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Raffle Requests

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To Submit a Statewide Raffle Request, Complete this form.

Raffle Request Information
State law provides that any organization that conducts a raffle and tickets or shares for such lottery that are sold statewide shall provide written notice of such lottery to the secretary of state and to the governing body where the drawing for such lottery is held.

Any individual or group who wishes to conduct a raffle needs to provide written notice to the Secretary of State before selling any tickets for a raffle. They must also give thirty days written notice of the time and place thereof to the governing body or designated administrative official of the county or municipality in which it intends to conduct the raffle. SDCL 22-25-25(6)

Under South Dakota State Law, games of chance are prohibited in the state, except if an exemption is granted, such as for Deadwood gaming or the state lottery. Other exemptions include bingo and lottery for charitable purposes.

Bingo, as defined in SDCL 22-25-23 or lottery as defined in SDCL 22-25-24 may not be construed as gambling or as a lottery within the meaning of SDCL 22-25-1, if: (1) The bingo game or lottery is conducted by a bona fide congressionally chartered veterans' organization; a religious, charitable, educational, or fraternal organization; a local civic or service club; a political party; a volunteer fire department; or a political action committee or political committee on behalf of any candidate for a political office which exists under the laws of the State of South Dakota.

Registering with the city where the raffle is being held
Local raffles need to provide notice to the city and county governments where the raffle is being held. Everyone must comply with the notice 30 days in advance of selling tickets.
Along with registering with the state, statewide raffles are also required to register with the municipality where the raffle is being held. “A municipality pursuant to SDCL 9-29-5 may by ordinance prohibit within the municipality the sale of lottery tickets or shares for such lottery issued pursuant to this section[.]”

Frequently asked questions about raffles

What if the organization does not register with the state or municipality 30 days in advance of selling tickets?
If you do not register with state or municipality 30 days in advance, you would be able to hold a silent auction or live auction with the prizes you had intended to raffle off.

Is there an age limit on the selling of raffle tickets?
SDCL 22-25-25 sets forth the basic requirements. That statute does not set any parameters with regards to age.

Are there any restrictions on payment methods, such as credit cards?
SDCL 22-25-25 sets forth the basic requirements. That statute does not set any parameters with regard to method of payment regarding raffles

Do local raffles need to register with the state or municipality?
SDCL 22-25-25(6) provides that the registration must occur “before conducting a bingo game or before selling any chances for a lottery.” Local raffles only need to be registered with the municipality where the raffle is being held. If the raffle tickets are being sold statewide, the group or individual conducting the raffle would also need to register with the South Dakota Secretary of State.

What are the consequences of not registering with the state for a statewide raffle?
SDCL 22-25-26. Unauthorized bingo or lottery as misdemeanor. Any person who conducts bingo or lottery in violation of SDCL 22-25-25 is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.

Where do I send my raffle requests?
They can be mailed to:
Secretary of State of South Dakota
Attention: Raffle
500 E Capital Ave
Pierre, SD 57501
Or they can be faxed to: 605/773-6580.
Or they can be emailed to: [email protected]