Rural Leader Magazine Nov 2022

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Digital transformation: Why it Matters to Companies and Consumers? pg. 11 | NOVEMBER 2022 1

Contents Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication that highlights every day people doing extraordinary things nationally and abroad.

About Us

Launched in March 2014, Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication with a mission to highlight every day people doing extraordinary things in business, education, music, community, art, sports, and leadership nationally and abroad. Rural Leader Magazine honors exemplary individuals on a variety of levels, such as the 20 under 20 Honors, 40 under 40 Honors, Best Small Town Restaurant, Small Town America’s 100 Most Influential People, the Scholars of Collegiate Distinction, Fifty under Fifty, and the Eagle Elite Club.—

6 New survey: What does it take to become a successful entrepreneur? 7 College 2030: New study finds key insights into how college is changing 9 Prioritizing Vision Health for Healthy Aging: Top Tips

COVER STORY 11 Digital transformation: why it matters to companies and consumers? By Lee Sam-soo, CDO at LG Electronics 15 Application Fraud is Exploding Nationwide 17 Addressing the National Shortage of Cybersecurity Talent

Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, in English, or other languages, is prohibited without written consent. Send editorial ideas to Kuanita Murphy, PhD, Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Contact Us [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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Tell us what you think about our publications, if you have a great idea for a story, or to just share. We may print your comments in Rural Leader Magazine. By sending us your comments, you’re giving permission to call you for an interview. Please be sure to include your name, address, email address, and phone number so we can reach you. Write to us at [email protected]

Editor’s Note Dear Readers, Inside this issue, there are a number of great articles about leadership best practices, building positive self-esteem and productivity! We hope you enjoy this issue. As always, I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Thanks again for your continual support! Sincerely, Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

What you do matters. @RuralLeaderMag | NOVEMBER 2022 3

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New survey: What does it take to become a successful entrepreneur? If you’re asked for names of well-known entrepreneurs, a few obvious contenders might come to mind, like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. A recent survey asked questions about who are the most successful entrepreneurs - revealing insights into what people think it takes to make it big. In the new survey, commissioned by Herbalife Nutrition, respondents were first asked to identify entrepreneurs they felt were the “greatest of all time.” Historical luminaries like Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison featured multiple times in their answers. Interestingly, the survey found that nearly half of the respondents (48%) believed modern entrepreneurs are more influential than their historical counterparts were, while only one-fifth (20%) believed that modern entrepreneurs are actually less influential. How can you identify people who are top entrepreneurs? One result is clear: from their innovations that make a difference in the lives of others. “Entrepreneurs change our world for the better with their out-of-the-box thinking,” said Ibi Montesino, executive vice president of distributor and customer experience at Herbalife Nutrition. “And their inventions have a great impact on our lives and society.” Regarding today’s best known entrepreneurs, here are the top 10 names that came up in answer to the question: “Which modern entrepreneurs have made the most positive impact on society?” * Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) - 21% * Jeff Bezos (Amazon founder) - 18% * Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple) - 18% * Elon Musk (founder of SpaceX, CEO of Tesla) 17% * Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder) - 17% * Oprah Winfrey (co-founder of Oxygen, founder of O, The Oprah Magazine) - 15% * Melinda Gates (co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) - 14% * Sam Walton (Walmart and Sam’s Club founder) 13% * Larry Page (Google co-founder) - 12% * Ted Turner (CNN founder) - 11% While many of these are household names, there 6 | NOVEMBER 2022

are countless other Americans who make a real-life impact through their entrepreneurial efforts every day, whether they are groundbreakers in terms of building their own small businesses, helping their communities, creating something new or simply using their energy and talents to provide for themselves and their families. What does it take to become a top entrepreneur? The survey also asked what is most important when it comes to entrepreneurial success. The top two results showed that each entrepreneur’s personal accomplishments (24%) and their contributions to society (22%) mattered most. And when asked what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur, the most popular responses were that it required specific character traits (19%), having one “great idea” (15%) - and a commitment to hard work (14%). Character traits that matter: When asked to clarify what specific character traits were considered vital for being a successful entrepreneur, these were the four top contenders: * Creativity * Intelligence * Confidence * Motivation Perhaps the most surprising result of the survey was that nearly half (45%) reported having their own aims to become an entrepreneur - and 42% of them said they believed they had what it takes to be successful in that endeavor, claiming to have a “big” idea that they could turn into a successful business. Perhaps the secret for entrepreneurial success is combining their ideas, creativity and their passion, with hard work, in addition to gaining strength from the support of family, friends and colleagues. “While there are numerous character traits that go into making a successful entrepreneur, the ones we work with, day in and day out, all have a common theme: they demonstrate a commitment to hard work and surround themselves with a supportive community,” added Montesino.—

College 2030: New study finds key insights into how college is changing

As a new academic school term begins for colleges and universities nationwide, many students and faculty are thinking about how to respond to the changes caused by the pandemic as they settle into their first true “post-pandemic” school year. Research from Barnes and Noble Education (BNED) reveals insights into how education institutions are adapting. The study called “College 2030 - Emerging from the Pandemic: Reimagining Higher Education,” explores changes and visions for the future of higher education by surveying over 2,500 U.S. students, faculty and administrators regarding five areas: the value of higher education, career preparedness, student loans, mental health, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). “This study provides a snapshot of higher education at an inflection point,” said BNED CEO Michael Huseby. “These insights are not only indicative of how higher education is evolving, but can help educational institutions respond more effectively as they set goals for the future.” Here are five key takeaways from the report, and what higher education institutions can learn from them. 1. The value of higher education. Rising tuition costs and student loan debt have made many ques-

tion the value of higher education, however, onethird of the students surveyed (33%) said the value of college has actually increased. The majority of students seeing increased value were community college students, graduate or professional students and students 25 years or older. One reason can be attributed to class format, which has pivoted in response to the pandemic. Nearly half the students (49%) said they preferred a hybrid format, while more than half of faculty (54%) favored a fully in-person environment. This difference poses a challenge for institutions. “Over the next decade, institutions need to continue listening to students by creating personalized learning experiences based on their needs,” said Huseby. “This can be achieved by giving students choices between a variety of class types - in-person, remote and hybrid.” Hybrid/online learning can provide better access and equity for students of all ages and backgrounds. To further help students have equitable access, Barnes & Noble College (BNC) has created First Day Complete, a program providing all required course materials (digital and physical) to all students before the first day of class, bundling costs as part of their tuition. 2. Career preparedness. The perceived value of | NOVEMBER 2022 7

higher education is strongly connected to career preparation. When asked, 73% of students said they feel prepared for the industry/field they’re pursuing. However, students also wanted more school support with networking (46%), resume help (43%) and mentors (38%). “Institutions need to better connect students with the business community,” advised Huseby. “They can do that by building strong networking opportunities with businesses, assessing employers’ requirements and tailoring curriculum to develop a clear path between college and career.” 3. The state of student loans. While tuition rates remained steady during the pandemic, rising inflation and the end of federal stimulus funding will likely increase costs, impacting students’ ability to pay. According to the survey, just under half of students (47%) had student loans, and of that half, 53% were forced to apply for additional loans due to the pandemic. 4. Supporting mental health. Many institutions saw spikes in student mental health concerns throughout the pandemic. While over half of students (53%) and faculty (58%) say mental health has improved since returning to campus, 28% of students and 21% of faculty noted that mental health has declined, indicating that the transition itself caused challenges, including a lack of preparation to be back in person.

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While on-campus mental health support continues to be crucial, a majority of students and faculty are not using available mental health resources. And although 81% of students and 92% of faculty indicated they knew their school offered mental health resources, only 20% said they have used them. 5. Fostering Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Schools could benefit from proactively seeking feedback from students and faculty on DEI efforts, and by educating everyone on DEI issues. Only 35% of students indicated they had been asked for feedback on DEI efforts, while 58% of faculty indicated they had been asked for input. “Through the next decade, it will be crucial to ensure schools are not just asking for faculty feedback, but are also listening to their students,” said Huseby. “Ensuring student needs are met helps build an inclusive campus that provides mental health support, plus the financial, career and life services students need to succeed.” As in many aspects of life, the past two and half years have forever changed higher education - and it will continue to change over the next decade. Institutions need to understand the needs of their students and ensure that they are providing them with what they need to continue to succeed in school and beyond. To read the full report, visit–

Prioritizing Vision Health for Healthy Aging: Top Tips | NOVEMBER 2022 9

When did you last have your vision checked? As we age, we become more likely to develop cataracts or other vision issues. While many doctor appointments are top of mind, eye health may be overlooked - but because cataracts affect over 24.4 million Americans aged 40 and older, it’s vital to know the signs and symptoms of cataracts to maintain healthy vision. Vision problems as people age not only impact their ability to remain independent and continue doing the things they love, but also can create safety issues. Research indicates that vision is a factor in the increased risk of falls in older people. Because cataracts develop and continue to progress over time, people do not always notice the symptoms until their vision has been significantly impacted.

The good news? “Cataract surgery is the most common surgery performed by an ophthalmic surgeon - I do over 1,000 cataract surgeries a year,” says Dr. Neda Shamie, renowned cataract, LASIK and corneal surgeon, and partner of the Maloney-Shamie Vision Institute in Los Angeles. “It’s an incredibly precise and safe surgery, with benefits that far outweigh the risks.” Here are Dr. Shamie’s top tips for maintaining healthy eyes as you age: 1. Set calendar reminders to get vision checked at least annually. Encourage your parents and other 10 | NOVEMBER 2022

loved ones to set regular visits with an eye doctor - even if they do not wear corrective lenses or glasses. Having a complete eye examination, including checking for issues such as glaucoma and cataracts, is crucial to overall health and well-being. 2. Be aware of top signs of cataracts and proactively ask your parents if they are experiencing vision problems, like having difficulties driving at night. Common signs of cataracts include: * Cloudy or blurry vision * Seeing faded colors * Difficulty seeing street signs * Sensitivity to bright light * Seeing a halo around lights * Seeing double * Often changing glasses prescriptions 3. Know about risks for developing cataracts. Although cataracts are extremely common with aging, a number of factors are more likely to increase someone’s risk of developing cataracts. This includes diabetes, smoking, steroid use, alcohol consumption or spending a lot of time in the sun. 4. Learn about cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is a relatively quick surgery and has a short recovery time. A specialized surgeon removes the cloudy lens in the eye that has the cataract and replaces it with a clear lens known as an intraocular lens (IOL). As with any surgical procedure, there may be risks involved. Ask your eye doctor about the risks and benefits of cataract surgery. 5. Correct your vision. A number of IOL options are available, including ones that can provide different vision corrections which may minimize or potentially eliminate the need to wear glasses or contacts after the surgery. IOLs can correct vision for those who are farsighted, nearsighted and have astigmatism. This means glasses may no longer be needed for reading a book, looking at a computer screen or seeing where a golf ball or pickle ball went. “Cataract surgery comes with many different options to not only correct vision, but also to reduce the need for glasses or contacts - if the appropriate IOL is chosen,” added Dr. Shamie. “It is important to choose a surgeon who can explore these options and help you find the right match for your lifestyle needs. I tell my patients that anyone who is lucky enough to live a long life will likely get cataracts, so it is not something to fear. Treatment is accessible and highly successful.” Learn more about the latest technologies for cataract surgery at—


Digital transformation: why it matters to companies and consumers? By Lee Sam-soo, CDO at LG Electronics To bring innovation to every point along the value chain, and ultimately provide maximum and differentiated value to customers, LG Electronics (LG) is actively engaging in an organization-wide digital transformation (DX). To accelerate the transformation process related to customer experience, LG established the new Chief Digital Office (CDO) division last year. An innovator by nature, LG is changing the way it works, utilizing data and technologies, including AI, to increase efficiency and reduce costs from manufacturing and quality, to purchasing, supply chain management (SCM) and customer support (CS). By encouraging and implementing innovation at every level, LG will not only achieve the above goals, but also be better able to identify and upgrade all aspects of the customer experience (CX). To fully understand the needs and wants of customers, LG created AI- and data-based solutions that are helping the company refine the CX right from the very outset, from product and service planning to the development stage. When LG launches a product or service, the New eXperience Introduction (NXI)* process is applied to monitor whether the CX is being delivered as intended. This internal process is an innovation that will greatly improve the value of

diverse offerings and brand moving forward. Based on the company’s experience implementing these programs and systems so far, LG has some recommendations for adopting innovative DX solutions to create better ways of working and CX outcomes. For companies with legacy to successfully promote DX to internal audiences, identifying key business challenges that can be solved using technology better known as ‘low-hanging fruit’ - must be a top priority. These low-hanging fruit always exist within any company. So, rather than jumping into projects that seek to change everything or run for multiple years accumulating ever-greater amounts of data, LG identified and focused its energies on points that can be solved now using current AI and data capabilities. Once identified, it can be divided into two categories: ‘DX for the Company’ and ‘DX for the Customer.’ The former relates to innovation in how an organization works, while the latter refers to innovation in the overall CX space. Introducing any form of ‘DX for the Company’ can be a challenging undertaking, especially where older organizations are concerned. This is because any company with a long history is more likely to have its value chain fixed in the same way it always has been. However, if | NOVEMBER 2022 11

a company’s methods of working across all areas of the value chain - including development, manufacturing, purchasing, quality and SCM - have remained static for a long time, or there have only been gradual improvements made over time, there is a strong possibility that the application of digital technologies, such as data analysis and AI, will produce meaningful results. LG is undertaking various company- and customer-targeted DX initiatives and is already seeing excellent results in both spheres. Recently, LG Smart Park in Changwon, South Korea was selected as a Lighthouse Factory by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF confers this designation on facilities that are implementing Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data and AI, to usher in the future of manufacturing today. LG’s “Digital Twin” technology is one of the key factors in LG Smart Park being named a Lighthouse Factory. It collects and analyzes data from the factory and its many production lines every 30 seconds, enabling it to accurately predict if any issues will occur up to 10 minutes in advance and restock any parts or materials before they run out. Each assembly line at LG Smart Park is attached to an ‘intelligent warehouse,’ which monitors inventory in real time and automatically requests the re-supply of items needed to keep production running smoothly. Another 4IR innovation that sets LG’s facility apart is the use of 5G network-connected logistics robots that rove the factory floor, taking the most optimal path to transport parts and materials wherever they’re needed. Also, the company has managed to minimize product defect rates and avoid lengthy downtimes by leveraging big data analysis and AI prediction. LG Smart factory is a success story of DX, its intelligent innovations resulting in a 20 percent boost in productivity, increased worker efficiency and a significantly lower product defect rate. Its impressive performance could well trigger the integration of further DX systems and technologies throughout the entire company, including in areas such as material procurement, product transportation planning, SCM, purchasing and sales. Verifiable success is, after all, the best way to promote any kind of change within an organization. The application of DX to purchasing processes is especially meaningful due to the supply chain issues caused by COVID-19 and other globally impactful events. LG is currently developing an intelligent system to predict the price and supply volatility of components and essential raw materials. This will 12 | NOVEMBER 2022

be an invaluable resource during pre-negotiations with suppliers, enabling the company to focus on data-based objectives rather than being guided by the intuition of individual managers. Market monitoring, prediction and scenario-response management all become much easier and less dependent on the capabilities of personnel when you add advanced, digital technologies into the equation. There are many possibilities for and examples of enhanced performance via ‘DX for the Company,’ especially given that the inherent value of DX is not restricted to any particular industry. Active exploration in the arena of ‘DX for the Company’ is highly recommended because there is already a variety of value chains and data that can be utilized to discover so-called low-hanging fruit. Furthermore, DX has been shown to directly improve key measures of corporate performance, including, but not limited to, productivity and profitability. Whether speaking in financial or qualitative terms, the positive effects that DX can have are relatively easy to communicate to internal stakeholders, which is helpful for increasing buy-in and reducing resistance. In areas such as manufacturing, purchasing and quality, where there already exists an expectation that improvement activities will be regularly introduced, the task of promoting DX becomes, in most cases, even easier. Lastly, it needs to be emphasized that, beyond the improved performance of an individual organization, the true success of ‘DX for the Company’ will come when these new methods and systems of working have spread to workplaces and corporations all over the globe. Of course, change management is a key part of ensuring a smooth DX. LG has adopted the ‘10X’ (or ten-times) method to ensure a consistent process of reorganizing its working methods and systems until the requisite changes have clearly and verifiably been made. It’s about expanding the company’s efforts by 10X (or more) in a way that makes sense, with each change building upon the last with an express purpose and goal in mind - not merely change for the sake of it, but to streamline processes and add value in as many ways as possible. Scalability is another part of it, as companies want to be able to develop flexible platforms that can grow with its needs and ‘bend’ in accordance with shifts in the market and consumer demand. With effective change management and the consistent implementation and proliferation of targeted actions, companies can realize the envisioned DX in its totality. LG believes that an accumulation of successes

across the various areas of ‘DX for the Company’ will act as a strong foundation for a successful ‘DX for the Customer.’ By using DX to bring about innovation in the way we work, LG can greatly expand the scope and value of the CX and, in doing so, deliver even more innovative experiences to its diverse customers worldwide, helping to bring about a better life for all. This story was edited from an editorial feature article published in The Electronic Times. To read

the full Executive Corner piece and learn more about DX, visit * In 2022, LG replaced its previous product-oriented development process, known as ‘New Product Introduction’ (NPI), with ‘New eXperience Introduction’ (NXI), a more customer experience-oriented process.— | NOVEMBER 2022 13

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Application Fraud is Exploding Nationwide Evictions have been front-page news during the pandemic, and for a good reason. At the start of the pandemic, the National Low Income Housing Coalition estimated that without assistance, 30 to 40 million Americans would be in danger of eviction by the end of that year. It’s a heart-wrenching situation, which was largely avoided through widespread eviction moratoriums around the country. There is, however, another side to the eviction crisis: Criminals actively trying to get into apartments for which they have no ability (nor intention) to pay for. Their modus operandi is to submit fake pay stubs and bank statements to convince landlords they have the means required to afford the rent. One in eight paystubs or bank statements submitted to apartment owners are fake today. In fact, fraudsters submitted more than ten million fake financial documents last year. It is called application fraud, and experts estimate that this crime accounts for one in four of all evictions. Snappt, a business with expertise in spotting fake financial documentation, has scanned several million pay stubs and bank statements. Based on a deep analysis of these documents, they have released their “Treacherous Twenty” list - the list of the top 20 major metropolitan areas by application fraud rate. The Snappt Treacherous Twenty The top 20 major metropolitan areas by application fraud rate 1) Atlanta - 17.9% 2) Houston - 16.2% 3) Dallas/Fort Worth - 13.2% 4) Charlotte - 11.7% 5) Phoenix - 11.2% 6) Los Angeles - 10.8% 7) Tampa/St. Petersburg - 10.4% 8) Miami - 10.0% 9) St. Louis - 9.5% 10) Minneapolis/St. Paul - 9.2% 11) Chicago - 8.9% 12) Orlando - 8.5% 13) Las Vegas - 8.2% 14) Detroit - 8.0%

15) Philadelphia - 7.9% 16) Southern California Inland Empire (Riverside, Ontario) - 7.9% 17) Sacramento - 7.4% 18) Washington, DC - 6.6% 19) New York/New Jersey - 6.1% 20) Denver - 6.0% Note that the eviction rates - which are often driven by application fraud - ran as high as one in nine for our Treacherous Twenty. The average eviction rate was 4.83%, nearly double the national average of 2.6%. In Atlanta, property managers are seeing fake paystubs or bank statements every fifth or sixth applicant. Houston and Dallas were not far behind. Drivers of application fraud. There are many drivers of application fraud, but rent increases and unemployment stick out. Many of the Treacherous Twenty show extreme movement along these drivers. * Increasing rent. Higher rents make it more difficult to qualify. This in turn causes more people to turn to application fraud. We are seeing annual rent increases as high as 29.5% in our list (Tampa/St. Petersburg). In fact, nearly half showed double-digit rent increases in 2022. * Unemployment. Unemployment makes it impossible to qualify for an apartment. This drives applicants to fraudulently alter bank statements and pay stubs. Unemployment rates were as high as 5.7% on our list, well above the national average of 3.8%. In fact, half of the metro areas on our list have unemployment rates at or above the national average. A post-pandemic world. The pandemic was tough for everyone. While eviction moratoriums kept many renters safe, owners faced high losses. And, as application fraud soars, the risk to owners is getting even higher. Luckily, there are solutions (like Snappt) that help protect landlords.— | NOVEMBER 2022 15

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Addressing the National Shortage of Cybersecurity Talent There’s an urgent need for the United States to invest in cybersecurity infrastructure and safeguard from potential threats. Domestically and abroad, society has seen a triple-digit increase in cybersecurity attacks that have disrupted mass telecommunication companies, been used as a tactic in the Russia-Ukraine war, and held financial firms hostage with their own information. Cyber incidents are becoming more sophisticated and are targeting organizations of all sizes, especially those that work with personal information. Los Angeles Unified School District, the second largest school district in the nation, was targeted in a ransomware attack on its information-technology infrastructure, Uber was the victim of a data breach after cybercriminals compromised the Slack account of an employee in early September, the Red Cross experienced a security breach that compromised the personal data of those the organization seeks to help and DoorDash experienced a cyberattack that exposed customers’ personal information. Unfortunately, U.S. businesses and organizations struggle to prepare for these threats in part because of a shortage of skilled cyber workers. This underscores the importance of cultivating new talent through education, upskilling and reskilling to develop the expertise required to protect and defend our data and systems. The national talent shortage has been driven by a lack of employee training and access to cybersecurity careers. It is estimated that there are approximately 700,000 cybersecurity jobs yet to be filled in the U.S. At the same time, the cybersecurity sector continues to be shaped by rapid technological change, thus requiring skill sets that constantly need to be updated. Many academic institutions aren’t able to adapt their programming to quickly develop a pool of skilled cyber workers. Without ongoing upskilling and training by their employers, IT professionals can’t keep up and properly protect their organizations. “Cyberattacks affect our day-to-day lives, our economy and our national security. The number of unfilled cybersecurity jobs worldwide grew 350% between 2013 and 2021,” said DeVry University’s Chief Information Security Officer, Fred Kwong. “Higher education institutions and businesses must ensure that cybersecurity education and career pathways are

available to everyone. Without talent to quickly fill these roles, companies will continue to be vulnerable to these attacks.” A recent Aspen Institute report estimates that only 4% of cybersecurity workers identify as Hispanic, while 9% identify as Black, and 24% as women, which highlights cybersecurity’s diversity gap. Creating access to and awareness of cybersecurity career pathways - through methods like flexible programming, mentorship programs and corporate partnerships - would not only support a diverse talent pipeline, but it would also help fill the high volume of job openings the nation currently faces. The current cybersecurity landscape presents a unique opportunity to augment a skilled pool of talent. It is incumbent upon academic institutions, companies and government agencies to place increased emphasis on cybersecurity education and skills-based pathways to create a talent pool that is cyber-savvy. There has never been a more appropriate time to invest in upskilling employees and arming students with the knowledge and access they need to advance in cyber career pathways. DeVry University seeks to bridge the talent gap by offering new ways to anyone with an interest in the cybersecurity field to access academic opportunities through agile education and initiatives. Recognizing the critical need for cybersecurity talent, DeVry created the Future Cyber Defenders Scholars Program and scholarship to prepare the next generation of cybersecurity professionals with training and networking opportunities, and it launched a Nonprofit Cyber Grant Program, which will help nonprofits in Atlanta upskill their employees in cybersecurity. Our ability to combat attacks on data and infrastructure will only be strengthened through dedicated investment by employers and educators in cybersecurity training and talent development. With the increasing number of cyberattacks on all types of organizations, there is a growing need for well-prepared cyber talent. To foster cyber resiliency and expand the current talent pool, it’s critical to develop trained professionals who remain proficient through upskilling, up-to-date academic programming and accessible education.— | NOVEMBER 2022 17

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