Westies & Besties - July 2022

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The UK'S Only West Highland White Terrier Magazine


July 2022

ISSN 2634-4130

TRAVEL UK dogfriendly




The Welsh women behind ‘Because Animals Are Worth It’

The benefits of hydrotherapy



A Day in the Life of a Westie owner

The yellow flower that packs a vitamin punch

RECIPE Summer delights


spa day treats for you & your pal

For your Dog COVER STORY



Westie www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com

Itchy Skin? It could be house dust allergy Up to 80% of allergic dogs have an allergy to dust. Symptoms include red, itchy skin and scratching that can lead to secondary skin infections. Although insecticidal environmental sprays can help kill dust mites, proteins in the dust mite faeces and on the bodies of the mites can still cause an allergic reaction in sensitive pets. Allergone Spray is a unique environmental spray that coats dust particles that include the mites and their faeces. By doing so it alters the chemical structure and helps inactivate and neutralise allergens found in house dust, helping to reduce the symptoms of house dust allergy.

To find out more about Allergone and other products that help manage the symptoms of allergy go to www.nextmune.com

The innovative microcapsule technology helps bind the dust particles together into larger particles that don’t float in the air, making it easier to remove them when cleaning. Nextmune UK | Oakridge House, Cressex Business Park, Wellington Rd, High Wycombe, HP12 3PR Phone: +44 01494 629979 | [email protected] | www.nextmune.com


Thanks for joining us!

Can you believe we’re in July already? As the Great British Summertime is fully underway, (however long it lasts!) we felt it was important for the wellbeing of your Westies to remind owners of the importance of keeping your dog cool and relaxed during the hot weather. Our Top 10 Tips on this are full of vital advice and suggestions as it’s just so easy for a dog to succumb to heatstroke which can obviously prove to be fatal.

Kim Latham Editor

This month, we’re joined by Angela Halls, a Senior Hydrotherapist, who explains the importance of building muscle in the affected limbs of dogs that have joint and ligament problems. Did you know that Osteoarthritius is the most common cause of chronic pain in dogs and that it is the most common cause for early euthansia? What’s really sad is that early intervention such as hydrotherapy can go a long way to easing a dog’s pain. Our Cover Story focuses on grooming this month. We’ve noticed over the last year or so that many dog grooming companies across the country have increased their prices (along with most other service providers,) so we decided to ask the Dog Groom Academy about this to figure out if there is some kind of industry regulator for dog groomers. Did you know that according to Statista, from 2020 to 2022 there was an increase of 4 million dogs in the United Kingdom? – it is perhaps no surprize then that dog grooming is such big business as demand for groomers outstrips supply and thus allows many groomers to charge what they want. But can the price increase be justified? We’ve got plenty of UK travel destinations for you to choose from this month – all of which are dog-friendly so you don’t have to stress out or feel guilty about leaving your pal at home which I know will be a big relief to many of you! Have a wonderful summer… Buffy, Chief Cuddles Officer PHOTO CREDIT Image supplied by Kim Latham



Publisher Westies & Besties Ltd Fidlas Road, Cardiff, CF14 5LZ Editor Kim Latham Tel: +44 7496 310169 Email: [email protected] Commercial Director Alex Griffin Tel: +44 7496 310173 Email: [email protected]


Front Cover Image PHOTO CREDIT Image supplied by shutterstock_745380757 Design Jayden Ali Printing Cambrian Printers Westies & Besties Magazine is published by Westies & Besties Ltd (the Publisher) and printed on behalf of the publisher by Cambrian Printers. Westies & Besties Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Westies & Besties Magazine and the Westies & Besties Masthead/logo is trademarked and are marks of Westies & Besties Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the Publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Westies & Besties Magazine are not necessarily those of the Publisher or those of its contributors. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, the Publishers cannot/ will not be held accountable for the accuracy of the information here therein, or any consequences arising from it. The Publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited articles or manuscripts in the case of all product reviews. Judgements have been made in the context of the product tested. (All photographs have been supplied unless otherwise mentioned.) Advertisers in this publication must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Advertising Standards Authority. Westies & Besties Ltd is not responsible or liable for a company or individual’s advert. Readers are advised to see a fully qualified veterinarian before attempting to try any of the suggestions made by a contributor.


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Westies & Besties - July 2022


36 8 SUMMER SAVIOURS Avoid sunstroke with these 10 top tips


Why hydrotherapy can increase the lifespan of your dog

16 THE TOPIC OF TEETH Why doggy dental hygiene is so vital


ISSUES Keep the allergies at bay


The little weed that your Westie needs

24 DELIGHTFUL DESSERTS Elevate your Westie’s eating experience


WORTHWHILE The Welsh women launching workshops in schools


THE REST All you need to know about grooming your Westie



A wonderful gathering in Denmark


The dog-friendly destinations for your summer escape


A day in the life of Magnus and Lilly

26 PAMPER YOUR POOCH Have a well-earned day off with your dog


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IF YOUR WESTIE HAS DIABETES The National Vet charity, PDSA, is raising awareness for the millions of people - and pets - living with diabetes. Check these five suggestions to spot the symptoms and signs.


SPOT THE SYMPTOMS “Diabetes can be hard to spot, so it’s important to know the symptoms. One of the first major signs of diabetes in pets is drinking more than usual and, in turn, needing to urinate more often. You might notice an increased appetite, regular vomiting, or that your pet seems under the weather and less energetic. Some of these symptoms may develop slowly over time, so it’s always important to monitor your furry friend – the earlier you spot any changes and contact your Vet, the better.


MEDICAL TREATMENT “If your dog or cat is diagnosed with diabetes, your Vet may prescribe once or twice daily insulin injections. They will demonstrate how to do this safely at home and can give any additional guidance you may need. Your Vet may also advise


PHOTO CREDIT: shutterstock_521629657

introducing a controlled diet, which means feeding your pet specific types of food at the same times each day to help regulate their blood sugar levels.


WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP “Alongside medical treatment, owners need to take small steps after diagnosis to help our precious pets lead a fulfilling life. Diet and exercise are essential to any pet’s health and wellbeing, but this is especially important for dogs and cats with diabetes. The healthier your furry friend is, the easier their condition will be to control.


KEEP UP THE ROUTINE “Stick to a consistent feeding routine and avoid additional foods between meals as this can cause unpredictable changes in blood

Westies & Besties - July 2022


Diabetes is a disease that develops when your pet’s body can’t produce enough insulin to control their blood sugar level, causing it to become dangerously high.

sugar. Replace extra treats with lots of fuss, play time and attention – they’ll appreciate this just as much as an unhealthy snack!

body attacks the insulin producing cells in the pancreas, which can sometimes happen after pancreatitis.


Obesity can also be a cause of diabetes in cats and can make the condition harder to manage in dogs. If left untreated, diabetes can lead to a potentially life-threatening condition called ‘diabetic ketoacidosis’ (DKA).

THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF EXERCISE “Exercise can affect blood sugar levels, so diabetic dogs and cats will need a set amount, at set times each day. Suddenly increasing or decreasing your pet’s daily exercise could cause their blood sugars to change, so try to keep a steady routine each day and don’t push them too hard.”

PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing said: “Diabetes is a disease that develops when your pet’s body can’t produce enough insulin to control their blood sugar level, causing it to become dangerously high. It usually develops when the

“Most well-managed diabetic pets that respond to treatment can have long, happy lives. However, diabetes cannot be cured, so ongoing treatment and management of diet and exercise is needed. This does take commitment and hard work and can cost a lot of money over your pet’s lifetime, so please speak with your Vet if you have any concerns about treating diabetes in your pet.




10 PHOTO CREDIT: Images supplied by shutterstock_1935631747


hile the summer days can be fun for us humans our dogs don’t enjoy it quite as much. Temperatures hit the mid-30s in parts of the UK last month and it appears we can expect more rising temperatures as we now head into peak summer months. Here’s our checklist for keeping dogs safe in summer:



Make sure your Westie has access to fresh drinking water at all times


Make sure all your pets have access to shade


Never leave your dog in a car, outbuilding or caravan on warm days (even if only for a short while). When it’s 22*C outside, temperatures can quickly rise to 47*C in these environments, which can be fatal


Time your walks – ideally walk your dog in the morning or evening when it’s cooler to reduce the risk of heatstroke and burning their paws on the pavement


Use pet safe sun cream on exposed parts of your pet’s skin, such as the tips of their ears and nose, to avoid sunburn. This is especially important for Westies with their white fur and light-coloured ears as they can be more vulnerable to getting burnt. Ask your Vet for tips on what products are best for your pal Westies & Besties - July 2022

Dr Damian Pacini, Principal Vet at Bristol Animal Rescue Centre said: “During the hot weather you should think twice before taking your dog out with you as they can struggle out and about in the heat – it’s often best to leave them at home and then walk them in the cooler parts of the day. And please, please don’t leave them in the car, even for a few minutes, even if the windows are open - just don’t do it. “Keep an eye on pets who may be struggling during this time. It’s much harder for them to communicate how they’re feeling so pet owners will need to be more intuitive and try to offer them ways to keep cool where possible”.

The signs your dog might be struggling include: • Limping or refusing to walk • Licking or chewing at their feet • Their pads have turned a darker colour • They’re missing a part of their pad • Blisters or redness


10. Fill a paddling pool or spray a hose for your dog to play in, but always supervise them around water


Put ice cubes in your Westie’s water bowl or freeze a Kong with treats and water



Stay on top of your dog’s grooming during warmer weather – this can help brush away any dead or excess hair and leave them with a less dense coat, which is good for staying cool Buy a cooling mat, wrap an ice pack or frozen water bottle in a tea towel, or use damp towels for your dog to lie on – never wrap them in a damp towel, however, as this can actually trap heat

Check your dogs every day for flystrike – this is particularly a risk if your pets are ill, have open wounds or are unable to clean themselves properly. According to the RSPCA, flystrike tends to happen to pets with dirty rear ends or those generally with dirty fur are particularly at risk of flystrike. This may happen in animals which: • Are unable to clean themselves properly • Are ill - they may produce abnormally smelly urine or have diarrhoea • Are fed the wrong food • Have an internal parasitic infection • Have open wound(s). Even clean, well-kept pets can get flystrike so check your dogs regularly.


DOGS GET HEATSTROKE TOO Just as with humans, too much exposure to heat can affect dogs. Here are some signs to watch for if you suspect heatstroke: • Heavy panting and laboured breathing • Excessive dribbling • They are lethargic, drowsy, or uncoordinated • Collapsed or vomiting If you suspect your dog has the signs of heatstroke, it’s essential to act quickly by moving them to a shaded and cool area and seek Veterinary help.



WATCH OUT FOR BURNED PADS Walking your dogs in hot weather can put them at risk of burned pads, so try to walk them in the mornings and evenings when it’s cooler and do the five second test – if the pavement is too hot for your hands, it’s too hot for paws!




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Westies & Besties - July 2022

Let’s start with a little bit of anatomy to familiarise ourselves with the area involved. As with the human body, the shoulder is comprised by two main bones, the arm bone known as the humerus and the shoulder blade (scapula). Just for your information dogs don’t have a collar bone (clavicle) unlike us. The joint is classed as a ball and socket joint allowing for large ranges of movement in multiple planes. Some of you may have heard of OCD……in this case it doesn’t mean obsessive compulsive disorder, it stands for osteochondritis dissecans (OCD). This is a developmental condition which can be found in both animals and humans. Bones have their own blood supply and any disruption to this, especially in dogs that grow too quickly, can occur when the rapid cartilage growth outstrips the blood supply to that bone, causing the bone under the cartilage to die. This causes abnormal cartilage development leading to lameness, pain and even the possibility of flaps of cartilage becoming separated from the bone underneath. Unfortunately, once OCD starts to develop inflammation of the joint and associated bones (osteoarthritis) will occur. Whilst osteoarthritis cannot be cured it can be managed effectively in most dogs with hands on physical therapy and potentially medications.

WHAT CAUSES OCD? While OCD can affect different joints, in this instance we are looking at the shoulder. Different breeds may be predisposed to OCD in different joints, and while this condition is predominantly seen in Labradors and giant breeds, shoulder OCD is most commonly seen in Border Collies, Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds. However, it should never be ruled out in smaller breeds especially if there have been dietary/ nutritional issues in the first few months, hormonal imbalances, or joint trauma.

In order for a diagnosis to be made the Vet will give your dog a thorough examination and will suggest x-rays.

The general rule of thumb for growing puppies is 5 minutes’ walk per month of age, so a 4-month-old puppy should have a 20-minute walk. It is important to keep to this as much as possible as it can take up to 12-18 months for bones to fully form depending on the breed.

Surgery for small or shallow lesions is usually arthroscopic (keyhole) removal of the cartilage flap and debridement (removal of the dead cartilage/bone). The cartilage defect will then heal by the formation of a scar, this may take several weeks. For larger lesions there are implants available which resurface the joint area.

Most dogs will show signs before they reach the age of one, but occasionally signs may be present in the older dog as the musculature weakens.



aving looked at specific conditions for the neck we are going to start looking at the forelimb. We’ll begin with the shoulder as this is the first joint we come to.

TREATMENT While small cartilage defects can be treated with nonsurgical management (hands on physical therapy and medication) if the discomfort is minimal, the majority will require surgery.

SIGNS • Lameness • Stiffness • Pain • Joint Swelling • Reluctance to play • Depression

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Why Hydrotherapy Can Give Westie Owners

Extra Years with BY ANGELA HALLS


Westies & Besties - July 2022

HEALTH PHOTO CREDIT: shutterstock_1010324830 www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com


HEALTH PHOTO CREDIT: shutterstock_1150138214


Westies & Besties - July 2022



nfortunately, West Highland White Terriers are a breed that are prone to ligament and joint issues. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common cause of chronic pain in dogs. It affects 80% of dogs over the age of eight years old, and up to 35% of dogs of all ages. It is considered a welfare concern in companion animals such as dogs, especially if left untreated, and is the most common cause for early euthanasia. Early intervention and preventative treatment can make all the difference, which is where hydrotherapy comes in. Exercising in the water is much harder than on land due to the resistance of the water. But at the same time, it takes all the pressure off the joints, due to the buoyancy. This unique combination enables patients to move more freely whilst building muscle in the affected limbs. It is this extra muscle that will help to stabilise joints and make your Westie feel more comfortable. To top it off they will absolutely love the experience and will love you even more for taking them. It gives you the opportunity to spend time with a professional that can answer all your questions and put your mind at ease. These conditions and treatments are hot press at the moment. More and more research is being carried out on pain management and rehabilitation. Most Veterinary practices have a team that specialise in it now. All hydrotherapy treatment is carried out under Veterinary referral with the hydrotherapy centres working closely with these teams to ensure your best friend gets the best possible outcome. Most insurance companies will cover some or all of the cost of hydrotherapy. As an owner of a dog with joint issues there is a plethora or information and aids available these days. The Canine Arthritis Management Team dedicate their time to doing just this. Everything you could possibly need to know can be found at www.caninearthritis.co.uk

PHOTO CREDIT: Aqua Dogs Harri on a treadmill

Signs your dog may be in pain • reluctance to jump on furniture/do stairs/jump in car • changes in the way they move • unsettled • resisting fuss and attention/being groomed • slowing up on walks • changes in coat pattern • spending more time sleeping • not wanting to be around children and other dogs

If you notice any of the above, it is worth getting them checked over by your Vet. Starting treatment early can sometimes avoid the need for long term medication and/or surgery.

Angela Halls is a Senior Hydrotherapist and Partner at Aqua Dogs Canine Hydrotherapy Centre. For more information visit: www.aquadogsk9hydro.com




Your Westie’s M

aintaining your dog’s dental health is vitally important to their wellbeing. Dental disease affecting your dog’s teeth and gums is very common, second only to ear infections, and can be extremely uncomfortable for your canine companion. Vets recommend brushing your dog’s teeth as part of their regular grooming routine as the most effective way of preventing plaque build-up. When plaque is left for long periods on the teeth, it goes hard and forms tartar which is harder to remove, and the main cause of tooth and gum problems. However, brushing your dog’s teeth is not always achievable. It is likely you will have needed to start the routine when your dog was as a puppy for them to feel comfortable with this process and allow you to brush their teeth with little resistance or stress.

Food and treats to improve dental health One of the other most effective ways to support dental health is to consider the food and treats you feed your dog. When your dog eats, the food, his saliva and bacteria all combine to form plaque. Some owners favour feeding wet food over dry. However, feeding a wet only diet can increase the chances of your dog developing tartar. Feeding a quantity of quality, dry kibble as part of your dog’s daily diet helps to exercise chewing muscles and provide some cleaning effect on the teeth, helping to remove plaque through the crunching action. Gum disease occurs five times more often in dogs than in people, this is down to a lack of brushing and the fact that dogs’ mouths are more alkaline which promotes the formation of plaque. Unfortunately, it’s not just the health of your dog’s teeth and gums that could be at risk. If tartar is left to build up, it can lead to gingivitis which if left untreated can cause periodontitis. This can bring abscess formation, loss of teeth and severe infections. These infections can enter the blood stream and cause problems in the heart, lungs, and kidneys.

Sea Jerky Dental Range Incl 500g bag Whoppers supplied by Fish4Dogs


Westies & Besties - July 2022


PHOTO CREDIT: Outdoor Sea Jerky knot supplied by Fish4Dogs

Dental chews and treats are another effective way of helping to keep your dog’s teeth clean and prevent future health issues through efficient crunching and chewing. Fish4Dogs® Dental Sea Jerky treats provide a good solution to support your dog’s dental health. Made from 100% dried fish skins, they are lower in calories than many other dental treats on the market. The naturally rough texture of the baked fish scales is perfect for removing plaque from teeth and dogs find them irresistibly tasty! The treats have won numerous awards in the pet industry since

they were first introduced in 2004 and receive rave reviews from verified customers on their website. One customer wrote: ‘Best thing on the market for preventing tartar build up...... believe me I’ve tried them all. It’s the most natural way to cleaning a dog’s teeth & they just love ‘em! My dogs can’t grip the toothbrush’ There are six different shapes in the range to choose from, so owners can find something suitable for most breeds. For small breeds like West Highland White Terriers, try the smallest shape called ‘tiddlers’ or the ‘skinny strips’.


Another reviewer writes ‘The Tiddlers are great. My dog loves them. They are hard and crunchy and are excellent for his teeth and gums. He has a few every day, a fantastic low-fat treat as part of his daily food allowance’. Made from natural ingredients, grain free and containing no poultry or red meat derivatives they are even perfect for dogs with sensitive tummies. For more information about Fish4Dogs products, including the DENTAL range of Sea Jerky, or to buy online, visit www. fish4dogs.com. Also available in all good independent pet shops.










esties are living proof that things do not have to be large to make an impact - they may be small, but they have larger-than-life personalities! So, it is easy to see why these wonderful dogs are so popular. But, despite this (or possibly because of it), they are prone to numerous skin problems, indeed, about twothirds of Westies have some sort of skin issue by the age of three, many of which are specific to the breed. Signs and symptoms include: ● Itching ● Biting ● Skin irritation ● Pyoderma (pus spots) ● Excessive licking of paws (often stained red from saliva) ● Face rubbing ● Ear scratching ● Skin flaking Being a good bestie to your Westie means understanding the possible issues they might face, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Solutions As John Lennon once said ‘there are no problems, only solutions’ and while skin conditions can be tricky, in some cases, they can


be resolved without veterinary assistance although patience and persistence are key! Many skin issues have been working/ growing behind the scenes for ages so one can’t expect to get rid of these problems quickly. It takes time and patience. Allergies Often it is a case of elimination to pinpoint the cause of an allergy. Susceptible besties usually have dry and sensitive skin that offers little resistance to allergens thus increasing their risk of bacterial and fungal infections. Grass allergies can be challenging especially if the offending foliage is in your own garden, but you can always invest in booties for your bestie to wear when they go outside. Food If you suspect that a food allergy is the source of your besties skin issues, a diet trial may help. If food is the cause, a change should resolve the problem, although it might take a month or so for symptoms to settle. It is worth trying: The key is to keep chemicals and additives to an absolute minimum. Supplements There are plenty of natural supplements which will boost

Westies & Besties - July 2022

your besties overall strength and immunity and help with the numerous skin issues he is prone to. Here are just a few companies that provide these supplements. ● ● ●

Vince the Vet Verm-X Four Leaf Rover

Treats We all deserve to be spoiled sometimes and our westies are no exception! And just as we enjoy the odd square of chocolate, a small piece of liver (preferably organic) training treats or a bit of their favourite treat broken up is unlikely to do harm. Frozen sprats are a great natural treat and will keep your Westies cool during the summer months. Or simply freeze some organic goat’s yogurt (pop a blueberry into it too), and surprise your Westie with a defrosted ice cube to cool him down and to give his immunity a little boost. Keep Away the Allergies Westies love to strut their stuff particularly when they are looking good! So regular grooming is the order of the day, especially given their thick double coats and their tendency toward skin conditions and allergies.

Routine bathing with thorough rinsing to remove shampoo is helpful.

Grooming your Westie should be part of your routine as well as your dogs, as regular sessions will limit discomfort, itchiness, and allergies, especially for a breed as easily prone to allergies as Westies are: ● Invest in a good brush and use daily to remove dead hair and debris

● Regularly brush your Westie’s teeth to maintain overall health and hygiene - this will reduce bacteria formation in the mouth and transference onto the skin through biting. Bad breath and teeth can affect the kidneys and heart too. ● Use a dog specific cleansing wipe to remove allergens after a walk (or gentle wash your dog’s paws in a bowl to make sure their clean. What will the Vet say? Sometimes your besties skin condition worsens beyond the point of home care. We all love a

good scratch but if your westie is obviously unhappy or distressed, the redness has turned into spots, and the itching, licking, and scratching is incessant then you need to call in the big guns.


Alternate medicated shampoos with natural products that are enriched with natural oils to prevent moisture loss or tea tree to reduce the bacterial load. There are plenty of fantastic companies that now offer organic, natural shampoos and spritzes.

Get your Westie’s nails clipped regularly to prevent sores from scratching.

Your Vet can help you conduct a diet trial whereby you eliminate certain foods over time to figure out which one is causing your pal problems. You can even do online consultations with a canine nutritionist. Westies are delightful dogs and usually healthy, and easy to care for, BUT they are susceptible to skin problems. There is no doubt that these can be irritating but the good news is that most of these conditions can be managed effectively with diet, grooming and if necessary, medication.

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Atopic Dermatitus is the number one cause of itchy and red skin in our besties. It is a hereditary allergic skin disease resulting from a heightened immune response to environmental allergens and affects up to a quarter of young westies (0-3) although it is possible for them to succumb when they are older. The irritation may be all over or limited to one area.

2 Allergies These are quite common in all terrier breeds, Westies included, and are often secondary to respiratory problems. Allergic skin disease may be mild with irritation, redness, and scaling or severe with alopecia (hair loss) and thick and dark skin. There are two common types of allergies: Food allergies are a common cause of Westie skin issues and can be quite debilitating, resulting in sores all over the body. The main culprits include dairy, wheat, egg, beef, chicken, lamb, soy, rabbit, and fish (so pretty much everything!). Often it is the additives in the




food such as grains, preservatives and food colouring that cause the problems. Environmental conditions affect some westies who have genetic allergies to pollen, fresh-cut grass, mildew, dust, or chemicals. Often, the itching and inflammation caused by this leads to skin trauma and bacterial infections.

5 Hyperplastic Dermatosis This fairly rare condition is unique to Westies and can be very severe, especially if is allowed to progress. Although, it is thought to be inherited in specific lines of Westies, it needs to be triggered by an allergy or yeast infection before it can manifest.


3 Epidermal dysplasia This is another common genetic Westie skin complaint AKA Westie Armadillo Syndrome. An uncomfortable condition, it first presents in young westies and may cause recurrent yeast infections.

4 Black skin disease Black skin disease, (posh name- alopecia X), is also a specific skin condition found in Westies. It is thought to be caused by a genetic hormone imbalance and usually affects males. It presents as hyperpigmentation that leads to darker skin and patterned hair loss, and although it is not aesthetically pleasing there are not thought to be any long-term health repercussions.

Canine Seborrhoea Just like us our besties are prone to dandruff, greasy skin, and fur. This may be for a variety of reasons, including parasites, poor nutrition, allergies, and systemic disease. Under this condition, the skin emits a greasy substance that pools under the armpits and the belly, ears, elbows and around the ankles. These accumulations make your dog feel itchy; with enough itching, bleeding, hair loss and crust (from scratching)

7 Yeast Infections Westies are prone to a particular strain of yeast called Malassezia. It tends to be smelly, cause intense itching, severe hair loss, plus dark, oily, and crusty skin. Yeast infections can occur

Westies & Besties - July 2022

because of skin damage or allergies and often coincide with other skin conditions.

8 Hot Spots Hot spots occur as a secondary reaction to other skin issues and are often caused by constant scratching which results in a bacterial infection and hair loss. As the name suggests they are usually painful, weeping, round, red areas on the skin.

9 Dry Skin Dry skin is the main cause of dandruff in Westies. Often severe with red spots, our besties habitually scratch and bite themselves to relieve the chronic itching.

10 Creepy crawlies Adverse reactions to flea bites are caused by an immune response to the flea’s saliva when it nibbles its host and can cause serious skin problems. Ticks can transmit disease and some caterpillars have thousands of stinging hairs containing a highly irritating substance called thermaetopoid which may cause a rash and facial swelling following contact.


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This treasure trove of a garden flower is bursting with goodness BY SUE MAKEPEACE


he little yellow explosion of colour you see popping up in our lawns during the summer months is actually a little powerhouse packed full of amazing benefits, not just for bees, tortoises and other creepy crawlies, it’s great for us humans and our Westies as well.

This little bright yellow flower, with its spiky shaped green leaves pack a massive punch as a superfood for dogs. It’s rich in vitamins and minerals and there is nothing out there that comes close to competing with the benefits of dandelions for our dogs.

diuretic to help with fluid retention if your dog is suffering from heart disease, diabetes, gall bladder and kidney problems. Dandelions are high in potassium; this helps keep levels balanced if your dog is urinating excessively. You can also make dandelions into an antibacterial solution which can be soaked into a pad and used to clean an injury. Dandelions have been known to help manage diabetes, but it’s always best to have a conversation with your Vet before going down that route.

For example, the yellow flowers alone are high in Lecithin, which can help support the organs. They also contain Polyphenols and antioxidants which are extremely beneficial for the health of your dog.

You can use the whole of this little yellow flower and it’s leaves, best to avoid the stems as they can be a little bitter, but the flowers, leaves and roots are incredibly beneficial for your Westie.

The leaves are incredibly nourishing and are high in vitamins A, C, K and D, plus B Complex. They also contain more protein than spinach. Plus, beneficial levels of zinc, manganese, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and antioxidants.

Ensure when you pick them, they are clean, avoid dandelions that grow along the roadside. Just wash them off in clean water, pat them dry with a kitchen towel. Find a dark dry place and let them dry naturally.

The list of reasons why to feed dandelions to your dog is endless. It can act as an antiinflammatory as it contains polyphenols which are little powerhouses and help fight inflammation. Studies have shown that in some cases feeding dandelions to your dog may help with Irritable Bowel Disease. Dandelions may also help dogs suffering from poor digestion. It’s also a good idea to feed to a dog before mealtime to help with indigestion and flatulence. Dandelions can be used as a liver tonic to help flush any toxins and waste from the dog’s body via the kidneys. Dandelion leaves are a natural 22

There are several recipes available on the Internet for dandelions, but a simple tea is normally 30g of dried dandelions to 250ml of water left to steep for around 15 minutes. Strain and use. Remember to use in moderation and don’t over feed as it may cause tummy ache, upset tummies, frequent urination and even a fast heartbeat. So just remember the next time you are pushing your mower up and down your pristine lawn, and you see that lovely little starburst of yellow popping up, don’t just mow over it or dig it up, pick it, dry it, and make a lovely addition to your Westies’ dinners, their water bowls, or even have it on hand to use for first aid. Westies & Besties - July 2022

Sue Makepeace is the founder of the Westie Advice Group on Facebook and is also a certified Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist


PHOTO CREDIT: shutterstock_620819240 www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com



PHOTO CREDIT: Image supplied by Chefs and Dogs


Westies & Besties - July 2022


N o Ba k e

Pomegranate Treat your Westie to a healthy new eating experience BY DANIEL TOMAS


ine a round cake tin (8-10cm) with baking paper and place 200 grams of your dog’s favourite mince or raw blend (we chose beef) in the bottom on the tin and press down firmly and place in the freezer for two hours. In a mixing bowl combine 100 grams Greek yoghurt, 100 grams ricotta with 1/2 a pomegranate then mix till combined. Fill the cake tin and let it set overnight. To finish serve with pomegranate, fresh micro herbs

Serving size Small dog up to 10kg 1/2 - 1 teaspoon Medium dog up to 20kg 1-2 teaspoons Large dog 20kg + 2-3 teaspoons

Keep frozen in an airtight container and allow to semi defrost before serving. When introducing any new ingredients to your dog’s diet we recommend starting out in small quantities and recommend visiting a holistic vet or dog nutritionist. For more information on healthy recipes for your Westie, visit www.chefsanddogs.com.au




STAY WELL… Relax and unwind with your Bestie and indulge in some YOU time


Westies & Besties - July 2022

PHOTO CREDIT: Shutterstock_680989840 ACCESSORIES



ACCESSORIES PHOTO CREDIT: National Trust Shop_1396602

Good Food Fast Treat yourself and curl up with a good book for a couple of hours. For just £14.99 from National Trust Books, this collection of 80 delicious healthy recipes is sure to get your taste buds tingling. https://www.nationaltrust. org.uk/shop

Pawfect! From Lavender & chamomile shampoo bars to all-natural paw and wrinkle cleansers from Mountain Garden Botanics, your canine pal will be snoring next to you after his/her pamper session. https://www. mountaingardenbotanics. co.uk/

PHOTO CREDIT: Mountain Garden Botanics

Gift Set The Green Greyhound caters for every dog, owner, and home. For the dogs, they have a range of products including shampoos that help all fur types, including those with oily coats or irritated skin as well as doggy conditioner. There is also a range of skin and paw balms and salves to help keep your pets’ skin moisturised and nourished. https://www.thegreengreyhound.scot/

PHOTO CREDIT: Oliver Bonas

PHOTO CREDIT: The Green Greyhound

Relax Reflexology Take the weight off your feet and get your toes tingling with this Oliver Bonas Relax Reflexology set which comes complete with foot balm, a massage roller, and cosy socks for just £19.50 www.oliverbonas.com PHOTO CREDIT: Noughty Plantopia KMI Brands


Rose Conditioner Treat your pal to a little massage with this light velvety all natural Conditioner by K9 Organics and let your canine’s coat soak up all the goodness. https://www.k9organics. co.uk/ 28

Westies & Besties - July 2022

Rest and Sleep This beautiful collection of sustainable Moonlight Slumber (Soak and Scrub,) Dusk to Dawn, (Night Oil) Lights Out (Face and Space Mist) and Rest Assured (Body Lotion) by Plantopia is sure to have you snoozing before your head even touches the pillow. https://bryonybel.com/

PHOTO CREDIT: Primark_1415529

Leave On Treatments For a soft coat and healthy skin – no bath required! NanoSanitas Multi-Purpose by Simply2 Pet Products freshens your Westie’s fur and moisturises their skin, using silver to help prevent ticks and fleas and neutralise odours. The luxurious Liquid Gold Serum offers deep conditioning and detangling for gleaming fur. A little goes a long way! https://www.simply2pets.com/

Spa Day Letterbox Biscuits Yes, these are actually biscuits and they’re purely for YOU! (Sorry, pooch!) Have these handmade luxurious delicious delicacies posted to your house. Put the kettle on, sit back and enjoy these little parcels of heaven for £25. Pure bliss. https://www.biscuiteers.com/

PHOTO CREDIT: Simply2 Pet Products

Wraparound Brush away the cobwebs and indulge your Westie with a brand new bed! The Wraparound is sure to have your best friend sitting on top of the world with this Amara Lord Lou Diana Pet Bed for £69. https://www.amara.com/ PHOTO CREDIT: Marks and Spencer 1370959

PHOTO CREDIT: AMARA Lord Lou Diana Pet Bed Royal Green 194496 00


Spa Foot Scrub Treat your Tootsies to this refining foot scrub by Primark for just £4 and soak away your worries for a day. https://www.primark. com/en-gb

Just the Tonic The Herbal Dog Company stocks dietary supplements such as All-Natural Complete Multivitamin, All Natural Super Food Supplement and All Natural Herbacare Gut Health Support Supplement for dogs. Their range of powders and tonics includes remedies like Seasonal Soother, All Natural Allergy Support Powder Supplement, and parasite solutions such as Natural Flea Spot On. https://herbaldogco.com/

PHOTO CREDIT: The Herbal Dog Company

PHOTO CREDIT: Biscuiteers Baking

Turn that Frown Upside Down Trials and tribulations tend to show on our faces so why not use this powerful Sanctuary Supercharged Hyaluronic Face & Neck Cream 50ml by Very for just £16.99 and wipe away the stresses of everyday life. https://www.very. co.uk/sanctuary-spasanctuary-superchargedhyaluronic-faceamp-neck-cream50ml/1600285902.prd

Fleece Carved Dressing Gown It may be Summer, but you still need a cosy robe if you’re going to some time out to relax and this fleecy furry gown by M & S for £28 will have you curled up like a Cheshire cat. https://www. PHOTO CREDIT: Very_1387620 marksandspencer.com/





VANESSA HALL AND CHLOE CARTER ARE BREAKING BARRIERS WITH THEIR POSITIVE ANIMAL WELFARE WORKSHOPS THAT WILL RUN ALONGSIDE THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM OF WALES TO HELP CHILDREN UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF ANIMALS Tell us how Because Animals Are Worthwhile came about. Our idea to promote safety and education around animals began in a classroom during the 2020 pandemic when myself and fellow Director Vanessa Hall, studied our Higher National Diploma in Equine Studies. We were tasked with creating an event as part of our studies, however Covid-19 regulations meant that this now needed to be online, in a world where online events were rare! We thought we would create a ‘logo design’ competition, to represent the unsung heroes within the animal industry, and remind them that they have been appreciated throughout the pandemic. This sparked a lot of interest in our community, which we decided to take forward and do something with our newfound platform. Originally, we wanted to be an ecofriendly retail service. However, we soon realised that with our backgrounds in education - we wanted to do so much more. We made the decision to ‘educate and inspire the next generation about animal safety… Because Animals are Worthwhile’. We are committed to highlighting the importance of keeping children and animals safe. This is especially as 4.7m UK households have acquired a pet since 30

PHOTO CREDIT: Image of Vanessa Hall & Chloe Carter supplied by Bridgend College

the pandemic, with 2.7m of those households welcoming new pets into homes with children (PFMA, 2022). We currently have five directors, all who have various different backgrounds but share a love for animals and with careers in education. Based in South Wales, we plan to offer our bespoke workshops to schools all over Wales by the end of 2023. You developed a series of workshops that work alongside the National Curriculum for Wales for Welsh Primary Schools to help educate on the importance of taking care of animals. Tell us about this. Westies & Besties - July 2022

We understand that caring for animals, as well as how to be safe around animals, is currently not on the National Curriculum for Wales. Therefore, we have developed Positive Animal Welfare Sessions (P.A.W.S) that can be offered to a school for years 2-6, one day a week for a month. Weekly topics will include the Five Freedoms of animal welfare within the Animal Welfare Act 2006, animal behaviour, the environment and teamwork. Each topic will be differentiated for the relevant group, as well as ensuring it is integrated with the National Curriculum for Wales, by including elements such as mathematics, science, and literacy.

You have an eco-friendly shop that features sustainable products and profits from the sales go to various charities and shelters. Tell us about this. Our core passion is animals, especially those in work and those in rehoming shelters across the UK. We have recently partnered with Cariad Pet Therapy, by producing a calendar using submissions from the public. The profits from the calendar are forwarded directly to Cariad Pet Therapy, who have various enterprises including linking therapy animals to hospitals, robotic memory pets and a pet food bank. We



have also created a variety of eco-friendly products including socks, aprons, tea towels and tote bags, which we took to Christmas markets to raise further funds for other animal organisations such as Maesteg Animal Welfare Charity. All of our products are available on our Etsy page, https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/ AnimalsAreWorthwhile What is your vision/mission? We want to educate and inspire the next generation about animal welfare and safety… Because Animals are





Worthwhile. Through our Positive Animal Welfare Sessions (P.A.W.S), we aim to reduce the risk of animal and child related injuries.


Tell us about any awards you have won. Recently, Because Animals are Worthwhile and Director Chloe Carter have been nominated for a variety of local awards. Starting in 2021 Chloe went onto win the Rising Star Award within the Welsh Innovation Centre for Enterprise, and in 2022 Chloe has been nominated for another Rising Star Award with the Wales Start Up Awards, National Series, A Womanspire Chwareteg Award and most recently winning the Higher Education - Sandra Francis Memorial Award. Chloe recently made the decision to use the money which would have paid for a ticket for one of the award ceremonies to donate important items to two animal organisations. Chloe stated that: ‘Using money from the business (which could predominantly help animals), to attend an award ceremony, just didn’t sit right in my heart. I’d much rather see it go to good use, for people and animals who need it. After all, we have a socialgood mission to help others, and awards are our reassurance that we are doing something right. We supplied Maggie’s Voice Equestrian Centre with new yard tools, and blankets were donated for the animals at Cheltenham Animal Rescue Shelter’. You work with Many Tears Animal Rescue and Cheltenham Animal Shelter among others – how did these relationships come about? During the Covid-19 pandemic, we visited Many Tears Animal Rescue when regulations allowed, in order to highlight their organisation and the challenges they had faced. We spoke with Sylvia about the current issues facing rehoming centres and the pressures of finding funds to pay for the basics, such as feed and veterinary fees. We also have links to Cheltenham Animal Shelter, where my wonderful sister Kerys works as an animal care assistant and is so passionate about the organisation’s work. We have donated various items to Cheltenham Animal Rescue, such as blankets and dog treats, when they have been in short supply. We thoroughly enjoy supporting these causes and will continue to do so in the future. 32

Westies & Besties - July 2022


Tell us about any new upcoming projects. Currently we are very busy developing our bespoke Positive Animal Welfare Sessions (P.A.W.S) to run alongside the National Curriculum for Wales. We are hoping to make these sessions a full-time commitment, when the time and finances allow, and we believe that this project will be ongoing as long as children and animals are involved in each other’s lives. We aim to offer this service to schools throughout Wales from September 2022, and moving forward, we will be able to build our team and provide sessions to the rest of the United Kingdom. To help us achieve this goal, we are regularly applying for community grants, which will help to fund our resources and provide these sessions.

PHOTO CREDIT socks close up by GSDMedia



Cover Story



Westies & Besties - July 2022



Cover Story

PHOTO CREDIT: Images supplied by shutterstock_501070066

Cover Story

By Nicole Hillison of Dognormous


ello! I’m Nicole and I am the owner, master groomer, and pet aesthetician of Dognormous. I opened my doors in the Chicago suburbs (Illinois, USA) in September of 2015.

Part of being a dog groomer is having the advantage of seeing every inch of this wonderful creature on a regular basis, which is the best wellness check an owner could ask for”

To me, it isn’t just about a haircut. While I was working in higher volume salons, I learned that it was tough to work on the dog’s mental wellbeing. So much of our communication to the dogs on our tables is through body language and energy. If there is chaos in the background, then it’s hard to create a calm atmosphere where everyone can be relaxed and communicative. With that in mind, I opened a salon with holistic ideals of both body and mind. I wanted a more personal experience


Westies & Besties - July 2022

with my clients, to help clients who are struggling with skin issues, and to reduce the number of walk-in appointments that would interrupt my clients’ time. Part of being a dog groomer is having the advantage of seeing every inch of this wonderful creature on a regular basis, which is the best wellness check an owner could ask for. Though my business continues to expand and accumulate clients, maintaining a holistic environment is the main focus of my salon. I love the one-on-one approach; it gives me more handson time with each client, and it allows me to focus on what the dog needs at that moment. Of course, each experience includes some calm classical music and a treat from one of our environmentally conscious bakers.


Cover Story

PHOTO CREDIT: Nicole working on Marilyn (westie puppy) supplied by Dognormous


Cover Story


PHOTO CREDIT: Image supplied by Tom Harper Photograpy and Burns

Keep calm Dogs feed off your energy. Imagine that you and your best friend don’t speak the same language and you can only use each other’s body language for cues about what to do. If both of you walk into a new place, but your friend is constantly holding your hand and patting your arm with wide eyes, you’d probably feel a little tense. Instead, walk your dog in on a leash, hand the leash over to your groomer, and have a brief and light-hearted chat with the groomer. All the while don’t pay any attention to your pup and then walk out. Once your pup sees you leave, they will follow the person who holds on to the end of their safety line, which is their leash.

Routine Doing something for the first time is scary, but each time you go about it, you get a little less wary. If you set it on the calendar at exactly the same number of weeks away every single time, it will just become a part of life rather than something to suddenly dread. Your dog definitely knows what time of day to bug you about dinner and bedtime. Make their grooming a routine. 38

PHOTO CREDIT: 1st place at grooming competition (top 15 in USA) image supplied by Dognormous

Practice makes perfect Sometimes, we are too hard on ourselves and expect great things without taking the time to make them great. Take baby steps. If your groomer’s salon has an open reception area where you can pop in, say hi, and leave, you should utilize that. Make weekly visits to pop in for nothing other than a hello, and if the groomer has time to come out and hand out some pets, all the better. If not, just associating the place with good vibes in small time frames to build up to their big visit will help take away some of that pent-up anticipation about the services your dog is not very fond of. If you’re working on salon etiquette at home with your pup, remember to take baby steps. Start with holding their foot and work your way up to that nail trim.

Reward your pup! Do a fun activity before and/or after your dog’s grooming session, the same way we reward ourselves to encourage Westies & Besties - July 2022

the habits we want to see in ourselves. Most dogs do not take treats during the grooming process, but a meal after they are done is usually welcomed. My own dogs have special toys at the salon that only come out after a bath. Some of my clients take their dogs to the forest preserves before coming in. Not only do these activities get them dirty before the clean-up, but they also help ease your dog’s anxiety. Give your dog a plus-one mindset: “Going to the groomer today. Not ideal, but the park is super fun!”

Always end on a happy note If you walked away from an experience that left a sour taste in your mouth, you most likely are not willing to accept any invites to go through that again. So end it while you’re ahead. This may mean that your groomer doesn’t get the muzzle as short as you would like it, or maybe not all the nails were finished that day. But they ended in progress. If I know a particular dog doesn’t like his nails being done, I’ll change up my routine to do that in the middle of the groom. That way the end of the groom is remembered as me touching up little hairs with some head scratches and maybe some treats.

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NATURALLY HEALS De gloving Cuts and grazes Bites Rashes, itching Ears Foot problems ie athlete's foot Insect repellent


Cover Story PHOTO CREDIT: shutterstock_1463522129


Westies & Besties - July 2022

How Do I

Groom Bath

How Often Should I

Cover Story

my Westie at Home? My Westie?

By Nicole Hillison of Dognormous



or the very basics, all Westie owners should have a brush and a comb. If you want to dive a little deeper into grooming your own Westie, then this could turn into a book!

As to how your Westie should look, however, depends on what exactly you want to maintain. More hair means more frequent bathing and brushing. Of course, the iconic round westie head is a must-have, but you can take your furnishings (the skirt) up tighter, while the more adventurous Westie can also sport tighter legs. I wouldn’t take my Westies shorter than the 9.5mm blade, though. Most Westies I know love to be out telling those squirrels and moles whose turf they’re roaming, and a really short trim could expose them to sunburn and lead to heat stroke. With enough hair to protect them from the elements, a round head, and a carrot tail, no one would deny that you have a Westie on your couch. Most show dogs are bathed weekly to keep them white and shiny. Dog hair is very similar in make-up to human hair. As long as you are putting in the proper products to maintain skin and coat health, then you could bathe your dog every day if you really wanted to. The trick is to have the right conditioners to put back what your shampoo stripes out. Always use a quality grade shampoo and conditioner, and always rinse all your product out. I usually ask my clients to put their shampoo in a spray bottle for their home grooms. Fill it most of the way up, add a teaspoon of your shampoo, and spray it into a

wet coat. This will help spread the product evenly across the coat as opposed to having it concentrate in the first area you touch with your hands. Afterwards you can massage your Westie while the soap works. Don’t forget to give the soap the time to do its job; just like when we wash our hands, soap needs time to grab the grime. Rinse and repeat with the conditioner. Conditioner puts back the good oils needed to keep the skin hydrated and healthy and prevents itchiness. The oils also help protect the skin from future irritants like grass, pollen, or room perfumes that may cause itchy toes. It’s tough to say which products are the best because there are lots of great products you could use. I do ask all my clients to put their conditioners to the water test: Put a tiny dab of conditioner on your finger and quickly wet it. Rub the wet conditioner between your finger and your thumb. Does it feel slimy or smooth? If it feels slimy, the conditioner is heavy and will build up in your dog’s coat. If it feels smooth, the conditioner is using water as an ally. Your local pet boutiques will have a really nice selection of products to choose from. You can even ask your groomer if you can buy a few ounces of what they use. One product I tend to stay away from are deodorizers. Not all ingredients are truly listed on the label, and if you do have a Westie that is prone to allergies, you could be spraying an allergen right into the problem area that is giving off the smell. And the areas that smell typically are the most sensitive areas on a dog. If you need to clean up a dog who had a potty accident or perhaps a muddy walk, wipes are a good alternative to have on hand. For my own personal preferences, I like a damp washcloth – no trash, always within reach, and I can also add a tiny bit of shampoo if I need some extra help. But if my dogs are really stinky, then into the tub they go.

Want to watch a video on how to groom your Westie? Check out informative videos from Dognormous here: https://www.youtube.com/dognormousllc www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com


Cover Story


So many questions so little time so stop chasing your tail and check out these suggestions from the Dog Groom Academy



WHAT TO FIND OUT ABOUT A POTENTIONAL NEW DOG GROOMER? Experience – ask your groomers how long they have been grooming. Maybe they have photos they can show you. Qualifications – What qualifications do they hold? May not have any if grooming for a long time! Reviews – Have people given good reviews for the groomer? Cleanliness – Is the parlour clean and tidy? Hygiene is important. Referrals – Has anybody recommended them to you?

KEY SKILLS YOUR DOG GROOMER SHOULD POSSESS Attention to detail A love of dogs A passion for the industry Creative Patient Active

PHOTO CREDIT Images supplied by shutterstock_76680811


Westies & Besties - July 2022

Cover Story

DOG GROOMING COURSES The Dog Groom Academy offer short courses such as the One Day Pet Grooming Course, for those looking to learn to groom their own dogs. Their longer-term courses are designed for those that wish to become a professional dog groomer. They run for 25 days and cover prep work, clipping and styling. Studying to become a professional dog groomer does not have to be carried out intensively. The Academy offers a flexible approach so you can groom 1-5 days a week, as it suits you. This means students can continue to work whilst they study.

PHOTO CREDIT Image supplied by Tom Harper Photography and Burns Pet Nutrition

Find out more by visiting www.doggroomacademy.co.uk

THE RISING COST OF DOG GROOMERS While there appears to be a rise in the cost of local groomers up and down the country, different towns will price their services differently depending on how affluent their area is and there is no industry cap to stop it. Groomers that have state of the art facilities will obviously charge more for their services as will those businesses that have large overheads. We can also expect a groomer with an excellent reputation and years of experience to charge more due to the successful delivery of the results. Many dog groomers are now offering an Emmipet (teeth cleaning) service too and with many dogs aged three and over said to have some form of gum disease due to owners not brushing their teeth, groomers are capturing a huge market as many owners are nervous about putting their besties under anaesthetic.

Skin Issues? Aqueos have shampoos, sprays and wipes to help





A Westie Walk in PHOTO CREDITS Gitte Wangberg


Westies & Besties - July 2022




Westies and their owners attended the walk near Lake Bagsvaerd




Island Inspired Dog-Friendly UK


Love it or loathe it, Love Island and its famous villa is back on our screens so why not find your own piece of heaven this summer… and take your Bestie with you!


Westies & Besties - July 2022





6 PHOTO CREDIT: Woodland Escapes Shropshire

PHOTO CREDIT: Deveraux House, Whitby

Deveraux House, Whitby Perfect for a double date break, this newly renovated, 5 storey Georgian Townhouse features a stunning rooftop bar and offers magnificent views over Whitby and the Abbey. When it’s time for lights out you’ll get an incredible night’s sleep in one of the properties two Junior Suites as each features a king size bed and comes with its own ensuite. This is the perfect place to stay if you want some incredible memories and of course, pictures for the ‘Gram. Boujee or what? Sleeps up to 4 Prices from £145.00 per night 48

Stay at this beachfront apartment overlooking the award winning, golden sand beach of Marske by the Sea”.

Westies & Besties - July 2022

Woodland Escapes, Shropshire Can islanders gather round the fire pit please? Or the hot tub, log burner or pizza oven? You sure can at Woodland Escapes, a collection of five unique properties set in 45 acres of Shropshire Woodland. From Star Domes to Treehouses and Log Cabins, they have something for everyone, including the dogs of course! Great for couples or families. Sleeps up to 4 Prices from £150.00 per night

PHOTO CREDIT: The Arches Country House

PHOTO CREDIT: Beach Retreat Marske by the Sea

Yotel Manchester Deansgate, Manchester You couldn’t be blamed for not knowing where your head is at when it comes to Manchester! The city is jam-packed with an eclectic range of dog friendly restaurants, bars, shops, museums, and galleries and of course is home to the show’s most famous islanders, MollyMae Hague and Tommy Fury. If you’re thinking of a visit, the Yotel is THE place to stay especially with its hip cocktail bar and restaurant Motley! Oh, and did we mention it’s dog friendly?! Sleeps up to 2 Prices from £70.00 per night

PHOTO CREDIT: Dittisham Hideaway, Devon


The Arches Country House, Saltburn by the Sea Get your squad together and book a stay at this former hotel set on the site of an 18th century farm. The property sleeps up to 24 guests across 11 bedrooms AND welcomes up to 11 dogs! The communal areas include an entertainment space featuring a bar and pool table, outside you will find a hot tub for the humans and vast grounds for the dogs to enjoy. You will find yourself in a secluded countryside setting yet just 3 miles to the beach so you can enjoy the best of both worlds! Perfect for a family gathering or special occasion. Sleeps up to 24 Prices from £650.00 per night

Beach Retreat, Marske by the Sea The airport situation at the moment is muggy to say the least. Don’t panic though, you can step out of your door and feel the sand between your toes when you stay at this beachfront apartment overlooking the award winning, golden sand beach of Marske by the Sea. With a stylish and nautical vibe throughout along with a terrace overlooking the beach, we’re not ashamed to say we’ve caught feelings for Beach Retreat! Perfect for families and friends. Sleeps up to 4 Prices from £80.00 per night

For more information visit:

PHOTO CREDIT: Yotel Manchester

Dog Holidays UK Adventure Awaits!


1956 Vintage American Airstream at Dittisham Hideaway, Devon Want to go from exclusive to official? Then you need to book a stay at this luxury Air streamer set in a sun dappled valley in the Devonshire countryside. Relax together in the Egyptian cotton bed linen, enjoy the warmth of the underfloor heating, take a soak in the outdoor Japanese spa bath and more. This is the ultimate romantic hideaway yet cool enough to ensure you don’t come over all factor 50. Sleeps up to 2 Prices from £195.00 per night www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com



We all know Westies rule the roost… Fiona Johnstone gives us a timeline of duties that her dog’s insist on

PHOTO CREDIT All images supplied by Fiona Johnstone

6.30am: I awake to Magnus appearing at the top of the bed from under the duvet cover and Lilly uncurling herself from the pillow. Both perform a synchronised shake and stretch. Must be time to get up! First task of the day is walkies which involves all their favourite things, squirrel chasing, zoomies, barking and rolling in the grass. 7.30am: Back home for a very important task…eating, they love their food!! Usually consists of a chicken wing or their complete raw food. Followed by some strawberries, blueberries & goats’ yoghurt. Then it’s time for a wellearned snooze. 9am: Magnus keeps patrol of the house and barks at all the scooters that pass by, as we obviously need to be protected from them! Lilly tells her brother off as he keeps waking her up with his incessant barking. They also have a few rounds of the bitey face game. 12pm: Lunchtime walkies, more squirrel chasing and


getting up to Westie mischief. Such fun!! 1pm: Oh, it’s food time AGAIN!! More yummy raw food. Finished off with a little dessert of apple. All that walking, playing & eating means it time for another snooze. Usually with legs in the air and not a care in the world (apart from if that scooter passes again!!). 3pm: They both awake from their slumber coz you know what time it is now…SNACK TIME! A very important part of the afternoon which must not be missed. The humans have to be reminded of this most days as they seem to forget the time but fear not, Magnus and Lilly have their alarms set! So, the snack usually consists of a yummy braided Pizzle, lamb skin, fish skin, goats’ ear etc. that’s them busy for 10 minutes or so. Then back to their snoozles. It’s a hard life! 5pm: The bellies must be at them again as they start to pester for their dinner. Bit early but worth a try! They think that if we sit

Westies & Besties - July 2022

in the kitchen then some food may appear. If we trip our humans up, they will surely feed us early. Nope they have to wait!! 6pm: It’s finally dinner time. Like they haven’t eaten enough already! After dinner Lilly loves a play with one of her toys or babies. Magnus gets his baby in a head lock in his bed and cradles it to sleep. Which results in a very dry mouth upon waking. Oh, and then they both enjoy either a frozen Kong or something delicious in their snuffle mat. Then it’s time for another nap! 8pm: Magnus or Lilly will awaken and alert us to the time as it’s SUPPER TIME! Time for a sardine cookie and goat’s milk! Then back to sleep. 10pm: Prince Magnus gets carried to bed. Princess Lilly also gets carried to bed. Not spoilt at all!! I squeeze into the space of the bed that has been left for me, usually at the edge. It’s lights out till morning when the routine starts all over again!

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