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Archived Survey Materials

Archived Survey Materials

Level of Institution

Control of Institution

Predominant Calendar System

Institution Grants Degree


Completions File size
Completions 52KB
Download all Completions 52KB
Fall Enrollment File size
Fall Enrollment 131KB
Download all Fall Enrollment 131KB
Finance File size
Public institutions using new GASB Reporting Standards (GASB 34/35) 149KB
Public institutions using old GASB Reporting Standards (before GASB 34/35) 95KB
Public institutions using FASB Reporting Standards 89KB
Private not-for-profit institutions 89KB
Private for-profit institutions 69KB
Download all Finance 491KB
Graduation Rates File size
4-year institutions 12KB
2-year institutions 11KB
Less-than-2-year institutions 11KB
4-year institutions 204KB
2-year institutions 157KB
Less-than-2-year institutions 60KB
Download all Graduation Rates 455KB
Human Resources File size
Degree-granting institutions 91KB
Nondegree-granting institutions 70KB
4-year institutions 81KB
Less-than-4-year institutions 70KB
Salaries - 4-year institutions and degree-granting 2-year institutions 71KB
Download all Human Resources 383KB
Institutional Characteristics File size
Academic year tuition reporters - 4-year 143KB
Academic year tuition reporters - 2-year 133KB
Academic year tuition reporters - less than 2-year 127KB
Program year tuition reporters - 4-year 136KB
Program year tuition reporters - 2-year 134KB
Program year tuition reporters - less than 2-year 128KB
Download all Institutional Characteristics 801KB
Student Financial Aid File size
Academic year reporters - Public institutions 30KB
Academic year reporters - Private institutions 28KB
Program reporters 28KB
Download all Student Financial Aid 86KB