Trending Hawaii Legislation

Hawaii Legislation - Hawaii Dashboard - Hawaii Datasets - National Trending

Current trends in Hawaii legislation over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and activity.

#1HB1640PassedRequires the employer to initiate negotiations on repricing of classes within a bargaining unit within thirty days of its receipt of the exclusive representative's written request to negotiate. Establishes that the employer's failure to initiate the ...
Act 234, 07/09/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1339).
#2HB1428IntroducedProhibits the State from denying or interfering with a patient's right to choose to obtain an abortion or to terminate a pregnancy if the termination is necessary to protect the life or health of the patient. Repeals a criminal penalty for violations...
#3SB890IntroducedProhibits the State from denying or interfering with a patient's right to choose to obtain an abortion or to terminate a pregnancy if the termination is necessary to protect the life or health of the patient. Repeals a criminal penalty for violations...
#4HB1763PassedProhibits the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation from forgiving any loan made from the Rental Housing Revolving Fund unless the Corporation forecloses on the project. Amends the permitted uses of and priority for which moneys in the R...
Act 235, 07/09/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1340).
#5SB2575PassedProhibits the mining, extraction, and removal of minerals from the seabed in all state marine waters, with certain exemptions. Prohibits the issuance of any permit for or in connection with the development or operation of any facility or infrastructu...
Act 228, 07/08/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1329).
#6SB2706PassedEstablishes the Clean Slate Expungement Task Force to develop a state-initiated record clearing program. Requires the Task Force to submit reports to the Legislature. (HD1)
Act 241, 07/09/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1346).
#7SB3019IntroducedAuthorizes, and establishes a regulatory framework for, the administration of psilocybin for therapeutic use.
#8SB2532PassedClarifies that the definition of "dwelling", as it relates to offenses against property rights, includes multi-unit buildings and connected parking or storage areas that are restricted to residents. Allows the owner of a multi-unit building, an owner...
Act 240, 07/09/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1345).
#9SB2473IntroducedEstablishes a refundable tax credit for nonpaid family caregivers. Requires the Department of Taxation to report to the Legislature before the convening of each Regular Session. Takes effect 12/31/2050. (SD1)
#10SB2691IntroducedProhibits the sale of flavored tobacco products and mislabeled e-liquid products that contain nicotine. Repeals language making the sale of cigarettes, tobacco products, and electronic smoking devices a statewide concern and preempting county ordinan...
#11SB3122PassedAuthorizes the Director of Health to issue public health standing orders for patients to self-refer to certain health care screening services. Establishes requirements for the provision of items or services pursuant to a public health standing order....
Act 090, 06/27/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1191).
#12SB2193PassedAmends the offense of use of a computer in the commission of a separate crime to include violation of privacy in the first and second degrees. Repeals on 7/1/2027. (CD1)
Act 239, 07/09/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1344).
#13SB2363IntroducedRequires the Department of Agriculture to establish a two-year agricultural crime pilot project to examine the effectiveness of prosecuting agricultural crimes, including agricultural theft and agricultural vandalism, in the City and County of Honolu...
#14SB2347PassedEstablishes the offense of habitual violent crime. Requires the Department of the Attorney General to submit a report to the Legislature before the Regular Sessions of 2025 and 2026. Requires the prosecuting attorney of each county to submit data to ...
Act 213, 07/05/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1314).
#15SB2601PassedExpands the time period by which a civil action for childhood sexual abuse committed on or after July 1, 2024, may be initiated. Authorizes a court to require personnel of legal entities to undergo training on trauma-informed response. (CD1)
Act 250, 07/09/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1355).
#16HB1427IntroducedProhibits a covered entity from disclosing communication or information relating to reproductive health care services. Prohibits the issuance of a subpoena in connection with an out-of-state proceeding relating to reproductive health care services le...
#17SB3094PassedEstablishes a Peer Support Specialist Working Group within the Office of Wellness and Resilience to develop and make recommendations for a framework for peer support specialists in the State. Requires the working group to submit a report to the Legis...
Act 088, 06/27/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1189).
#18HR28IntroducedUrging The Department Of Education To Increase Access To Arts And Cultural Instruction In Public Schools.
#19HR131PassedUrging The Hawaii Tourism Authority, In Consultation With The Office Of Enterprise Technology Services, To Conduct A Study On The Social And Safety Impacts Of Geotagging.
Resolution adopted in final form.
#20SB3372IntroducedEstablishes certain disclosure and labelling requirements for food, products, and dietary supplements containing kratom. Prohibits the distribution and sale of kratom products to minors. Imposes civil and criminal penalties for violations. Takes effe...
#21SB1474EngrossedAppropriates funds to the Department of Human Services for the achievement of full funding, including estimated payment increases, of Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Services. Effective 7/1/2050. (SD2)
#22HB111IntroducedAuthorizes each county to establish a higher minimum wage than the state minimum wage.
#23HB690EngrossedEstablishes the Hawaii agricultural investment program within the Agribusiness Development Corporation to support local agricultural producers. Requires annual reports. Appropriates funds for program and positions. Effective 6/30/3000. (SD2)
Received notice of discharge of all conferees (Hse. Com. No. 457).
#24SCR10IntroducedAuthorizing The Issuance Of A Term, Non-exclusive Easement Covering A Portion Of State Submerged Lands At Kaneohe, Koolaupoko, Oahu, For The Existing Concrete Boat Ramp, And For Use, Repair, And Maintenance Of The Existing Improvements Constructed Th...
#25HB2654EngrossedClarifies that no state or county building code shall prohibit the use of a substitute refrigerant allowed by the Environmental Protection Agency if the applicable equipment is listed and installed in compliance with the latest safety standards. Requ...
#26SB3243EngrossedAmends the prohibition against foreign nationals and foreign corporations making campaign finance contributions and expenditures. Requires every business entity that contributes or expends funds in a state election to file a statement of certificatio...
#27HB2593IntroducedRequires Department of Education faculty and staff to provide time and space each day for students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
#28SCR60EngrossedUrging The Hawaii Housing Finance And Development Corporation To Develop A Plan To Build One Hundred Thousand Homes Over The Next Ten Years.
#29SB2138IntroducedRequires that each vote cast for a question on a ballot for the ratification of a constitutional amendment be counted in the negative only if the ballot properly indicates that the vote is in the negative.
#30HB500EngrossedAppropriates funds to the Department of Education for various workforce readiness programs and opportunities. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded. Takes effect 6/30/3000. (SD1)
Received notice of Senate conferees (Sen. Com. No. 699).
#31SB156EngrossedRequires the Board of Education to hold no less than six community forums annually, with at least one community forum in each county. Requires the Board to include an open forum for public comments on non-agenda items. Requires a report to the Legisl...
Received notice of discharge of all conferees (Hse. Com. No. 457).
#32HB2359VetoedEstablishes the Digital Equity Grant Program to award grants to applicants to deploy digital equity projects to covered populations in the State. (CD1)
Vetoed on 07-09-24 - Returned from the Governor without approval (Gov. Msg. No. 1359).
#33SR83PassedUrging A Transition To A Plant-based Lifestyle.
Certified copies of resolution sent, 05-31-24
#34HR199IntroducedUrging The Department Of Education To Contract With A Qualified Nonprofit Organization To Establish An Aquatic Safety Education Program For Elementary School Students.
#35SB1259IntroducedAppropriates funds to DOA for the continued administration of the Hawaii healthy food incentive program and to provide matching funds to beneficiaries who participate in the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
#36HB1838EngrossedExpands the zoning powers of counties. Expands the scope of the transient accommodations tax law to include certain shelters and vehicles with sleeping accommodations. Takes effect 7/1/2040. (SD2)
Received notice of appointment of House conferees (Hse. Com. No. 780).
#37HB2242EngrossedAppropriates funds for full-time equivalent career foundations certificate program teachers for McKinley Community School for Adults. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD2)
#38SB2935IntroducedMakes an appropriation to the Agribusiness Development Corporation for the creation of a composting program. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded. Takes effect 1/1/2060. (SD1)
#39SB2758EngrossedAuthorizes civil claims to be made against a business, owner of a business, or operator of a business that profits from sexual exploitation. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)
Received notice of appointment of House conferees (Hse. Com. No. 759).
#40HB1318IntroducedTransfers from the Department of Natural Resources certain wharfs, launching ramps, and small boat harbors on Maui to the County of Maui with the corresponding revenue from those harbors.
#41SB3194EngrossedAuthorizes independent generators of renewable energy to wheel the renewable electricity they produce to users of renewable energy under policies and procedures established by the Public Utilities Commission, should the Public Utilities Commission de...
#42HB1597PassedClarifies that members of the public may sue a board or alleged board after receiving an adverse Office of Information Practices decision, and that the decision will be reviewed de novo. Establishes a two-year statute of limitations to bring the laws...
Act 160, 07/02/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1261).
#43SB649IntroducedRequires the Department of Health, with assistance from each county, to develop a statewide needs assessment to determine resources necessary to reduce packaging waste by seventy per cent from the baseline amount. Requires the Department of Health to...
#44SB200IntroducedIncreases the maximum amount of public funds available for all offices by fifty per cent. Increases the maximum amount of public funds available for a candidate for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs from $1,500 to ten per cent of the expenditure limit f...
#45SB2022IntroducedExempts certain housing developments from assessments of school impact fees.
#46SB2721PassedClarifies the penalties for violations of ocean recreation laws. (CD1)
Act 215, 07/08/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1316).
#47SB2119PassedAuthorizes out-of-state pharmacies to transfer prescription information for the initial fill of an out-of-state prescription in the State. (CD1)
Act 096, 06/27/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1197).
#48SB2469IntroducedAdds credit enhancement for construction loans to the list of permitted uses of moneys in the Rental Housing Revolving Fund. Requires the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation to adopt rules.
The committee on WAM deferred the measure.
#49HB2339PassedDeletes the term "enhanced" in reference to 911 services to allow funding of all 911 technologies. Allows the 911 Board to employ staff, in addition to the Executive Director, exempt from the civil service and collective bargaining laws. (CD1)
Act 066, 06/21/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1167).
#50SB3226EngrossedProvides that a maximum time period to grant or deny a business or development-related permit, license, or approval shall only apply if a request for a contested case has not been filed. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)
Received notice of appointment of House conferees (Hse. Com. No. 737).