
The Canadian Oil Sands Playbook:
An Analysis of Pathways Alliance

June 2024

This briefing outlines the strategies and tactics of the Canadian oil sands group Pathways Alliance to limit climate action.

Corporate Advocacy on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

December, 2023

This report assesses global corporate advocacy on carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the context of the energy transition. It examines the high-level positions of 21 national governments on CCS and maps out linkages between corporate and government messaging on the issue.

Japan’s $1 Tn GX (Green Transformation) Policy

November 2023

The report assesses the alignment of Japan's flagship $1 Tr GX Policy with “Science-Based Policy” (SBP) using benchmarks derived from IPCC's guidance on limiting global temperature rise to the 1.5°C target, and the corporate engagement with the policy.

Asian Steel Sector Climate Policy Engagement

November 2023

This report contains analysis and scorecards of the climate policy engagement of the largest steelmakers in China, India, Japan and Korea.

Big Tech and Climate Policy

January, 2021

The five Big Tech companies (Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, Facebook & Microsoft) account for more than 25% of the value of the S&P500 and 20% of its Q3 2020 profits.

Apple Scores an A for Climate Lobbying

April 2016

Research by InfluenceMap reveals the California based tech giant's pledges on the use of renewable energy are backed up by its calls to policy makers to push through ambitious climate change policy and legislation. Apple tops our current scoring with its recent support of ambitious climate policy a...