Aug 22, 2024
ACLU Urges Eighth Circuit to Protect Students' Right to Learn about Race in School
The courts must safeguard classroom discussions against political censorship
Issue Areas: Free Speech
Court case: Walls v. Sanders
Aug 16, 2024
ACLU Cheers Ninth Circuit Decision to Block Content-Based Provisions of California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act
SAN FRANCISCO — The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals today blocked several provisions of the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (CAADCA) that impermissibly and unconstituti...
Aug 05, 2024
“Know Your Enemy” Podcast Hosts and Dissent Magazine Ask Court to Dismiss Baseless Trademark Infringement Lawsuit
The First Amendment protects the podcast’s tongue-in-cheek reference to “Young Americans for Freedom” — a conservative youth organization — among the membership tiers on its Patreon page
Issue Areas: Free Speech
Jul 30, 2024
ACLU Slams Senate Passage of Kids Online Safety Act, Urges House to Protect Free Speech
WASHINGTON, DC – The Senate today passed the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which would violate the First Amendment by enabling the federal government to dictate what information...
Jul 24, 2024
ACLU and Students from Across the Country Urge Congress to Vote No on Kids Online Safety Act
The Senate plans to vote on this online censorship bill as soon as Thursday
Jul 11, 2024
In a Major Win for our Right to Protest, Federal Court Rules in Favor of Prominent Civil Rights Activist
The decision in Doe v. Mckesson affirms that the First Amendment protects protest leaders and organizers from being held liable for other people’s actions that they did not direct or intend
Issue Areas: Free Speech
Court case: Mckesson v. Doe
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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