you begin desensitising pets to the sounds that come with the celebrations, Westies & Besties - December 2022

the less likely they are to have a negative association with them. Play firework noises quietly throughout the house and reward your pet with praise and a healthy treat when they remain calm. Gradually increase the noise but stop immediately if they begin to show any signs of distress – try again at a lower volume once they feel at ease. It’s important to go at your pet’s pace - remember some animals may have a lower tolerance to loud noises than others. 2. Use music and pheromones “Music can be really helpful to drown out the sound of bangs, but if your pet isn’t used to the


tunes, that could be a surprise in itself. Use your own playlist and play it around the house in the days leading up to New Year’s Eve, then when you need the music to mask the noise, your pet should be used to it. Remember that plug-in pheromone diffusers can also help to relax your pet – for the best results these need to be set up as far in advance as possible. 3. Keep them safe “Make sure dogs have been to the toilet and cats are indoors well before dark – you can offer their dinner a bit earlier, so they know what time to come home. Frightened pets can go into fight or flight mode and may try to escape when they hear loud bangs, so make sure windows, doors, cat flaps, and doggy doors are secure so that your pet stays safely inside. Check for any small holes or gaps in fence panels that your pet may be able to squeeze through

in a panic if the worst happens and they escape from the house, and make sure your microchip details are up to date! 4. Set up a retreat “Creating a space where your pet feels safe and secure will give them somewhere to go if they feel anxious. Choose a quiet room where they feel comfortable. Create a ‘den’ they can retreat into that has thick blankets, bedding, and pillows which can help to muffle the sound of loud bangs - cats may prefer these up on high shelves. Their favourite toys may also help take their mind off the noise. 5. Plan ahead “Knowing what’s on in advance also allow you to ensure your pet is safely indoors before fireworks begin and gives you plenty of time to prepare their safe space.”




Around 80% of dogs aged 3 years and over suffer from active dental disease, according to VCA Animal Hospitals. What starts as a hint of bad breath can develop into serious health issues if plaque and tartar build up overtime.



esties have 28 baby teeth and 42 adult teeth, and their smaller size increases their predisposition to tartar formation than larger breeds. This means that it’s never too late to start preventative dental care for your beloved Westie. The build-up of plaque and tartar in the gums, teeth and tooth sockets is the leading cause of dental problems in dogs. It can lead to two main types of periodontal disease - gingivitis and periodontitis. Dental plaque is a sticky, off-white layer that forms on the surface of teeth soon after eating. It is created when your Westie’s alkaline saliva reacts with food residues. These deposits promote the growth of harmful bacteria. If plaque penetrates under their gums, it causes inflammation, bad breath and bleeding (gingivitis). Unchecked, this can lead to deeper inflammation, abscesses, decay and tooth loss (periodontal disease). If not removed, dental plaque reacts with mineral salts (calcium phosphate) in the saliva and hardens to create tartar. As this


process starts within 24 hours of eating it is vital to remove the deposits with a plaque remover on a daily basis to prevent the formation of tartar. Dental tartar is not just a cosmetic problem; it is a painful condition that gradually causes irreversible damage to the soft tissue and gums. It presents as a yellow-brown layer of discolouration. Over time, tartar increases inflammation beneath the gums until the teeth loosen. This exposes the sensitive roots and often leads to the loss of the affected tooth or teeth. Worse still, if untreated, the infection can spread to the rest of the body and cause heart, liver and kidney problems. Although tartar can be successfully removed by ultrasonic descaling, this is usually only a temporary measure. It can be quite expensive and usually needs to be repeated on a regular basis. This is because a fine layer of plaque is re-deposited back on the teeth straight after the first meal. Without regular removal the plaque soon turns to tartar and the whole process starts again.

Westies & Besties - December 2022

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Signs of Poor Dental Health in Dogs. • • • • • •

Chronic bad breath. Red, swollen, bleeding gums. Pain when chewing. Loss of appetite. Subdued behaviour. Visible plague or tartar (discoloured, brown or yellowish teeth. • Panting. • Excessive saliva.

Why is good dental hygiene necessary? A healthy mouth is linked to good health generally – for dogs as well as humans. The key is to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria (‘good’ and ‘bad’) and other microorganisms found naturally in the mouth. This collection of naturally occurring microflora is called the microbiome. The microbiome is the natural community of microorganisms. Including bacteria (‘good’ and ‘bad’), viruses and fungi, that exist on skin, in the mouth, gut, and on surfaces, including in your home. A diverse, healthy, and dynamic microbiome supports good health, well-being and immunity. This is one of the most important factors in dog dental care. An imbalanced microflora in the mouth produces an unpleasant smell, so bad breath can be an early warning sign of gum inflammation. But new research is realising the crucial role of the oral microbiome in both oral and systemic disease: a healthy and balanced oral microbiome fosters good general health;

but problems occur when the oral microbiome is out of balance. Around 400 different species of bacteria can be involved in the formation of dental plaque. When bacterial strains linked to dental and other diseases take precedence in the mouth the equilibrium of the whole body is affected. It’s therefore essential to take action if your Westie has bad breath, red or lightly bleeding gums, yellowish plaque and/or a thick layer of tartar on their teeth. Without intervention these symptoms of gum disease can progress to more serious health conditions:


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Serious Illnesses Caused by Canine Dental Disease 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Heart valve infection Liver infection Blood infection (sepsis) Poor appetite Bone infection (osteomyelitis)

Probiotics contain healthy ‘good’ bacteria, naturally sourced from plants. These helpful probiotics can help clean teeth and gums at a microbial level, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and foster better dental health. If your Westie does not like brushing, you can use lint-free gauze wrapped around your finger or a small clean cloth or handkerchief. If he or she does not like the toothpaste or spray, you can apply using gauze or a toothbrush or pipette.

source: iheartdogs.com

Restoring and maintaining healthy microbiome balance in the mouth helps to protect your Westie from dental disease and its links to more serious illness.

In time, the inflammation around your Westie’s gums will start to reduce along with the yellow coating and you should notice that bad breath has also improved. Not only does using a good probiotic help your Westie’s mouth it also helps your pet’s stress levels as continued use may result in no longer needing frequent trips to the Vet.





your Westie can do at home Start a New Fitness Programme with your Bestie in the New Year BY FAYE ANDREWS

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Canine & Human Osteopath


’m a firm believer in not walking a dog seven days a week. We take our dogs to the park, often the same one, run around for an hour often covering far more miles than we do when we walk with them. We ask them to do this seven days a week and they happily oblige, but think about it, we are asking


them to do the same workout every single day. Those of you that are keen gym goers will know that rest days are just as important. This allows the body to recover and repair. Well, it’s the same for dogs. So, whilst we may have a recovery day

Westies & Besties - December 2022

of either complete rest or stretching, our dogs could be doing something different…. mind games (enrichment games), specific exercises for strength, hide ‘n’ seek, refreshing recall/obedience. Teaching new tricks to dogs will also help increase the bond between you and your


furry friend and they will get just as tired as if they had been to the park. For my girls if they are doing agility or flyball then they won’t be getting a walk, they will also be having a day a week where they do something else. I have plenty of rehabilitation equipment at home, so they can have their own little gym session with wobble boards, wobble cushion, rocker boards and hands on

starter exercises. There will be more days out to explore places for different scenery and terrain to help keep them stimulated and their core active.

What can you do at home? There are plenty of very simple and fun exercises that you can do with your furry pal at home that will not only help deepen the bond between you but will also benefit your Westies’




health with just some simple strength training as well as working their nervous systems. All these exercises can be mixed and matched, you could do two on one day and a different two on another for example.

PAW LIFTS With your dog standing balanced and square on all four paws, kneel on the floor by the side of them, with one arm gently support them around and under their rib cage and with your other hand gently lift the paw on the opposite side of their body to you about two inches off the floor, hold this for five seconds and then place it back down, remember to gently support – don’t hold the dog tight as this will negate the exercise. Repeat this on all four paws three times. Over time try to increase the time from five to 10 to 15 seconds up to 30 seconds. This can be done twice a week.

CIRCLES If your dog is fit and healthy and has no underlying conditions such as arthritis, circles are a great idea. The easiest way is to get them to walk around you. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and with a treat encourage your dog to go round you in a circle. Make sure your dog is bending their spine round you to create an arc as they go round. Start with three times in each direction as one set and work up to five sets.

FIGURE OF 8 As long as your dog doesn’t have any underlying conditions such as arthritis or limb issues you can adapt your circles to figure of 8’s. The easiest way is to create a figure of eight around and through your legs. Again, three times in each direction makes one set and you want to aim for five sets.

do this in between sessions I usually get them to do it with brooms or mops and to change the height we prop them up on books, bricks etc. Start with three poles at a height of just below their ankle, spaced at double the length of your dog, and simply get them to walk over the poles, you can add to the number of poles and decrease the space in between. The tighter the poles the harder it is. Once they are happy and comfortable and not clipping or knocking the poles flying, you can start to change the height, but I wouldn’t go higher than halfway between ankle and knee. Remember the dogs are supposed to be walking, not running over the poles. You can do this in sets (three poles each way is one set) or you can do it in time intervals of 20 seconds, or even alternate. This is a great exercise as you can vary it so much, alternating the height of the poles, changing the spacing or the time structure (sets/seconds) and you can even try placing the poles in an arc, circle, or zig zag. Always start low and wide and make it harder when they are comfortable.

WOBBLE CUSHION For those dogs that find the paw lifts easy, we can make it a little harder. If you have a wobble cushion (round rubber disc filled with air), if not you could use a plump cushion or folded duvet (although not as good), we can start building their core strength a little further.

With the wobble cushion on the floor let your dog explore and sniff it so they become acquainted, then encourage them to stand with their front paws on the cushion. If using treats, you can encourage them to stand on it then great, if not gently place their front SIT TO STANDS paws on the cushion whilst supporting them. Once they Using a treat ask your dog to sit, try and avoid “lazy” have their front paws on, release the support you are sits where they sit on one bum cheek leaning. The idea giving them slowly. They will start to wobble around is to get them to sit in a ‘good’ sitting position. Stand but gradually they will get the idea and start to gain in front of them and using the treat (draw it slightly balance. Start with five seconds and three sets and down and towards you, this gets their head lowering build the time slowly to 10, 15 seconds onwards to 30 slightly which will encourage their back end to lift) get seconds (again three sets), when they are around 15 the dog to stand, then ask them to sit. Ideally the dog to 20 seconds with their front paws encourage them shouldn’t need to take a step back to sit or to take to have their back legs on instead, again start a step forward to stand. This strengthens with 5 seconds and three sets and build it their hindlimb muscles and is affectively up in conjunction with the front legs. a squat for dogs! You don’t have to give If things are going well, you could These exercises are them a treat on every sit or stand, try all four paws on the cushion done at the owners and maybe after every third one. Aim or forelimbs on one cushion and dogs own risk, if unsure for 10 repetitions in a set and build hindlimbs on another cushion, if these are suitable for over time to five sets. depending on the size of the dog. your dog, please seek professional advice from POLE WORK Remember to always make it fun, your primary care vet If you have a set of cavaletti poles at and that any treats come out of or a qualified animal home that’s great, however when I practitioner. their daily allowance……. we don’t go to clients’ houses and ask them to want obese dogs now do we?


Westies & Besties - December 2022

Health Duchess owned by Faye Andrews




HYDRATION HEALTH Why Westie owners need to ensure their dogs diet is balanced and nutritious and that includes their water intake


he key to keeping any dog fit and healthy is to feed it a balanced and nutritious diet. A good diet should consist of the correct balance of Fats, Carbohydrates and Proteins which are then broken down by the body into micro nutrients to furniture all living cells with their nutrition to function and survive.

carbohydrates. Whilst high protein is needed to build up the dog’s body and muscle with amino acids, in domestic dogs, carbohydrates can be useful since dogs have evolved to become omnivores as opposed to being carnivores like their wild ancestors were, with carbohydrates giving added benefits to their digestive tract.

For our canine friends it is not only important to feed a complete balanced meal containing all three macros but it is also important to make sure that any diet contains quality human grade ingredients (where possible) and from a good source.

Carbohydrates breakdown to sugar and this is where a dog will burn its energy store first, so those dogs who are exercising more will benefit from a balance of carbohydrates in their diet. With the complex carbohydrates (low GI vegetables and green vegetables) being more beneficial as they also breakdown into non soluble fibre and keep the intestinal tract moving, nutritional absorption and poop formation will be helped.

How do these macros work for dogs? There are arguments that a dog’s diet should be high in protein and that there is no need for 18

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Finally fats, these are required to help with energy levels, muscle and cell function as well as antiinflammatory and skin and coat properties. The fats in a dog’s diet should be a balance of both saturated and unsaturated otherwise it could lead to inflammation of joints and other health problems. With a fat cell being a lot larger than a protein or carbohydrate molecule they are easily digested by our canine friends and are essential to their health. Water - the most valuable source There is one valuable nutritional source however that is often overlooked and that is water. There is a myth that dogs on a raw fed diet do not need much water as their diet is high in moisture; however their body still needs to take on water in

order to aid both the function of digestion and also to replace those fluids lost through: Panting – the main way a dog regulates their body temperature Urine – The use of water to drive through the kidneys and take any impurities with it. Poop – This has water in it to help keep stool movements regular. With constipation meaning there is a lack of water in the diet to diarrhoea when water lost will be high and those lost fluids need replacing. The call for water will also be naturally high when the dog is hot, is feeling anxious or has been subjected to exertion in order to replace those fluids that are lost mainly from panting. As the




organs start to age in senior dogs they may also require more hydration and will tend to drink more. As for those dogs on a kibble diet water is more essential in order to help breakdown their food, which can have water content as little as 7%. For an animal whose body is made up of roughly 80% water, its essential to their health that fresh water is available at all times for them to keep their levels topped up. What does water do for our dogs? Water is needed at the very start of the digestion process in order to help break those macronutrients into micronutrients this is called hydrolysis and in turn facilitates the transportation of those nutrients to every living cell in their body. The transport of these nutrients keep brain levels

topped up and in turn helps with cognitive brain function, producing an alert and bright dog. There are studies in humans that dehydration leads to a lack of blood flow to the brain which makes us feel tired and less alert, and more recently has been linked to feelings of anxiety and depression. Water also helps to absorb and carry away any heat from internal organs that are working hard and help regulate temperature. Whilst most owners are aware in the summer months that dogs exposed to heat and the sun need to stay cool, hydration should be monitored all year round. Dogs living in heated homes or sleeping by the fire still need to stay cool and keep those all-important water levels topped up in order to regulate their whole system and thrive.

Louise Toal is a food technologist and founder of Furr Boost.

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Water is needed at the very start of the digestion process in order to help break those macronutrients into micronutrients this is called hydrolysis and in turn facilitates the transportation of those nutrients to every living cell in their body”.




New Year, New & Improved

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Westies & Besties - December 2022



From learning how to understand dog food ingredients, to more exercise for your pal, to making new friends around the country, Sue Makepeace ends the year as she started it – teaching dog owners how to keep their Besties healthy and happy




s 2023 approaches, the time has come to start thinking about any changes we can make to enrich the lives of our precious Westies. What can we do to improve their health, vitality, energy levels, focus and longevity, to protect them from disease and enable them to thrive? Now is the time to give it some thought and consider some simple changes you can make to improve your dog’s health and wellbeing. Read, talk, research is the best way, talk to other Westie owners that have made changes and how these changes have impacted on the health of their dog. There are also lots of audio books and podcasts available to listen to. Learn how to check ingredients As we know good nutrition is essential to optimum health, so start by evaluating what is being fed to your Westie. It’s very simple to look at dry dog food ingredients and read the label efficiently. Just look at the guaranteed analysis. Firstly, add together crude protein, crude fat, crude ash (if not on the list allow 6%), fibre and any moisture. Then subtract the total from 100%, what remains is hidden starches (i.e., sugar to your Westie) they do not have to declare this on the labelling. These starches are bad carbohydrates and can create absolute chaos in your Westie’s body. For wet and canned dog foods, again check the ingredients list, many contain meat and animal derivatives which generally are parts of an unidentified animal unfit for human consumption left over from slaughter. For example, if a food is labelled beef dinner, or chicken hotpot, they may only contain around 4% of that particular protein and are best avoided. Here is a list of ingredients to avoid as compiled by Dr Karen Becker and Rodney Habib which they have called, The Dirty Dozen in their book The Forever Dog on page 288.

Simple changes to diet Even if you are unable to completely overhaul your Westie’s diet, there are simple changes you can make to their bowl. Consider removing 30-50% of the processed food and replace it with some fresh wholesome ingredients. For example, add some leafy greens, either raw or gently steamed, a variety of broccoli, kale, green beans, spinach (not for dogs with kidney problems) cabbage, sprouts etc, all are incredibly nutritious and packed full of essential vitamins. Try adding 2-3 eggs a week as these are a great addition to the bowl, whether raw, scrambled, boiled or poached, they’re rich in amino and fatty acids and a great source of protein. Bone broth is easy to make, or you can now buy this from pet food shops, it’s highly nutritious and full of minerals and collagen. Fruits are great to feed to your dog, obviously not grapes. Most dogs love blueberries, strawberries, mango, melon, apples (a good source of fibre) and bananas, they’re all packed full of good vitamins. Or consider adding a few healthy seeds to the bowl. For example, ½ tsp of pumpkin, sunflower, chia or flaxseeds, they are all a good source of protein, amino acids, good fats, vitamins and minerals. Any fresh proteins are great to give to your dog, if you prefer not to feed a raw diet then gently flash fry or lightly steam for a minute or two. All of these additions to your Westie’s bowl are beneficial to having a healthier dog. Can you imagine living your whole life on processed food? The terrible implications it could have long term on your health. Remember, poor food can cause disease, good food can heal.

Avoid buying dog foods with any of these ingredients listed on the label: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Any type of meal (I.e. meat meal, poultry meal or corn gluten meal) Menadione (synthetic form of vitamin K) Peanut Hulls (a significant source of mycotoxins) Dye and colours (for example red #40) including caramel Poultry or animal digest Animal Fat Propylene Glycol Soybean oil, soy flour, ground soybeans, soybean meal, soybean hulls or soybean mill run Oxide or sulfate, forms of minerals (for example zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or copper sulphate) Poultry or beef by-products Butylhdroxyanisol (BHA), Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), and ethoxyquin (synthetic preservatives) Sodium selenite (synthetic form of selenium)


Westies & Besties - December 2022

Out and about Secondly, let’s look at exercise. We all start the New Year with a resolution to be more active, but what about our Westies? Are they getting at least 20 minutes off lead aerobic exercise, are their hearts pumping and their lungs working hard? Can you not let your dog run free? Maybe 2023 is the year you work with a trainer to give the confidence to work on your Westie’s recall. There are several “Run Free” safe dog parks around the country that are great for nervous dogs or owners alike, or even a small safe field that is sealed and safe, if your dog is not socialised and fears other dogs these are ideal. Or perhaps join one of the Westie walking groups that meet regularly. They’re great for confidence building, making new friends and giving your Westie the opportunity to socialise with other dogs. The Westie & Scottie Walks Around Britain Group on Facebook posts group outings across the United Kingdom. Older dogs that are suffering from a bit of hearing loss or whose eyesight isn’t what it used to be, really love to just have a good sniff, and explore at their own pace. They don’t really need to run or walk great distances; they just love to choose where to sniff and how long they want to explore an area. This is incredibly important to the older dog, it’s highly beneficial to their mental health and well-being. Build a bond Finally, it’s been a tough couple of years during the pandemic and many Westies seem to be suffering from anxiety and stress. This is possibly down to lots of changes in their lives, owners working from home, dogs not having the opportunity to go and mix with their friends, young dogs not having the opportunity for essential socialisation. Socialisation is essential to any dog for their mental and emotional health. How many times did their usual routine suffer disruption during lockdown? Maybe it’s time to start to build a stronger bond with your dog, perhaps little changes to a healthier diet, little changes to a healthier lifestyle, and to try and build a stronger bond with your Westie. Take the time to do that bit of training you have promised you were going to do and never got round to. Just a few minutes a day will make the bond stronger and will give your dog confidence. So as 2022 draws to an end, just a few little tweaks can make a huge difference to not only our health and well-being, but to our precious Westies too.


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Bristol Animal Rescue Center launches Christmas Appeal for dogs that were left behind… By Gina Jones


eena is a beautiful Saluki cross who was unable to walk normally. She’s since been given the care and treatment she needs she’s been making a fantastic recovery. Meena arrived at Bristol Animal Rescue Centre with the RSPCA inspectors, distressed and in pain. Our Vets discovered she had a tendon issue and needed a frame to be fitted to her leg to ease the pressure. She’s had regular physio with our team to gradually get her using the leg again before we can get her ready for rehoming. “When Meena arrived, it was very clear that she wasn’t in a good way,” said Zita Polgar, Senior Animal Behaviourist at Bristol Animal Rescue Centre. “She was hopping around on three legs, she couldn’t put any weight on her fourth leg, it was held at a very strange angle”. The kind of work we have to do with animals like this varies on a caseby-case basis. With Meena, we had to adjust how we do her exercise and enrichment. She had one very painful leg so we couldn’t just take her out on a long walk or let her run around in the exercise yard. We had to adjust how we engage with her to make sure she’s still getting the same amount of enrichment during the day and the correct amount of appropriate exercise as the other

Images supplied by Bristol Animal Rescue Center

dogs even without being allowed to be off lead. “Meena has always been a very sweet natured dog, she’s very warm and friendly with people and very good with all of her vet handling and physio. It’s nice to see a dog that’s so calm and affectionate. Now that she’s feeling a bit better, we are starting to see her cheeky personality, she definitely wants to be more active and playful, which is lovely for us all to see,” added Zita. Meena remains at Bristol Animal Rescue Centre and is making a great recovery - she will be rehomed once her treatment is complete over the coming weeks/months. Dr Damian Pacini, Principal Vet at Bristol Animal Rescue Centre said: “For many of these animals like Meena who have chronic painful conditions, if they don’t have a place to go to then it’s hard to know what would become of them. Many of these conditions that we treat if left will become very painful and the animals would have a pretty miserable life. That’s why Bristol Animal Rescue Centre exists. We’re here to treat these animals when they’re at their worst and, hopefully, give them a second chance at a happy life”. Bristol Animal Rescue Centre is here to make sure that no animal

gets left behind. From offering free/ low-cost access to Vet care for lowincome pet owners at our Outreach Clinics, to donating pet food to local foodbanks, or caring for pets whose families are forced into the heartbreaking decision to sign them over to us – our mission is to work towards a world where all animals in our community are treated with the kindness and respect they deserve. And it’s clear that our community needs us now more than ever. Unfortunately, as demand for our services continues to increase, so too do our own bills. This year we estimate our own energy bill will go up by £17,000. Unwanted pets continue to arrive at our doors in need of help, as the cost-of-living crisis affects their owners. The number of people receiving help from our Outreach Vets and nurses is up 54% since last year - from January – May this year, the number of outreach consultations was 1,529, up from 990 for the same period in 2021. “We know that the pressure is on all of us this year and you’re probably feeling the pinch too. But we’re asking all our supporters to give what they can to help us make sure that animals like Meena, who are stuck in the middle of all this turmoil, don’t get forgotten this winter,” added Damian.

Bristol Animal Rescue Centre is asking people to please donate to their Christmas appeal to help dogs like Meena – you can donate online here: https://www.bristolarc.org.uk/get-involved/christmas-appeal-2022/ 26

Westies & Besties - December 2022



For many of these animals like Meena who have chronic painful conditions, if they don’t have a place to go to then it’s hard to know what would become of them…”



Westies IN THE PRESS! There’s no better way to end the year


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Westies & Besties - December 2022


Don’t fall for the cute, quick, sick buy this Christmas




FOUR PAWS UK Highlight the Dangers of Buying a

as a Gift this Christmas


ith major shopping milestones like Black Friday, the November sales, Prime Day and more dominating the lead up to the festive season, it is increasingly common to head online to pick up a great deal just in time for the big day. Unfortunately, this also happens when it comes to buying a pet. And whilst the convenience of online shopping is a real pull, FOUR PAWS urge people to take more precautions when it comes to finding a four-legged companion.

Supplied by Four Paws UK

The danger in buying a puppy as a gift this festive season is that whilst they may look cute and arrive quickly, they could be sick. 36

Buying a puppy as a gift may appear cute, and arrive quickly, but the reality is, they can often end up heartbreakingly sick, especially if not well cared for by unscrupulous breeders. In just a year, FOUR PAWS UK received over 1,000 reports from supporters experiencing or witnessing the damage that illegal puppy sellers cause. Illegal traders advertise puppies who have been bred in miserable conditions. Separated from mum far too young, they are often

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transported hundreds of miles across borders with forged or nonexistent identification and vaccination documents. This poses a great risk to human and animal health and can also bring a greater risk of dangerous zoonotic diseases like rabies and parvovirus (parvo) which can kill humans as well as dogs. Around 11% of reports, in fact, detailed how puppies purchased ended up with parvovirus resulting in sickness and in some cases death. It is clear unscrupulous dealers are placing profit over suitable care to meet the massive demand for a new four-legged friend, with familiar and ‘trustworthy’ websites such as Facebook and Pets4Homes becoming the most popular hotspots to sell them on. Emily Wilson, Head of Campaigns at FOUR PAWS UK explains: “The danger in buying a puppy as a gift this festive season is that whilst they may look cute and arrive quickly, they could be sick. Sentient beings, being bought as a gift online cannot only bring potential heartbreak, but also costly vet bills over the Christmas break.”


Image supplied by FOUR PAWS UK www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com



We want to remind people that pets aren’t presents and shouldn’t be snapped up quickly online in the Christmas rush. Introducing a new pet into the home is a commitment that requires a lot of thought, time, and money

FOUR PAWS supporter Richard thought he had found the perfect addition for his family in December 2020, when his family spotted Reggie on one of the UK’s leading classified ad sites. He followed all the site’s guidelines when contacting the seller to enquire about the 12-week-old Labrador, asked all the important questions and received satisfactory answers. Richard was happy to visit the puppy, and two other dogs, at the seller’s given address. He immediately fell in love with Reggie, who seemed healthy and happy. He paid the seller and took the puppy home that very day. Devastatingly, only three hours after Reggie arrived at his new home, he fell seriously ill. Suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, which became progressively worse until Richard and his wife had no choice but to rush him to their local vets. Reggie spent the next three days between the surgery and their home. It was then that the family was given an unthinkable choice. With Reggie’s chances of survival standing at around 20%, they could attempt a blood transfusion or put him to sleep; the vet strongly recommended the latter. After only four days of joining his new family, Reggie’s family had to say their goodbyes, as Reggie could not recover from the parvovirus infection. It was later discovered that Reggie was bred on a puppy farm in Ireland in appalling conditions


and without proper care from the breeder or the seller, and that all his paperwork was forged. Although Richard and his family were heartbroken, they embarked on a long fight for their puppy, and launched the Justice for Reggie campaign. Heartbreakingly, stories like this one are not uncommon and the emotional distress caused is permanent. With 35% of cases reported to FOUR PAWS UK under investigation by legal experts, much more needs to be done to close the gaps in this trade and ensure a transparent and accountable market can take its place. One which prioritizes animal welfare. Emily Wilson concludes: “We want to remind people that pets aren’t presents and shouldn’t be snapped up quickly online in the Christmas rush. Introducing a new pet into the home is a commitment that requires a lot of thought, time, and money. With the cost-of-living crisis, we are seeing more animals being abandoned as they simply become too expensive to look after. In place of purchasing a puppy online this Christmas, we recommend people take their time, do a lot of research, perhaps even visit rescue centers and consider a suitable adoptee, who is healthy and can fit your lifestyle. “#ThinkBeforeYouClick and give yourself and your potential new furry friend the best gift, by equipping yourself with all the knowledge you can to make the right choices, no matter the time of year.”

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Supplied by Four Paws UK




Keep your Westie

During Christmas and BY JESSICA BARBER


anta Claus is coming to town… The festive period is fast approaching. While this can be a time filled with joy and fun, it can also be a time of significant stress for our furry friends. Read on for top tips to keep your dog feeling calm and happy during Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Routines Festive events, parties and breaks from school and work during December often mean that our day-to-day looks significantly different from normal. While this can be a welcome change for us, unpredictable changes to routine can prove stressful for our dogs. Changes to walking habits, bedtime and waking times and routines as well as activities during the day can all leave our dogs feeling unsettled. Particularly important is ensuring that our dogs can get sufficient rest. While having the family around during the day is great fun, it can result in dogs missing their usual naps and downtime. This, along with all the excitement of the festive period, can result in a significant reduction in sleep. Being sleep deprived is a huge factor in stress and anxiety, can result in irritability 40

and increased unwanted behaviours such as destructive chewing or overly rough play, as well as impacting learning and memory abilities (Bódisz et al., 2020). Where possible, it can be helpful to try to maintain some key elements of your typical routine to help your dog feel more comfortable, such as regular walks and mealtimes. Providing a quiet area of the house for down time and ensuring the dog isn’t bothered when they’re resting or making a point to pop out and leave the dog at home for short periods, can allow them to catch up on some sleep leaving them feeling more settled and able to cope with the rest of the day’s activities. If you have a reactive dog, remember that your usual walking spots may be busier over the

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Christmas break. Consider the times of day and locations that you choose to walk in to avoid overwhelming your dog.

who are sensitive to noise, are worried by people arriving at your home, and/or are unsure about strangers.

In the run up to the festive period, revisit or introduce training that will help your dog to cope – learning or practicing settling on their bed or a mat, ‘drop it’ for swiped decorations or presents, and calm greetings will all set you in good stead.

Even for dogs who love visitors and get very excited when people come to your house, large gatherings, or lots of visitors in quick succession, can prove exhausting. This can lead to over-stimulation and overtiredness which in turn can result in unwanted behaviours such as jumping up, inability to settle, chewing, barking, mouthing and so on.

Visitors Christmas and New Year is typically characterised by lots of gatherings of family and friends – often including people we haven’t seen for some time who may be unfamiliar to our Westies. While these can be joyful events for us, they can be overwhelming for dogs. Having lots of visitors can be stressful for dogs

Giving your dog a safe and quiet space they can retreat to during gatherings can be very helpful to limit their stress levels. Introduce this safe haven in the run up to Christmas so it is well established by the time the celebrations arrive. Being mindful of the noise levels in the




house and the effect this might have on your dog can help to keep gatherings fun, rather than scary. Consider spacing out visitors or planning in quieter days between events can also give our dogs a change to rest and recharge. If arrivals at the house are particularly stressful or exciting for your dog, consider having them in a separate area of the house for arrivals and departures of guests can help to keep their arousal levels down, as well as avoiding the risk of them darting out of the front door in all the excitement. Fireworks With celebrations, come fireworks. The intensity of the sounds can prove incredibly stressful for many dogs, with questionnaires finding that up to 50% of pet dogs find them frightening (Blackwell et al., 2013). Starting desensitisation to firework noises can help to prepare our dogs for the inevitable New Year’s Eve displays. This involves playing firework noises at a very low volume and gradually increasing the volume over time as the dog gets used to them. It is important not to move too quickly and risk overwhelming the dog with the sound, however, and it can be helpful to work alongside a qualified professional dog trainer or behaviourist, especially in severe cases. Offering a safe, cosy corner in the house for your dog to retreat to during firework season can help them feel more comfortable. Walks should be limited to daylight hours when fireworks won’t be let off and keeping busy with activities such as stuffed Kong toys, chews or sniffing games during the evening can help to distract your dog and give them a different focus. It’s vital to ensure that your house and garden are properly secured to avoid your dog bolting if


startled by a sudden noise. It can be worth checking that their microchip and tag details are up to date, just in case. Calmly reassuring your dog can help them to settle and having the TV or radio on to block some of the firework noise as well as the curtains and windows closed can help reduce the volume of the bangs and block out the flashes. Hazards! It’s also important to be aware of the additional dangers our dogs may encounter during Christmas and New Year. Decorations, Christmas lights and trees can seem like great new chew toys for our dogs but risk injury to them. Typical festive food (mince pies, chocolate, Christmas pudding and so on) contain potentially toxic ingredients and should be kept well out of reach. Consider using plastic rather than glass decorations as well as keeping wires and other tempting chew-targets out of reach or behind a barrier can help ensure that our festive decs aren’t a source of danger for our dogs. Keeping presents and potentially toxic food or drink items well out of reach can help ensure smiles all round come Christmas morning. It can be helpful to remind guests not to leave plates or glasses where our dogs can reach them, especially taking care with foods containing ingredients that are poisonous to dogs, such as mince pies and chocolates. Taking a few moments in the run up to Christmas to think through plans and how they might impact our dogs can make a world of difference once the festivities kick off. Having measures in place in advance can help reduce any risks or stressors and ensure everyone has a fantastic festive season! Paws crossed Santa visits all those good boys and girls…

Westies & Besties - December 2022

Jessica is a dog trainer and behaviourist at Follow My Lead Dog Training.


Giving your dog a safe and quiet space they can retreat to during gatherings can be very helpful to limit their stress levels. Introduce this safe haven in the run up to Christmas so it is well established by the time the celebrations arrive”

Image by Sue330 from Pixabay





Westies & Besties - December 2022


Leave the Holiday Hype Behind and with your Dog From country retreats to cosy shepherd huts, if your idea of the perfect Christmas is to indulge in a little rest and relaxation, then these UK properties could make the perfect hiding place…

PHOTO CREDIT: All words & images supplied by Dog Holidays UK




Hadrian’s Holidays Lodges & Tours, Four Wynds in Longbyre (Hadrian’s Wall Country) Set in the Heart of Hadrian’s Wall Country and within easy access to Hadrian’s Wall and all of its attractions, this is the perfect base if you are looking for a Hadrian’s Wall walking holiday. Stay in one of two lodges, one is a twin and the other is a king double. Each is fitted with underfloor heating, bathrooms with showers, a fridge and a microwave and access to a shared and enclosed courtyard. Better yet, you will get a cooked English breakfast served to you each morning of your stay! Dog Holidays UK exclusive offer! 3 nights for the price of 2 at £130.00 per night BB throughout November - January. Supplement of £10 per dog per lodge, 3/4 small dogs or 2 large. Dogs welcome.

Doubletree by Hilton Harrogate Majestic Hotel & Spa, Harrogate


Located in the beautiful spa town of Harrogate, this luxury dog friendly hotel sits within eight acres of beautifully landscaped gardens overlooking the town. Perfect for early morning dog walks and within walking distance of shopping, dining, and historical attractions. The DoubleTree by Hilton Harrogate Majestic Hotel & Spa truly has it all. Dogs can join you for food and drinks and if trained, can be left in the room unattended!

Twixmas break - stay over the 27th, 28th or 29th, minimum stay 2 nights. Includes Dinner, Bed & Breakfast in a Standard Room and includes 1 hour access to the Spa (note this must be prebooked).

Book a stay with your loved ones between Christmas and New Year for a truly memorable, festive break.

All packages will require full prepayment and are nonrefundable.

Sole occupancy £149 Double Occupancy £179 Supplement of £25.00 per dog night 1 and then £10.00 per night thereafter and 2 dogs welcome.

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Woodfarm Barns, Stonham Aspal, Suffolk Located down a country lane in the heart of the rural Suffolk countryside. Woodfarm Barns offers eight holiday cottages each with its own fully enclosed garden and in addition, many come with their own luxury hot tub to enjoy. The perfect escape for couples looking for some alone time in a romantic setting. Stay in Gipping Barn for Christmas - includes hot tub. Arrive 23rd December for 4 nights, £1,164.87 total. Supplement of £15 per dog, up to three dogs welcome. Stay in Stour Barn for Christmas - includes hot tub. Arrive 23rd December for 4 nights, £1,138.39 total. Supplement of £15 per dog, up to three dogs welcome.

The Puffins Nest, Seahouses A three-bedroom pet friendly apartment located in this idyllic, coastal village, welcome to The Puffins Nest, Seahouses. The beautifully renovated apartment is tastefully styled and features truly stunning sea views from every window. With a bustling harbour and a seaside holiday resort feel, Seahouses is a picturesque coastal village packed with charisma and this apartment offers a convenient location to explore from. Hop on one of the boat trips from Seahouses Harbour to the Farne Islands which has Sir David Attenborough’s stamp of approval as he declared it as his favourite place in the UK to see nature at its best along the stunning coast! Arrive 23rd December for 7 nights, £1,824 total Sleeps 6 guests Dogs stay free

The Burrow, Alnwick If you’re looking for a getaway in the centre of Alnwick, look no further than The Burrow, a dog friendly apartment in Alnwick. Originally built in the 1800s, this stylish apartment is in the historic part of Alnwick called the Castle Quarter. Sleeping four guests, it’s perfect for family holidays and staycations with friends. Close to a busy pub and just a short walk from the many shops, restaurants, and cafes, you’ll be ideally placed to enjoy everything Alnwick has to offer. You’ll also have incredible views of the castle which is next door to the property! Arrive 23rd December for 7 nights, £1,282.80 total. Sleeps 4 guests Dogs stay free




Mast Cottage, Whitby A recently refurbished, dog friendly holiday home located in the centre of Whitby. Surrounded by restaurants, cafes and shops, this beautiful cottage is perfect for exploring the town and the rest of the North Yorkshire coast. Sleeping up to 6 guests, the property is perfect for family staycations and getaways with friends. Welcoming one well behaved dog and boasting free on street parking in the W zones in Whitby and a garden with outdoor furniture, Mast Cottage has everything you could want for a stay by the sea.

Pier View, Saltburn by the Sea Located right on the doorstep of Saltburn beach, this holiday apartment is the perfect place to head to for a getaway on the North Yorkshire coast. True to its name, Pier View gives guests a spectacular sight of Saltburn’s famous pier, meaning that you’ll also be able to look out to the North Sea horizon during your stay. Sleeping up to four guests (please see ‘Accommodation’ for how to increase the occupancy), Pier View is a great apartment to call home during your retreat by the sea. Arrive 29th December for 5 nights, £849.60 total Sleeps 2 guests (roll out beds for additional 2 guests on request) Dogs stay free

Arrive 29th December for 5 nights, £1,609.20 total Sleeps 6 guests Dogs stay free

Dittisham Hideaway, South Devon Experience luxury and charm in the heart of the Devonshire countryside. Just a mile from the waters’ edge of the beautiful River Dart, overlooking a private sun-dappled wooded valley, sits the stunning Dittisham Hideaway. The Hideaway is just outside the picturesque village of Dittisham and is just a 10-minute drive from the scenic port of Dartmouth in South Devon. Nestled in this stunning location are four luxury cedar-clad treehouses, idyllic shepherds’ huts, and an iconic 1950s American Airstream; all imbued with your favourite comforts and touches of luxury and all properties are dog friendly. Each Hideaway is akin to staying in your very own exclusive mini resort, fully equipped, and comfortably furnished; with wood-fired hot tubs to unwind in and your very own private deck from which you will enjoy the peaceful natural surroundings.


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Shepherd’s Huts and American Airstream Stay this Autumn and Winter and take advantage of this super offer. Stay for 3 nights and only pay for 2 with breaks starting from £390.00 for 2 people for 3 nights, including a Delicious Welcome Hamper. Available on bookings from now until the 19th of December inclusive. Max 1 dog per Shepherds Hut or Airstreamer, supplement of £50

Treehouse stay - includes hot tub Buzzard Treehouse – Arrive 30th December for 3 nights £1,125 total Owl Treehouse – Arrive 27th December for 3 nights £975 total Max two dogs per treehouse, supplement of £50 per dog

For more information, visit: www.dogholidaysuk.co.uk






The hours between 4pm and 6pm is crazy time. Pumpkin and Smiggle don’t stop playing. Ziggy is constantly throwing toys playing ball and entertaining them. They love it when Ziggy gets home from school.

Tell us about your Westie’s We start the day with daily routine and get your dog’s expressing her, making mug in the mag! Email: sure her bladder and bowels are empty. [email protected] Following this, we give her a little bottom bath. Drying her off and putting a fresh nappy on followed by At 6.30pm Richard comes a jumper to keep her warm. We home and Pumpkin gets do some physio exercises to her back so excited and vocal, she talks to legs to stimulate blood flow. Richard. I’m sure she is telling him all about her day! Pumpkin will normally Around 8am she has her breakfast, poo her pants in excitement. This one including a magnesium tablet and is for daddy to sort out! After a bottom her probiotics and bladder support clean and a fresh nappy, Pumpkin will aids. Pumpkin will then sleep until just then calm down and want her tea. after 9am. From 7pm until 11pm, Pumpkin will sleep 9am is normally playtime as the children on the sofa cuddled up to one of us. have gone to school and I’m tidying the house before I go to work. Pumpkin and 11pm is express time making sure her Smiggle like to chase the Hoover and bowels and bladder are empty before attack the duster. bed. Pumpkin sleeps on our bed at night, along with Smiggle. She has her own 9.45 – it’s time for bladder expression special blanket. and a nappy change. 3am: The alarm goes off and we take Pumpkin to the bathroom to be expressed 10am on Monday, Tuesday, and emptying her bladder. Pumpkin doesn’t Wednesdays, Pumpkin comes with me to seem to mind this, in fact, sometimes she work. I am a nail technician and luckily, I doesn’t even wake up properly. We have work from home in a converted garage. this down to a fine art, normally taking Pumpkin loves coming to work with me just a couple of minutes. and receiving lots of cuddles from my clients. She has a lovely warm heated pad Heading back to bed until 6:30 am and that she lays on. She’s such a good girl and the routine begins again. watches my every move. Smiggle will also come in and join us, and they love to sit Thursdays are slightly different as we go at the large patio windows watching the to hydrotherapy at 10am. world go by, although chaos hits as soon as they see a delivery driver or the postman. Weekends are also very different as we have a house full with Richard not being 12.15 and it’s time for another bladder at work and the children not being at expression and fresh nappy. I finish school. We always try to have at least one work around 2pm so I usually take day where we have a Woodland walk or both Pumpkin and smuggle for a little seaside adventure. Obviously, some of our walkie. Followed by another bladder weekends are taken up with charity events. express and bottom wash. Pumpkin will always poo after walkies it seems to Pumpkin is such a happy dog; this is her stimulate her bowels. normal. She doesn’t realise just how special she is. From 3pm till 4pm I’m assuming the girls go to sleep as I am away doing school We wouldn’t change Pumpkin for the runs picking my children up. world. Pumpkin Power! 50

Westies & Besties - December 2022

Don’t leave your pooch out this Christmas Treat them every day to 100% natural, air-dried treats from regenerative farms. Better for your dog. Better for the planet.

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Treat your dog at: ethicallyraised.co.uk

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