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Archived Survey Materials

Archived Survey Materials

Level of Institution

Control of Institution

Predominant Calendar System

Institution Grants Degree


12-Month Enrollment File size
12-Month Enrollment 746KB
Download all 12-Month Enrollment 746KB
Completions File size
Completions 715KB
Download all Completions 715KB
Fall Enrollment File size
4-year degree granting 953KB
2-year degree granting 811KB
Public 2-year and less than 2-year nondegree-granting institutions 787KB
Private 2-year and less than 2-year nondegree-granting institutions 777KB
Download all Fall Enrollment 3MB
Finance File size
Degree granting public institutions using GASB Reporting Standards 825KB
Degree granting private, not-for-profit institutions and public institutions using FASB Reporting Standards 785KB
Degree granting private, for-profit institutions 725KB
Non-degree granting public institutions using GASB Reporting Standards 738KB
Non-degree granting private, not-for-profit institutions and public institutions using FASB Reporting Standards 691KB
Non-degree granting private, for-profit institutions 658KB
Download all Finance 4MB
Graduation Rates File size
4-year institutions reporting on a fall cohort (academic reporters) 893KB
4-year institutions reporting on a full-year cohort (program reporters) 888KB
2-year institutions reporting on a fall cohort (academic reporters) 750KB
2-year institutions reporting on a full-year cohort (program reporters) 746KB
Less-than-2-year institutions reporting on a fall cohort (academic reporters) 627KB
Less-than-2-year institutions reporting on a full-year cohort (program reporters) 628KB
Download all Graduation Rates 4MB
Graduation Rates 200 File size
4-year institutions 492KB
2-year institutions 461KB
4-year institutions 445KB
Less than 4-year institutions 450KB
Download all Graduation Rates 200 2MB
Human Resources File size
Degree-granting institutions and related administrative offices that have 15 or more full-time staff 1MB
Degree-granting institutions and related administrative offices that have less than 15 full-time staff 990KB
Nondegree-granting institutions and related administrative offices 779KB
Download all Human Resources 3MB
Institutional Characteristics File size
Academic reporters 827KB
Program reporters 813KB
Download all Institutional Characteristics 2MB
Institutional Characteristics Header File size
4-year institutions 673KB
Less than 4-year institutions 677KB
Download all Institutional Characteristics Header 1MB
Student Financial Aid File size
Public institutions reporting on a fall cohort (academic reporters) 897KB
Private institutions reporting on a fall cohort (academic reporters) 891KB
Institutions reporting on a full-year cohort (program reporters) 901KB
Download all Student Financial Aid 3MB