Westies & Besties - August 2022

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The UK'S Only West Highland White Terrier Magazine



August 2022

ISSN 2634-4130
















THE WOMEN LEADING THE WAY IN THE UK PET INDUSTRY www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com

Itchy Skin? It could be house dust allergy Up to 80% of allergic dogs have an allergy to dust. Symptoms include red, itchy skin and scratching that can lead to secondary skin infections. Although insecticidal environmental sprays can help kill dust mites, proteins in the dust mite faeces and on the bodies of the mites can still cause an allergic reaction in sensitive pets. Allergone Spray is a unique environmental spray that coats dust particles that include the mites and their faeces. By doing so it alters the chemical structure and helps inactivate and neutralise allergens found in house dust, helping to reduce the symptoms of house dust allergy.

To find out more about Allergone and other products that help manage the symptoms of allergy go to www.nextmune.com

The innovative microcapsule technology helps bind the dust particles together into larger particles that don’t float in the air, making it easier to remove them when cleaning. Nextmune UK | Oakridge House, Cressex Business Park, Wellington Rd, High Wycombe, HP12 3PR Phone: +44 01494 629979 | [email protected] | www.nextmune.com


IT’S WOMEN’S EQUALITY MONTH Yes, we know social media has a day or a month for absolutely everything but this one is important to note! It’s not even 100 years yet since women in the United Kingdom earned the right to vote. Can you believe that? It’s not that long ago in the scheme of things is it? What does this have to do with Westies I hear you say? Well, in honour of Women’s Equality Month we caught up with some of the Pet Industry’s leading ladies to learn more about their journey to success and what it means to them in a sector that was worth over £6.7 billion up until 2021, according to Statista.

Kim Latham Editor

We also find out the gruelling details of the dog meat trade in Southeast Asia as Sophie Miller of Four Paws talks us through the work this amazing charity is doing to educate people on building a kinder future and ridding the world of this horrific money-making business. Chris Daykin of Support Dogs, another wonderful UK charity, reveals how lives are being transformed as it provides unwanted pets with a second chance and how these same dogs go on to help children and adults with disabilities. We’ve got another fabulous selection of dog-friendly travel destinations for you this month too as who knows how long our British summer will actually last? Better be quick and get booking! And don’t forget to have a read of our Day in the Life column…which belongs to all of you! Who doesn’t love hearing about how our Westies run our lives each and every day? Buffy, Chief Cuddles Officer PHOTO CREDIT Image supplied by Kim Latham



Publisher Westies & Besties Ltd Fidlas Road, Cardiff, CF14 5LZ Editor Kim Latham Tel: +44 7496 310169 Email: [email protected] Commercial Director Alex Griffin Tel: +44 7496 310173 Email: [email protected]


Front Cover Image Image supplied by Shutterstock_723946786 Design Jayden Ali Printing WPG Group Westies & Besties Magazine is published by Westies & Besties Ltd (the Publisher) and printed on behalf of the publisher by WPG Group. Westies & Besties Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Westies & Besties Magazine and the Westies & Besties Masthead/logo is trademarked and are marks of Westies & Besties Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the Publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Westies & Besties Magazine are not necessarily those of the Publisher or those of its contributors. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, the Publishers cannot/ will not be held accountable for the accuracy of the information here therein, or any consequences arising from it. The Publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited articles or manuscripts in the case of all product reviews. Judgements have been made in the context of the product tested. (All photographs have been supplied unless otherwise mentioned.) Advertisers in this publication must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Advertising Standards Authority. Westies & Besties Ltd is not responsible or liable for a company or individual’s advert. Readers are advised to see a fully qualified veterinarian before attempting to try any of the suggestions made by a contributor.





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Westies & Besties - August 2022



BVA issues warning on blue algae around ponds and lakes


Pet food manufacturer launches VIP club

12 BRISTOL CHARITY DOG TRAIL Animal rescue centre launches interactive summer campaign


SHOULDER Why Bicep Tendinitis can affect dogs of all ages


BLUEBERRIES How this versatile little fruit can help your Westie’s overall health


FROM UNWANTED TO NEEDED The charity that takes in rescues and teaches them to help people with disabilities


ANNIVERSARIES…& GIFTS Start making memories with birthday gifts, healthy snacks, and comforting lotions


MONTH The leading ladies making an impact on the UK’s pet industry



The charity that continues to educate on the horrific dog meat trade in Southeast Asia


Take your bestie on a well-earned dog-friendly Break


Read all about a Day in the Life of two Westies and their besties



ENRICHMENT What your Westie needs you to do to help his overall behaviour www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com




SAFE IN THE GARDEN PDSA Vet Nurse, Nina Downing, shares her tips on how to keep your Westie away from hidden hazards this summer.


ith summer upon us, many of us will be spending more time in the garden enjoying the warm weather. Our dogs will also relish the opportunity to spend more time outdoors, and the garden can offer the perfect space for them to roam and play to their heart’s content. Yet, while our gardens do offer safety, they still pose some risks. With a little thought and planning, however, there are simple steps you can take to ensure your outdoor space is paw-fect for your pooch.


AVOID POISONOUS PLANTS Our furry friends are naturally curious and are sometimes tempted to chew on plants or flowers. While beautiful to the eye, some common spring flowers such as hydrangeas,


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geraniums, foxgloves, and oleanders can be highly dangerous for pets. For avid gardeners, it’s a good idea to fence off areas where you’re planting autumn bulbs or cover the soil with mesh to stop paws from getting access. Bulbs have a higher concentration of nutrients than plants and flowers, making them a greater risk.


SAY NO TO GARDEN CHEMICALS Anyone with green fingers will know that weeds and pests can be a real bugbear but for those with a dog at home it’s important to steer clear of dangerous chemicals in our gardens. Avoid using weed killers as they can be harmful to your pet. Pesticides such as slug pellets can also have fatal consequences for dogs if eaten – and for other pets and wildlife too. Hedgehogs and birds are a great environmentally friendly alternative for keeping bugs at bay. Try attracting them by providing easy access

Westies & Besties - August 2022


While beautiful to the eye, some common spring flowers such as hydrangeas, geraniums, foxgloves, and oleanders can be highly dangerous for pets.

routes under fences for hedgehogs and ground water sources such as a birdbath or water fountain, along with bird feeders around your garden.


CREATE DOG-FRIENDLY SPACES While our precious pets love nothing more than frolicking in the grass, they can easily overheat on warmer days. Make sure there are plenty of shady spots, such as under trees or shrubs, where they can retreat to when they’re feeling warm. Dogs may also enjoy a paddling pool where they can cool down. For dogs who love to dig, it’s worth creating a dedicated dig-pit where they can burrow and play without ruining any perfectly pruned borders. You can encourage them to use this spot by praising them and offering treats when they use it correctly.


SECURE THE PERIMETER Adventurous dogs may be inclined to find gaps in bushes and shrubs, leading them to enter your neighbour’s garden, or worse – a busy road. Installing a sturdy fence will prevent your pooch from squeezing through any holes. Make sure hedgehog entrance holes are kept just big enough and ideally have a solid base, so your dog can’t dig and make them larger. This will allow your dog to explore within the safety of their garden. Make sure your fence is high enough that they can’t jump over it and check regularly for any escape tunnels they may have started digging underneath the fence. Be mindful too of any damage to your fence that could cause paws or noses to become trapped.



Keep DOGS on a Lead Near Lakes or Ponds NEWS


the British Veterinary Association


he British Veterinary Association (BVA) has issued a warning to dog owners to keep their canine pals on a lead while walking near rivers and ponds as deadly blue-green algae poses a risk during the summer months in many locations around the United Kingdom. The warning comes after recent reports of sightings of algal bloom in Scotland (Millarochy Bay, Pullar’s Loch) along with around 50 other locations across the UK according to the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology’s (UKCEH) Bloomin’ Algae app. A Cocker Spaniel died in April of suspected blue-green algae poisoning after swimming in a lake in Hampshire. A group of bacteria, Blue green algae, or cyanobacteria, consist of dangerous toxins which can be potentially fatal to pets. Dogs that swim in lakes or ponds with these algae present, or dogs

that swallow it or which have been in contact with algae that has brushed up against their coat can end up in great danger. According to Professor Alan Radford and his team at the University of Liverpool where trend data is analysed, suspected or confirmed cases reported by veterinary practices peak in July and August, at the height of the summer season, and aren’t restricted to any one part of the UK. British Veterinary Association President Justine Shotton said: “Many dogs love nothing more than a paddle in a lake to cool off in this weather, but we’d urge pet owners to keep them on a lead during walks near water bodies confirmed to have algal blooms this summer. The majority of blooms are toxic, and it is impossible to tell the difference visually, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

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Westies & Besties - August 2022


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“It is also important to be aware of the symptoms of exposure. These commonly include vomiting, diarrhoea, drooling, disorientation, trouble breathing, seizures, and blood in faeces. They can appear within a few minutes or hours of exposure, depending on the type of toxin ingested, and can cause liver damage and ultimately be rapidly fatal if left untreated. “There is currently no known antidote for the toxins, so dog owners should seek prompt veterinary treatment to tackle their effects and ensure a good chance of recovery for their pet.” Dr Linda May, a freshwater ecologist at UKCEH, explained: “All reports of suspected blue-green algae are rapidly available to view via the Bloomin’ Algae app, so by submitting records, people are providing a useful early warning to pet owners and water sports enthusiasts. “A photograph must be included with all reports so we can quickly check if the bloom is blue-green algae or something harmless.”

TOP TIPS FOR PET OWNERS Look out for any warning signs put up by the responsible national environment agency or local authority near water bodies. Keep pets on a lead and by your side around water bodies known or suspected to have a blue-green algal bloom – don’t let pets swim in it or drink from it. If your dog has been swimming outside, wash its coat thoroughly with clean water afterwards. Seek emergency veterinary treatment if you’re concerned your pet may have ingested toxic algae. Report sightings of suspected blue-green algae with a photograph via the ‘Bloomin’ Algae’ app. You can also set up notifications for confirmed sightings in your area.





Raw Dog Food Clubs launched by Paleo Ridge PHOTO CREDIT: All images supplied by Paleo Ridge


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aleo Ridge, a raw dog food producer, has announced the launch of seven VIP raw dog food clubs to support its customers and help them save on orders. The clubs include an Agility Club, a Breeders Club, a Bulk Buyers Club, an Ambassadors Club, a Vets Club, and an Affiliate Club building on the pre-existing Stockists scheme. Members of the Breeders Club will receive 20% off all orders, plus a free special puppy pack for new puppy owners and referral codes that provide additional discounts


Westies & Besties - August 2022


on future orders. The exciting new puppy packs have an RRP of £19.99 and include a defrost tub, serving tool, an informative puppy leaflet, a bowl, a towel and more. Any customers associated with a UK agility club will be able to join the new Agility Club, receiving a 20% discount. Customers ordering over £250 in raw dog food will be offered a 15% discount and free shipping as part of the Bulk Buyers Club. Through joining the Ambassadors Club, customers promoting Paleo Ridge on social media or other platforms will also receive a range of discounts.

The Affiliate Club is designed for customers with a website or other platform that would like to earn loyalty points for the Paleo Ridge website. Meanwhile, Stockists are championed as an important and valued extension of the business and receive a variety of benefits, from competitive trade discounts to POS materials. Members of the Vets Club will have access to a generous discount and freezer deals, while also having the opportunity to provide their patients with a highly nutritious diet.


Will Green, Director of Marketing at Paleo Ridge, says: “I am extremely proud of our wide range of raw dog food clubs. These new clubs have been specially designed to offer customers the best possible access to our premium raw dog food, supporting them in providing their dogs with the best diets to lead long, happy, and healthy lives.” Applying to join a club is simple, visit the Paleo Ridge website for more information and to get started - https:// paleoridge.co.uk/rawdog-food-clubs




Voiced by Nancy Williams


Westies & Besties - August 2022

leads an all-star cast this summer voicing a pawsome interactive trail around Bristol in aid of Bristol Animal Rescue Centre


Sir Tony Robinson

PHOTO CREDIT: All images supplied by Bristol Animal Rescue Centre





The Adventures of Parker the


ristol Animal Rescue Centre has created an interactive trail around Bristol this summer. Follow their fluffy hero Parker the Dog on an adventure, meeting all the weird and wonderful animals that live there.

Taking in some of Bristol’s best loved tourist destinations, including the SS Great Britain, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol Cathedral, and many more – the trail involves following a map and watching animated film clues at each stop. The videos are voiced by an all-star cast of Bristolian talent, led by Sir Tony Robinson, including artists, musicians, comedians, TV stars and key figures from the local community - all of whom have donated their time for this worthwhile cause. “Bristol Animal Rescue Centre has been here for 135 years but


to ensure that we can continue our vital work with Bristol’s vulnerable animals into the future, we need to engage the next generation of animal lovers. We

Westies & Besties - August 2022

hope that people of all ages will want to get involved with the trail and learn more about what we do” said Coralie Farren, CEO at Bristol Animal Rescue Centre.


WHO’S INVOLVED? Sir Tony Robinson stars in all the animations as Parker the Dog. It also features the voice talents of:

A JOINT EFFORT Parker’s Adventure was originally the brainchild of a nearby creative agency, Halo, located in Brislington, who have generously donated their time to help make it happen. “We believe that, as a business, we need to give something back, to be a positive force for good in our local community. Bristol Animal Rescue Centre is a vitally important organisation and Bristol institution, and we are proud to give them our support. Working alongside them to create and deliver this campaign has been a labour of love for us, and we can’t wait to see people enjoying and engaging with it for such an amazing charity,” said Nick Ellis, Creative Partner & Founder at Halo.

• Big Jeff (Artist) as Big Ed the Elephant • Briony Williams (Presenter and Great British Bake Off finalist) as Olivia the Otter • Claudia Fragapane (Olympic Gold Gymnast) as Sabrina the Swan • Gina Jones (Bristol Animal Rescue Centre) as Theco the Dinosaur • Giuseppe Dell Anno (Winner of Great British Bake Off and author) as Chameleon Diaz • Joe Sims (Actor) as Brian the Cat and Pi-RAT Wetbeard • Lady Nade (Singer) as Lady V the Vixen and Mama Rouge the Robin • Lamorna Waters (Bristol Animal Rescue Centre) as the narrator • Mark Olver (Comedian and Actor, The Outlaws) as PhanTOM Cat • Nancy Willams (Bristol Animal Rescue Centre volunteer) as Dr Combes the Bumblebee • Peaches Golding OBE (Lord Lieutenant of Bristol) as Babs the Sheep


The trail runs until the 31st August 2022 Visitors can get involved by downloading a map from ParkersAdventure.org.uk. Follow the fun on social media using #ParkersAdventure.

LOCATIONS You’ll be able to spot Parker in the following locations until the 31st August 2022: • Arnolfini • Arnos Vale Cemetery • Bristol Animal Rescue Centre • Bristol Beacon • Bristol Cathedral • Bristol Museum & Art Gallery • M Shed • SS Great Britain • St George’s Bristol • St Mary Redcliffe • The Matthew • Watershed • We The Curious (although it won’t be open, there will be outdoor attractions)

Bath Spa University also lent their support to the project by recording and editing all the voice overs for the films at their stateof-the-art media centre. Richard Wood, Technical Operations Manager at Bath Spa University, said: “This was a fantastic opportunity for our students to get hands-on recording and editing experience with some top talent, as well as supporting a cause we all feel very strongly about. We’re absolutely delighted to be involved in supporting such a worthwhile charity”. On leading the cast of voices appearing in the animated films, Sir Tony Robinson said: “I’m thrilled to be playing the role of Parker the Dog. Our rescue dog has brought so much joy to our family and if I can help other animals get a happy home like ours has, then I’m all in! I hope everyone enjoys watching the films as much as we enjoyed making them”.





Faye Andrews is a human and canine Osteopath and has her own clinic in Surry.

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Westies & Besties - August 2022

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• TENDINOPATY: degeneration of the tendon • TENDINITIS: inflammation of the tendon The Biceps Muscle originates from the supraglenoid tubercle on the top of the shoulder joint and runs down the humerus (upper arm bone) over the elbow to the radial tuberosity on the top part of the radius, and the ulna (the forearm bones). The muscle predominantly bends (flexes) the elbow. Now we have the terminology and the basic anatomy out of the way we can look at how, why, and what can be done about Biceps Tendinitis. It is one of the most common causes of forelimb lameness. The condition can occur in any dog and at any age, although, as it is classed as an overuse/repetitive injury we can predominantly break this down into groups: • Middle to old, aged dogs: they’ve naturally been around longer so will have had more repetitions of movement than a younger dog. • Dogs that perform repetitive motions: agility, flyball or racing dogs which incorporates speed and turning. • Secondary to another issue: perhaps osteoarthritis or osteochondritis dissecans at the shoulder or biomechanical gait issues with another limb. With any repetitive motion, the muscle will contract and relax in order to move the relevant joint. Over time the muscle gets tired and will lose the ability to relax properly, leaving behind small contractions in the muscle. As the muscle cannot relax to its normal length the tendon (which connects the muscle to the bone) is put under extra stress and tension. If the muscle doesn’t relax to its original state and the dog is then asked to go for a walk or to train the next day, the muscle will try to contract further without being able to relax fully. This in turn places even more stress on the tendon and inflammation will occur through repetitive microtrauma and adhesions are likely to then occur. This process is repeated each day and

therefore more inflammation occurs and before you know it you have a full-blown case of Biceps Tendinitis. So, we have repetitive motion/activities that can cause Biceps Tendinitis, but it can also be caused due to another underlying issue. This is called a mechanical injury secondary to something else. The ‘something else’ can be an exhaustive list so I will try to keep it easy. It basically means that if the dog is moving differently in its gait due to arthritis or due to another injury in either of the other three limbs it may overload the ‘good’ limb and cause inflammation or alternatively, if there is arthritis in the shoulder of the limb with Biceps Tendinitis, it’s likely to have been caused by the tendon rubbing over bony changes in the joint which will cause inflammation. Alternatively, if the left shoulder is unstable then the left muscle will be working overtime to stabilise the joint, again causing inflammation as the muscle is trying to move the joint whilst stabilising, or the tendon is being overstretched which again will result in inflammation.

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS • Lameness either continuous or intermittent, sometimes worse with exercise. • Pain on shoulder flexion (taking the arm backwards) and elbow extension (straightening the elbow). • Atrophy (wasting) of the Biceps muscle on the affected limb. • Discomfort on palpation of the Biceps tendon as it crosses over the shoulder joint. • History of chronic, progressive, or intermittent lameness


TREATMENT: The aim of treatment is to reduce the inflammation around the tendon, so REST and possibly nonsteroidal antiinflammatories (NSAIDs) is the common starting point. In chronic cases a corticosteroid (steroid) injection into the joint may be in order. You should maintain STRICT REST for 4-6 weeks. Physical/manual therapy should help, practitioners specialising in canine osteopathy/physiotherapy/chiropractic will apply some gentle stretches, massage and review the whole dog and deal with underlying causes if there are any. Surgery may be necessary should the above not work. Surgery involves cutting the tendon and reattaching it to the humerus. Normal muscle function is then restored. PROGNOSIS: Medical or manual management is 50% successful, this is because prolonged inflammation of the tendon may cause arthritis in the joint. Therefore, early intervention is imperative to prevent any underlying pathology breaking out and keeping the tendon under stress and constant inflammation. Surgical management is very successful and full recovery takes between 4-6 months. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN A CURE: You’ve probably heard this before, but prevention is better than a cure, not only with Biceps Tendinitis but with anything regarding the body whether that be canine or human. We go to the dentist every six months (or at least that is what is recommended) or we go to the gym to keep our heart and lungs healthy, a lot of my human and canine patients see me on a regular basis (usually 4-6 weeks depending on the individual) for a bit of a MOT, so why shouldn’t we try to prevent this in dogs that may be susceptible to it. As Biceps Tendinitis is commonly caused by chronic overuse, then the best type of prevention is to prevent the excessive overstrain. Regular maintenance treatments for dogs are highly important to them, let’s face it, they go out for a walk or run with you every day……and very rarely walk in a straight line! Would you run a marathon a day and not have at least a massage every now and then? I know I wouldn’t. Dogs that participate in sport/s such as agility should be properly conditioned so that the tendon does not become inflamed. With the right exercises from an experienced practitioner any extra strain upon the tendon can be displaced and therefore the injury may be prevented.




ne of the most common shoulder issues in canines is Biceps Tendinopathy/ Tendinitis. Before we get onto the actual condition let’s take a look at the terminology used and where the Biceps muscle is.


Why your Westie needs this little blueberry in its bowl BY SUE MAKEPEACE


lueberries are an exquisite little deep blue fruit that give your Westie a huge boost of scrummy goodness, it’s the gift that keeps on giving nutritionally. People often ask me, ‘if my dog is on a raw diet, can I feed fruit’? Or ‘do they really need it?’ The answer is, if you want a healthier Westie, with a stronger immune system that may live longer, then yes feed blueberries. Of course, other fruits are beneficial (obviously not grapes), but the blueberry is the King of the fruit Kingdom. There are several studies on the benefits of feeding blueberries and how they can support good health. A high percentage of dogs are suffering from various forms of cancer and unbelievably this little blue fruit may decrease the risk. Research also says that blueberries can help support the brain and keep it healthy. They also may be able to slow the brain’s natural ageing process, a wonderful benefit for our senior Westies out there. Blueberries are also proactive in helping to reduce inflammation in the body, which of course can be a preventative for disease.


Blueberries can also be beneficial to the gut, and as we know a healthy gut supports a healthy body. They can help protect the health of the microbiome. Blueberries are really helpful if your dog suffers from recurring urinary tract infections, UTI’s. Normally people reach for cranberries, but blueberries can be just as effective. They help by preventing bacteria from attaching to the lining of the urinary tract. Blueberries are also great for eye health as they contain a high level of Vitamin C, dogs do make their own, but it’s always good to have a boost now and again, and the blueberry is the go to fruit for this. This little blue nutritious bomb is exploding with antioxidants as well, is there anything this wonderful little fruit can’t do? Antioxidants are extremely good in helping the body rid itself of the toxins it is exposed to on a regular basis. Westies can end up with a huge toxic overload for various reasons. For example, over vaccination, poor quality processed food and treats, pesticides used as flea and worming

preventatives, chemicals used in the home and the garden. So, how do we feed blueberries? Some dogs will eat them from the bush, they know a good thing when they see it! Some will eat them straight from your hand, some like them blitzed up and mixed in with their food, some like them frozen. If you feed a raw diet then 5% can be blueberries, if you feed processed food then I suggest feeding 10% of the diet as your dog needs a heavier load of antioxidants. Blueberries are a very versatile food, I suggest buying organic if you can, or try and choose the darkest fruit you can. During the summer months you can blitz blueberries, raspberries and strawberries together with some yoghurt and even a few pumpkin seeds, freeze in some ice cube trays to make not only a cooling treat, but a very nutritious one, and your Westie will not only get some wonderful benefits, but of course will love you more for it.

Sue Makepeace is the Founder of the Westie Advice Group (WAG) on Facebook Get inventive in that bowl, and is also a certified it’s all about offering your dog the eating experience it Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist. deserves.

Westies & Besties - August 2022

Nutrition PHOTO CREDIT: shutterstock_662033851 www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com


30 Years of Transforming Lives




Westies & Besties - August 2022


Image supplied by Support Dogs www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com







Tell us about Support Dogs and the important work you do and how this is vital to people with various health issues. Support Dogs is a small national charity based in South Yorkshire. It trains assistance dogs for children with autism, adults with epilepsy, and adults with a range of disabilities, such as MS, cerebral palsy, and arthritis, enabling them to lead safer, more independent lives. Support Dogs has three separate training programmes: Autism assistance Support Dogs provides autism assistance dogs for children with autism up to the age of ten. The dogs are trained to provide safety for the child and reduce stress in social environments. Many children with autism have a very limited sense of danger or of the consequences of their actions. They often bolt and run off from their care givers, putting themselves in danger and often resulting in injury. Support Dogs trains its autism assistance dogs to keep a child safe using a wide range of methods, reducing the risk of injury or distress for the child, and reducing stress and anxiety for the child’s family. They also enable the child to be more independent and provide invaluable companionship. Epilepsy seizure alert Support Dogs is the only charity in the UK to train seizure alert dogs for people with epilepsy. The dogs are trained to provide a lifesaving, 100% reliable warning of up to 50


minutes before a seizure, enabling the individual to have the seizure safely and in private, and to take control of the situation. In some instances, it has been reported that having a seizure alert dog can reduce the frequency of seizures. Disability assistance For its disability assistance programme Support Dogs trains clients’ own pet dogs to perform tasks that are tailored to meet their individual needs. For example, raise the alarm, open and close doors, and provide help with dressing and undressing. When was Support Dogs set up and how many dogs do you currently have? Support Dogs was founded in 1992 so this year it’s celebrating 30 years of transforming lives, thanks to the very special partnerships created between canine and human. It currently has around 100 dogs, including puppies and dogs in training. Tell us about the training the dog has and how long it takes. Training is intensive and takes up to two years. Puppies live with their volunteer puppy socialisers for just over a year where they learn basic training and obedience, then come into ‘big school’ ie the training centre where they undergo general training while living with local foster carers. Once they are matched to a client, they then undertake more tailored, specific training at the training centre, and later in the client’s home.

Westies & Besties - August 2022

One in four of your dogs are rescue dogs or unwanted pets. How proud are you that you help a dog, and the dog goes on to help numerous people in the community? As well as transforming human lives, Support Dogs maintains high welfare standards and prides itself on being the charity that gives unwanted pets or dogs from rescue centres a second chance. It also recently set up its own puppy programme, sourcing puppies from reputable private breeders. None of its dogs-in-training ever spend a night in kennels but are cared for at weekends and in the evening by a small army of 200-plusvolunteer puppy socialisers and foster carers. Tell us about some of your ambassadors and how they help Support Dogs. For Support Dogs as a relatively small charity, with limited resources to promote our work, but one whose work has the capacity to save and improve the lives of a vast number of people across the UK, the role of its patrons is vital in bringing greater awareness and understanding of its cause. Honorary president Angela Rippon, CBE, and patrons, Elaine Paige, OBE, broadcaster Luzcrezia Millarini, the Earl and Countess of Scarbrough and Roger Jefcote, CBE DL, help to increase the understanding of its work to a range of audiences. Support Dogs has a network of over 200 volunteer foster carer and puppy socialisers who, by simple

fact of homing and caring for a support dog in training, also act as vital ambassadors, creating great understanding of the lifechanging impact that a support dog can have. Tell us about what people can do to help your charity. Support Dogs relies entirely on donations to fund its vital work and receives no government support.

It receives funding from charitable trusts and legacies, corporate sponsorship, gifts left in wills and from individual fundraising events from coffee mornings to challenges and sponsorship. Have you ever had a Westie at Support Dogs? Not yet! Many support dogs are Labradors, Golden Retrievers or Lab/Retriever


As well as transforming human lives, Support Dogs maintains high welfare standards and prides itself on being the charity that gives unwanted pets or dogs from rescue centres a second chance” crosses as they respond well to reward-based training. For its disability programme it has trained terriers, Labradoodles, other mixed breeds, a Dalmatian, and even a Lhasa Apso! Each programme requires a certain temperament, so autism assistance dogs tend to be laid back, while seizure alert dogs have to be switched on and alert at all times.

To find out more about Support Dogs and how you can help their work go to www.supportdogs.org.uk

Image supplied by Support Dogs www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com





Food Delivering our dogs’ food to them in varied and engaging ways can be an easy way to boost their mental stimulation on a regular basis. Whether using their meals or treats for these activities, prompting our dogs to use their noses and brains to earn some tasty morsels is a great way to allow them to use their natural drive to forage. Ideas of feeding enrichment include stuffed Kong toys or Licki-mats, puzzle feeders, scatter feeding and food treasure hunts.

Social Dogs are highly social animals. Opportunities to interact socially both with other dogs and with humans can be hugely beneficial for a dog’s mental wellbeing. In fact, research has shown that interactions with humans can lower dogs’ levels of the stress hormone cortisol (Coppola, Grandin & Enns, 2006). Similarly, dogs showed reduced behavioural signs of stress when given the chance to play with another dog (Hunt, Whiteside & Prankel, 2022).


Your dogs’ individual preferences are key to consider when offering social enrichment – not all dogs will enjoy socialising with other dogs, and some may find close human contact uncomfortable. Choose appropriate play partners and allow your dog lots of choice in their interactions. Not all dogs like being handled, but most dogs enjoy some form of human interaction, even if just being told how brilliant they are in a nice, soothing voice, or sitting nearby while you both relax.

As well as ensuring our dogs get adequate physical exercise, it’s very important to give them regular mental workouts too! Learning isn’t just for young dogs - research has shown a positive effect of mental stimulation in preserving the cognitive abilities of ageing dogs (Milgram, 2003). You really can teach an old dog new tricks! Reward-based training can mentally tire your dog while also boosting that all important bond between you. Try teaching your dog a new behaviour or practicing some that they already know to boost their confidence and help them to feel relaxed. Incorporating brain games and puzzles in their daily routines can help to prevent build ups of boredom or frustration – two major causes of unwanted behaviours. To ensure the activities have a positive effect, it’s important to give your dog challenges of an appropriate level. Challenging a dog to break into the puzzle feeder equivalent of Fort Knox before they’re ready for such a task will likely only exacerbate their frustration! Start easy and work up as your dog gains experience.

Westies & Besties - August 2022


Opportunities to experience new sensory experiences are another great way to add enrichment to our dogs’ lives, as well as maintaining their socialisation. Experiencing the sights, scents and sounds of a new environment can be both enjoyable and beneficial. Choose these environments carefully to ensure your dog isn’t overwhelmed, and just allow them to take some time to soak it all up.

Appropriate exercise is key to maintaining our dogs’ health and can be a great source of enjoyment. As well as ensuring the amount of exercise is right, it’s worth considering the different types of physical activities we can offer our dogs. Walking on different textures (think sand, soil, grass, concrete) and having the opportunity to perform different kinds of movements (walking, running, swimming, climbing, jumping and so on) can be great fun and keeps our dogs’ bodies in tip top shape.

Scent games such as treat trails, or more formal scent work, allows our dogs to engage those fantastic noses and fulfil their natural sniffing drives. Even simply making some walks all about the sniffs – let your dog sniff as often and for as long as they want to take in all the smells they encounter. Take time to stop and smell the roses (…or lamp posts!).

Physical enrichment can come in the form of dog sports (e.g., hoopers, agility, cani-cross), or simply walking in different kinds of environments or setting up obstacle courses, sand pits or paddling pools at home.



Jess Barber is a Dog Trainer and Behaviourist and the owner of Follow My Lead Dog Training

PHOTO CREDIT: shutterstock_1955536762 www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com




Get his tail wagging with these cute little gifts for any occasion

Star Bandana Franky’s Bowtique Available in 5 sizes, from XXS right up to XL this cute Accessory is the perfect gift your dog. (This bandana will just slip onto your dog’s collar!) www.frankysbowtique.com


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Liver Snaps Opie’s Emporium 100% British Pork Liver and nothing else! A complimentary air-dried treat for your dog with no additives, preservatives, artificial flavours, or colourings. Opie’s Emporium recommends no more than eight full snaps a day for a Medium-sized dog. You can “snap” the treats into smaller bits to satisfy even the greediest of dogs. (All treats are £4.95 per bag.) www.opiesemporium.co.uk Worst behavior Badge Bow Franky’s Bowtique A popular and cheeky design that is sure to make passers-by laugh. The fabric is an eye-popping colour too! https://www.frankysbowtique.com

Shampoo & Conditioner Snooboos Only the best for your Westie! These are natural, organic, AND vegan and will have your bestie feeling and looking spick and span in no time. www.snooboos.com 26


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Salmon Crunchies Opie’s Emporium 100% Salmon Skins and nothing else! Full of Omega oils and great for natural teeth cleaning as crunchy and crispy salmon skins. www.opiesemporium.co.uk

Paw Balm Snooboos Westie owners are always on the lookout for a good paw balm to help keep our pal’s tootsies clean and crack free, and you can’t go wrong with this natural, organic one from Snooboos. www.snooboos.com

Westies & Besties - August 2022

Lamby Lunks Opie’s Emporium You’ll have your Westie’s mouth watering with these delicious healthy lamb bites. He’ll definitely keep coming back for more! www.opiesemporium.co.uk



Tartan Bow Tie Franky’s Bowtique Better get in quick for this cute Red Tartan Bow Tie which is always a hit especially closer to Christmas and New Year! There are a huge range of patterns and colours to choose from too.

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Puppy Love Snooboos And they called it, Puppy Love…and that’s exactly what this little bundle is. You’ll find an all-natural Puppy wash of cinnamon, bark, and thyme along with a Puppy Fresh spray of Cinnamon and thyme to keep your little one as fresh as a daisy. www.snooboos.com

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PRACTICAL DOG MANAGEMENT BAGS A dual pocket, waterproof and durable bag, every time you go for a walk with your dog you can carry your clean poo bags, dog treats, ball, or whatever you wish. It’s your bag. The 1st pocket is for clean poo bags, lead, treats and what ever you wish to carry when walking your 4 legged friend. The 2nd pocket is for full poo bags. Simply drop the full poo bags into your Pawfect Bag until you return home and bin it. Pawfect bags keeps your hands free to enjoy your walks, use the phone, take a photo of the dog or just put your hands in your pockets and relax. The bag comes in an array of 7 funky colours.

www.pawfectbags.co.uk www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com



Birthday Range Franky’s Bowtique Perfect for your Westie’s birthday! Franky’s Bowtique has a huge range of goodies to help you celebrate. From a simple bow tie to hat/crown sets. All can also be bought individually, and all are available in a range of sizes to suit all breeds, no matter how big or small. www.frankysbowtique.com






Westies & Besties - August 2022


PHOTO CREDIT: shutterstock_745380691 www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com



Catherine Gurney Managing Director, Nextmune Catherine, you have worked in sales and marketing for several high-profile companies over the years and you launched your own company, Vetruus in 2011. What inspired you to do this? I have always been very entrepreneurial and so running my own business was always something I wanted to do. Also, I wanted to really be able to focus on our products and react very quickly to our customers, whereas sometimes in a large corporate company, decisions can take a long time and customers must wait. Setting up Vetruus, enabled us to work in an environment we knew really well and also to manage the business in the way we wanted it to be run. Your company Vetruus, which is now part of the Nextmune Group, has a presence in over 70 countries, how rewarding and challenging has it been for you to get your company where you want it to be? We were very lucky that Vetruus was very successful and grew quickly and so the company attracted investors at an early stage. Having that investment enabled us to grow even more quickly and joining the Nextmune Group in 2021 was the pinnacle of many years of hard work! The challenges were to keep the values that were important to us going whilst being part of a much larger Group, but Nextmune Group prides itself on working with entrepreneurs like me and my team, so we are able to continue to run the Company in the same way as we did previously, continuing to concentrate on our customers, our people and our growth. This month is Women’s Equality Month. In your opinion, how tough is it (or not) for a woman to work in the current pet industry? Has this changed since you started your own business? Are you seen differently now because you’re a Managing Director and in a position of authority or is it a case of you have simply earned your place? Or perhaps you don’t think you are seen any differently than when you were an ordinary employee? 30

I am really lucky because our industry has many strong women working in it, whether they be veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses or people in the veterinary commercial world. I have been in the vet/pet industry for too many years to mention and being a woman has never been any barrier to success. I think if you are personable, you have a good work ethic and you like working with people you will always do well. Whether I am seen differently because I am a Managing Director depends on what I am doing at the time and occasionally for example, my team will ask me to step in and use the authority that that position gives me, but it is rare, and most people just see me as I am. Generally, I work in the same way as I have always done but I do think that being in a senior position, does come with the element of authority and it is just important to make sure that you use that authority in the right way. Nextmune specialises in allergy, immunotherapy, and dermatology products/solutions for veterinary practices and pet parents the world over. Having achieved this, what elements of your work are you most proud of? Vetruus was a specialist in veterinary dermatology, concentrating on topical ear and skin disease, with a great range of products for vets and pet owners. Nextmune is the leading company in allergy testing and immunotherapy and so when the two companies combined it gave us a fantastic portfolio in this specialised area. We are now able to offer solutions to pet owners whose pets suffer with allergies and skin disease and seeing how well these pets do once they are on the correct treatment is the best thing for us. I am just so proud that we have helped so many pets and their owners over the years. If you had any work/life/business tips for your younger self – what would they be? Don’t let setbacks phase you. That is life, whether in your personal or your working career. Keep aiming high, stay positive and have lots of faith in your abilities.

Westies & Besties - August 2022


I have been in the vet/pet industry for too many years to mention and being a woman has never been any barrier to success. I think if you are personable, you have a good work ethic and you like working with people you will always do well”

PHOTO CREDIT: Image supplied by Catherine Gurney www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com



Debi Emmett Founder of Pets Food Bank You’re the Chief Executive Trustee of Pets Food Bank. When did you set up the charity and what inspired you to do so? I set up the charity in 2018 after a friend told me about older dogs being put into shelters as their elderly owners were struggling with the heating or eating problems but were feeding their pets before themselves and that these dogs were struggling to find new homes due to their age. I started out with the aim of keeping these pets in their homes where they belong, where they are loved and needed, it then expanded to helping as many pets as possible to stay at home. To date you’ve provided a staggering 102,613 meals and items to pets in South Wales. How does that make you feel? What is your vision for the charity moving forward? Incredibly proud and slightly shocked as I never envisioned the charity that I started in my spare room would ever get so big and help so many pets. Currently I am fundraising for a warehouse in order to be able to cover the whole of South Wales. Do you think we will see more Pet Food Banks across the United Kingdom? Do you think the UK Government/Welsh Gov needs to help fund such services? Yes, we will see more, I am 32

currently aware of at least 24 other pet foodbanks in the UK, and I get asked for advice every month by people looking to set up new pet foodbanks. It would help massively if the either of the Governments would help. We did get a large grant from the WCVA (the national membership body for voluntary organisations in Wales) that helped us to open four more outlets, but currently there is no funding available towards premises. I did ask Mark Drakeford (First Minister of Wales) and local councillors for help with council premises, but nothing came of it. It’s difficult to raise grants as the grantors assume we only help animals. There are donation points for people that want to give food, toys, and other pet items. Where are these points and what can people donate? Currently I am struggling for storage as I have two shipping containers which are over heating in this heat wave, so I’ve had to fill my living room and hallways with the pet food, so I am asking for no more dry dog food to be donated at this time. But I can always use both cat

and dog wet food, treats and pet items such as leads, collars and toys. Obviously, people are struggling and so are their pets. What have you learnt about the relationship between animals and their owners through your work? My dog is my world, I would feed her before myself, so I’ve always known how much people love their pets. But sadly, I’ve learnt that people will ask for pet food but not human food even though they are also in dire need. Some people are feeding their animals and are going hungry themselves by doing so. What does this say about our current society in your opinion? I think it’s disgusting; nobody should ever have to make that decision. This month is Women’s Equality Month. Tell us about some of the challenges you have faced setting up your charity and working within communities. It’s been a very steep learning curve setting up and running a charity, but I’ve always enjoyed a challenge.

Debi has set up a Go Fund Me page and has raised around £14,000 to date towards a desperately needed warehouse. If you’d like to donate, visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/8c996-we-need-a-home

Westies & Besties - August 2022


PHOTO CREDIT: Image supplied by Debi Emmett www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com




Boughton-White Director of Dorwest Dorwest was set up over 70 years ago and was ahead of its time when it comes to natural supplements and homeopathic remedies for dogs. What has been the key to the success of your business? Yes, Dorwest was producing herbals for animals well before there was even any legislation on animal medicines at all! My Grandfather was passionate about natural products and also quality of herbs. The absolute and definitive reason why Dorwest is a success and has achieved such longevity is quality and integrity. With natural products, quality is absolutely fundamental as it can be so variable – it really is quite scary to see some products that are on sale. There are very few regulations and therefore it really is down to the integrity of the company. We ensure all active ingredients are medicinal quality wherever possible and fully tested for authenticity, contaminants, and purity. We also ensure there is enough data regarding the safety and efficacy of the herbs before we ever use them – just because herbs are natural doesn’t mean they are always safe! Quality is the thread that runs through every aspect of Dorwest, from our customer service team and advisors all the way to the dispatch. 34

The company was passed to your mother, Mary Boughton, from your grandparents who set up the company and she was awarded an MBE in 2005. As leaders of Dorwest, what challenges have you faced (if any) as a female boss in the pet industry? (It’s Women’s Equality Month hence the question!) Mary really pathed the way and is the greatest supporter for small and rural businesses. She has worked tirelessly to ensure new Government Legislation does not disadvantage these types of businesses. I think being a female leader in business is quite a balancing act but maybe no more than any woman balancing a career and family. This is always the challenge (!) but myself and my husband split everything equally. I think there are some fantastic female business leaders in the Pet Industry and don’t feel I have experienced many issues with regards to equality. 75% of our Head of Departments are also women so we work hard to ensure equality works both ways at Dorwest. There is always the odd situation when a man will automatically defer to my husband Ben to make a decision rather than understand we run Dorwest Herbs together, but this is easily rectified! Personally, I just want to be an amazing business leader Westies & Besties - August 2022

for our team and customers, and I don’t feel my gender has any impact on this. There are numerous new companies now selling natural supplements to dog owners. How do dog owners know the difference between a company selling quality natural products and those who are not? How will Dorwest compete with those upcoming companies selling similar products? This really is a fantastic question and not an easy one! I have recently become even more concerned regarding the huge quantities of herbal/natural products being sold on third party platforms that I feel are not safe for dogs and making illegal claims regarding worming, stating they are 100% safe and effective. It is of grave concern and the VMD are working hard to ensure these companies are being addressed. Firstly, anyone can sell a supplement – there are basically no controls on where they source those ingredients or where they package them. I wish I could say look for a certain accreditation on the label, but presently there is not one body that does this. Look for a company that is reputable, don’t just buy the cheapest on the market – sadly if it is that cheap, the quality


I think there are some fantastic female business leaders in the Pet Industry and don’t feel I have experienced many issues with regards to equality. 75% of our Head of Departments are also women so we work hard to ensure equality works both ways at Dorwest”

of the ingredients will just not be there (despite what they say!) I would ensure the company is registered with accredited trade bodies such as NOAH (National Office of Animal Health) and the PFMA (Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association). Products should be manufactured in a GMP licenced facility, and I would also be looking to see if the herbs are medicinal quality and fully tested for purity. With regards to healthy competition, there are some fantastic other pet supplement companies out there which I hugely admire and that have the same high standards as us. We are all working to the same goal and have the same passion; the market is big enough for us all and of course it keeps us all motivated and honest. What is your vision for Dorwest? Our vision and aims are so clear - to continue being the leaders and experts in herbal pet care. We want to continue developing our existing and new products using our expert teams. We will always stay true to our belief of integrity and quality and as dog lovers ensuring we do the very best for our canine friends, as ultimately that is why we do what we do and love our jobs!

PHOTO CREDIT: Joanna Broughton White image supplied by Dorwest www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com



Heidi Maskelyne Founder and Managing Director of ProDog According to your website, you’re mad about health, nutrition, animals, education, and fitness (both in humans and dogs!). What inspired you to set up ProDog and what was your goal at the time? Have your goals now changed? My fundamental goal is to “Help dogs thrive through quality natural nutrition”. This has not changed over the six years since ProDog’s launch. It remains the ProDog team and my foundational mission. The inspiration came from a personal loss. Between 2014-15 I lost both of my dogs, Drago, and Phoenix, to cancer. And I lost them well before their time. Phoenix first got his first tumour aged just 3. I was absolutely devastated. I couldn’t understand it. I thought I’d given my boys the best of everything, including the best food. Yet they still developed a devastating disease. It didn’t make any sense. So, I embarked on a mission to find out why. And when I get focused on something, I’m like a dog with a bone (pun intended). I discovered that the dry kibble food I’d been giving them, despite the promises on the packaging that it was THE best quality, had potentially been a massive contributor to their development of cancer. Being very experienced in nutrition for humans, when I learnt the dog nutritional science facts, things immediately made sense to me. Dog’s digestive systems 36

are designed to utilise a natural carnivores’ diet of meat, bone, and organ meat. Kibble is far from any of those, being a highly processed carbbased product with low-grade, refined ingredients which are often synthetic. I never once questioned what I was buying or read the ingredients list and the irony was I had a solid, comprehensive understanding of nutrition. I’ll never forget that light bulb moment! I knew at that moment I needed to do something. I wanted to find a way for other dog owners to be able to feed their dogs the natural diet a canines need to thrive, yet I knew it had to be as affordable and convenient as kibble. I wanted to ensure dog owners were armed with the facts and resources to give them the food they intended. This month is Women’s Equality month. Tell us about your experience (challenges and rewards) of working as a boss in the pet industry. Is there anything you’ve learnt since opening your company that you would advise your younger (perhaps more inexperienced) self to change? The number one piece of advice I would give is to believe. Even when others doubt, go all out for every opportunity you can. You aren’t going to get your way every time, but trust that your passion will always shine through and eventually, it will be recognised Westies & Besties - August 2022

and the results will follow. Whenever I have self-doubt, remembering my passion and why I am doing everything in the first place is key – educating people about the importance of quality nutrition for a dog’s health and wellness. I tell myself, ‘It’s for the dogs, Heidi,’ and usually, my mindset is flipped back around very fast; I dust myself off and get on with it. One final tip is ‘don’t quit!’ Starting a business, you will have the highest of highs, but of course, the lowest of lows comes with that, and this is when the negative thoughts and doubts start creeping in. My experience has taught me that most of these moments occur when you are on the brink of turning a corner, of something momentous happening. Stick with it, remember your why, and you will see the hard work pay off. One of the reasons I remain a hands-on CEO is to stay connected. I get to read the feedback from customers. Every so often, I can be caught up in the day-to-day challenges that come with running a business and then I’ll see a customer’s review or testimonial. Perhaps our products have transformed their dog, renewed their happy go- lucky character, or my team’s advice has helped someone understand the best next steps to take or inspired them to act and allow their dog to experience the raw food effect. This is my reward. The pictures and words customers send in

FEATURE PHOTO CREDIT: Image supplied by Heidi of ProDog www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com



never fail to make me smile; they always bring me back to our core mission and, ultimately, my passion. Helping dogs to live their best lives. There are many companies now that sell raw dog food. In your opinion, what sets one raw dog food product apart from another? – what should dog owners look out for when choosing the best one? Consumers must do their research into a company. I believe the four elements consumers should be looking for when choosing a raw food supplier are formal accreditations, expert collaborations, quality ingredients and expert customer support.

1. Regulation and standards are hallmarks of a great company and products that consumers can trust. Ensuring a company has industryrecognised accreditations is a non-negotiable in my eyes. ProDog Raw food is DEFRA approved and manufactured in a PFMA certified environment to FEDIAF criteria. Such certifications ensure production standards are met. For example, batch testing is fundamental. DEFRA approval requires both Salmonella and E. coli testing. Our food only leaves our premises once tests have returned to show that the food is lab approved. 2. Choosing a raw food producer who collaborates with vets and canine nutritional experts on product development is essential. Creating meal recipes with expert guidance ensures that formulations are nutritionally robust and designed to meet a certain dietary standard. 3. Regarding quality, dog owners should look for products that contain only species-appropriate, quality ingredients of optimal ratios. The quantity of each component that makes up a complete raw food meal can vary from one company to the next. For example, some may use filler ingredients (no nutritional value to a dog, but cheap). Others for example, may use less muscle meat than is ideal because muscle meat costs more. ProDog meal formulas are designed to meet the extreme demands placed on the bodies of working dogs, delivering elite-level condition and performance. This means for domestic dogs; our meals provide an abundance of nutrients to help them live their best lives too. We only use premium, human-quality meat that is fully traceable and make our food in small, 100kg batches, this is less cost-effective than operating at full capacity. Still, it’s a cost we are happy to bear to ensure quality is placed above all else. There are zero fillers in any of our meals; as such, each and every ingredient has a nutritional benefit to dogs. Also, we use fully recyclable packaging throughout the company, so we look after our environmental responsibilities also. 4. Switching to a raw food diet can seem daunting to many dog owners. There are many myths and misconceptions on the topic fueling this uncertainty; therefore, looking for a company that provides expert advice and guidance is highly reassuring for dog owners. I was clear, from the start, that ProDog would offer such support. We have built a specialist team of nutritional experts so that any customer emailing or contacting us via social media with specific questions will receive the correct dog-centred advice, whether that means purchasing a ProDog product or not. At Prodog Raw, dogs’ health and happiness always come first. I believe when choosing a raw food company, this ethos should be at the heart of the business; when such core values guide a company, it translates into the integrity of products and services.


Westies & Besties - August 2022

Raw dog food is almost an oldfashioned concept in terms of many of us saw our grandparents throw their dogs a bone. Why do you think so many dog owners are still cautious/nervous of feeding their canines raw food? Do you think this will change? Yes, you are right. I often hear the term ‘fad’ or ‘new trend’ branded about on the topic of raw feeding pets, which is inaccurate. Feeding a fresh, natural raw food diet is a return to the natural diet the canine species evolved on. Eating the way dogs were intended before the evolution of highly processed foods. Kibble was invented JUST to get us through WW2. At a time when meat was rationed – the concept was to create a feed for animals that was cheap, easy to produce and therefore readily available. The answer here was grains -which still today make up the vast majority of most kibble feeds. The issue is, some 80 years on, we are still feeding dry kibble – predominantly because the big pet food Corps very quickly realised the extortionate profit margins that were available making dog feed this way. It’s also simple and convenient, easy to store and mass produce. Throw millions of pounds in advertising and marketing revenue into the mix, and dry pet foods became the norm for a few decades. Real food became forgotten. Owners continue to feed highly processed food to their pets because the marketing myths have given the message the food is good. I know, without doubt, dog lovers always want the best for their companions, but they have been told - by big businesses and others who have a vested interest - that highly processed foods containing indistinguishable ingredients will provide optimal nutrition. I also don’t think it is a coincidence that the growth of these types of pet foods has come about alongside the increase of highly processed foods for the human population. Many people, in general, have become disconnected from ‘real food’, whether for humans or animals. We are now seeing chronic health conditions such as diabetes, obesity,

Alzheimers, cancer and heart disease in dogs and humans. Thankfully the tide is turning. There is now a lot of nutritional science research that supports the premise that imbalanced nutrition contributes to many such health conditions and the narrative is changing. Lifestyle changes and nutritional awareness is growing. People are becoming more conscious of the food they consume and, as such, are starting to pay attention to what they are feeding their pets too. In answer to your question, yes, I think it will change. I think it is changing slowly and the more awareness that can be brought to the topic, the better. Every August, we run our ‘Ditch The Dry’ campaign; this year, we have live interviews lined up with experts across the

globe, which we will stream on our Facebook and YouTube channels to help educate and inspire owners to give fresh, natural dog food a try One of ProDog’s missions is to assist one million dog owners make the switch to raw food by 2024. How is this going and how will you achieve it? Many dog owners are making the switch every day and as a company, we are growing in terms of customer base every year, so we are certainly headed in the right direction. I believe the critical elements to achieving this goal are education, innovation, and convenience. ProDog is devoted to raising awareness and championing the message about raw food and natural canine nutrition.

Our team understand that feeling confident enough to switch to a raw food diet is vital. We help dog owners to feel equipped with the knowledge they need to make the best possible nutritional choices for their dogs via: • Collaboration with experts leading the field in holistic veterinary science, canine nutrition, and supplementation. • Delivering advice and support through our nutritionally trained customer support team. • Our Facebook support group ‘The ProDog Rawbellion’ • Online awareness-raising initiatives such as our ‘Ditch the Dry’ campaign • Podcast interviews, ambassadors’ scheme, influencer collaborations and a dedicated social media presence. • Facebook live/Youtube videos. ‘The Rawbellion Conversations’ offer monthly discussion topics to help, inform, educate and guide.




Every August, we run our ‘Ditch The Dry’ campaign; this year, we have live interviews lined up with experts across the globe, which we will stream on our Facebook and YouTube channels to help educate and inspire owners to give fresh, natural dog food a try”

One key debate in raw feeding versus kibble is while there have been millions of dollars spent by huge corporations on the effects of kibble on dogs’ health, there hasn’t been much conclusive research on the benefits of raw feeding because raw food companies haven’t been producing it long enough. Will ProDog ever seek to conduct research into the health benefits of raw food? I agree there is far more money funnelled into research that supports pet food corporations’ agenda, but there are undoubtedly many robust studies about raw feeding and related topics which stem back many decades. The truth is more likely that those studies aren’t talked about in mainstream media. Although I have my opinions on why this may be the case, I shall leave this topic for another day. If you take Dr Conor Brady’s book “Feeding Dogs” Dry versus Raw: The science behind the debate as an example, he lists countless studies within this work which support the argument for feeding a raw food diet. Also, thanks to media channels such as Netflix that no longer rely on advertising, we are seeing more truthful information shared about many topics, including nutrition for humans and animals. ‘Pet Fooled’ was a documentary that shone a spotlight on the industry, and I believe as people become increasingly conscious of such issues, the momentum of change will speed up. But yes, in answer to the question, we aim to carry out our own studies into raw feeding and natural supplementation, which is the other important part of our work. But as you know, comprehensive studies take a lot of financial investment, so this is a longer-term goal for us. I invite people to check out our Facebook page in August, join in on our Ditch the Dry conversations, listen to the science-based facts and use your instincts to guide you in what is the right choice for your dog. I believe in carrying out your own science experiment when it comes to nutrition— meaning once you have made the switch, the evidence often becomes very obvious very quickly. Observing your dog’s condition will give you all the answers as to whether a raw food diet is better for your dog. When you see your dog benefiting from more energy, happier demeanour, excellent coat condition, improved toilet habits, fresher breath, better weight management and for some, a renewed love for food, you have lived evidence which is far more valuable.




Westies & Besties - August 2022




FEATURE PHOTO CREDIT: Image supplied by Four Paws Charity


Westies & Besties - August 2022



very day in Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam, pet dogs and cats are stolen from loving families and taken to slaughterhouses and markets to be brutally killed and sold as meat. While exact numbers are difficult to determine due to the illegality of the trade, we estimate that over 10 million pets are killed for their meat every year across Southeast Asia.   The trade regularly begins with the theft of dogs, either strays snatched from the street or beloved family pets stolen in plain sight. Terrified and hurt, they are then often transported to ‘traditional markets’ and held in horrific conditions, often bound by limbs and muzzles, crammed into cages, watching their travel mate’s meet a cruel fate.

PHOTO CREDIT: Supplied by Four Paws

The suffering comes to a violent end when they are slaughtered. Most dogs are either beaten, drowned, hanged, boiled, or torched alive. In North Sulawesi, Indonesia, there are an estimated 200 ‘traditional markets’ that maintain levels of on-site brutality to animals that are in contravention to Indonesian and global laws pertaining to animal welfare. One such market, Tomohon, slaughters approximately 40-60 dogs and 50 cats each week, with numbers rising to around 200 dogs and 150 cats during festive seasons. The meat is then sold widely across many restaurants in Southeast Asia, despite a growing opposition to it in the local communities.

In Cambodia, the price of a plate of dog meat typically costs around 5000 Riel (which is around £1) and goes by the moniker of ‘special meat’. Additionally, many still attach perceived medicinal benefits to the consumption of the meat.

The dog and cat meat trade is barbaric and the cruelty and pain these animals (many, beloved pets) endure is unimaginable.

Sadly, black-coloured pets are frequently targeted for their perceived ‘special medicinal’ properties. FOUR PAWS have been working tirelessly to end the dog and cat meat trade sustainably in Southeast Asia by 2030 by not only trying to decrease the demand for meat, but also by advocating for the introduction of appropriate legislation and supporting enforcement to end the trade. This work is only made possible due to the network of local partners on the ground in Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Through lending support to communities, pet owners, and governments to support their efforts, we have been able to make great strides in creating a kinder future for dogs and cats in Southeast Asia.



These great strides are far reaching. In fact; FEATURE

• Since 2020, we have shut down four slaughterhouses (three in Cambodia and one in Vietnam), with a slaughterhouse-bound minivan carrying 61 dogs also being intercepted. • We rescued the animals who were discovered on-site and many have already been matched with loving families in Cambodia, Vietnam and even the US. • Siem Reap became the first province in Cambodia to ban the trade thanks to our help. With this, we supported the first government-led interceptions of dogs being taken to slaughter. • In December 2021, Hoi An became the first city in Vietnam to ban the trade, with Semarang in Indonesia following closely behind. • This meant Semarang became the first capital city of the Central Java Province and the fifth region in Indonesia to ban the dog and cat meat trade entirely.

owner who was trading in stolen dogs for slaughter. This is the third conviction of a dog meat trafficker since the national government’s declaration in 2018 that ‘dogs are not food’. Emily Wilson, Head of Campaigns at FOUR PAWS UK said: “The dog and cat meat trade is barbaric and the cruelty and pain these animals (many, beloved pets) endure is unimaginable. 74% of the British public believe the dog and cat meat trade should be illegal in Southeast Asia, and with the help of supporter donations from people who share this view, along with our partner organisations on the ground, we’ve been able to rescue and rehome many animals from a cruel fate. Additionally, the dog and cat meat trade also poses serious human health risks. With 70% of the British public unaware of the pandemic risk that the dog and cat meat trade brings, we want to reveal the dangerous truth behind this cruel practise. Encouraging the spread of rabies and other deadly illnesses, the brutal and unhygienic slaughter and butchery of dogs and consumption of meat from potentially rabies-positive animals puts humans at grave risk.” Shockingly, dog meat consumption has been linked to outbreaks of trichinosis, cholera, and rabies in humans. In ending this cruelty and improving the relationship between animals and humans through education and support, we can ensure not only animal wellbeing, but a healthy future for humankind.

• On 17th Jan 2022 the city of Malang (East Java) followed suit and pledged to go dog meat-free. This was all thanks to the DMFI (Dog Meat Free Indonesia) coalition we are a part of. Perhaps most importantly, local support is swiftly growing for an end to the trade. Since its launch on 16th December 2021, over 322,000 Vietnamese people have signed a petition calling on their Deputy Prime Minister to ban the dog and cat meat trade.   Most recently, we celebrated the sentencing of 12 months jail time for a dog slaughterhouse


PHOTO CREDIT: Image supplied by Four Paws

Westies & Besties - August 2022


PHOTO CREDIT: Image supplied by Four Paws

Learn more about the trade and how FOUR PAWS hopes to end it for good by visiting https://www.four-paws.org.uk/ If you’d like to support the work that FOUR PAWS undertakes against this trade, please visit https://www.four-paws.org.uk/get-involved/take-action to end the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia today.



Take a Break with your Bestie in these TRAVEL

Dog-Friendly Looking for a dog-friendly holiday? From adventure holidays through to 5* luxury hotels, treetop adventures through to cosy cottages with log burners. There really are some wonderful last-minute deals for you to book. Photo credit: All images supplied by Dog Holidays UK

Tree Dome at Woodland Escapes, Shropshire perfect for couples The Tree Dome is designed for nature cravers, adventure chasers, peace and quiet seekers, star gazers and memory makers. Offering the opportunity to explore nature close up with amenities you would expect to find in a deluxe hotel. The Dome comes with log burners, bedding, lounge and dining areas, outdoor decks and private bathroom facilities. Hot tub and pizza oven add ons are also available. Sleeps 2 guests Stay in August and receive a free bottle of Prosecco 4-night midweek stay in August £500 total 3-night weekend stay in August £425 total Up to two dogs welcome at a supplement of £25 per dog

PHOTO CREDIT: Tree Dome at Woodland Escapes

Retreat by the Sea, Marske by the Sea perfect for friends or families A stunning ground floor apartment that sleeps 4 guests in two double bedrooms. The cosy lounge also has a log burner fire and there is an enclosed garden. Just a stone’s throw from the beautiful Marske Sands beach. Sleeps 4 guests in 2 x Double Bedrooms Dogs stay FREE! PHOTO CREDIT: Retreat by the Sea

PHOTO CREDIT: The Puffins Nest

The Puffins Nest, Seahouses - perfect for friends or families Stay at The Puffins Nest, a dog friendly apartment with stunning panoramic views in Seahouses, Northumberland. Sleeping up to 6 guests and offering a wonderful base for a Northumberland adventure on the coast! Includes private onsite parking. Sleeps 6 guests in 1 x King, 1 x Double and 1 x Small Double Dogs stay FREE!


Westies & Besties - August 2022


Ramblers Rest nr. Haltwhistle - perfect for couples, friends or families Located in Greenhead, a beautiful little village within Northumberland National Park with cycling and walking routes along Hadrian’s Wall and the Pennine Way from the cottage. With two double rooms sleeping up to 4 guests, an enclosed decking area with outdoor furniture and free parking close by. Sleeps 4 guests in 2 x Double Rooms

PHOTO CREDIT: Ramblers Rest

Cooks Cabin, Whitby perfect for couples or solo travellers Sleeping two guests, this is a perfect romantic retreat by the sea or place to stay if you are travelling solo. You’ll have full access to the apartment during your stay which includes an open plan kitchen, living and dining space, a tranquil bedroom, and a modern bathroom. Sleeps 2 guests in 1 x Double Room

PHOTO CREDIT: Waterleap Cottage

Harbour Cottage, Staithes perfect for couples, families or friends A beautiful dog friendly cottage by the sea in the historic fishing village of Staithes, once home to Captain Cook and a popular seaside retreat on the North Yorkshire coast. Sleeping up to 4 people, a luxury bolthole. Sleeps 4 guests in 2 x Double Rooms

PHOTO CREDIT: Harbour Cottage

Waterleap Cottage, Ovingham perfect for couples, families or friends Nestled in the quiet village of Ovingham in Northumberland, Waterleap Cottage sleeps 4 guests in a King and Double bedroom. Comes with an enclosed garden. Perfect for a romantic or family getaway for those looking for peace and quiet. Sleeps 4 guests in 1 x King Room and 1 x Double Room




Ramshill Cottage, Scarborough perfect for couples, families or friends A one-bedroom holiday apartment in an affluent area of Scarborough, a short walk from all this seaside town has to offer. With one king bedroom and a double sofa bed in the lounge, sleeps 4 total. The apartment also has a shared patio with the neighbouring apartment that has garden furniture. Sleeps 4 guests in 1 x King Room and 1 x Sofa Bed Arrive 6th of August for 7 nights £715 total Dogs stay FREE! PHOTO CREDIT: The Watchtower

Austen House, Whitby perfect for families or friends Austen House is a bright and stylish holiday home located in the coastal town of Whitby. Sleeping up to 8 guests, it’s the perfect place for families to enjoy a getaway by the sea. With an enclosed courtyard and just 5 minutes from the town centre. Sleeps 8 guests in 2 x King Rooms and 2 x Twin Rooms Arrive 13th of August for 7 nights £1,904 total Dogs stay FREE!

PHOTO CREDIT: Austen House


Westies & Besties - August 2022

The Watchtower nr. Bamburgh perfect for families or friends The Watchtower is located on the edge of historic Bamburgh, in the small village of Waren Mill. This is a unique, 3-bedroom holiday home that sleeps 6 guests. Perfect for a tranquil break with a mix of countryside and seaside. Sleeps 8 guests in 2 x King Rooms and 1 x Twin Rooms Arrive 13th of August for 7 nights £2,189 total Dogs stay FREE!

Dittisham Hideaway, South Devon perfect for families and couples Experience luxury and charm in the heart of the Devonshire countryside. Just a mile from the waters’ edge of the beautiful River Dart, overlooking a private sundappled wooded valley, sits the stunning Dittisham Hideaway. Airstreamer sleeps 2 Shepherds Huts sleeps 2 Family Shepherds Hut sleeps 5 (2 adults and 3 children under 16) Treehouses sleep 5 (2 adults and 3 children under 16) Rates from £325 per night and a welcome hamper is included Up to 2 x dogs welcome at £50 per stay

PHOTO CREDIT: Mountain View Lodge at Woodland Escapes

Mountain View Lodge at Woodland Escapes, Shropshire - perfect for families with younger children Mountain View Lodge is situated in a site of outstanding natural beauty and has breathtaking panoramic views of over 8 counties. Sleeping 4 guests in a King Bedroom and Bunkbed, perfect for families with younger children. Recently renovated with an open plan lounge, kitchen, and dining room. Comes with a log burner and optional hot tub and pizza oven upgrade. Sleeps 4 guests in a King Bedroom and Bunkbeds Stay in July and August and receive a free bottle of Prosecco and pizza oven access 4-night midweek stay in August £500 total 3-night weekend stay in August £465 total Up to two dogs welcome at a supplement of £25 per dog

For more information on these dog-friendly properties, visit www.dogholidaysuk.co.uk




PHOTO CREDIT: Dittisham Hideaway

Rowan Tree Lodge at Woodland Escapes, Shropshire perfect for couples Rowan Tree Lodge is situated in a site of outstanding natural beauty. Access is from a private road that winds its way down through 45 acres of woodland to reveal panoramic views across 6 counties. Sleeps 2 guests in a Double Bedroom. Recently renovated with an open plan lounge, kitchen, and dining room. Comes with a log burner and optional hot tub upgrade. Sleeps 2 guests Stay in July and August and receive a free bottle of Prosecco and basket of logs 4-night midweek stay in August £380 total 3-night weekend stay in August £325 total Up to two dogs welcome at a supplement of £25 per dog



PLENTY OF ‘WESTITUDE’ HERE! Jenny Turner reveals how her two Westies run her life All images supplied by Jenny Turner


very day I wake up at 8am when my alarm goes off. I look around my bed to see two beautiful little rolled up white fluffy balls. As I dose back off, the two fluffy balls decide it’s time for Mummy to get up and prepare breakfast. My face is licked, and I’m rolled on. I laugh and say, ‘let’s go’, and suddenly two white hairy bodies seem to fly through the air and get to the door before me. Down the stairs they race, dancing at the patio doors with almost human-like sounds, saying, ‘let me out I need a wee’, as they go zoomies at 100 miles an hour only to return barking very loudly after letting all the neighbours know they are about to have breakfast. Then it’s up to Nanny’s room to wake her up by jumping on her bed. After Nanny’s bed bath these two furry white scallywags sit and wait while Nanny has her breakfast as she might accidentally-on-purpose drop something nice to eat. Nanny all sorted, back downstairs. Maybe today we might travel in Mummy’s Campervan, our favourite form of transport to go see our Besties the Westies who live in the countryside. All strapped in, we head off down the motorway. These two scallywags know exactly where we are and bark excitedly all the way to my friend’s house. Getting out of the Camper is no easy task but I have mastered it well. Lifting one out whilst holding back the other, they pull Mummy so fast to the door that I don’t need legs as I’m almost flying. Waiting for their arrival are their best pals - the Three Amigos. As we enter the


Westies & Besties - August 2022

bungalow it’s so funny to watch five dancing Westies greet each other. They are now called the Famous Five and I’ve never seen five Westies love each other so much. Together they are a clan. My two are Archybarkalot and Miss Popsiepants and the Three Amigos are Roobie Roo who is definitely in charge, Radley, and Rozie Posie. After lots of excitement they all settle down and usually have hundreds of photos taken by their Mums. As the day goes on, we may go for an adventure to the pub or to their favourite place - the Garden Centre. This adventure usually consists of all five in a shopping trolley with every customer stopping us and believe me they just love the attention! Back to my friend’s house we may stay the night, or we may return home but whatever happens I know they have had the best time being spoiled with treats, cuddles, and lots of playing, barking, running around and doing what healthy little Westies do. As we turn into our road Archybarkalot lives up to his name and lets the whole neighbourhood know we are home. Time to jump on Nanny’s bed again to say good night while Mummy puts Nanny to bed. Into Mummy’s room they race only to jump on the bed and mess up all the covers until they finally settle down in their crocodile-shaped beds for a good night’s sleep. Goodnight my sweethearts, I say, and if they are not too sleepy, I may get kisses and a cuddle. This is a day in the life of my little scallywags! Yes, scallywags, but I love them to the moon and back.

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