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Juvenile Reentry Court

San Francisco Juvenile Reentry Court

The San Francisco Juvenile Reentry Court was established in 2009 as a Second Chance Act National Demonstration Project Site. This pioneering model, one of only five such grants awarded nationwide and the only one where the Juvenile Court directly involved, was initiated by the Juvenile Probation Department, the Office of the Public Defender and the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice (CJCJ).

The program provides comprehensive reentry case planning and after care services for high needs youth returning from out-of-home placement and Log Cabin Ranch. The Reentry Court team is comprised of the Superior Court, Juvenile Probation Department, Office of the Public Defender, Private Bar Panel, Office of the District Attorney, the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice – all of whom work closely with youth and their families to ensure that coordinated services are in place for a successful transition back home.

The model establishes a collaborative team approach in the development and implementation of reentry plans for youth. Participants in the reentry court receive an integrated case plan during their transition and community reintegration process; a case plan that the youth and their families are instrumental in creating with the team. The team has also developed community partnerships with the San Francisco Unified School District, Seneca Connections, Independent Living Skills Program (ILSP), San Francisco City College, and various employment agencies.

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