Legal Brand Guidelines

(version 2.0, February 2023)


Our Brand is one of our most important assets. We love it when businesses use our brand in the right way to show the world that they truly care about their customers. If our brand is misused or displayed in a way that is misleading, this undermines the integrity of our reviews and consumer and business confidence in Trustpilot as a Universal Symbol of Trust. That’s why it’s important you follow these Guidelines when using our brand.

Whenever you use or display our Brand, you agree to do so in line with these Guidelines, our Terms of Use and Sale for Businesses (“Terms”) and the style guidelines on our Brand Hub.

  • What do we mean by our brand?

    Name and logos

    Our name and logos are among the most recognizable and used parts of our brand. We and our customers use them globally, every day to build credibility and trust and consumers rely on them to help them make better decisions.

    Our primary logo is unique and bespoke. It is displayed on all pages of the Trustpilot websites, in our reviews and ratings and by our customers. You can find a list of Trustpilot’s logos in your Business Account.

    TrustScore and Star Rating

    The TrustScore is an overall measurement of reviewer rating based on all the service and location reviews a business receives on Trustpilot:

    TrustScore - Verified Company

    TrustScore as it appears on a Trustpilot profile page

    After it’s calculated, the TrustScore is visualized into a star rating from 1 to 5 stars, including half stars (“Star Rating”):

    TrustScore - Star rating

    Star Rating as it appears on a Trustpilot profile page

    The TrustScore and Star Rating are central to our brand, allowing businesses to build trust with new customers and keep existing customers coming back for more. You can find out more about the TrustScore and Star Ratings by visiting our Help Center.

    TrustBox widgets

    TrustBox widgets allow you to display reviews and other Trustpilot content. They add a dash of familiarity to your website, app or marketing content by showing your most recent reviews, your TrustScore, and/or your Star Rating. TrustBox widgets are available to all businesses who have a Trustpilot Business Account whether free or paying, although the range of widgets you have access to depends on your Trustpilot plan. You can browse the full range of TrustBox widgets by visiting our Help Center.

    High resolution marketing assets

    Trustpilot’s marketing assets are official and ready-made graphics, logos, and templates. Depending on your Trustpilot plan, you can download and use our marketing assets to showcase your business’ reviews, TrustScore, or Star Rating across all your communication and marketing channels, in both print and digital formats.

  • I'm on a free or paid Trustpilot plan

    If you’re on one of our free or paid plans, you can use the resources available in your Trustpilot Business Account. You can access your Business Account by visiting

    The resources you’re able to use will depend on your Trustpilot plan. If you’re not sure what you’re allowed to use, visit the “Showcase” section of your Business Account:

    B2B app

    Some resources, such as TrustBox widgets that display reviews, are only available on paid Trustpilot plans.

    Special rules apply when using Trustpilot content in advertising. See Advertising below for more information.

    I’m not on a Trustpilot plan

    Businesses who aren’t on a Trustpilot plan aren’t allowed to display their TrustScore or Star Rating on their websites or in their marketing. They also won’t have access to our TrustBox widgets or our other marketing assets.

    The good news is that signing up to Trustpilot couldn’t be easier, and our basic services are free to all businesses. Create a free account today.

    Press and Media

    Press and Media can use our name, logos and symbols by following these Guidelines and the guidance in our Brand Hub. For Press or Media related queries, please contact [email protected].

    Trustpilot Partners

    If you’re a Trustpilot Partner, you can use our brand in accordance with your Partnership Agreement and these Guidelines. If you’re not sure what you’re allowed to use under your Partnership Agreement, feel free to reach out to your contact at Trustpilot. We’re always happy to help.

  • Dos and Don'ts

  • We want you to be able to show off your glowing Trustpilot reviews, TrustScore and Star Rating in your advertising. All we ask is that you follow these Guidelines when doing so.

    What’s the difference between “marketing” and “advertising”?

    When we refer to “marketing”, we mean any public messaging that promotes your business through non-paid channels. Examples of marketing might include organic social media content and point-of-sale promotional materials. Depending on your Trustpilot plan, you can use the “marketing assets” and “social sharing” resources in your Trustpilot Business Account to showcase Trustpilot content in your marketing.

    By “advertising”, we mean paid, public messaging and campaigns relating to your business. Examples of advertising might include paid digital, billboard, radio, and television campaigns. Only customers on one of our paid plans can use Trustpilot content (including reviews) in their advertising.

    Do I need approval for my advert?

    We require approval for certain kinds of advertising. Please submit a request for approval (“Ad Request”) if your advert relates to:

    • Television;
    • Radio; or digital audio; or
    • Any “out of home” advertising, including print advertising, billboards, buses and posters.

    As long as you stick to these Guidelines, you don’t need our approval for other types of advertising.

    I need to make an Ad Request. What’s the process?

    You can make an Ad Request by emailing your Customer Success Manager (“CSM”) with the name of your business/domain and a short description of your ad creative. We’ll then carry out an internal compliance check and your CSM will get back to you within 5 working days of your Ad Request being submitted.

    I’d like to feature Trustpilot in my Google Ads, how can I get approval to do this?

    You can ask for permission to feature Trustpilot in your Google Ads by emailing your CSM, who will submit an internal request on your behalf.

    Can I use reviews in my advertising?

    Though reviews belong to our reviewers, we have a license to display those reviews on Trustpilot and make them available to businesses who use our platform.

    Provided that you’re on a paid Trustpilot plan, you can use Trustpilot reviews in your advertising. When using Trustpilot reviews, please make sure that you:

    • Don’t use quotes from reviews out of context.
    • Make it clear that the reviews come from Trustpilot. All Trustpilot reviews must be accompanied by our name and logo.
    • Display the date of the review and the review’s Star Rating beside the review quote.

    We recommend asking reviewers for their permission before using their reviews in any advertising.

  • When you make a ranking claim, it must be easily verifiable on the Trustpilot website and explicitly refer to your current position, category, and number of reviews. For example:

    • “Ranked #1 in [category name] based on [xxx] reviews on Trustpilot”
    • “Ranked #1 in [category name] among businesses with more than [xxx] reviews on Trustpilot”
    • “Among the top rated businesses in [category name] based on [xxx] reviews on Trustpilot” (if the business features in the “Best companies in this category”)
    • “Among the top-rated businesses in [category name] on Trustpilot”
    • "One of the highest-rated [category name] companies on Trustpilot"

    If possible, the ranking claim should be accompanied by a date stamp or a link to the relevant category page so that consumers can easily verify that the content of the claim is accurate.

    Businesses can’t refer to a specific market or country in their ranking claims, as consumers aren't able to verify this information on the Trustpilot website.

  • It’s very important to us that you don’t misuse our brand. Examples of misuse include using:

    • an incorrect TrustScore or Star Rating;
    • content which is not up to date;
    • a static image of your TrustScore or Star Rating on your website;
    • your TrustScore or individual review Star Rating in any way that might be misleading as to your overall TrustScore. For example, displaying individual review Star Ratings in a way that suggests it is representative of the overall Star Rating for your business, or displaying the TrustScore for one of your domains on another domain; or
    • a TrustBox widget which is not included in your Trustpilot plan, or an unofficial third-party application used to display Trustpilot content.

    This is not an exhaustive list. If we discover misuse, we’ll take action to correct it. This is set out further in our Action We Take Policy.

  • Our brand resources are the property of Trustpilot A/S and shall be protected in accordance with applicable copyright, trademark and other legislation. Nothing in these Guidelines shall be regarded as transferring ownership in the brand resources to you and all goodwill arising from use of the brand resources belongs to us. You are only granted a non-exclusive license to use the brand resources as specified in these Guidelines and our Terms.

    The brand resources that you are permitted to use are those shown in your Business Account. You should always display, spell and capitalise the brand resources exactly as they are shown in your Business Account and on our Brand Hub.

    You may not use or register, in whole or in part, our brand resources, including our trademarks, Trustpilot-owned graphic symbols, logos or modifications thereof, as or as part of a company name, trade name, product name, or service name without our prior permission.

    You may not use other variations of our brand resources for any purpose or use our brand resources or any other Trustpilot-owned graphic symbol, logo, or icon in a disparaging manner.

    You also agree not to use our brand resources, including our trademarks, Trustpilot-owned graphic symbols/logos, or icons, in a manner that would imply Trustpilot's endorsement, affiliation, sponsorship, or support of a third party product or service.

    We may revoke permission to use the brand resources at any time. We expressly reserve our right to withhold approval of any content that we consider to be inconsistent with the Trustpilot brand. Please note that we also have the right to take action against any unauthorised use of our brand or goodwill and that we may terminate any licenses granted under these Guidelines or our Terms resulting from a breach.

Get in touch

If you have any questions relating to these Guidelines, or how to use our brand resources in general, please feel free to get in touch. You can do so by using our Contact form. We’re more than happy to help.

Interpretation and updates

We have the final say with regard to the interpretation and application of these Guidelines, and we can update them at any time. If you’d like more detailed information about how we work, you’re welcome to visit our Help Center.

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