
Transport Bulletin

August 2024

This transport bulletin highlights recent insights into the advocacy of major companies and their industry associations.

The Steel Sector’s Global Climate Policy Engagement:
First Half 2024

June 2024

This bulletin offers insights on the climate policy engagement of major steel companies and their industry associations from the first half of 2024.

The European Meat and Dairy Sector's Climate Policy Engagement

May 2024

How the meat and dairy industry is influencing the EU's agenda to reduce the climate footprint of diets and livestock

Fossil Fuel Climate Advocacy Update - March 2024

April 2024

This briefing contains an overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to fossil fuels for the month of February 2024.

Corporate Engagement by the Japanese and Korean Steel Industries with the EU CBAM

February 2024

This briefing highlights evidence of corporate engagement by the Japanese and Korean steel industries to weaken the ambition of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (EU CBAM).

Transport Quarterly (Q4, 2023)

December 2023

We are pleased to share the first edition of InfluenceMap's Transport Quarterly for the month of December 2023. This bulletin will highlight recent insights into the advocacy of major companies and their industry associations.

The COP28 Corporate Climate Advocacy Landscape

December 2023

Cross-referencing the UNFCCC-disclosed list of registered attendees against InfluenceMap’s database on corporate lobbying shows the balance in favor of companies whose policy engagement and communications are pushing for policy pathways likely to lock-in warming scenarios in excess of the internatio...

The Corporate Sector and Biodiversity Policy

December 2023

New research demonstrates that the world’s largest companies lack transparency around their biodiversity-related advocacy, while retaining membership of industry associations actively opposing critically needed policy.

Fossil Fuel Climate Advocacy Update #15

December 2023

This briefing contains an overview of the corporate advocacy detected by InfluenceMap related to fossil fuels and climate for the month of November 2023.

Corporate Advocacy on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

December, 2023

This report assesses global corporate advocacy on carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the context of the energy transition. It examines the high-level positions of 21 national governments on CCS and maps out linkages between corporate and government messaging on the issue.

EU Steel Industry's Engagement with EU Policymakers 2022-23

November 2023

An analysis of European Climate Action 100+ steel companies and EU steel industry association's engagement on key EU climate policies in 2022-23

Fossil Fuel Climate Advocacy Update #13

October 2023

This briefing contains an overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to fossil fuels for the month of September 2023.

Fossil Fuel Climate Lobbying Update #12

September 2023

This briefing contains an overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to fossil fuels for the month of August 2023.

The Oil and Gas Industry's Policy Advocacy in Africa and Europe

August 2023

This report maps how European energy corporations are influencing climate and energy investment policy globally. Using LNG advocacy in Europe and Africa as a case study, it demonstrates how industry's attempts to influence policy risks locking in fossil fuels across the entire value chain, from upst...

Asset Managers & Climate Change 2023

August 2023

FinanceMap's 2023 Asset Managers and Climate Change assessment of 45 of the world's largest asset managers shows that the firms have not made significant progress on climate goals since 2021, despite an increase in climate targets through Net Zero Asset Managers and similar initiatives.

Industry Influence on Biodiversity Policy

October 2022, with December 2022 update

New research demonstrates that industry associations representing key sectors and some of the largest companies in the world are lobbying to delay, dilute and rollback critically needed policy aimed at preventing and reversing biodiversity loss in the EU and US.

Fossil Fuels Climate Lobbying Update #4

November 2022

An overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to oil, fossil gas, and methane for the month of October 2022.

The Consumer Products Sector and the EU's Circular Economy Policy for Products

October 2022

An Analysis of the Consumer Products Sector's Engagement on the EU's Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation

Oil/Gas Sector Climate Lobbying Update:

October 2022

An overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to oil, fossil gas, and methane for the months of August and September 2022.

Big Oil's Real Agenda on Climate Change 2022

September 2022

Following up on InfluenceMap's 2019 edition of 'Big Oil's Real Agenda', this latest report compares and contrasts the public communications, business operations, and policy engagement of 5 'supermajor' oil companies: BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and TotalEnergies. The report provides evidence of ...

The European Pensions Sector and Sustainable Finance Policy

September 2022

Research suggests that despite many pension funds’ leading efforts in climate stewardship of investment portfolio companies, European pension funds do not appear to be engaging proactively on emerging efforts by EU and UK policymakers to create sustainable and climate finance related policy.

Oil/Gas Sector Climate Lobbying Update #2

August 2022

An overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to oil, fossil gas, and methane for the month of July 2022.

Airlines and European Climate Policy

July 2022

New research shows how legacy airlines are leading opposition to European climate policy, amidst a growing divide within the airline industry in their climate policy engagement.

The Energy Charter Treaty and Corporate Engagement with EU Climate Policy

June 2022

An Analysis of the Energy Charter Treaty’s Potential Impact on EU Climate Goals

Fossil Fuel Climate Lobbying Update #5

February 2023

An overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to coal, oil, fossil gas, and methane in December 2022 and January 2023.

EU Steel Industry's Engagement with EU Policymakers

December 2022

An analysis of European Climate Action 100+ steel companies and EU steel industry association's direct engagement with EU policymakers in 2021-22An Analysis of the EU Steel Industry's Engagement with EU Policymakers.

Does Corporate Europe Support Paris-Aligned Climate Policy?

April 2022

InfluenceMap’s new platform tracks the climate change policy engagement activity of over 70 companies and 30 industry associations headquartered in the EU. Findings include an overall ranking for each company and industry association based on InfluenceMap’s A-to-F system of scoring, indicating suppo...

European Automotive Suppliers & EU Climate Policy

January 13th, 2022

How Auto Parts Makers are Lobbying to Delay EU’s Decarbonization Agenda

The EU's Green Deal vs The Fossil Gas Industry

February, 2022

An analysis of industry's playbook to promote fossil gas in Europe

German Automakers And Climate Policy

November, 2021

German automakers dominate the fight to weaken climate regulation

The A-List of Climate Policy Engagement 2021

October, 2021

To qualify, a company must exhibit sufficient support for ambitious climate policy, strategic levels of engagement with climate policy, and leadership in its sector. Links to industry associations egregiously opposing climate policy can disqualify a company from the list.

Industry Associations and European Climate Ambition

July, 2021

These groups are funded by some of Europe’s largest corporations including Volkswagen Group, LafargeHolcim, TotalEnergies, Repsol, and ArcelorMittal, all of whom are now touting net-zero targets for climate, as well as supporting climate science and the UNFCCC process in the run-up to COP26.

The Aviation Industry and European Climate Policy

June, 2021

New research shows the aviation sector has emerged as one of the strongest opponents of climate policy in Europe. While many industrial sectors are in the process of transformation in response to the EU’s strengthened climate agenda, the aviation sector has instead pursued a lobbying strategy to avo...

CA100+ Target Companies and the EU Taxonomy

April, 2021

Despite the CA100+ initiative having clear expectations on Paris-aligned lobbying, only 2 of the 31 CA100+ target companies found to be engaging on the taxonomy appear to be supportive of its science-based guidance with 4 companies advocating mixed or unclear positions, leaving more than 80% pushing...

The Battle For Ambitious EV Policy in the UK

March 2021

The UK Government’s ambitions on transport decarbonization are likely at risk due to the influence of a minority group of automotive interests opposed to binding policy on an internal combustion engine (ICE) phase out.

Gas & Power Companies Divided on the EU's Taxonomy

February 2021

European companies backing robust, science-based regulation on CO2 emissions under the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy are also performing better on stock markets when compared with their peers that are opposing the same policy, according to analysis of InfluenceMap's policy position scores and fina...

Asset Managers and Climate Change 2021

January, 2021

FinanceMap's Asset Managers and Climate Change for 2021 looks at the sector's performance on portfolios, stewardship (engagement), and shareholder resolutions.

Lobbying on the EU Taxonomy's Green Criteria

December, 2020

Intensive lobbying throughout 2020 from ‘real economy’ sectors has extracted significant concessions from the European Commission on its EU Sustainable Finance taxonomy.

Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Are Dominating Climate Policy Battles During COVID-19

July 9th, 2020

New research from InfluenceMap shows the oil and gas sector to have dominated climate-related policy battles throughout COVID-19 crisis.

Corporate Lobbying on the EU's Ecolabel

April 20th 2020

New analysis from InfluenceMap has tracked significant lobbying on the EU Ecolabel since late 2018, as part of a wider ongoing research process covering the EU’s Sustainable Finance Action Plan and how the corporate sector is influencing the process.

The ECB's Pandemic-related Corporate Bond Purchasing

April 15th 2020

A new briefing from UK based think tank InfluenceMap shows how the European Central Bank (ECB) has embarked on its Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) bond buying progamme that has spent 50bn in the last three weeks.

The COVID-19 Crisis and Climate Lobbying

April 2nd, 2020

In this briefing, InfluenceMap looks at evidence in two areas on the COVID-19 crisis' intersection with climate lobbying.

Asset Managers and Climate Change

November 2019

How the sector performs on portfolios, engagement and resolutions

Industry Groups and their Carbon Footprints

September 2019

US Lobbyists Dominate the List of the World's Most Influential and Negative on Climate

The EU’s Climate Ambition:
Who's on Board (and Who's Not)

May 2019

A detailed analysis of key trade groups and how they are positioning themselves for the future of climate in Europe

Big Oil’s Real Agenda on Climate Change

March 2019

How the oil majors have spent $1Bn since Paris on narrative capture and lobbying on climate

North Sea Oil and Gas Taxation and Lobbying

March 2017

The last few years has seen a significant reduction in the tax North Sea operators pay to extract oil and gas, to the point where the UK Treasury is now paying the sector £24m per year to operate. The industry has achieved this by a variety of influencing tactics aimed at multiple levels of the tax...

European Cement and the EU ETS

February 2017

Since the conception of the EU ETS over a decade ago, the European cement industry has succeeded in crippling the original ambition of the policy, which was to decarbonise European industry, whilst booking billions of Euros in pure profits from the allocation of credits.

Gridlock in UK Power Markets

October 2017

This report finds the Big Six utility companies have undue influence on UK energy policy and regulation, hindering the clean energy transition and posing significant investor risk.

EU NOx Emissions:
How the Automotive Lobbied Policy

January 2016

New analysis, requested by the Greens/EFA Group within the European Parliament, reveals a strong correlation between the obstructionist attitudes of key automotive manufacturers toward EU NOx policy and the position of the member states that they manufacture in.

Oil Companies Waking Up to Climate Risk

April 2016

The clear trend is greater disclosure by the oil/gas industry of regulatory risk posed by climate policy with emphasis of a likely shift following the Paris Agreement. Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and Valero Energy all imply that significant regulatory risk at the national levels is on the...

BusinessEurope's narrow climate change vision

October 2016

InfluenceMap's detailed analysis shows that BusinessEurope appears to be misrepresenting European Business on climate issues.

Fossil Fuel Subsidies in the G7 and EU

November 2016

A year on from Paris, France comes top in the analysis of the G7 countries but there is significant misalignment among other members on their commitment to phase out fossil fuel subsidies by 2025.

European Cement and Carbon Pricing Regulatory Risk

November 2016

New research by InfluenceMap finds that the European cement industry is not disclosing the financial risks it would face in response to a meaningful price on carbon, while continuing to undermine regulations that would enable such a price.