Accessibility Policy

Zugänglichkeit der Website

TPWD is committed to making this website accessible to the widest possible audience, including people using assistive technology, according to the standards set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

In an effort to make our site universally accessible, we are testing our pages with web accessibility tools, on various platforms and browsers. Our guidelines call for:

  • following current web standards for HTML5 and Cascading Style Sheets;
  • avoiding use of animation material;
  • using accessibility guidelines, including WCAG 2.0.

Device & Browser Compatibility

TPWD develops and tests web pages in order to be compatible with various platforms, including desktops, laptops, iPhones, Androids, and tablets. Additionally, web pages are developed and tested to be compatible with the most recent versions of commonly used browsers on the TPWD website. Website visitors are encouraged to update their device software to the most recent, stable and secure version to improve personal security and to enjoy an enhanced user experience.

Most common browsers for desktop and laptop traffic:

  1. Chrome
  2. Internet Explorer/Edge
  3. Safari
  4. Firefox

Most common browsers for mobile and tablet traffic:

  1. Safari
  2. Chrome
  3. Samsung Internet
  4. Android Webview/Browser

PDF Accessibility

Some publications on the TPWD website are in PDF (Portable Document Format). To view them you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader or another PDF reader installed on your computer or device. Reader can be downloaded at no cost from Adobe's website. Although TPWD makes effort to publish accessible PDFs, screen readers may encounter problems. Please email us if you require PDF accessibility assistance.

Accessibility Assistance

If you use assistive technology and the format of any material on our web sites interferes with your ability to access the information, please email us for assistance.

To enable us to respond in a manner most helpful to you, please indicate:

  • the nature of your accessibility problem;
  • the preferred format in which you wish to receive the material;
  • the Web address of the requested material; and,
  • your contact information.

Additional information about accessibility programs in Texas are available from the Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities.

Reasonable Accommodations

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or in the provision of services. Any request for reasonable accommodation needed for accessing information on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Web site will be addressed. Send an email to [email protected]