Trending Virginia Legislation

Virginia Legislation - Virginia Dashboard - Virginia Datasets - National Trending

Current trends in Virginia legislation over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and activity.

#1HB1275IntroducedHome instruction and private school tax credit. Creates an individual, nonrefundable income tax credit for taxable years 2024 through 2028 for amounts paid by the parent or legal guardian of a child for the child's home instruction expenses or tuitio...
#2HB424IntroducedFree use of toll facilities; certain disabled veterans. Authorizes the free use of all toll bridges, toll roads, and other toll facilities in the Commonwealth for drivers who have been rated by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as having a 100 ...
#3HB697EngrossedSynthetic media; penalty. Expands the applicability of provisions related to defamation, slander, and libel to include synthetic media, defined in the bill. The bill makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor for any person to use any synthetic media for the pur...
#4HJR13PassedProgressive Supranuclear Palsy Month of Awareness. Designates May, in 2024 and in each succeeding year, as Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Month of Awareness in Virginia. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Month of Awareness. Designates May, in 2024 and ...
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ13ER)
#5HB1540IntroducedThe Virginia African American, Asian American, Pacific Islander, Latino, and Indigenous Education Advisory Board; establishment.
#6SB27EngrossedPublic School Trades Incentive Fund and Program; established. Establishes the Public School Trades Incentive Fund (the Fund) and the Public School Trades Incentive Program (the Program) for the purpose of providing grants on a competitive basis from ...
Tabled in Appropriations (22-Y 0-N)
#7HR647PassedCommending William J. Martin.
Bill text as passed House (HR647ER)
#8SB362PassedFirst offense drug program; previous misdemeanor marijuana conviction. Allows any person to participate in the first offender drug program even if such person was previously convicted of an offense related to misdemeanor possession of marijuana or wh...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0785)
#9HB1531PassedCruelty to elephants; pain-inflicting training tools prohibited; actions for attachment; civil penalty. Prohibits using devices such as a bullhook, axe handle, or block and tackle or engaging in certain practices in order to discipline, train, or con...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0333)
#10HB220PassedWater facilities; staffing; licensed operators. Requires sewage treatment works, classified waterworks, and classified water treatment facilities to employ a licensed operator. The bill establishes a protocol for responding to an unexpected vacancy o...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0178)
#11HB439IntroducedPossession of controlled substances unlawful; second or subsequent conviction; mandatory minimum. Provides that the sentence of any person convicted of possession of any controlled substance classified in Schedule I or II of the Drug Control Act for ...
#12HB948IntroducedVirginia Community Flood Preparedness Fund; Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund; Advisory Review Committees. Requires the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation to convene an Advisory Review Committee to assist in the distribution of...
Incorporated by Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources
#13HB463IntroducedPolling places; prohibited activities or conduct; application to locations for absentee voting in person. Clarifies that the provisions of law prohibiting certain activities or conduct in and around a polling place also apply to offices of the genera...
#14HB77VetoedRobbery. Conforms certain provisions of the Code referencing robbery to the degrees of robbery offenses established by Chapter 534 of the Acts of Assembly of 2021, Special Session I. These changes include: (i) limiting to the three higher degrees of ...
House sustained Governor's veto
#15HB261EngrossedIncome tax; rolling conformity. Provides that when Virginia does not conform on a rolling basis to federal tax laws due to any changes in a single act of Congress with an impact of more than $15 million on revenues in the year in which the amendment ...
#16HJR139PassedCelebrating the life of Herbert Simon Claybrook, Jr.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ139ER)
#17HB928PassedInterference with commercial fishing vessels or activity; penalty. Creates a Class 1 misdemeanor for any person who knowingly and intentionally interferes with or impedes the operation or commercial fishing activity, defined in the bill, of a commerc...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0403)
#18HB1388PassedAlert for missing or endangered children; Virginia Critical Operation for a Disappeared Child Initiative (Codi) Alert Program. Creates a program for local, regional, or statewide notification of a missing or endangered child. The bill defines a missi...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0658)
#19SJR178PassedCelebrating the life of Michael Scott Hoover.
Bill text as passed Senate and House (SJ178ER)
#20SB182PassedAlcoholic beverage control; advertisements. Directs the Board of Directors of the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority to promulgate regulations that prescribe the terms and conditions under which manufacturers, brokers, importers, and whole...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0038)
#21HB826IntroducedAction of forfeiture; exemptions; court-imposed fine. Provides that no property subject to seizure, pursuant to relevant law, shall be forfeited unless the total value of such property in the aggregate is less than or equal to the value of the fine i...
#22HB45VetoedEarned sentence credits; incarceration prior to entry of final order of conviction. Provides that a person's eligibility for earned sentence credits shall include any period of time actually spent in any state or local correctional facility, state ho...
House sustained Governor's veto
#23HB558PassedConstitutional amendment (voter referendum); real property tax exemption; surviving spouses of soldiers who died in the line of duty. Provides for a referendum at the November 5, 2024, election to approve or reject an amendment to the Constitution of...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0394)
#24HJR134PassedCommending 49 Winchester.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ134ER)
#25HB1264VetoedJuvenile fines, costs, and fees; traffic infractions; judicial discretion. Provides that any court costs, fines, and fees assessed to a juvenile or his parent or guardian in circuit court and juvenile and domestic relations district court related to ...
House sustained Governor's veto
#26HB1055PassedBoard of directors of Eastern Virginia Health Sciences Center at Old Dominion University; membership; meetings; removal. Adjusts the membership and terms of the standing committee of the Old Dominion Board of Visitors that is established to serve as ...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0841)
#27HB1243PassedConsumer protection; creation of Unfair Real Estate Service Agreement Act. Creates the Unfair Real Estate Service Agreement Act and adds any violations of the Act to the list of prohibited violations of relevant consumer protection laws in the Common...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0328)
#28HB76PassedForeman of grand jury; oaths of jurors and witnesses. Clarifies the oath of the foreman and other grand jurors. This bill is a recommendation of the Judicial Council of Virginia.
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0713)
#29HB157VetoedMinimum wage; farm laborers or farm employees; temporary foreign workers. Eliminates the exemptions from Virginia's minimum wage requirements for (i) persons employed as farm laborers or farm employees and (ii) certain temporary foreign workers.
House sustained Governor's veto
#30HB175VetoedCarrying assault firearms in public areas prohibited; penalty. Prohibits the carrying of certain semi-automatic center-fire rifles and shotguns on any public street, road, alley, sidewalk, or public right-of-way or in any public park or any other pla...
House sustained Governor's veto
#31HB189IntroducedLeave for officers of elections. Requires state and private employers to allow officers or employees who are appointed as officers of election to take leaves of absence from their respective duties without loss of seniority, accrued leave, benefits, ...
Stricken from docket by Privileges and Elections (22-Y 0-N)
#32HB208VetoedComprehensive plan; healthy communities strategy. Authorizes a locality, beginning July 1, 2024, to adopt a healthy communities strategy as part of its next and any subsequent reviews of the comprehensive plan. The bill provides that the locality's s...
House sustained Governor's veto
#33HB354VetoedPublic pools; regulations. Directs the Board of Health to adopt regulations governing swimming pools and other water recreational facilities operated for public use, including swimming pools and other water recreational facilities operated in conjunc...
House sustained Governor's veto
#34HB317PassedOffice of the Children's Ombudsman; children's residential facility. Authorizes the Office of the Children's Ombudsman to request that the Department of Social Services, the local department of social services, a children's residential facility, or a...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0280)
#35HB404IntroducedAbortion; use of public funds prohibited. Provides that no agency of the Commonwealth shall enter into any contract with or make any grant of public funds, as defined in the bill, to any entity or any affiliate of any entity that provides abortion se...
VOTE: Engrossment (1-Y 95-N 2-A)
#36HB438PassedWritten complaints; felony offenses. Provides that a written complaint is required for a felony offense, regardless of whether the complainant is a law-enforcement officer. Current law only requires a written complaint for any offense if the complain...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0809)
#37HB536VetoedStudent bullying; definition; characteristics of victim. Adjusts the definition of "bullying" in the context of public education to specify that the real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim that is involved in ...
Governor: Vetoed by Governor
#38SB188VetoedElection of certain governing bodies; conversion to single-member districts. Allows the governing body of a locality that has been subject to a court order imposing a remedial election system under voting rights laws to adopt an ordinance to convert ...
Governor: Vetoed by Governor
#39SB201PassedAlert for missing or endangered children; Virginia Critical Operation for a Disappeared Child Initiative (Codi) Alert Program. Creates a program for local, regional, or statewide notification of a missing or endangered child. The bill defines a missi...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0667)
#40HB600IntroducedAdditional local sales and use tax to support schools; referendum. Authorizes all counties and cities to impose an additional local sales and use tax at a rate not to exceed one percent with the revenue used only for capital projects for the construc...
#41HB635IntroducedJuveniles; confidentiality of Department records; law-enforcement access; victim notification. Provides access to confidential Department of Juvenile Justice records to (i) any full-time or part-time employee of the Department of State Police or of a...
#42SB305IntroducedLocal prohibition or regulation of gas-powered leaf blowers; civil penalty. Provides that any locality may by ordinance prohibit or regulate the use of gas-powered leaf blowers. The bill provides that the ordinance may include provisions for a civil ...
#43HB810IntroducedNonfamily adoption tax credit. Creates a $4,000 nonrefundable tax credit for taxable years 2024 through 2028 for an individual or married persons who, during the taxable year, finalize a legal nonfamily adoption as defined in the bill.
#44HJR44PassedBlack Maternal Health Week. Designates April 11 through April 17, in 2024 and in each succeeding year, as Black Maternal Health Week in Virginia.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ44ER)
#45HB735IntroducedEminent domain; offer to sell to former owner. Provides that a former owner may enter into a contractual agreement or agree to a contractual provision waiving his right to receive an offer of sale from a condemnor. Under current law, any agreement or...
#46HJR47PassedNotifying the Governor of organization.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ47ER)
#47SB321PassedProtected information in administrative and civil proceedings; newspersons engaged in journalism. Expands the protected information privilege for newspersons to administrative and civil proceedings. Under current law, a newsperson engaged in journali...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0589)
#48HB863IntroducedVirginia Residential Property Disclosure Act; flood-related disclosures. Requires the Real Estate Board to include on its repetitive risk loss disclosure form for owners of residential real property space for the disclosure of historical flood damage...
#49HB791IntroducedPneumatic guns; penalties. Makes it a Class 6 felony to possess a pneumatic gun upon (i) the property of any child day center or public, private, or religious preschool or elementary, middle, or high school, including buildings and grounds; (ii) that...
#50HB818PassedVirginia Freedom of Information Act; definitions of meetings and public business. Exempts certain public meetings from the definition of "meeting" under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act to clarify that three or more members of a public body ma...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0733)