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Admonitions and Instructions

Court Hearings by Audio/Video Conferencing for San Francisco Superior Court

The following is required of all participants appearing in court hearings via Audio/Video conferencing.

Note: Public hearings will be audiocast or livestreamed for public access to the extent feasible to the Court.


  • PROHIBITION ON RECORDING: Do not record the hearing in any way. Any recording of a court proceeding, including screen shots or other visual or audio copying of the hearing, is prohibited. Any violation is fully punishable under the law, including but not limited to monetary sanctions up to $1,000, restricted entry to future hearings, or other sanctions deemed appropriate by the Court.
  • All remote participants must follow the same courtroom etiquette requirements, including appropriate attire, no eating, no drinking, cell phones off, as if appearing in person.
  • Remote participants must call from a quiet and private location with a minimum of background noise and use best efforts to eliminate all visual and auditory distractions during the hearing.
  • All remote participants must identify themselves by entering their first and last names in the screen of the video platform being utilized by the court (no phone numbers or pseudonyms are acceptable).
  • When asked, state your full name before you speak so that all participants are aware of who is speaking.
  • Technological difficulties: If a remote participant is disconnected from the video hearing or experiences some other technical failure, the participant must use best efforts to promptly re-establish the connection. If you cannot reconnect to the hearing you must notify the courtroom where you are appearing either by phone or by email.
  • Do not leave the virtual meeting until the Court authorizes you to do so.  If you need a break, make a request to the court.


  • Close all other programs not in use so they do not interfere with your connection or presentation.
  • Check your computer or other device at least five minutes before the hearing to ensure that it works, both audio and video.
  • Position your camera at eye level so that you are looking into the camera when speaking.
  • Virtual backgrounds or filters are not allowed as they modify your appearance—use a real-time background instead.
  • Mute your audio when you are not speaking.
  • Only one person should speak at a time. Do not talk over each other.
  • Raise your hand when objecting in case there is a lag time in audio, so you do not interrupt others.
  • If you are planning to use the “share screen” function (with the Court’s permission only), make sure that you know how to use this function and have the document ready to display.

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